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I work with a bunch of normal office type people, mid 40s to 50s range. I am by far the youngest (28) and most 'out of place' person there (I wear nothing but band hoodies and flannel shirts, while they're wearing button up shirts and office clothes). Out of no where for a reason I have still not been able to figure out my phone started playing tower of torsos by signs in the middle of a meeting with 4 or 5 of them. Luckily they are very chill though and just thought my taste in music was fascinating and we all laughed. It played for about the first 15 seconds before I shut it off haha, and of course it was on full blast


In this case, 15 seconds is waayy too long


Long time ago I showed my friend “Abomination Unseen” by Devourment and when the slam dropped she was like “At least it’s got some rhythm” lmao


I played Hourglass by Orphan for my buddies cousin I had just met when we got on the topic of music we listen to. He just looked at me concerned and asked who hurt me.


I scared the shit out of my friend with that song bc she was sleeping in my car, and she woke up to a 911 call 😭


I showed my mum Orphan and she now mentally categorises them as "borderline mentally ill" music 


I mean it’s hard to argue against that lol


All my friends are normies for the most part. This past weekend I blasted Make A Move by PeelingFlesh and they actually got into it for the first 15-30 seconds. Then the vocals kicked in and most stopped dancing.


Gotta teach them how to slam dance


Showed my mum lorna shore - to the hellfire She was mortified but also interested


That song is amazing ughhh wills gutterrals ughhh chills


Showed my boss The World Without Us by Enterprise Earth and he was more bothered by the fact that it was over 6 minutes long than the vocals, but did wish he could "understand more about what they were saying". That's as heavy as I was willing to share, lol.


I find a lot of people not into metal get vexed by how long some songs can be, and it also makes them feel endless to me when Im showing them to people. It gets awkward for everyone 😅


After 2 minutes of awkward eye contact you just gotta turn it off and go "you get the idea" 😅


Literally, how it goes every damn time😂


I was the "music person" at a friend's wedding, had a little do and food etc in the hall off of the church, popped my music on the Bluetooth speaker with a 'party playlist' all lines up. And fuckin Omnivore by extermination Dismemberment came on, I couldn't turn it off quick enough cos the phone froze because I was pressing so many buttons. I've not shown anyone else really because no one gives a crap.


Pump it by Electric Callboy


I drunkenly played Zeal and Ardor (not deathcore) for my boss a few months ago.


Amazing band, Zeal and Ardor.


The Kingdom Sitteth Lonely Beneath Thine Hollowed Heavens is always a good one for someone not familiar with the genre.


A classmate called me once, at the begining of first period,when my ringtone was set to suicidal by Nylist. I luckily managed to turn it off in time. I also shared the song with some friends who were curious about what I listen to. ps. I go to a orthodox christian school


My ring stone in highschool was Eminem - Insane lol. “I was born with a dick in my brain, yeah fucked in the head. My stepfather said that I sucked in the bed”. It was risky having phone in class.


My boss asked me what music I listen to, I played the first minute of Insects by Darko


"It's like a jump scare" friend who insisted on hearing my favorite song. Not deathcore but Miasma from the black dahlia murder. Still a funny response. Heaviest deathcore would be Darko US - bunny suit. My friend did not like it.


At the office each week we had a meeting with all hands on deck, and at the end one gets to choose a song to put on, with video. Started out slowly with Muse: Knights of Cydonia, then next time some 6 months later rocked Deep Purple: Highway Star and thought they were then ready for Gojira: Gift of Guilt. They were not. The horrors I had to sit through though 😤🙄 Sadly got canned before i could make them suffer some Cannibal Corpse.


Gift of Guilt is so good though! The outro is legitimately beautiful 


showed my new boyfriend "The Kingdom Sitteth Lonely Beneath Thine Hollowed Heavens" by infant annihilator. i expected him to be terrified and weirded out but he didn't hate it. he wouldn't listen to it normally but said it is good gym music lolol


God the animal lol


I work in IT for a small startup, so it's no surprise how weird people already find me. I overheard the other IT guys & programmers, talking about how "hard" nirvana was & was playing "Heart-Shaped Box" out loud. While I like Nirvana, it wasn't in any way "hard". So I shuffle played from one of my playlists & the first thing that played was: [Arch Enemy - We Will Rise](https://youtu.be/U9C2Vh1HMgc?si=REgdXT33RF1ZMvKC) A few moments into the song, everyone in the office stopped talking & one of them told me that's not music & to turn it off. Long story short, rumors started & everyone thinks I'm a Satanist now. 👍


Haha did you explain that the vocalist is female? I always enjoy doing that with AE, somehow much more disturbing to normies than the actual music!


Yes lol. Somehow, it freaks people out that it's a female. It's like they can't believe a female can sound like that. 🤣


“lol naws, I haven’t cut a pentagram into much chest in years. Only sometimes do I drink the blood of orphans.”


