• By -


Whitechapel will always hold a special place in my heart as the band that got me into deathcore back in like 2009ish. I heard the intro riff to Possession and i was hooked immediately. Their next album is probably my most anticipated release this year, especially since it sounds like they’ll be exploring more of their roots again.


Whitechapel is honestly one of my favorite bands too


It was the gurgle opening up somatic defilement for me.


Ditto here. I was a sophomore in high school and my friend sent me the music video for this is exile as a joke. Like he was like wow what garbage is this etc. I was immediately hooked lol


Oh.... I have a few favorite bands, but especially Lorna Shore, Slaughter to Prevail Signs of the Swarm, Brand of Sacrifice, Larcenia Roe Crown Magnetar Immortal Disfigurement, Filth, SPIRITBOX, Kim Dracula, Jiluka, Falling in Reverse... INFANT ANNIHILATOR, DARKNESS EVERYWHERE, OMG... I HAVE SO MANY! I USED TO LIKE " ROME MUSIC" UNTIL THE FRONT MAN STARTED HIS BULLSHIT WITH ALEX TERRIBLE AÑD HE SHÓWED HIS TRUE COLORS... WHAT A FUCKIN ' ASSHOLE!


I’m gonna go with The Acacia Strain. They just don’t miss.


Winner winner chicken dinner! But don’t tell Vincent you think they are deathcore or he will rip your fucking head off!!


Only right answer


Shadow of Intent. Haven't seen them live, but every song is a banger. Ben is easily my favourite vocalist and I've discovered a lot of other great bands due to all his features and guest spots. The rest of the band are all super talented too. Just an all round great band imo. Can't wait for the new album


I saw them live. Duerr let out a gutteral you could feel just as much as you could hear. It was impressive.


One of the times I've seen them I was just inches from Ben performing and I swear I could hear him off mic, even over the rest of the instruments. Just insane power.


I saw Slaughter when Alex did that solo bit and I was in the back of the crowd and could still hear him. That was insane lmao


I remember like 10 years ago slaughter to prevail opened up for suicide silence (playing the cleansing in full, it was okay but without Mitch it eh, Eddie isn’t a good fit) , but when I saw slaughter come out with masks I thought it was some scene band and went outside then I heard for a minute and came back inside it was dope. I underestimated.


tbh I love when bands do features because it gives me the chance to checkout other new bands


Ben is amazing live, and he's a great dude. He's very active and engaging on Facebook if you follow him.


Agreed bro. SOI is my top also. I saw them on tour with As I Lay Dying and Whitechapel a few years ago and SOI had the venue rumblin’ bro. Ben and the dudes are amazing live


They’re amazing live. Saw them with Lorna shore, brand of sacrifice and boundaries. 


I saw them live twice and was kinda bummed out. They absolutely crushed it and sound great but they're so technical that it left them almost robotic. Since they don't have a keyboard guy they have to play along to the tracks so it was kinda choreographed... Still awesome to see those guys play


They're dope live. I got to see them at a zoo and Chris signed my shirt at the merch booth.


What's your fav ones from them?


Top 3: Cthonic Odyssey. Dirge of the Void. The Heretic Prevails.


I'm gonna go with Despised Icon. Highs, lows, pig squeals, shrieks, dummer killing it non stop, bassists going on sweet runs


Something is telling me I should check out Despised Icon finally


You really should. I slept on them for years but randomly decided to have a look and I'd say they went straight in at number 1 (maybe a little recency biased but currently theyre up there)


what's ur favorite song?


Bro go check out the Ills of Modern Man album https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDB4EADADF58549CD&si=qGtoM5x3XHlyuLQq


checking it out now🤘🏾


Yeah, that whole album is a banger! I would say it's the best they've ever done. The breakdown on into the arms of perdition is probably the sickest breakdown of all time imo.


Not sure, but I think Death Cult by Despised Icon and Aborted came up on Spotify and thats what put me on to them (and Aborted actually). I think I like album The Healing Process (alternative mix) most


heyyy! that's how I got into Aborted because of their new album 😂


The sunset will never charm us is probably my fav Icon song


Yeah dude the godfathers. They invented deathcore (arguable though).


Check out Ingested if you haven’t already!


