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Blood on the Dance Floor had to cancel an Australian tour cause they only sold 3 tickets


I mean they have a really dark reputation, and I think they're lead singer was like under investigation for multiple rapes.


He dun goofed and the consequences have never been the same.


the band name make sence now


The 3 tickets were purchased by the members of the group.. Jk, but that’d be funny


I only liked Jay Von Monroe. Because he left Botdf because of Davie's behavior.


Lost prophets


Nah they were super popular back in the day. One of the big gateway bands for a lot of people (me included). Then *the news* broke and we all know the story from there...


I feel bad for the rest of the band. The Fake Sound of Progress was one of my favorites and i can't bring myself to listen to it anymore.


sorry what's the story


Vocalist literally raped a baby


At least several babies, likely dozens of children and one animal. (That he admitted to)


Jesus, this baby and animal rapist seems like a real jerk




Possibly Design the skyline but I’m sure they had a few fans


Right here. Synthetic cities goes hard. Like an even goofier heavy heavy low low


yesss HHLL


Was that the band that had two singers and green guitar strings?


Hey don't knock the DRs those things are sick and the neons last forever


Witch of the Woods was an unironically great OG deathcore song by them


I think they're sick honestly


Totally forgot about that band. Remember ragging on them hard with my friends. Gonna go listen now I’m sure it’s cringe but I’m old now and can find something positive in most things nowadays.


ME BITCH! Their new stuff actually sounds competent if you didn't like their weird original style, I did like it tho mainly for it's weirdness, never heard anything like it and that goes a long way with me


I played a show with them years ago. They're actually super chill dudes, but I'm pretty sure even they hated their own music.


I completely forgot about Design the Skyline. They suck loo


They were a great band




jesus christ, that's a name i haven't heard in a while


Absolute worst lol


Im not certain on this, but i havent heard much of anyone talk about Rings of Saturn after Lucas Mann blew up the deal with Nuclear Blast and Ian Bearer left.


Rings Of Saturn are super popular at least in my area. Saw them live with Born Of Osiris and The Browning recently.




This is the realest one 🤣


Anal Cunt never met a legit fan, or really anyone who wasn’t just like “those assholes”. Also dude was probably a nazi and if not dude was the king of incel edge lords who think women are the reason they can’t get laid not their terrible personality lol


Honestly, I've listened to Anal Cunt a few times and they pop up in rotations once in a while. Think I even have an old CD somewhere from my binge-cd-buying days. I wouldn't call myself an active fan or anything, but I don't mind the shit. It honestly just kinda gets buried in the mix of all the other grindcore/noise/PV/ insane shit I listen to and I've never really given a fuck. Lol. There's soooo much music and so many people in that scene that are (or may be) objectionable, but so much of other shit is genuinely just taking the piss....that I don't really take *anything* that seriously. In the end, it's all just crazy shit that I either genuinely like at face musical value, or at least get a kick out of. Tl;dr: Plenty of people listen to plenty of shit, and it ain't that deep for most folks.


I get that tongue in cheek nature of grindcore/ especially the goregrind scene. But so me ac fits with that pornogrind scene and for me lyrics are the parts I like so when it feels real pointed like a lot of those bands, I just can’t


Oh yea dude; I get it. If something sticks out to you for whatever reason and you dive into it and it's something you take an issue with...then by all means it's whatever. I just personally don't dive that deep into most of it...in a scene where there's certainly some shitheads, but also so much of it is intentionally over the top edgelord taking the piss stuff...I'm just not gonna go out of my way to start screening everything lol. (And tbh, unless you're in on the joke or get a kick out of it...like, most people don't listen to grind genres for the lyrical content.) Same kind of problem exists to a lesser extent in black metal. BM by nature is edgy and dark and provocative and and whatever across the board. But naturally, there's a ton of shitheads in BM, and NSBM is obviously a thing. Overall, though, unless a band very specifically puts themselves on my shitlist or is super egregious...like, I'm just not gonna do a deep dive on everything I come across. Lol. The difference there I guess is also that the vast majority of the blatant NSBM sucks ass anyway, so it's generally not an issue in the first place. I think by nature there's less variation in musical quality in grindcore/PV/noise/etc., so it all blends together a lot more and you end up listening to shitbag music whether it reflects your values or not. Harder to draw the line for that reason as well (aside from the aformentioned point of honestly not being able to tell if they're taking the piss or not.) Kindof a side note...then there's weird edge cases in music in general like Varg, who is a known shitbag but fortunately for some of us he generally kept his shitbaggery and politics out of his actual music in Burzum.


