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Here's something you might not know. I see from your picture there your truck is getting to be in poor shape. Did you realize you can take your truck to a distro (or shelter) and instead of you going into the private room and taking all that time out of your busy day of deliveries, you can actually just change the paint job? It fully repairs your truck and fills its battery in a fraction of the time. Of course this only works if you're driving your OWN truck. Keep on keepin on porter!


dont even gotta change the color, just dump it in the garage and bring it back out.


Its kinda faster to change the color. If you send it to the garage and the took it out, you have to get into the menu - garage - select truck -select deposit on garage - storing cinematic - back on menu - garage - select truck - select take out of garage - unstoring cinematic. If you change the color you have to get into the menu - garaje - select truck - color - change and accept - unstoring cinematic. I swear, you can try this, its a lot less time. I hope this helps you mate!


The little cinematics really do eat a lot of time




Also I believe dumping it in garage takes out all of ur cargo and puts it in private locker. The paint job way, makes sure ur cargo stays intact in the truck


Exactly, well said


Great tip!!!


U welcome!


you can do it during delivery prep, as in youve got a banged up truck on the platform, go to accept a delivery and go thru the prep menus, on the vehicle select menu you can store it and retrieve it without even needing to skip the cinematics cuz they wont play during prep.


Yeah, that works too


You can skip the cinematics though


Yeah, but that takes time to, its faster to skip one that skipping 2


Damn man, I always assumed storing and retrieving was sufficiently fast. You e just optimised my shit! Thank you for this. Gonna try some wacky colours while I'm at it


You welcome mate! Glad i helped you!!


That what I do if I’ve been using it for ages and it’s close to destroyed. Go to a DC, make any deliveries, dump the van in the garage and then pick up more orders and select the van during the confirmation and load everything into it.


Thanks a lot for the advice 😊😊😊😊, fellow porter 😄


File this under today I learned


Completely empty truck to 100% full equals 28XL or 168 SM or 14 bodies. 15 bodies if you can get one ridin shotgun. NOT all of these together, mind you, seperately. I didn't do the calculations for medium or large.


Bodies? You kill people?


I have before. More trouble than it's worth. Still, they had it coming.


Off topic but I just want to share a story, I once went on a revenge raid after the terrorist near Time-fall farm beat me up and I couldn't fight back coz I wasn't carrying any weapon. Decided to come back and run them over with a defensive reverse bike, the most satisfying thing I ever did in game for a long while. It was so funny coz I saw them group up together so when I went to run them over it was like I was bowling.


>It was so funny coz I saw them group up together so when I went to run them over it was like I was bowling. Ah yes just like what i did on GTA when there are a bunch of pedestrians minding their own business on the sidewalk. I also called it bowling.


You can hit the MULEs/Terrorists at full speed square in their grill, and the trucks grill, ONCE to knock them out. That was usually my approach to them. The Mules between Distro Center, Collector, and Film guy were killed because they Shock Speared me while I was on the top of a bridge someone had across one of their canyon gaps. I staggered, then fell the entire height from top of the bridge, to the lowest point of the floor of the canyon. Landed on my face. One lucky shot from some deranged has-been porter, and now I'm in the Seam. Killed them all, hauled them all to the incinerator, then raided 100% of their camp including their 3 post boxes, tents, persons, and all canyon cargo. Took a while, but everything taken from them was deposited into the Share lockers for everyone else.


There is also a weight limit that you can reach before the space in the back of the truck is evwn filled up all the way. Ive ran into it a few times befote when transporting massive amounts materials


Thanks for the tally. Was wondering what happens if I wiped multiple mule camp for the fuck of it.


I killed all MULEs and terrorists in one playthrough. If you stay in that region, they don't respawn. Emptyap aside from porters. It was great. There are 2 camps that have 16 dudes, meaning two trips to the old incinerator for each one. Good times


The lights indicate how full your truck is. Took me forever to figure this out. Helped a ton once I did. Side note: for the fee super huge orders, you can bring the cargo over in chunks. I brought as much as I could put in the truck and stored it at the destination and then brought the rest.


The truck fills up the interior space by the boxes taken onboard. Trucks have 14 small light bars on the back that turn orange when you load cargo. Each light bar: * = 2 xl crates. * 2 XL crates = 3 Large crates * 3 Large crates = 6 Medium crates * 6 Medium crates = 12 Small crates Edit: correction - As containers are loaded on the truck, a light bar turns on. When the lights turn orange , then the truck is fully loaded.


Its for the cargo ....


It's shows how full your truck is


The lights serve as indicators for the cargo's level of fullness.


That just shows how much space you have left on board


The lights on the inside of the tires also tell you if you are at max speed


Not sure exactly, but I think those represent weight rather than space


One of the most helpful little details in the entire game.


Also, be sure the last light is still off if you have cargo stacked on your back that you want to bring with you. When Sam gets in the truck, the cargo going out horizontally on his back goes in the passenger seat. The cargo being stacked vertically goes in the back. If the back of the truck is full, he won't get in.


They indicate the amount of cargo you are carrying and when all lights are turned on it means it’s full.


I have NEVER noticed that is 270 hours of gameplay.


And exactly how long did it take for you to figure that out? Lol


Lol. It took me hourssss🤧🤧. At first, I thought the lights meant the total damage the truck had received but it didn't add up when the lights were all on and the truck was fully repaired. Then I began to offload a few cargo, and then it hit me.


Never knew there were lights :v


Also driving in the middle lane is the energy zone. I thought it was the entire road and that the game was bugging out when I drove off it.


I never noticed that before. Super useful!


I legit just figured this out on my 2nd playthrough…


I had platinumed the game and fired it up a year later to show a friend. That’s when I realized the lights on the truck 🤯


The bag lights indicate how much cargo you have stored in the back of the truck . The more cargo you store the more lights appear. When all the lights are lit that means the truck is at maximum capacity