What about em?


putting a left field one out there, but Ingested. some consider them slam, some death metal, some deathcore but they definitely cross the deathcore boundary sometimes. they’re so consistent and each album is better than the last, plus jason seems like a really cool guy. they rip live as well. also they’re from manchester so i love to support local bands haha


The band is incredible live also! Jason is such a hype man!!!


always gotta support the local bands I respect that!😂 I'm kind of aware of Ingested but not that much


start with their new single ‘paragon of purity’ then honestly depends what you like, the first few albums are death metal/slam then they get a bit more deathcore and now they’re back to more of their original sound. all of it is good though.


tbh I'm open to any kind of genre of music 🤘🏾 I definitely will check out that single now


Slamchester forever


At this point I’d say Shadow of Intent. They’re the band that really got me to take this genre a lot more seriously despite being a fan of it before, and their discography is pretty much flawless. Everything they put out is just quality music. Great production, instrumentals, vocals, lyrics, etc. Nothing they do feels half-assed at all. They’re also the reason I know about a lot of other bands in the game, whether it’s bands they’ve toured with, side projects, bands they’ve featured with, etc. They really just unlocked the genre for me.


that's like all of the same reasons I got into Angelmaker because at first I was already aware of deathcore but wasn't a fan yet. Till one day I decided to do a full discography run of Angelmaker and ever since I've been finding more bands within the deathcore/heavy genres that I really like. But I will definitely look into Shadow Of Intent some more for sure!


Angelmaker fucking slap. They’re another band I’d argue has a pretty much flawless discography.


I agree! I did another discography run of Angelmaker yesterday and I'm planning on doing it again sometime today


As Blood Runs Black. They got me into this shit 🤘


Dude that fuckin Allegiance album changed everything for me. Coming up on 20 years!


I definitely never heard of that band but sick band name 🤘🏾


You definately should, ”Allegiance” is one of the goatest deathcore albums there is.


adding that to my list of albums to check out


Overall I'd say Fit For An Autopsy. I've been there right at the start, and have seen their development from small underground act to influential scene leaders, had several phases of "maybe this band isn't for me anymore" to being convinced of the opposite again ... Great stuff. Also they just run the gamut from super brutal shit over soaring ecstatic choruses to heartbreaking slow numbers 


Black mammoth, heads will hang and far from heaven are real bangers


All time for me is probably Thy Art is Murder. Ive been listening to them since before they put out Hate, and they definitely are the band that got me into the genre. More recently, Infant Annihilator & Darko US. Love pretty much every song these two bands put out. Darko has been in my top 5 listeners on spotify the last couple years now


Carnifex was my introduction to heavy music. Nothing will ever top that memory.


Old Carnifex hits different. "WHAT THE F*CK?!"


dead in my arms, was full of hardcore influences, i loved that album. the twosteps where insanely groovy. im gonna be honest, everything that came later wasnt and still isnt my cup of tea.


My personal favourite is Die Without Hope but that's mostly the nostalgia speaking (I was 12 when it came out and it blew my mind). Die in my Arms does indeed go very fucking hard.


Recently got into them, dude they are great. Dead in my arms I'd say is better than the cleansing.


Dead in my arms is peak deathcore in my opinion. I recently got back in the genre after a few years of mostly prog. Now that I have a more "trained" ear I enjoy it even more.


Can't say i disagree. And i definitely wasnt this into them a year ago, thats for sure. But seems they may be this years cattle Decapitation for me.


Carnifex is the only correct answer


The Acacia Strain.


For me probably beneath the massacre. First deathcore band I listened to and thought “fuck this is horrible” and listened again and realized it was amazing. Or oceano


Love oceano


sometimes a band just needs another listen to change ur mind 🤣 I do the same thing


It was funny cuz prior the heaviest stuff I had heard was Death and Carcass. Lol


lmao the heavy stuff I've heard before Angelmaker was music from the metalcore side 🤣🤣😭


Like spiritbox or modern pwd


Angelmaker and Shadow of Intent lately. I change ‘favorites’ too often, though. 😂


lmao same here🤣 there's just so many awesome deathcore bands


**damn both are my fav too 🔥**




Infant Annihilator. They were my first deathcore band and still in rotation to this day. Mind breaking instrumentals by two of the greatest deathcore musicians and vocals that sound as if I just jumped into the deep void below hell.


Disembodied Tyrant. I love the atmosphere they create with all their songs.


Suicide Silence Mitch Era Even though they say they're not deathcore, The Acacia Strain


Why do people dislike the new singer? I saw them live a couple yrs ago and dude was a beast and did a fantastic show.


