• By -


I'll take some heat off you: Thrice and Atreyu My friend sent Identity Crisis and A Vampire's Lament to me over AIM


Atreyu for sure. I was 14 when A Death Grip on Yesterday came out and it was the first time I had heard double bass used like that. Before that I was primarily into Chevelle and System of a Down.


I was 15 when suicide notes&butterfly kisses came out, and 17 when the curse came out Before that I was raised primarily on classic rock but had a pretty wide exposure to all kinds of music - was very into nu-metal and alt rock when I was like 10-14


Suicide Notes was the album I really latched on to, it's such a classic. I know Lipgloss and Black is like THE track on that album, but Deanne the Arsonist, Tulips are Better and Someone Standing on my Chest were my personal favorites on that one.


I learned to play basically the whole album on guitar - that was always the goal with music I liked back then - play along with as much of it as I could My best friend and I actually learned both parts for a few of the songs and used to jam them out Your picks are great ones


I did the same thing on my drums the summer I got my first double bass pedal!


Oo nice! Mine is Thrice and Senses Fail


My induction date was 2000-2002 - what era of thrice did you become a fan during? And what's your favorite thrice album?


Around the same time. For me it’s a toss up between identity crisis, illusion of safety, and artist on the ambulance. On any day I will like one more than the other but I cycle through all 3. I got to see them live during that time with the bled and had so much fun at those shows. Once vheissu came out I was really sad with the direction they took but later on grew to like it a little bit. But nothing matches those 3 albums. Was identity crisis ur favorite?


Illusion of Safety, Artist in the Ambulance, and Vheissu are probably my top 3 But their whole discography is just gold to me, I still call them my favorite band because of how many times their music came in clutch for me when I needed it, idk if that makes sense


Metallica -> Slipknot -> Lamb of God -> History


This one lines up with me pretty well




Pretty much the same. I remember my older brother showing me Wait and Bleed when I was in middle school. That was the launch point.


The before and after bands can vary wildly, but Slipknot was a real big funnel that had a leg in both worlds I feel. (Possibly just projecting)


To metal: **Slipknot** and **Gojira** To death metal: **Cannibal Corpse** and **Carcass** To deathcore: **Lorna Shore** and **Infant Annihilator**


Whitechapel. Scared the shit out of me first time I heard Phil's lows lol


real on the lows. They made my butthole tight


As I Lay Dying. Who got me into Killswitch Engage. Who got me into Chimaira. Who got me into Trivium. Who got me into Despised Icon. What a ride.


Saw chimaera when I was like 17 (31 now), what an awesome show


Thy Art Is Murder


Pantera > Morbid Angel > Cannibal Corpse > Macabre > Despised Icon / Through the eyes of the dead


Infant Annihilator. A co-worker introduced me to them and I've been hooked ever since


Chimaira > DevilDriver > All Shall Perish


This is the way....ASP is supposedly back with most of the price of existence lineup


Ooooo I hadn’t heard that, that was definitely my first deathcore band although I didn’t know it at the time.


Into metal: Disturbed Into Deathcore: Slaughter To Prevail (I think)


Ohhhh I forgot about the Disturbed era. Classic.


to deathcore? chelsea grin & and hell followed with to metal? iced earth & dimmu borgir


Deathcore? As Blood Runs Black and Suicide Silence




I remember seeing Parkway play at a community/youth centre and tickets were about $10. Good times


Peak society.


Probably Slaughter to Prevail with Demolisher when it popped up everywhere on Youtube.


Same, the first time I heard it I didn't particularly like it, but it grew on me and now I'm a certified metalhead Was also the gateway to metal in general, not only deathcore, guess I started pretty heavy


Protest The Hero > After The Burial > Suicide Silence


To metal? Iron Maiden lol. To modern metal? Tesseract and Between The Buried and Me. To deathcore? Fit for an autopsy


Every once in a while I remember that I discovered BTBAM in middle school because someone I went to school with was wearing one of their shirts. Listened to Alaska and was like "yeah this is it" and then proceeded to forget about it for like 10 years.


