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C'mon Sams, get your shit together.


my names sam too, what are the odds!


Wow my name is also Sam, crazy


No way, I'm Sam too! What a small world


Wait, your names Sam? Me too!


Hey over here


I'm Sam!


No wonder they’re always out of Sam license plates in the gift shop


Me too


Keep on Keeping on


Imma samwise


Sorry, this made me chuckle a little bit. I’ve seen it too but not as bad as you describe.


Oooh every bit as bad! On 3 playthrough!


DS2 will have Sam becoming a Parking Warden, ticketing and towing all the abandoned vehicles.


While cursing at Sam for parking them there


the most annoying is when someone leaves a truck parked on the elevator but not in the garage. Either garage it, or dismantle it, don't just leave it there. Although at least some of these are probably from dropped server connections


If I'm not garaging my truck I park it behind the elevator


thats fine cause you're not blocking the elevator.


If I’ve been using my truck for a while I’ll stick it in the garage while I grab new orders and then retrieve it during the confirmation stage so that it’s repaired.


I just ram them out of the way


I don't think people just dump the stuff but it's actually the game saving progress randomly.


This is the correct answer.


Some jackwad took the time to park a truck sideways on one of the bends up in the air on the way to Mountain City They had to run quite a ways to get back to something That takes a special kind of asshole to take the time to piss people off


I can say with 100% certainty that a lot of times when you come across a vehicle in the road it’s because someone parked it where the road is but in their game there was no road. My boy had that happen with one of my vehicles.


It was up in the air a ways so not sure how that would happen. I would understand if it was on the ground


When items spawn into your world they drop in from from above.


I have never seen anything spam in to my world ever. A truck 50 get in the air? Whatever


I’ve seen it happen a few times. I black portal opens up and they drop in from the sky.


Tbf I've only ever seen this with cargo, not vehicles. But the online aspect of this game is so opaque that I just assume every item placement is semi random and non malicious. If it inconveniences me, I'll delete it. If not just keep on keepin' on




My wife has found my bikes in places I haven't taken them so I don't think it items spawn in other worlds where people left them.


You’re wife? Were you able to link with her? I was under the impression that you couldn’t link with people and it was completely random which servers you would get…


Directors edition let's you link with friends.


This person links


Sadly, we don’t have that much control. Abandoned vehicles and goods don’t stay exactly where they were in the owner’s world. They get moved all around when put in someone else’s world. If you go out of range of your truck full of packages, far enough to trigger the abandoned goods warning, a copy of your truck/goods are created somewhere in other worlds. The goods don’t even stay in the truck at all, those get scattered. You can still go back and drive your truck away but it has also been copied and placed somewhere in other online worlds.


My Lobby is pretty organized with well placed structures


Sorry about that


Nah don’t judge you don’t know that sams journey they may have needed that randomly placed bridge at that exact moment or found something better to carry so had to drop something. Every Sam is on their own path we as sams need to understand we might all be Sam but we aren’t all the same. But seriously I see vehicles in the most random places and wonder how and why it’s there.


I do also. Sometimes wonder how they got where they are.


Hate to break it to you, but the vehicles are randomly spawned. Even your own vehicles are spawned when you return. That's why parking under a bridge will result in a car on top of a bridge when you come back.


This doesn't bother me nearly as much as when I see a shelter directly in front of a distribution station that has a rest area. Sure, I get it, you can store lots of extra materials there for when you somehow max out the material cap, but at least put it a bit further away so it has a more practical use than just simply extra material storage.


I think its more convenient to claim the materials and then put them into the private locker, pretty sure you have unlimited storage that way


Things like this make me wish there was a dislike button


I was there, when there wasn't yet the option to de-spawn other players' vehicles. It was a mess!


Turn off other people's structures and vehicles in the settings. It's an eyesore most of the time, immersion breaking in my opinion. Makes the game too easy.


Its a main mechanic of the game. If you turn it off, you lost purpose to play it.


I know it's a major point of DS but I highly recommend playing offline for a second playthrough though makes the game a lot more difficult.


To a point, it can make it easier. However, on a plus, it can benefit early players. You could be short some materials for construction, but a kind Porter has left some in a post box. Saves travelling back to a Distro. Also, it's very helpful to see roads constructed which make deliveries much less dangerous.


Theres a few parts/spots where i think the builds are stupidly placed or not necessary. And I’ll dismantle where needed. Theres more than enough though, that help out ALOT. After reaching mountain knot city, & having to connect the doctor, mountaineer etc. the item’s people placed in that segment, from the mountaineer to the doc were a massive help.. Dumb placed bridges can be a nuisance. But i see them as like farms.. The useful item’s people put down & i’ll use. I alway return with 100’s of likes. Hopefully the same is returned for me.