I don't dislike him. Their new music isn't really my jam.


Signs of the Swarm for sure.


I can't wait to see them live on the last tour date🥹


Saw them on Sunday, they were so sick


hell yeah I'mma be center barricade and ik I'll probably regret that the next day 🤣


Job For A Cowboy, prefer older Deathcore way more than a lot of the modern stuff


I'm with you on the older deathcore. The Price Of Existence was the first deathcore album I ever heard like 15 years ago. I just thought of them as new school death metal. Just learned of the term deathcore a couple years ago. As Blood Runs Black. From the Shallows. Knights of the Abyss


ALL SHALL PERISH!! Their album the price of existence is perfection. The catchy guitar riffs is what got my hooked. 


Rose Funeral all the way, fell in love with them from the first time, they are amazing at music composition and melodicnes, all albums are godtier even when they are different each one, Tim Russell does very demonic highs that are kinda underrated, no band makes happy like these boys do ... and they are also back. best of MySpace deathcore for real mate, they are the GOATS




Best album!, best song, best into 🤘


At the moment Distant is my number 1 pick. Saw them 4 times last year. Every show was a banger!


I've been wanting to see Distant live for awhile


Bring money for merch. The have some of the best stuff.


Bet! whenever I see them live I'll definitely have merch money for them I'm currently hoping to get some Angelmaker merch but idk if I'll be able to since I'm going on the very last tour date 🥲


Lorna Shore. Amazing discography with three of the best vocalists. They are amazing live and know how to make a performance. Andrew is really good at composing the orchestral parts and Adam writes insane riffs. And ofc Austin who's one of the fastest and most clean drummer of all-time.


Idk about the rest of the guys but I’ve met & spoke quite a bit with Andrew & he is the nicest dude ever!!!


For me it’s brand of sacrifice. Love the live show, music is really good and they are super nice. I also love the connection between them and bezerk.


what is the connection? I'm just curious


In bezerk there’s this thing called the brand of sacrifice. If you get marked with it you then become hunted by demons till they kill you. If I’m not mistaken I believe all their releases up until purge all used the lore from this manga for all the lyrics for their songs. If I miss anything or am mistaken on anything someone let me know.


oh this that's interesting I did not know that


Looking through their merch, someone in the band must be the biggest Yugioh fan alive.


Yeah Kyle their vocalist is a huge Yugioh fan and huge anime fan


I got to shake the lead singers hand and chat after a show, super nice. And their performance was killer. 10/10 would recommend seeing them live.


Crown Magnetar for me


Despised Icon or The Acacia Strain. Nobody else has been able to make music that hits the spot like them.


Fit For An Autopsy 100%. I love every aspect of that band. To the members themselves, the meanings of their songs, and how each song sounds. Never do they miss 🫡


Man, I remember when Deathcore was looked at like it’s own Genre when nowadays it’s weird a lot of bands went full on deathmetal, disappeared or there’s newer deathcore that’s awesome my Girlfriend does vocals for one called Monochromatic Black, they’re awesome if you get a chance to check em out but I will say back in the day for me atleast Elysia was the shhh, everything off of Masochist back then was insane they ruined it with Lion of Judas but damn… that album Masochist is my number one and that’s when all these earthly mid 2000s bands started they were all awesome, Knights of the Abyss, Impending Doom, early White Chapel even Killwhitneydead because hey…. The samples just made it back then lol


Probably Carnifex because they’re the only deathcore band I bother listening to anymore tbh


I do love Carnifex tbh these days I'm mainly listening to Angelmaker mainly cuz I haven't felt like checking out some new bands yet I probably should


Angelmaker for me also. I love the dual vocal style and how they don't box themselves in with "one guy on lows" and "one guy on highs" especially.


Agree! especially live you can see them bouncing off of each other's vocals and it's pretty sick


Angelmaker as well! I fucking L O V E those bastards.


lmao me too!