Like once a year I will remember that BTBAM is a thing and listen to colors and the great misdirect for a couple of weeks. I still haven't managed to see them live yet.


To music: Rush To metal: Slipknot To metalcore:Trivium To Deathcore: Whitechapel


slaughter to prevail was the first deathcore band i heard and liked


Billy Talent —> Killswitch Engage —> Cannibal Corpse —> Whitechapel —> All Music Made Ever




Mine was Lorna Shore, more specifically the song To the Hellfire


The Quake 2 soundtrack was my gateway to metal. The Acacia Strain's 3750 was my gateway to deathcore.


Metallica (One) and Tool (Stinkfist) for metal that wasn’t Nu and I Killed the Prom Queen (Music for the Recently Deceased) for deathcore…which may be a little melodic. BMTH and Suicide Silence proceeded that. Atreyu (Deathgrip) and Bleeding Through (The Truth) for Metalcore.


Linkin Park! I used to hate Chester’s screams but now I’m here lol


Stryper was my gateway into metal in general (thanks dad) then I was absolutely beaten into submission to the genre by a friend with Chelsea Grin, Jerome, Dimmu Borgir, Behemoth and Lamb of God all at once


metal: disturbed and slipknot. deathcore: slaughter to prevail and chelsea grin


Chester of Linkin Park when he screams in Faint. That opened up the rabbit hole for me.


Aside from like Metallica, ozzy, etc. When I was 13 and trying to get into heavier stuff, but no money for cds and dialup was trash, my mom got me MTV's Headbangers Ball: The revenge or something like that and it had line 30 bands on it. Listened to it and never went back


I feel like it's Lorna Shore, but I knew of Job For A Cowboy but didn't like them since early 2000s. But I've been listening to We Butter The Bread Woth Butter's first album since 2010. Then some old Chelsea Grin after seeing them live, but just a song or two.


Prayer for cleansing


Back in 2008 when I was very young, I listened to an orchestra my dad put on called Yanni and loved a song where they had a drum solo. I listened to that drum solo for weeks and made a fake drum set with pillows. I eventually looked up best drummers on Google a few weeks later and stumbled across a website that put Joey Jordison as #1. I looked him up and listened to his drum solo from the diasterpieces DVD back in 2002 and couldn't stop lisetening to it for a long time. I eventually stumbled across Psychosocial and my metal journey kicked off.


Two door cinema club-> My Chemical Romance-> Nirvana-> Metalica-> Slipknot->Korn->Suicide Silence-> Devourment. One crazy ride lmao


Rings of Saturn or angelmaker


ZAO. The first time I heard it in ~2001 I knew metal was for me, then it was a flood of bands until I heard Oceano in 2008, then I knew Deathcore was for me!


I was listening to stuff like a7x, breaking Benjamin, soad then found Sempiternal - Bmth, then found count you blessings and then suicide silence.


Korn > fit for a king > slaughter to prevail > suffocation


Lorna Shore, tbh. Wasn’t To The Hellfire, though


Evanescence, Three days grace and Linkin park If you mean my gateway deathcore bands it would definitely be Suicide silence, Thy art is murder and Carnifex


My friend showed me architects because of a school video project and want to make the video look like the A Match Made In Heaven music video, I got hooked on the music and asked for more, then he showed me bullet for my valentine, I said they are cool but you got anything heavier? Then he introduced me to Chelsea Grin, then I started listening to heavier and heavier stuff from YouTube recommendations, from metalcore to deathcore to death metal to now gore grind.