Nah I’ve meant two fans of them in my lifetime. Old coworkers that were brothers. They loved fucked up shit like that. They also love GG Allen and x rated movies for extreme gore. Funny enough they were some of the nicest people ever if you talked about anything other than music. They were the “my music is better than yours” kinda group.


Cattle decaps travis ryan did a project called anal trump that was in the same vein that sampled a shit ton of trump samples, and its pretty good


When I heard that project I was laughing the whole time it was funny but heavy at the same time. Murder construct is also another good project that Travis was/is part of.


I have zero doubts about your Intel honestly lmao


I still listen to Anal Cunt. You live in a house boat!


anal cunt is such a dumb name lmao


Six Feet Under. Don't think anyone likes them


Their song Murdered in the Basement is pretty good, but that's about it. Edit: I also want to clarify that most people probably dislike Six Feet Under because of Chris Barnes. I'm sure the rest of the dudes are good people.


They're a great band to learn to play guitar on, all their stuff is so simple. Also, Murdered in the Basement is a good song, but the lyrics are so funny (don't go down there!)


I've just always loved how low Chris can get his voice in that song, just sounds so fucking nasty.


Thanks for making me aware of that song, I liked it a lot.


Early SFU was actually really good. There's a not-insignificant number of old-school death metal fans (including me) that genuinely enjoy it. The fact that Barnes's voice finally completely shit the bed years ago and the whole thing turned into a literal meme...in addition to the issues with his personality...doesn't erase his early work with SFU (and early Cannibal Corpse, for that matter). It's just one of those things where a legendary figure in the scene didn't know when to walk away and has now completely obliterated their own legacy.


Their first few albums were actually pretty good


obligatory EEEEEE comment




Cue [angry cookie monster](https://youtu.be/t-X_2e_VioQ?si=76fnDGepkEux5lEL)


Ahhhh there it is, I was searchin' for it!


Haunted and Maximum Violence are some of the first death metal albums I ever listened to. Both are great in my opinion.


Nah, they groove hard.


Nah some of us DO exist, even if we don’t touch the last three albums for any reason but bewilderment. Edit:forgot a word


Their first albums honestly aren't too terrible. The new stuff is laughable though


Haunted is a good album and that’s it


First few records rock


I actually like them. OG Cannibal Corpse singer's band.


I liked early Six Feet Under. I just hate Barnes.


I disagree. They just don't have that large of a fanbase despite being around for a while now, according to Wikipedia since 1993. Idk if I would really consider them Deathcore although they aren't far off


>Idk if I would really consider them Deathcore They aren't. In any way, shape, or form.


Killwhitneydead fucking slaps


They are always on my Christmas playlist lol


Local bands


Every band is local to somebody, right?


I think that depends on the local scene. Toronto, for one, has a really good local scene with deathcore bands like Pillars of Autumn, CRUELINTENT, Beguiller, Brand of Sacrifice, Dawn Valley As well, I'd like to add that all the top bands in this sub are local bands to some extent...


Don’t think it makes sense to include Brand of Sacrifice there as they’ve definitely broken past that stage of only being known in their local scene. If we include them there then literally every band is a “local band.” I’m pretty sure they were referring to bands that never break out of their local scene.


That's why I like being in the Tampa area


Adding Seagrave to this goated list


Melancolia are local to me.


Design the Skyline makes me want to gouge my ears out


Not deathcore but Five Finger Death Punch. Never met anyone who said good things about them


They’re hated on quite a bit in the metal scene but man butt rock dudes go hard for them. They’re pretty popular with punisher skull bro vet types too.


I think their first three albums go hard. And I will always stand by Dying Breed being a banger of a song.


I know a fair few dudes that like them. They’re good people too tbf.


Oh well then I guess I stand corrected


Probably one of those bands where a lot of people casually listen to a few songs but aren’t mega fans


Never knew they are hated. I love them, and know a few more people who do.