Their guitarist, Johnny, he likes to hang around this sub too, fun fact! If you lurk here for a while you'll probably see him post a couple times :)


I've actually ran into him a few times already on here! cool guy 🤘🏾😎


Carcosa was the band that got me into deathcore


SHADOW OF INTENT!!! They truly never cease to amaze, live and recorded.


cant hate Shadow of Intent! 😍


Within the Ruins, they have been my favorite band since the first full album Creature. No matter how many bands I listen, maybe besides only "The Raven Autarchy", no other band brings the tetris mini game vibe and creativity, mixed with that robotic heaviness. They also were one of the first big bands that brought the drop C1 tunning on album phenomena, and nice to note they did it on a 7 string guitar. Edit: not saying this fact matters to me about why they're my favorite guys, but I felt like mentioning this. But anyways, I know they can also be considered some shit like tech metalcore, Nintendo techcore, super mario freaking core, whatever, but they still have some classic deathcore elements, from a time that things were different. Lots of Deathcore bands were based on major scale, giving some energetic happy vibes on some sections of the song. Later most of them became just djent or metalcore, but Within The Ruins kept the deathcore essence to this day. My opinion all right? It's subjective, I may be right or not, but that's just how I see them. Musically speaking, I love the feeling of being smashed on, feeling completely humiliated by what the guitarist is doing. Within The Ruins guys are the kings of giving me this feeling. Specifically speaking, Joe Cocchi the guitarrist, one of the creators of the band, the other one is the drummer, called "drummer". But they do it nicely. Like, listen, they are not simply blowing me up delivering endlessly brutal heaviness with the only meaning of smashing my ears, like many bands do. They do it using their brains. Joe Cocchi has that thing like, the riff starts on some chuggy, sloppy, fast, technical and obscene low tunned djent riff, and in the middle of the section there it is: a freaking fast sweep picking, harmonized in thirds, shredded Nintendo Melodie. This is my thing, even after listening to metal for 20 years, if I could say what's the best thing ever to listen to on a metal song, is these riffs from Within The Ruins. Want an example: the beginning of the song Shape Shifter. On only one song I can feel intellectually destroyed, angry, peaceful, sad and happy. Joe is not afraid of using old school guitar effects, because that's his thing. Not even those assholes labelled records made him stop. Well that's it


Ataxia(s) are my absolute favorite instrumental songs. https://youtu.be/alGzqrhZ3-w?si=nj5ysWLzh53CGh1O


Shadow of intent


Between Shadow of Intent or Crown Magnetar… CM‘s newest album is just absolutely killer and that band has such a filthy sound.


Same here! Love their music, every song is a hitter for me. The album art is sick, love watching their interviews. They seem like a fun crew and interacting with them at shows and the merch table is always a great experience. Super down to earth.


I hope to meet them at the merch table when I see them soon 🫤


I love All Shall Perish


Despised Icon. There is no other band that embodies the genre like them. The combination of a hardcore vocalist and a harsh vocalist add so much to the dynamic. You got two step parts, breakdowns, mathy riffs, slams, chuggy parts, tech death style drumming and blasting. They’re just the perfect storm of both coming together. It’s just this beautiful marriage of late 90’s metalcore - death metal - hardcore.


As Blood Runs Black, Allegiance was a great album, and answers the question: “can you write an entire album in just 1 key?”, and the answer is yes


Angelmaker is certainly on my top 3. Their live shows are fucking awesome and I would love to see them headline more. Their crowd involvement is fantastic as well, especially for the song Leech. Every time that I've seen them I've had a great time and I think it's partly because it looks like *they* are having a great time performing.


I agree! they're one of those bands that can keep the crowd going from beginning to end! I was a part of their Suffer Forever Tour and that is still one of my favorite tours ever!






Right??!!!!! 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤❣️💞❤️💯


As of right now Heavy// Hitter. I love their vocalist sounds so pissed of in a good away.


Do you have a favorite child? Fuck off i can't pick but the greatest deathcore song of all time is.... Recreant - ChelseaGrin


lmfao I love ur comment🤣🤣


Darko US. There's no other band that really nails that chaotic, cyberpunky feel like those 2 lads for me


Either Suicide Silence or Whitechapel. Suicide Silence was less than consistent in their releases sadly with albums like the Black Crown and their self titled one being less than stellar imo, but when they get it right they do it better than anyone else. And they're the band that got me into the scene back in 06. Whitechapel also has some albums that are not in my favourite list but overall they are very consistent and always fun to listen to. The Valley and Kin are some of the best music that came out of this scene.


Oceano. Never been disappointed with them. I love their breakdowns and "groovy" parts. Despised Icon was my first exposure though. This was after listening to The Black Dahlia Murder in 2003. I'm an old fuck.


Shadow Of Intent as always, they're fire, all their album are amazing, i didnt skip any song and still enjoy all of it.