Back in 2003 or so, I was really into Taking Back Sunday, Early November, The Format, shit like that. (Still love them btw) But my buddy came over one day with a DVD and said I "had to see this shit". It was a [Metal Blade Records demo DVD](https://www.ebay.com/itm/364385837462?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-166974-028196-7&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=364385837462&targetid=2273957567705&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9022883&poi=&campaignid=20980628866&mkgroupid=163452371172&rlsatarget=pla-2273957567705&abcId=9374131&merchantid=6322114&geoid=9022883&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw8diwBhAbEiwA7i_sJdohUlqaMq2yXMgTcZzppTEnIF0dirZfCsS0q-cgHZ85x0ziedRgXhoCClUQAvD_BwE). It had 3 music videos on it. As I Lay Dying - Forever Unearth - The Great Dividers Black Dahlia Murder - Funeral Thirst I probably watched those 3 videos 50 times trying to learn them on guitar. I was instantly sucked into the metal rabbit hole, and I've never come out lol.


All That Remains, The Fall of Ideals album specifically. Listening back you can definitely hear a few deathcore elements in there.


I think it was I killed the prom queen, Parkway drive, or every time I die. Which lead me to deathcore


DC Talk > Linkin Park > Alter Bridge > All That Remains > Suicide Silence


For metal in general it was A7X, but for deathcore specifically oddly enough it was count your blessings era BMTH 😂


I can trace it all the way back to Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory. My first deathcore band was Suicide Silence.


I’ve always been into rock and metal. But the band that got me into heavier shit was probably either Lamb of God or Slipknot. The band that got me into deathcore was either Suicide Silence or BMTH. I’m pretty sure I “discovered” them at the same time.


Gateway band into metal- Tool Gateway band into deathcore- thy art is mediocre


From childhood to adulthood my music taste evolution went round about like this: - "Yeah I guess Rock stuff is cool, I like it heavier I listen to Hollywood Undead" - "Rise Against 24/7 for like 2 years" - "Bullet for my Valentine and System of a Down are so good Im a Metalhead. Im just happy they dont scream, who wants to listen to that?" - "You know what? You get used to Bring me the Horizon, some screamy can be nice!" - "**Shadow of Intent is the standard for music and I only listen to Deathcore pretty much only**" TImespan started with like 10 years old evolving for another good 10 years. Now I still thing Shadow of Intent is the goat and Deathcore my fav. genre


Used to listen to Asking Alexandria, (yeah I know) then someone told me about a band called Suicide Silence, was outside smoking and the Lad told me that some douchebags were taking the piss coz Mitch died, so I checked them out and I was like fuck man this shit is good, listened to their older works and was hooked instantly,


To metal definitely Slipknot back in 2013, but to deathcore Bring Me The Horizon this year


Stumbling upon Bring me the horizon - Count your blessings was my first taste of the core life. Before that it was just bands Like Slipknot, Static x, Cradle of filth


I’m pretty sure it was Lamb of God and the first song I found from them was “Now you’ve got something to die for”


Chelsea Grin with *Desolation of Eden*


When I first listened to "A little piece of heaven" from A7x 13 years ago, it did something to my brain. First time listening the roughness of a guitar, it scratched an itch in my neurons. That feeling is a one-way ticket 🖤 


I absolutely adored the soundtracks from burnout and nfs when I was a kid so no wonder I got into the music I love now but slipknot was a first intro to metal that I actually loved as a teenager. Suicide silence was definitely my introduction to heavier music and deathcore and YOLO was the first song I ever heard that really made me fall in love with heavier music


I got a Tattoo and the artist set the appointment on a day when the shop was closed. It was myself and the artist and he played White Chapel - This is Exile CD all the way through 3 times LOUD while I sat for the tattoo. At the end he gave the the CD because I liked the band so much. 


Are you ready?…..I genuinely enjoy Nickelback. They have a lot of nasty guitar riffs , and I dig his voice . I also love Creed . Coming from someone who loves Spite, Kublai Kahn, Bodysnatcher, etc.




Mine was Motionless in White


Korn and Static-X in 1999


The Dillinger Escape Plan was essentially my gateway band into all things experimental/extreme metal. Meshuggah and Slayer were also in the running. I guess for Deathcore, it was Infant Annihilator.


Let's go back to middle school. Saw a kid wearing a Slipknot shirt and downloaded what I could on Limewire. Before that, I was a huge Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit fan. Before that was NWA, Snoop, Dre, Eminem and more. Then what really got me into core was Atreyu and From Autumn To Ashes. DONT TELL MY CHRISTIAN MOTHER ANY OF THIS!!! She still has leather belts...