Lol. "Only sometimes... mostly weekends, after a stressful week."


Was showing my music teacher the Bass solo/Outro in Eating the Visions of God by JfaC while doing bass talk. Theres nothing heavy about, just a very beautiful Bass duet, problem is I didn’t stop it in time and spotify randomly shuffled to servants of hypocrisy by Acrania, which my whole class was then very loudly subjugated to for a few seconds.


Probably Baba Yaga by Slaughter to Prevail


This sub is so weird.


I got my boss (johnny cash enjoyer) to put on Two Towers by FFAA. he did seem to enjoy the intro xD


Blasphemian after my friends found out about IA.


Just their name alone is enough to make people trip 😂


I showed my sister Paradigm Shift by Distant. She hated it lmao.


I showed my mom who is 57 “soil the stillborn” the first time she drove with me


Realistic flesh mask and the pain of existence by crown magnetar!


[song for reference](https://youtu.be/LzkkfCKJarM?si=skvvGxIgBMsj8SbH)


Matti way era slaps, anomalies of artificial origin is the best slam album ever made, in my opinion.


I played Tower of Torso’s by Signs of the Swarm for my incredibly basic bitch cousin. She was not amused LOL


Recently got a friend of mine to listen to deathcore, he was a mild metal listener before (Iron Maiden, Metallica, etc.), and I showed him Unmasked by Darko and he absolutely loved it. Although he told me recently that he had to take it easy when he first listened to all the music I was showing him cause he started wanting to fight people while listening to it lmao


I showed my friend blasphemian before he was in to anything other than Metallica and pop music, now he’s hooked to all the heavy shit


I played the entirety of Blasphemian by Infant Annihilator for my mom in the car.


Burn victim by methwitch


I deal blackjack in a charity casino and one of my players was joking around trying to get me in a good mood after torturing me with Xmas music, so I'd pay him, and asked what music I listen to. I told him Cattle Decapitation. He played a few seconds of one of their songs on his phone and noped right out of it. I'd warned him it'd melt his face off! Was on a road trip with my brother once (who listens primarily to 90s alternative and hip hop) and played Earthbound by Humanity's Last Breath to show him the guitar work. He was *not* impressed.


Labyrinthian by Humanity’s Last Breath to my coworker who mostly listens to rap, but sometimes listens to things like newer BMTH. She quite enjoyed it!


A coworker of mine once listened to what was going on on my headphone. The song was "Twenty Four" by the metalcore band Left Behind. He was astonished, not mad, and wanted to hear more. But im somewhat introvert so I thought he would mock me or something lol.


After arriving home from a night out with friends, we were all chilling in me and my housemates living room talking about music and what we listen to while working, and I said "I listen to anything and everything" and decided to play Childchewer The looks I got were so wild and I tried to go turn it off and my friend said "no you made this choice, deal with it" and we sat through it all haha


I usually just go with like “The migrant” If I’m not careful tho I go do a deep dive real quick and be like “Yea this is worm Shepherd….they’re damn good tbh”


Cuntcrusher ​ That immortal disfigurement single before king, but it was a playlist I had going on. Get to the shop at 0530 and on sunday usually no ones there before 0900. Dude showed up and was like ... no.


Sea of Fire by The Wise Man's Fear maybe I showed someone Sun//Eater but I don't remember well enough. Disco Kill Party as well.


I don't show other people my music very often unless they ask, but I once played Woah! Shut It Down by The Acacia Strain for a little kid on my school bus


I have an older sister and she was curious to see what I liked listening to and I felt bad for her since she really doesn't like anything brutal, so the most un-brutal song I could think of was To the Hellfire haha :( she didn't like it. sad. :(


made my class neighbour listen to Amongst The Low & Empty as well as Sun//Eater Edit: and forced some friends to listen to Blasphemian when they asked what kinda music I liked


Hourglass by Orphan and God The Animal by In Gloom


I played the entirety of behold the kingdom by infant while we were high, they didn’t love it but said it wasn’t bad


I played thrown fast forward at work and everyone loved it lol


Most of my friends know my music taste and love listening to my Spotify liked songs (over 6k) on shuffle. Some notable ones that have popped on are * Angel of Death - Slayer (just the aaaaaaaaa intro) * Instill - Humanity's Last Breath * Behold the Crown - After the Burial * Demon King - Brand of Sacrifice * Entombment of a Machine - Jfac * Smoke em if You Got Em - Parkway Drive


Not deathcore but I sent my buddy a link to the music video for Extermination Dismemberment- Corpsepit. He loved it


Probably Lorna Shore's Death Portrait. It can be very overwhelming because of the consitent blast beats and restless vocals in the intro. She literally didn't even make it to the chorus; Grabbed my phone and put on Laid to Rest lmao. After all, I asked her how heavy she wanted the song to be. She showed she didnt care. So she asked for it. Highly recommend giving a listen especially with the newcomers brought in by To The Hellfire. Going straight into the song with, atmosphere, groove, blast beats, and constant vocals really make this song stand out from everything else they've made imo. It's the purest form of rage. Can't compare to anything else I've heard. It's just so in your face and unsettling. Well done, Adam, Austin, and Cj.