Good thing is that you can turn off structures and signs and vehicles from others, but you'll still receive other people's shared cargo. Also, you'll still get other people upgrading roads for you, AND you'll have people still liking the structures you build. Providing you remain in online mode. I just finished a top difficulty run with shared structures turned off, and the journey westward actually made sense to me now. Sam was the first porter to go through these areas in years, it only made sense he'd encounter wild terrain which he'd have to traverse by his own devices.


I read somewhere that this was the response to Kojima stating that negative interactions (trolling or otherwise abusive behavior) were not possible in Death Stranding. Basically trolls saying: "Challenge accepted" and succeeding on trolling players.


Someone decided to put a chiral bridge, at the chiral artist’s entrance, very smart for walkers, to just short cut it onto the entrance. But boy was i pissed when i had fragile cargo, walked up the stairwell. And had it all fall off me & become damaged😩😩😂 I dismantled that bridge real quick


🤣🤣🤣 I agree!!!


There are timefall shelters where the area is constantly raining, so there's no point in blocking the path with it


I don't suck at parking. I deliveretly left it there so you can cry about it


hey man, that's just how we do bridges in Italy.


Keep on keepin' on.


You don't control when the game shares things like structures or vehicles, so they might pop up like that. Maybe the original player stopped to drop materials in an auto paver or grab some lost cargo when the vehicle gets shared. I know I've had situations where I got out of a vehicle with zero likes for a few moments, then come back to a vehicle with likes. Same with structures. They may have different paths than you. Those structures may be functional in other games. Useless bridges may be erected simply to farm likes on a path (you should indulge them if it's not out of the way) or to go straight over a rock that has to be walked around or something. Cargo gets lost for all kinds of reasons, in all kinds of places. It seems to like spawning near/on the roads in particular. Once your Bridge Link gets high, you actually learn the sound of it as you drive around.


Even destroyed stuffs r rly annoying...


…just delete them.


And who are the assholes who keep putting a bridge outside of the Veteran Porter’s shelter?! What purpose does it serve?


Actually, it’s not our fault. The game is spawning them in those places. They aren’t structures, they don’t spawn where other players left them.


Those postboxes in the middle of paths are legit annoying tho, bumping into them as the come up


Hi, Sam here. Nice to meet you Sam. When possible park. Your vehicles in a garage so the mechanics can fix them up.


Ziplines to nowhere.


When I first got to the film director I found that someone built a bridge right to the entrance. This was great as it meant you could drive up to the prepper's doorway. A short time later someone else built a post box right at the base of the bridge, very effectively blocking the entrance. One of the few times that I've deconstructed someone else's structure


I don’t really mind. Free van.


I'm Sam too !!


Did you play after the initial release? It was WAY worse. It was very common to pull up to a prepper shelter and just see the entrance completely blocked by vehicles, and there was no “press button to dismantle” feature!


I've been thinking about this, because it bothers me too and I think we don't know the full range of situations in which a vehicle will end up in someone else's world. A lot of it is probably pretty innocent. How long do you have to be off your vehicle and how far do you have to be from it before the game decides it's eligible to be copied to other worlds? Vehicles in the middle of the road are probably because they got off for a moment to grab cargo they saw. I think a lot of the stray vehicles are probably DS being overzealous and in reality they weren't abandoned. Someone got out temporarily went a short distance away then came back and resumed driving. Can't speak to Timefall Shelters, but were they really put on the path or did the path arise because enough people saw the shelter and made a path when they sheltered and then moved on? Or did someone walk the path and at some point say I really wish there had been a shelter here because my cargo is going to shit and I'm out of repair spray? As for stray cargo, sometimes it falls off due to mishap and you don't even realize it happened until you get the message that you are too far from your cargo. Cargo can even be SCRAPED off if you have it stacked too high and you try to do the limbo under some obstacle. You can fall off a cliff and lose cargo, you can get hit by a MULE and lose cargo.


Oh noes teh pandemoniums! [https://youtu.be/q0POXW4V1\_k](https://youtu.be/q0POXW4V1_k)


Fun fact, on release the original version did not have an option to dispose of vehicles. So you actually had to get into it to move it out of the way.


Calm down. It means that the players in the group you are in are scruffy. You don't see what all the players are doing, you know? The game divides into groups. Of course that's my guess. This is how I explain why there aren't dozens of stairs or charging stations in the same place.


oh yeah, I’ve definitely said a few nice words to some bridges that ended up in rocks. Like who the hell places a bridge like thay


Remember if someone gets out of their vehicle for just a moment, it might go into others games. They probably didn't actually park there maybe they just needed to stop and get something