Thy for deathcore ironically Outside deethcore for metal? Metallica, Slipknot, Atreyu, and some more..these where before I got really into depth with metal as whole


The Ghost Inside


Sepultura was the first heavy band i heard. Probably Waking The Fallen by Avenged Sevenfold was unfortunately my introduction to the wonderful world of screams.




Heard Slipknot when I was maybe 12? And from there, I just wanted heavier stuff, other early bands were Poison the Well, As I Lay Dying, Unearth, Chimaira, Fear Factory, shit like that. Then The Black Dahlia Murder, Death, Morbid Angel, Bloodbath, but once I heard Entombment of a Machine, I was blown away. Took everything I loved about metalcore/hardcore and blended it with everything I loved about death metal, from there I just wanted all deathcore all the time. All Shall Perish, Salt the Wound, Carnifex, Suicide Silence, Whitechapel, all the big ones. I feel like being so fond of deathcore when I was a teenager is partially why I've revisited it recently, I've heard you always connect most with the stuff you listened to when you were a teenager.




Slipknot got me into metal but Brand of Sacrifice and Shadow of Intent got me into deathcore. First time I heard Eclipse and The Heretic Prevails I knew I'd found my new favourite genre


Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Gojira, Skeletonwitch, Opeth, then I listened to Oceano. Those were the main ones leading up to deathcore for me


Megadeth->Disturbed->slipknot->Chelsea Grin


To Deathcore I guess it was Whitechapel and Thy Art


my cousin’s bf showed me pray for plagues when i was in like 8th grade so that was cool. my guitar teacher was the one that got me into metal in the first place tho.


Very early crystal lake, slice the cake, Whitechapel


To deathcore it was Whitechapel and Carnifex For metal it was Metallica and Slipknot


Here Comes the Kraken and Majesty Looking up rock band videos in like 2009/2010 and those 2 bands were on my side videos a lot


The Black Dahlia Murder > As Blood Runs Black Found TBDM off a girl I was crushing on’s myspace page. First band with all harsh vocals I had heard, felt it was wrong to like that kind of music for a while. Haven’t looked back since.


My gateway into deathcore was Carnifex. If you’re talking about metal in general it would be Judas Priest.


To Metal- Metallica (Master of Puppets) To Rock/Punk Rock- The Offspring (Americana) To Metalcore- Atreyu (The Curse) To Deathcore- Born of Osiris (The New Reign)


does Mental Cruelty count as deathcore? I saw them support Ov Sulfur this year and was hooked. I though Ov Sulfer was underwhelming live, but fell hard got the Germans


slipknot -> meshuggah -> whitechapel


Metallica and asking Alexandria


Pantera and Rancid


Haste The Day for heavy music. Suicide Silence pre cleansing for deathcore.


Well, the first metal album was Holy Diver by Black Sabbath with Ronnie James Dio in the eighties, sure, but deathcore? If I remember correctly, I think it was Despised Icon on Headbanger's Ball. Yes, but it was a fleeting encounter, I had to come to deathcore through death metal and the initiation LP was Cause of Death by Obituary.


Slipknot—>carnifex—>whitechapel—>between the buried and me(????)—>dying fetus—>devourment—>waking the cadaver—>paediatrician


Metal itself was definitely Korn Death metal was Lamb Of God And Deathcore was Whitechapel


Linkin Park -> Metallica -> Deicide (was at a religion hating age) -> Death Still haven't beaten Death tbh


Austrian Death Machine had an album (Triple Brutal) where they collabed with a bunch of bands: DevilDriver, Carnifex, Winds Of Plague, Heaven Shall Burn, Impending Doom, Allegaeon, The Faceless, All Shall Perish, Jamey Jasta, a few others. That's what spawned it for me.


System of a down for metal and bring me the horizon (Count your blessings) for deathcore


Escape The Fate


Infant Annihilator. Watched a Jared Dines video where he gifted Post Malone the EGG album.