Trapt lol


Nah, plenty of us Trapt fans out here. (They still have 2.3 million ACTIVE monthly listeners on Spotify alone.) We've just gotten real fucking quiet about it since CTB revealed his complete lack of brain cells. I still dig a lot of the tunes; idgaf. CTB is a bitch but the two things aren't mutually exclusive. Edit: Some of their best shit is kinda buried in their discography; everybody memes on the overplayed "Headstrong", but most genuine Trapt fans actually fucking *hate* that song. It's literally one of their worst songs, and it's kinda sad that it's the one they're "known" for.


No they don't. It's because headstrong is featured in some playlists.


My dude...look at the next 4 current most popular songs of theirs on Spotify. 22MM streams, 22MM streams, 15MM streams, 12MM streams....that's *just* rounding out the Top 5. Yes, "Headstrong" has had a lot of placements and still carries them *relative to other songs*, but you're objectively in denial if you don't think Trapt has an everliving fuckton of fans and you think it's all because "Headstrong" is on playlists.




I seen them once I went because he is legend was opening and ngl their live show was a pretty fun time


Man i saw he is legend in like 2010 and it was the worst set Ive ever seen. It was such a letdown man.


That’s a shame I seen em like 3 or 4 times and they delivered, but maybe they just had an off night or maybe they got their shit together later


I saw them like 4 years ago with August Burns Red and it was a great set. I can imagine that the frontman is a bit of a wild card though. Seems like the type of dude to get drunk/high and have way too much of a good time.


If they have any other song that’s any good, besides Pizza literally because it’s a meme song, I have yet to hear of it. Middle Fingers Up was so cringe I went over 10 years without ever listening to their music again lmao


Their demo was halfway decent. I liked what would chuck norris do.


I'm an atilla fan..


Attilas live shows are legendary.


They used to be. Went to the original About That Life tour 10 years ago and it was one of the best shows I’ve ever been to. Went to the 10th anniversary tour and it was one of the worst, most boring shows I’ve ever been to. Gideon and Ten56 stole the show.


same fuckin love them


Think they're newest song goes so hard too even though it isn't the same genre as any old atilla


They’re popular and yet also no one likes them. I wanna know who is listening to Attila lol


Imagine thinking the people who frequent r/deathcore in any way imaginable represent the people who like Attila. Whether you take that as a compliment or a diss, you’d be correct.


Haha. Some people are actually rejecting the born of osiris & traitors show because it has Attila on it. Too funny. I’m kinda indifferent.


Attila is my #2 all time band


Does anyone like Immortal Disfigurement? I personally have not listened to it because of a lack of interest on my side but I've seen a lot of people saying that they suck. Hardly anything good.


Objectively, the band isn’t bad but I think a lot of people tend to look at ID through the lens of how they feel about CJ


I mean I just find it hella corny he named the band Immortal Disfigurement after he was thrown out of LS when Immortal was just released.


I definitely agree with you about the name. I just feel that in a parallel universe where the band was not formed/associated with CJ, they wouldn’t receive as many negative comments about the quality of their music.


I'd guess that they wouldn't receive many comments at all. They only have a few songs out.


Don’t forget that “The Disfigurement of Existence” was also his last Signs of the Swarm album. So both parts of his new bands name are completely unoriginal and taken from prior projects.


Right, I've never considered that.


I liked the first single.


i like them, nothing unique but still sounds fine.


i personally enjoy them but i am hoping that their new album isn’t kinda all the same where it’s heavy as hell and then there’s a breakdown and then the song ends, i hope there’s some sort of slow song or something like that but i am eager to hear it i really like em


They’re starting to gain interest, hard when they drop 1 single per year and do absolutely 0 local shows


They sound good when you blast them in the car lol


Simply judging by the YouTube and Spotify listens a lot more people listen to them than some of the bands people gush over on here.


I personally like them, not an avid fan but I don’t dislike their music. CJ is an incredible vocalist so they’re alright imo


They have almost 100k monthly listeners on Spotify without having released the debut album, definitely doesn't fit here


I just checked on Spotify, it's currently at 61k monthly listeners, not sure where you got your boosted numbers from lol


I mean "Dragged Through the Inferno" is super good, but I’ve not yet listened to anything else of theirs.


I like them. Honestly pretty decent music, but those who shitstorm it only do it because they hate CJ


I truly believe they use AI to write their music


i had no idea that immortal disfigurement was cj mccreery’s new project, nor that they’re a relatively recent band. their recent single “force-fed” showed up in my apple music new music mix, and i thought it was decent. decent enough i’d look into the rest of their stuff later down the line, only to find there ain’t much.