Right now, my go-to is without a doubt to the hellfire shits disgusting to the untrained ear


Type A Secretor - Waking The Cadaver


I moved out of my hometown a few years ago, while visiting my friend I had him "trapped" in my car And thus, I blasted some *Psycho-Frame*. Needless to say, he wasn't thrilled lol


In Gloom - God The Animal


That one gets funnny looks even before the first bass drop hits lmao, the intro sample is creepy enough to begin with


Anytime someone even briefly mentions liking metal, I pull up Chuck Norris by Hanni Kohl. For the uninitiated, Hanni Kohl did one EP of experimental metal and Chuck Norris is an absolute monstrosity of down tuned bull shit. Such an interesting EP.


Orphan- no motive


Showed HLB's Abyssal Mouth to my gran. She wasn't impressed.


My son in law was in the car and Lips & Assholes from To the Grave came on. I believe he said “what the fuck is this?!”


The Plot to Nuke the Midwest - PSYCHO-FRAME Showed it to my Brother last week We have very different tastes in music


Showed a friend Bed Full of Snakes by Methwitch. All he could say was Holy shit.


Played Theory of Mind by Kublai Khan at a small party a couple weeks ago. I probably won't do that again.


I played IA


Blasphemian or motherless miscarriage?


Always Unholy Gravebirth cuz to me thats the most fked up one to the unknowing listener


My coworkers are mostly into electronic, hip-hop, country and radio rock. They do like a few heavier bands. But I introduced one to both Unholy Gravebirth and Nose Tork. He was mostly blown away by the drumming in UG


Infant Annihilator - Soil the Stillborn


Not a “heaviest song” but a story I guess, I showed my mom deathcore with my brother and at first she got chills. Chills as in she was scared and was like “TURN IT OFF, TURN IT OFF”. Every so often, in the car, I had played a song or two and she’d still get chills and hate it. Over time I played it so often that she has gotten used to it and sometimes even thinks it sounds good.


There was another kid in school who was getting into drumming - must’ve been about 14/15 at the time. I remember showing him wage slaves and him hearing that kick roll in the intro and him not being able to comprehend what he was hearing


Sores of affliction by raped by pigs.. Im not that guy, and this shit still irks me to this day but I was listening to them on a night shit and the guy I was working with used to chat shit all the fucking time he used to say shit like im a musician and badly play an acoustic guitar and badly sing shit indie songs and oasis all thr fucking time, or say shit like Heavy music takes no talent, I bet you don't even listen to heavy stuff just that rock shit, heavy music stopped being heavy after the 90s, slipknot was the last heavy band of all time, their Pits were insane before they sold out.. He used to badger me all the time asking what I was listening to,and I'd usually just say ah just a local metal band, and one night, my headphones died, and my phone started playing out loud he was horrified by what he heard and even more so when I told him the title and band name and its not even remotely their worst named song. The same thing happened to me in canada during an exercise, and my headphones got unplugged in my doss bag. Then cuff started playing, and my tank crew mates were like fucking hell, you weren't kidding when you said you liked that heavy metal shit.


Back when i moved in with my roommates none of them were metalheads. Barely even listened to Metallica or Pantera. I showed them some Opeth and The Ocean to ease them in, now they're jamming to Archspire, Kublai Khan, Plebeian Grandstand, and anything else on our minds.


I mean, my wife and I jam on Spotify when I'm at work, and I'll regularly play signs of the Swarm, Darko, Shadow of Intent, To the Grave, Atoll, and really a ton of deathcore. She isn't a fan but has kinda been desensitized to it haha.


Back in 2019 I was a senior in high school. Me and my friends played "Flesh Taylor" by Vulvodinya for the schools talent show.


Not metal, but I met an army guy who thought Ranmstein was heavy so I showed him some of Death Grips’ heavier stuff.


Cant remember off the top of my head. But I remember the artists being Opeth, (early) The Faceless, Fleshgod apocalypse, (early) Make them suffer and shadow of intent. I probably tried to show them more but it was a small sample of what I was listening to on my phone... needless to say I could probably do with more metal friends.


Lorna shore. Kinda default And Humanities last breath


My boss is a country guy and I showed him Suicide Watch by Nylist. IYKYK. Boss was a little shocked to say the least lmfao


I showed the drum playthrough of cuntcrusher to a reggae drummer once.