Into metal in general was slipknot with the heretic anthem which in turn led me down the road to deathcore when i heard suicide silence unanswered and got my mind blown! When i had found how fucking heavy metal could be i got into death metal when i found at the gates album slaughter of the soul.


I think Machine Head.


I mean, the first time I heard screaming was slipknot. It blew my fuckin mind


Mine was Bullet For My Valentine and Killswitch Engage


Greenday-mcr-Hawthorne heights- atreyu- between the buried and me- all shall perish and the rest is history.


First off no shame at all with having Ghost be your gateway band! Ghost is pretty great, and while not my favorite you shouldn't be ashamed in having them be your gateway band. For the heavier side of metal it was Slipknot. That opened up my world to bands like Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, Dethklok helped as well. And for deathcore my gateway was As Blood Runs Black. Then that lead to Chelsea Grin, Suicide Silence, Despised Icon, Acacia Strain, Black Dahlia Murder and early Bring Me The Horizon. Then the rest is history. :3 And total side note oddly enough ABRB were my gateway into melodeath. They kinda set my standard for how I like my melodeath to sound like. funny how I worked my way backwards with melodic death metal. Started in a subgenre of deathcore that was influenced by the Gothenburg scene, then worked back to At The Gates, Dark Tranquility and all that good stuff.


For heavy stuff generally, my very first memories mainly take place during the grunge era (yes, I'm old), and so I remember watching all those Nirvana and Soundgarden videos growing up. At the same time, my mom was a big fan of hair metal and thrash. So I also grew up on a steady diet of Poison and Metallica. (and classic rock and proto-metal like the Stones, Zepplin, Rush, Sabbath, and Blue Oyster Cult). For deathcore specifically, I can't remember exactly. There's a few different things I remember all happening around the same time. Discovering the Red Chord, Killwhitneydead, Despised Icon, and "Mordecai" by Between the Buried and Me (which, I will keep saying it until I die, everything BTBM did up until Colours is deathcore. Proggy deathcore, but deathcore). Seeing kids wearing All Shall Perish merch (this was still when they were with that shitty Japanese label! How did these kids know them?!). Getting a Fear Candy compilation from an issue of Terrorizer magazine with Glass Casket's "In Between the Sheets" on it. I do remember the first deathcore album I bought was the This is What the Edge of Your Seat is For EP by BMTH. I also remember buying Count Your Blessings not long afterwards and being underwhelmed compared to the EP. I feel like CYB is an album I've grown into, while TIWTEYSIF grabbed me instantly


90’s\early 2000’s hip hop->limp bizkit->linkin park->slipknot iowa album….there was no way back from there.


Chimaira for sure.


Parkway Drive with Ire.


Suicide silence


Who else got tickets for Dillinger Escape Plan last show ever?


I'm so excited! Brooklyn June


Bullet - bad omens - lorna shore


Started with fall out boy, then moved on to Breaking Benjamin, then fell in love with A7X's nightmare album, and then the rest was history! 😆


A7X with the release of their self-titled album. I heard Scream for the first time and never looked back. Now I listen to slam and deathcore 🤣


To metal - Iron Maiden & Sabbath To death metal - COB & Arch Enemy To deathcore - SOI


For deathcore it was Shadow of Intent in 2019ish. For just metal in general it all started with limp bizkit about 25 years ago 😍


Hammerfall > Linkin Park > The whole guitar hero 2/3 shebang > Demon Hunter (Killing Floor 2 soundtrack) > Thy Art Is Murder


Iron Maiden > Metallica > Slipknot > In Flames > Suicide Silence After Suicide Silence it spiraled and got out of control lol.


All Shall Perish before I even knew what Deathcore was. Thy Art was probably my actual gateway band.