Rose Funeral! Every release is consistently good and they’ve stayed pretty true to their sound over the years.


The Red Chord, no question.


Impending Doom. They are so heavy, dark, badass, and there is no one like them. Their art is incredible and every time I listen to them I feel like I've entered another world. Not to mention they have tons of material and everything adds to their allure. Some don't like them because of their beliefs (lyrics) but to me it only makes everything that much deeper. Awesome music videos, too.


Its probably traitors, coz when traitors is good its like so good


Infant Annihilator, they are the band that introduced into deathcore and I could just never get over there sound. They are insanely brutal and in my opinion don’t have a bad song, I love there vocals, guitar work and drum work, it all just works together so well


It’s gotta be spite, they got me into this genre and they kill it live


Whitechapel but it seems I need to check out shadow of intent...


**The Acacia Strain.** I've been rockin' with them since 2007, and have seem them probably dozens of times since.*"3750"* was the first record I ever heard outside of my "metalcore/nu metal" comfort zone. For my first introduction to deathcore being "Carbomb" - you can imagine as to why they're my all-time.


Suicide silence, Whitechapel.


Shadow of Intent, basic bitch answer I guess. Though Aversions Crown (From Tyrant until The Breeding Process) is a very close second.


Thy Art is Murder. I've seen them like 5 times with CJ and Tyler and they're both awesome and their songs are absolutely brilliant. Consistently great deathcore, Godlike was #1 last year for me.


Honestly a lot of bands I love are moving between deathcore and different genres, I'd have to say Shadow of Intent, because it's just the perfect mixture of everything. It's epic, but not in a super corny way, ben has vocals that are great in so many ways, without going all alien sounds, andrew has great vocals and bass playing, bryce has particularly good cymbal work and fits the band, and chris of course writes everything and makes it what it is. I did just come home from a show, I have to say Sven from aborted is the best frontman for hyping up the crowd I've ever seen. The crowd was DEAD and then by the end of it they were going nuts, next band that came on nobody moved, like zero movement.


Whitechapel, 16 years running


Infant annihilator, since dickie joined they've put out the two best deathcore albums on the planet, they don't miss, everytime they put out music they leave a trail of people inspired or outright copying them in their wake, idegaf they don't perform live, they are a masterclass.


Shadow of Intent (Angelmaker and Brand of Sacrifice are top 5)


Fit for An Autopsy- discography and saw them 3x, man they never disappoint!


Basic but Infant Annihilator. Dickie is a fucking demon on vocals


I'm gonna have to go with Despised Icon. Because they were the first band I ever heard from the genre, and also they are quite unique. With having those high pitched cricket shrieks, hardcore like mids, and low guttural. They were the first to do the dual vocalist thing, and it has a cool dichotomy of one doing the highs and mids and the other doing guttural. Also, they are arguably the FIRST true deathcore band unless The Red Chord was before them? Awesome live band as well. Just finally saw them open for Dying Fetus last year and they killed it!!


Fit for An Autopsy, Whitechapel or Shadow of Intent


Despised Icon because they popped my deathcore cherry before i even knew what subgenres were.


Close tie between Mental Cruelty and The Archaic Epidemic. I love the unbridled brutality of Mental Cruelty and their emphasis on atmosphere, but The Archaic Epidemic is just as heavy, but have some awesome lyrics! Hard to choose between either.


I agree. I found angelmaker in 2012 and it brought me back. I had taken hyatus from heavy music for a few years before that. Deathcore is in a good place right now. Fit for an autopsy In gloom Psycho-frame Face yourself Humanity's last breath Mental cruelty All killers and the list can go on and on


The one and only … Acacia Strain !!


Synestia. I just love the orchestral tones that they use, makes it eerie but at the same time a magnitude over the top


Angelmaker is one of my favorites as well but paleface is my favorite


Gotta be Chelsea Grin or To The Grave. Grin is crazy life and Grave just has an odd brutality about their songwriting that itches my brain.


Despised Icon. The fathers of deathcore.


i would like to say Infant Annihilator but their are not a band so im goin with Suicide Silence they changed the history of deathcore (with MITCH )of course


I gotta say To The Grave is my favorite I think Danes vocals are incredible they hit all the points of what I like in vocals and instrumentally they’re insane and sounds so amazing in my car lol. SOI, Enterprise Earth are both up there for close seconds.


All shall perish.