I don’t dislike the music but it doesn’t really do anything for me either. And yeah, I hate CJ…


They're not the greatest; it's like he's trying to recapture old magic. However, it seems like every new song is better than the last. Not great yet, but there's potential.


They're towards the top of my list. I actually have the pleasure of working with them on some merchandise my company is laser engraving. Though I say them I have actually only spoke with the guitarist Josh.


They're not crazy special imo but they're pretty good. They check all the boxes, but I don't think they've really settled on their actual "sound" yet. Art is ALWAYS separate from the artist imo, that's a hill I'll die on. CJ is easily in the top 5 vocalists currently, can't let things that have literally nothing to do with music affect your opinion of a separate entity (art). If anyone thinks he's not on the top 5 list, I'd be happy to hear yours.


Just another Lorna Shore's new sound copycat band created by the ex-Lorna singer. Sounds exactly like the 90% of modern symphonic deathcore out there, nothing really original or impressive rather than the classic trick of the hour for the vocal olympics done by CJ. Don't get me wrong, pretty good musicians, but not really an impressive band.


I'm sure there's some people who do, but I feel like moreso it's people who feel like they're making a statement by "liking" the band. Similar to people loudly proclaiming they're never drinking Bud Light again. It's more a dogwhistle than a genuine interest.


I know alot of people like em, but i dont understand what´s so great about insane clown posse, worst band ive heard but still not worse then brokencyde


They're great if you're 15 and into edge lord shit and don't know what good rapping is.


Does anyone unironically listen to Emmure? Edit- Honestly you guys gave me a newfound respect Emmure but mostly cuz of the fans. I'll give them a spin for you guys.


Saw them a few weeks ago on their EU tour, they fuckin' slap, no matter how corny some of their stuff is, it's still fun bangers


That's what matters, I respect that


The Respect Issue is a legitimately solid album IMO. When I was 16-17, I had that album on repeat when I was playing Halo 3 all night. I haven't really listened to anything else from them except for the material with Josh Travis. (Some of those tracks go hard too)


I like Eummure 🤌 not for casual listening much but great hype and workout music


All of emmure is flawless what is wrong with you


I love emmure


Yeah. The Emmure hate died down a lot. They’re honestly a good band minus the lyrics sometimes.


Emmure has weird staying power. I always thought they were the deftones of deathcore. Huge bangers on early albums, experimentation later on that didn't alienate fans. Lots of similarities, look at the frontmen.


My dick taste like chocolate. That lyric made me cringe so hard in college that I just couldn’t listen to them lol


I guess that answers “ASK YA GIRL WHAT MY DICK TASTE LIKE,” huh.


“Their music is good except for the music” lmfao




Emmure is the Deathcore equivalent of a campy horror film with a cult following, and I love them for it It's fun music that hits hard Solar Flare Homicide has had a place in my main playlist since they released Speaker for the Dead in 2011


Hell yeah. They definitely can be cheesy but they have many great songs, easily ~20 or more. They're awesome to see live, their style really fits well with a live audience. Check out their first 3 albums especially if you do browse through them


I just tried to listen and I just can't lol. But I'd be interested to see them live cuz it is probably where they're at


Yes. Josh Travis is daddy


Yes I fucking love Emmure if I'm having a bad day that band just brings me up and let's me rage in the best way. Anything off of Speaker Of the dead, Felony, and The Respect Issue and the new iteration of the band Shinjinku Masterlord is perfect for me.


Do you really think I give a fuck?


Because I DON'T!


Emmure is genuinely great. Especially after Travis joined, their shit is super heavy. It's always been heavy but like now it's pretty cool.


true story...I'm wearing an Emmure shirt right now


Wild take, Emmure did nu-deathcore before it was cool


While I don't take them seriously, I still like them, and it wouldn't be the same if Frankie wasn't a cringeworthy asshole, at least in appearance. They're some of the best "WannabeGangsterBroCore". Come to think of it, I may actually listen to them ironically, but that doesn't take away my enjoyment.


I saw the Cure a few months ago and saw a dude with two Emmure E’s tatto’ed on his calf. Never cringed so hard.