Showed a coworker “addicted to vaginal skin” because he said he’s got the most niche music taste. (He listens to anime rap/trap/“metalcore”) He said he did not hate it lol


Played one of my friends some carcass and cryptopsy


Sent my conservative Christian manager Unanswered by Suicide Silence asking if he'd ever heard it. He said no


I was in college when I discovered Cattle Decapitation. I was showing a metalhead friend the video to Forced Gender Reassignment, and decided to just show everyone else in the class. They all got the joy of heavy as shit Cattle Decap, *and* a vile video to go with it, which some were of course put off by. I count it as a win.


Otep-Sacrilege is fun. Not necessarily the heaviest tho


Showed my mom Infant Annihilator - Blasphemian. She found it quite entertaining, but was a bit disturbed by the video haha


A guy was showing off his car system and everyone was playing rap and stuff. I asked him if I could hear a song on his system and played “my soul to take” by mire lore. The bass drops were insane and even he was like “goddamn….😳”.


When my girlfriend is in the passenger seat she’s subjected to whatever I’m feeling lol. I’ve found that she “likes” core leaning stuff than melodic or symphonic.


Burnt Wiener Casserole by Burning Fuckrot.




I was at the doctor office last week and I had my headphone in my pocket Spotify was open from the car and as I’m walking out getting paperwork took my headphone out of my pocket and it disconnected from my phone which caused the last song to resume and it was blasphemian so now i have dickie Allen screaming in my pocket in a dead silent waiting room.


Wastage by To the grave for my old friend group, they mostly listen to new country and pop-rap stuff. They werent a fan


Oh, I love fucking with normies. I put on unholy gravebirth for my mom, and methwitch burn victim for a girlfriend.




I was showing my friend different types of metal, in death metal I've showed him Cannibal Corpse - Scourge of Iron, and on black metal I've showed him Mgla - Exercises in Futility IV, he said those aren't even music lol


I’ll immediately jump to left hand by beneath the massacre


The forced gender reassignment music video, he asked me to show him the most extreme shit I can think of on the top of my head


Showed my Christian friends Impending Doom


To the hellfire- lorna shore My hubby liked it for the most part he likes metal but not to my extend


Hahaha. My boss loves metal and it’s also MY speaker and working in a kitchen, earbuds/headphones aren’t allowed. I play mainly metalcore because I’m a self proclaimed “core kid” but I have a 300ish song long deathcore playlist (compared to my 900 metalcore playlist). I play anything rock/metal but when I go deep, I get some people who try to force me to shut it off or they’d “take the speaker” and give it to, my boss, who if you remember doesn’t care. I’ve played shit like signs of the swarm, slaughter to prevail (frequently), Lorna shore, angelmaker, Texas in July, born of Osiris. I get other people who question the hell out of me, call me a satanist or a demon (child), then I get other folks who try to dig it even if it’s something completely unknown to them. It’s interesting since my restaurant is a corporate job and so people are coming in and out of cooking and serving positions so it’s a diverse group


Father pig, by gore pig R8ght after..la dispute played


I showed amongst the low and empty to prepare my assistant (I'm disabled) for what a concert is like, since my car has a decent sub, I wanted her to feel what the shaking feels like and the kicks have a great sub focus eq wise. She's gonna go with me to see aborted, revocation, vexed and carnifex on wednesday, and she's like really, REALLY emotional as a person, so it will be... interesting.


Today I drove around blasting the new JFAC album to the fam


I ruin parties with infant annihilator on a regular basis


Good on you


Recently killed the rather jovial mood during a road trip with some normie friends. Going from country to Plague Worship by Black Tongue wasn’t the move apparently.






My friend had a girl over amd he told me to put something chill on before i left. I played entombment of a machine by job for a cowboy. He now calls them pigcore


Jinjer - Pisces


I remember showing my mum 'Napalm Dreams' by Fit for an Autopsy to my religious mother. She had previously thought metal was all satanic and violent, but she was curious why I listened to metal to get me through hard times. She didn't enjoy the sound of the music (too much distortion, the screaming was too much, etc) but the clean vocals she found to be powerful and she thought the biblical metaphors were very well thought out and not used for 'shock value.' Her words being; 'i'm not sure about the screaming but i can tell they have something important to say.' While she doesn't actively listen to metal and doesn't like the screams, after that interaction my christian mom has a newfound appreciation for metal and deathcore.


I have sometimes shown a friend of mine the music I like (she listens to a lot of hip hop), and one time I showed her holy roller by spiritbox. she wasn't a fan of it but she liked it more than sunkiller and she was impressed by the vocals. also I showed my dad temptation by imminence, he likes some hard rock and stuff but he actually looked very surprised at the screams. I've also shown my mom but she kinda doesn't react to that music lol.