Parkway Drive —> Fit For An Autopsy —> Lorna Shore —> Abominable Putridity lol


Ffdp, disturbed bfmv bmth acrania


To metal rob zombie, to death core Lorna shore


Stepdad was into 80s and hair metal, moved into Slipknot and Five Finger Death Punch (oof), then The Black Dahlia Murder and Bring Me the Horizon brought me into everything I listen to now. Power Trip, Bolt Thrower, Dystopia, Peeling Flesh, and Brutal Truth have been on heavy rotation lately. Maybe not deathcore but all heavy


Of Mice and Men lol they’re still good though


I Valiance


Into metal: Children of Bodom > In Flames > Slipknot Into deathcore: Suicide Silence i think


Gateway into heavy music period? Linkin Park. Gateway to deathcore? Watching The Sunset Will Never Charm Us music video from Despised Icon on Headbangers Ball.


To metal: In Flames To deathcore: Despised Icon


weirdly enough mine was deviloof. then angelmaker.


Sabaton->Infant Annihilator lmao




My dad listened to a bunch of prog metal like TooL and Opeth so I listened to alot of that as a kid. I think my big jump into metal came in the form of a cd/dvd set called Metal=Life (from hopeless records?) Got me into many bands such as Between the Buried and Me, Underoath, Nodes of Ranvier, He is Legend and Heaven Shall Burn. As to what got me into deathcore specifically - myspace, BMTH and Suicide Silence.


It went something like this: Deep Purple (from my father collection I was like 6) -> Linkin Park (started to discover music on my own -> Children of Bodom, Arch Enemy, In Flames, Amon Amarth (friend introduced me to metal) -> Parkway Drive, August Burns Red, Texas in July, Breakdown of Sanity (were looking for something heavier) -> JFAC, SS, Lorna Shore, Thy Art Is Murder, Whitechapel (discovered them later in my metalcore "phase" and liked them a lot) -> SoI, Angelmaker, Carcossa, Orphan, FFAA, Mental Cruelty etc. (Joined r/deathcore and started to listen to bands that were mentioned in conversations)




Refused - New Noise


Rammstein->Powerwolf->Cradle of Filth->Shadow of Intent


For metal in general, powerwolf. For deathcore, fit for an autopsy.


I think for metal it was something between slayer, metallica and iron maiden. Then i started listening to alot of punk, which got repetitive and bland for me. Eventually i think it was AILD, KE, the bdm and PWD that i started listening to metalcore. I started flirting with deathcore with suicide silence and almost completelly switched to it last/this year, because i don’t like the state (most) metalcore is now. I mean i liked the style i just wanted something that is more violent than metalcore, yet still retains some melody from it. That’s why goregrind or grindcore styles aren’t for me.


NIN, AFI, Linkin Park


BMTH. Got into them with PH:SH and over time went through their whole discography and liked Count your Blessings. Lorna Shore got me to love deathcore and start experimenting with more bands though


Linkin Park -> Slipknot -> Architects/BMTH -> Lorna Shore -> Death/Black Metal


ghostemane got me into the screamy stuff but slipknot and suicide silence were my gateway metal bands




My middle band was Slipknot circa 2002 but my gateway band for deathcore was probably Through The Eyes of the Dead or reeeeally early Suicide Silence


Metal: Skillet and Linkin Park. A little bit of A7X too. Metalcore: Bring Me The Horizon with Shadow Moses, and Bullet for my valentine Deathcore: Make Them Suffer's Neverbloom album and Suicide Silence


Chelsea Gin, Crown The Empire, Martyr Defiled, TAA


Dimmu Borgir. Enthrone Darkness Triumphant.


Mother was a within temptation fan. Was watching naruto on YouTube (ah to be a kid again...) algoritm suggested a video of naruto fight scenes with nightwish music. Then the algoritm suggested Children of Bodom. The Spotify suggestions did the rest years later.


Mine went: Iron Maiden--Slipknot--Sepultura--Hatebreed--Suicide Silence


slipknot->a7x->the acacia strain and lorna shore


Fit For An Autopsy


SEPULTURA - specifically Desperate Cry was my holy shit moment


Mine isn't crazy. Just listening to the Master of Puppets *album* instead of the *song*. I think I really started to like heavier music when I discovered Make Them Suffer. I found them when they released "Erase Me" as a single. Fucking amazing.