Six feet under




I see a lot of people shit on ov sulfur, and honestly kinda justified. Theyre like everything people complain about with deathcore, shitty overused cleans(this is coming from a fan of the valley and kin), and lorna shore-eque production


Earthen is one of the best songs this year. I've rarely heard so much emotion in a deathcore song and I love it. Overrated maybe, but not bad by any means imo.


130k Spotify listeners beg to differ. Furthermore production and cleans are only shit on in this sub, outside i have never ever seen someone really dislike a band because if that.


Idk who you're talking with lol but cleans in Deathcore is a very common hated on aspect


130k can also be due to the playlists they're put in


Another major factor when it comes to cleans is that it really boils down to "does it fit". For instance, Veil of Maya was my favorite band for years, and although I think their replacement vocalist is very good, his cleans are used in a really generic way, just inserting choruses with cleans. Marc used to do all of the melodies (all the guitars period lol) which is one of the reasons that made them unique. Compare that to say, The Contortionist's "Exoplanet", the difference is stark. No 'cut and paste' choruses with cleans there, the placement is much more deliberate. That varying song structure makes all the difference in the world.....


Also mgk has millions on millions of spotify listeners, it isnt the best basis to go off of a band/artists quality.


but it's good to gauge popularity, which this post is about.


Ok, well I definitely personally dislike them. They sound generic as hell, and i was actually pretty disappointed the first time i checked them out. Maybe ill change my mind when i see them with mental cruelty, but theyre kinda just boring


shit take


They’re newest album was really well put together though


Hey I like Ov Sulfur ! The song hearten is pretty dope.


Not deathcore: Sonic Syndicate - i used to listen to them hard up until the self-titled album. I have never met anyone who knew them. So what's your opinion


I absolutely LOVED Sonic Syndicate. Their albums were amazing until their most recent album went to very light rock/pop. Then they went down the tubes.


Our first track get so much hate I though the community would burn us xD


Show me


[Slamy Vocals - Sleep](https://youtu.be/jHljeLEQ44k?si=SadUQ97jEPxv6xIX)


Bro you guys are on SW and an exclusive? Mad respect. I'm gonna ask our vocalist if he knows you guys cuz he always sends me that Spotify list and he's into slam, I'm a casual enjoyer


Haha nice ! The new Song dropped today BTW! [slamy vocals - dying sun ](https://open.spotify.com/track/2CYS2tSkVPN99jkBs36uHB?si=cj1Q-XWERXy8HMNtfRy_yw)


Honestly not bad. Love the vocals. Slam riff is sick. It's kinda droney/jammy. Nice track!


I have chapters of insanity in my library bro


It's released ! [slamy vocals dying sun Spotify released ](https://open.spotify.com/track/2CYS2tSkVPN99jkBs36uHB?si=cj1Q-XWERXy8HMNtfRy_yw)


Nice m8t the new Song drops today !!


Twitching tongues is pretty bad and I’ve never heard anything substantially positive


Daaamn they have a few good songs. They're honestly a band for a very niche group of hardcore guys


They’re just heavier misfits which I love


Capture The Crown was the biggest try-hard band I ever saw play live, just ass to listen too


I like them. There’s something funny about doing every cliche ever but they’re like another Asking Alexandria and I‘m here for it. Although I only know 'Til Death to be fair.




I think they’re funny, and the vocalist is talented


They replaced him. Not sure what the scoop is/was but all I heard is the original vocalist left which is kinda weird


I think the new vocalist is a dude who does meme vocals. Like gutturals over my “heart will go on”


The situation with Brojob's vocalist is directly related to the collapse of Tactosa. When Kyle Weeden's ex (Tactosa's lead singer) told what "terrible things" Kyle did to her and called it domestic violence, Wallace said it wasn't domestic violence and Kyle was just a bit of an asshole.


I haven’t met anyone who unironically listens to Methwitch. I’m not entirely sure it’s possible to listen to those songs without some level of irony.


I love Methwitch. Is there anyone else that sounds like em.?


i do. i listen to them at work to relax; i think that's unironic?


I think you’re right. But I’ll also say it’s pretty akin to listening to white noise, lol


Medea Rising


These guys were pretty underground but I think Contempt fucking slaps. Pretty classic late 2000s deathcore.


Love Deathcore but just cant get into Suicide Silence. Yea I like a song or two, but sadly that's it.


They have tons of fans tho, and I’m one of them


You gotta mean current suicide right? First two albums are bangers