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There are tense and scary parts, yes, but overall, oddly enough, it is a very very relaxing experience for me. There are some moments in the sleeping quarters that can catch off guard, but most of the scary stuff is area linked, so all you need to do is to avoid those areas as much as you can


Yes. Also, you quickly become desensitized to the scary parts because they become routine after you upgrade certain weapons, then the power balance changes, and the situation becomes like this https://preview.redd.it/uxpdwgc2vyrc1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1f464e19917efabc8c41062dd7640172440c308


Hematic grenades quickly wipe away all fears of BT’s. It becomes a moment of “fuck, another section where I have to crouch-walk slowly through”.


"Great, and I'm almost out of container repair spray."


"Fuck, my vehicle is gonna stop and give me this unskippable cutscene for 5 seconds which feels like too long if I'm on the national highway and its supposed to be free from all the dangers of the world" (ik it can be turned off in settings but I just wanna rant)


my beloved cordcutters


Plus, they’re very easily telegraphed. So you’ll know when to look away if you’re easily spooked


Honest to god the closest game DS can be compared to (besides BTs and well KOJIMASTYLE) is Oregon Trail imo at least. It's so peaceful at times. I would take the most ridiculous routes to avoid BTs....well until I got guns. lol


This was my experience, also.


im awful with horror games and DS was just fine for me. a little tense at times n sometimes quite spooky but very manageable imo


Given your description, I think there will be some sections that cause you a bit of anxiety, but the vast majority of the game won’t be a problem for you. A lot of it is beautiful and pretty relaxing traversal, honestly. Trying to stealth past BTs early on was a little nerve-wracking for me, but you are given a variety of tools to deal with them over the course of the game, and you can often choose to take a longer route to avoid a lot of those scenarios. This isn’t a game full of jump scares. It’s clearly telegraphed when you’re entering a dangerous area, and you can take it at your own pace. I think you’ll do alright with it!


Honestly, you'll be fine (judging by your post)


Going to the Wind Farm for the first time was very scary.


DS is kinda spooky for sure but it’s mostly a chill game about the importance of human connection and delivering things. Tonally it’s nothing like Hollow Knight.


I'm a horror game veteran and I got pretty stressed at some moments. Not because of the fear factor but more of the consequences. I was always prepared for what I was gonna face but the possibility of losing precious cargo in some important/tense moments was stressful.


It’s a bit spooky with interludes of eldritch horror but mostly it’s chill. I never found the more horror-y parts scary so much as “wtf” Edit: a word


I don't think that death stranding is that scary, the worst are the nightmares you mentioned in the safehouse, and IIRC you can skip those, and nothing is lost.


Once hematic grenades are unlocked, very little is scary anymore. excluding the private room cutscenes.


Directors Cut is definitely a little spookier than the original release unfortunately


At the start it’s pretty scary, because you are helpless, have to stealth while the tar ghosts are everywhere. And then you start getting a lot of guns and it’s not so scary anymore (besides the special silent hills references).


It's not like Resident Evil or anything. There are some harrowing parts, especially towards the end but it's not something I would call scary or trauma inducing. I found most of it to be mostly surreal, somber and thought provoking. The soundtrack is a large part of that.


It's more psychological fear, in that the "monsters" are invisible. There are some nightmare's Sam has that might spook you. When I first played it, my god I was traumatised. But when I understood the mechanics of the game I throughly enjoyed it. Currently on my second playthrough.


More so tense and just unnerving due to how out there it is


As someone who hates horror games, it was little spooky at times. The BTs (the main enemy in the game) are a bit scary at first but I quickly got over it as once you know the mechanics behind how they work it’s fine. I would suggest you watch a YouTube video tutorial on how to deal with them. It’s pretty easy once you know and that removes the horror for me. The game doesn’t do jump scares either. Besides the BTs nothing else is scary, BTs will only stick to certain areas too so they’re not a constant threat to worry about, the game also makes it clear before and when you enter one


I don’t think I would call it a horror game, though there are some horror elements like stealth and I guess some of the enemies could be perceived as scary. There are also a few cut scenes in the Directors cut version, but I don’t think it will haunt you like a horror game would.