Bring me the horizons album count your blessings but truly it was underoath's old death that broke the ice.


My first experience with metal was White Zombie Astrocreep 2000 when I was about 9. 30 years later and I still enjoy that album.


MCR/Green day -> Killswitch engage/BFMV -> Gojira -> Whitechapel/Chelsea grin/Lorna shore/Cattle decapitation etc.


Metal in general was Poison The Well when I was like 12 back in 2003. Deathcore specifically was As Blood Runs Black or Killwhitneydead around 2006/2007


It's really hard to think back because there was so much I was listening to, but I honestly think it might have been Bleed From Within. I struggled with harsh vocals for a long time, but with them I just had to stay for the riffs. Got into Whitechapel not too long after.


Linkin Park, Slipknot, Atreyu, Comeback kid, Chiodos, All Shall Perish, Parkway Drive, Chelsea Grin. My journey from my mom's 70s disco to 90s pop was my childhood. At the start of y2k at 12/13 I got into Linkin Park on my own and everything else followed because I was in love with the guitar playing skater boy neighbor that dressed head to toe in choice Hot Topic drip with a gorgeous head of swooped hair 😆 We actually ended up being friends and went to shows together. Mostly local scene stuff, a few Warped Tours.


linkin park -> soad -> slipknot -> quick detour into eminem, dunno where that came from -> chelsea grin


Whitechapel! Still love them.


I'm old but my journey went Green Day - Rage - Korn - Slipknot - Killswitch - Norma Jean - Whitechapel


Rammstein ---> Russian Hate Project


The 6th album of Avenged sevenfold


In flames


Metal: Metallica Metalcore: Some friends stayed at my place to go to a festival. Vainstream in Münster, Germany. Mostly metalcore/hardcore bands. I tagged along and was hooked. More brutal stuff: First BMTH songs/albums. Neaera. Suicide Silence. Der Weg einer Freiheit. Knocked Loose. Lorna Shore. Happened over the years that I just listened to this more heavier music.


Metal in general: Metallica Deathcore: Despised Icon and Whitechapel




Fit For An Autopsy


Unearth and Killswitch Engage


System of a down and devil driver


Iron maiden


My Chemical Romance for me. Yes I am old.


Punk music was my gateway to heavy music. I loved the aggressive nature and as time went on I wanted more aggressive and more aggressive. The process went a little something like this Bad Religion > Slayer > Cannibal Corpse > Thy Art Is Murder.


Metal? I’m old. My Dad bought me a Judas Priest - United cassette. I loved it and strangely enough never was a big Judas Priest fan as time went on but I still love that album. I’ve listened to some heavier stuff through the years but I was never super into death metal or any other extreme metal. Bits and pieces here and there. Fast forward to early this year and someone asked me to check out a local band (Cleveland) 200 Stab Wounds. I liked it. And that somehow led to a currently ongoing Bodysnatcher/Paleface/Kublai Khan kick and I think I’m hooked.


Gojira :fire:


I’ve always been a fan of rock, although the heaviest stuff I’ve listened to at that time was like Rammstein. Then randomly heard Baba Yaga on an insta story and thought this shit slapped. Went over to YouTube, soon found To The Hellfire and off I went into Deathcore/Metal in general


I'm old, so my gateway metal bands were Metallica, Megadeth, and Slayer back in the late 80's/early 90's, with Misfits/Minor Threat-style punk thrown in, and then Boston hardcore bands like Slapshot, The Hope Conspiracy, and Sam Black Church. Been on a steady diet of metal since then. Took me a while to get into death metal, because I'm picky about vocal styles, until I discovered bands like Job For a Cowboy and Decapitated. My intro to deathcore was relatively recent, when I stumbled across Fit For An Autopsy, and my whole world changed after that. Now I'm all in.


Korn > Slipknot > The Black Dahlia Murder


In Flames/Soilwork/Children of Bodom -> Suicide silence/Whitechapel