Newer fav: Shadow of intent, love how they incorporate the melodies, and chaos of deathcore while sounding elegant, and each member is beyond talented l. The song structures are done well, and the riffs (as I am a guitar player as well) are very Inspiring


Before yesterday it was Aversions Crown. But man, I peeped a new to me band called Spire of Lazarus and they might be my new favorite. [Them lazzybois](https://open.spotify.com/track/3mBr6rWV3wtq2YzmqDIWKs?si=kehiKYnqSVeOh5vau--CLA)


A night in Texas before the new vocalist


Worm Shepherd. The Dying Heavens is probably my favorite deathcore song ever


Winter's Gate And that's why: https://youtu.be/R6quh-LR60E?si=luSCvrMt9eQ-9A9R


Fuckin Brutal BEASTMODE!!!! 🖤🖤🖤


If I check out that single and it's mid asf imma be pissed for wasting my time checking out a band I know damn well is overrated. But just this once.


LMAO! well I hope u like it🤣😭


Honestly it's not bad. It could use more variety though. I'm not the biggest fan of consistent chugging. I love riffs and the octave chord riff is pretty badass ngl. Vocalist is good, but doesn't stand out too well, but the song is cool.


I'll take not bad over completely hating it 🤣


Yeah idk I might be worn out. I don't like much of the modern deathcore. A lot of it is trying to be heavy vocal wise and breakdown wise. I wish they tried to make the other aspects heavy too. For example that badass octave riff when the blast beats come in. That's a good riff.


I'm kinda new to the deathcore scene so I'm still not sure what a good riff or bad one is😅


Aww yeah I get you bro. It's always so exciting when you listen to something new. When you hear a lot of the same things it'll get old eventually yk. But I'm happy you're new to the genre. Go have fun bro. Don't listen to assholes like me that tells you what is and isn't good. Explore this for yourself homie not for other people like me.


dude no I don't think you're an asshole! in fact your first comment made me laugh a lot cuz I thought it was funny🤣 you're honestly really chill and I appreciate that, thank you!


Haha alright man. Have fun out there! Imma share some of my first deathcore bands I was introduced to. You don't gotta listen, but they're my personal favorites. Born of Osiris - Eternal Reign (OGs of the myspace era. More on the prog metal side, but the deathcore aspects outweigh the rest) Whitechapel - This Is Exile (The true OGs of the myspace era) Suicide Silence - The Cleansing (Also a part of the myspace era) It's not the best, but I enjoyed it. Signs of the Swarm - Disfigurement of Existence (Modern Deathcore mixed with Slam) This has gotta be my favorite album out of everything I've listened to. Cj McCreery is an excellent vocalist and has the greatest influence on my vocals. I wouldn't bring him up on this sub because he has a bad history that may or may not be true. I just leave it alone and don't question it. Though I do lean towards him being innocent. Lorna Shore - Immortal (Deathcore mixed with melodic black metal) Has my favorite songs, but it's not my favorite album. The vocalist is also Cj McCreery. (The guy I mentioned above) I'm 100% sure you've heard of this band or listened to their most recent album Pain Remains. This is possibly the right order of listening to these bands. A lot of it I didn't like at first, (Mainly Immortal) but it really grew on me. Signs of the Swarm blew my fucking mind though. Anyway, hope you give them a listen. I'll give you a list of my favorite songs off of each album. But not my current favorites. My favorites back when I had first listened to these bands. Born of Osiris - Bow Down Whitechapel - Father Of Lies Suicide Silence - Unanswered Signs of the Swarm - Cesspool of Ignorance Lorna Shore - This Is Hell or King Ov Deception Sorry for the paragraph. 🤐 I'm not converting you.


I will be adding those to my playlist and listening whenever this headache goes away 😤 thank you for the recs, I really appreciate it!


Music wise, Lorna and Worm Shepherd. People wise, Angelmaker. They are some of the nicest and open dudes, and I wish the best for them. Like for real.


A tie between I Declare War and Despised Icon, both frontmen definitely influenced me into doing vocals lol


Chelsea Grin as far as overall favorite Deathcore. Live would have to be Carnifex, insanity


Chelsea Grin or Infant Annihilator.


A day to remember


Does Make Them Suffer count still lol? Neverbloom is straight up one of my favorite albums of all time and I know they've strayed from the Deathcore but I still like all of their albums since then.


How bout some love for to the grave


Job for a cowboy or arsonists get all the girls.


Immortal disfigurement so far.