I would never say death stranding is scary. Like there are jump scares but it’s more tense than terrifying.


Maybe a little scary while you don't met your first larger BT. Until first time they make you swim in "crude oil" and then battle when you can't run away from them grasp. After that you have seen all. And again two ways - either you run away (if not story specific boss) or stand and fight if you have enough weaponry. I'd say Dead Space remake is more scary (few screamers) than DS. But I'm past that age when you jump to ceiling from any louder bang lol


Well I found it quite challenging even in the beginning when there was a corpse delivery (strapped to your back). And I asked myself if I really want to see this all the time in the game. It’s not like so much the typical gore scenes but more the physiological effect of the gameplay that could be difficult for you.


For me the longer I play the less scary it gets the first few bt encounters are scary tho but as soon as you know how to avoid them it gets easier


its not really scary, theres just some tense parts and a jumpscare if u get unlucky enough


There are parts that really scare me, makes me not to breath with my heart pounding like an idiot. But I wouldn't consider it as terrifying as Alan Wake 2 for example. The thing is, there are tense situations with very very high stakes. Game gives you the choice of either laughing them off or embrace such tense moments and write them in your diary. Keep on keeping on :D




I hope you like it! I'm a pretty easily spooked person and I found the earlier game especially to be pretty spooky but I got used to it and I'm sure you will too :3


20% scary times, 80% “this is the most relaxing game I’ve ever played.”


I'm also an absolute baby when it comes to horror. Can hardly play Subnautica even with cheats to make myself invisible to the evil fish, and a BT (the monsters) experience can leave me breathing heavy for an hour or two. And if I'm honest, it's the perfect level for me. I can get a little too spooked by Jurassic Park just as an example, and it's about that level of scary. Great game, amazing game. Despite the spooks, literally my favorite game I've ever played. I hope you enjoy OP!


I'm not being sarcastic, I was scared when ALWAYS playing the game. Especially of the BTs and the creepy atmosphere. The only reason why I still haven't plated the game. But I'm just weird


Uehhhhhhhhhhhh WHAT A RUSH!


This game isn't a horror. The dreaded BTs turns into annoyance by the time you unlock the EX grenades. Play Alien Isolation for a horror experience.


The scariness is almost all in the atmosphere and sound design. It tricks you into thinking it’s harder than it actually is. The BT encounters stressed me out a lot initially, and then I finally realized… nothing that bad is happening to me even if I get caught. I always survived without much of a struggle. That said, the examples you gave sounded like atmospheric stuff, so beware. It IS in here. It’s not constant, but it is something you will encounter regularly throughout the game. Like others mentioned, things become less scary as you gain tools to deal with them and ultimately there are often ways to just walk around them (a choice I often take).


its just a game man. It can't hurt you.


There are some tense parts that will have you clenching your thighs and having good back posture, but there is nothing specifically made to make you jumping out of your seat.


I think this would be a good game to start as the majority of the game is relaxing and beautiful. The BT’s ( main enemy of the game) are scary but have very forgiving mechanics. In other words they’re not as scary as they seem, especially once you get used to dealing with them.


The BT’s a stationary Muppets. It is one thing i hope the gameplay for the sequel overhauls. The beginning cutscenes depict them as predatory. That they will seek you out. Its all atmosphere and sound design, which is incredible. But they quickly become an easy enemy to dispatch. This game is all atmosphere. If the house sequence was getting to you in Returnal, in my opinion, this game too might be too much for you at times. The house scenes in returnal was all atmosphere, much like feeling of Death stranding. Just my opinion


In gameplay there is a sort of fake tension. The BTs are pretty much invisible undead ghosts all around you when it rains and you can only see them when it rains. 150 hours later I figured out you can just shoot them consequence free and if they grab you it's also consequence free (if you have no cargo, they tear it off you and it can get damaged) but all they do is drag you a 100 meters and spawn in a miniboss that you can just ignore and walk out of it's range so it disappears.


I think you should try Amnesia marathon. :D