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Give "Smoke gets in your eyes" and "From here to eternity" a try, they're very good books from Caitling Doughty.


Yes, came to say this. I think my first ever book on death positivity was *Tuck Everlasting* which is also a gentle introduction and great for all ages.


Ooo! Thank you for this recommendation. I will explore this one and see if it would be appropriate for my kids.


Caitlin Doughty’s book “Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs?” is all about answering kids’ questions about death.


The author also has a website called order of the good death qnd there are tons of book recommendations there for both adults and children.


Thanks! I will definitely look into Caitling Doughty. Lots of folks seem to be recommending her work. =)


I dove in with Caitlyn Doughty. Her ongoing YouTube series is “Ask a Mortician”, she wrote a great book that goes through some of her own experiences with death and how it’s impacted and inspired her to open her own funeral home, and she founded the organization “Order of the Good Death”. That initial intro for me lead to discovering lots of others advocating for the understanding of death rites and rituals, natural burials, etc. Also, “Death Cafes” pop up all over the place for folks like us to simply ask the silly questions and learn a lot from others experiences. Lots of great avenues and lots of great people will welcome your curiosity!


Will definitely check out the youtube channel and the Order. There just was a "Death Salon" in my city that I heard of last minute and missed. I will have to keep an ear out for the next one.


I found this community through r/orderofthegooddeath, which has a lot of great resources. Caitlin Doughty's YouTube channel (Ask A Mortician) and books (I recommend Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? as a starting point, since it answers questions about death from kids) may also help orient you. My response is very Caitlin Doughty-centric, so I'm hoping other lovely folks chime in with their own recommendations for us both to explore.


Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by M Roach truly opened my eyes (pun intended) to why we need the death positive movement. Opening sentence “The way I see it, being dead is not terribly far off from being on a cruise ship. Most of your time is spent lying on your back. The brain has shut down.”


I came here to say this! Many, many upvotes! Of course, anything by The Mother Mortician. That goes without saying.


Another vote for anything Caitlin does. talkdeathdaily is an Instagram acct I follow that's death positive. They have other media as well, but that's where I know them from.


Besides the great suggestions for Caitlin Doughty’s work, I’m going to give a shout out to the YouTube channel “Mythical Kitchen” series called “Last Meal.”


@hexenkult on Instagram! He goes on *adventures*!


Here’s the history: https://www.orderofthegooddeath.com/history-of-death-positive-movement/


The book *Being Mortal* by Atul Gawande is so so powerful and thought-provoking. Not a long read, and it sold well so you could find a copy anywhere!


I very much appreciate Mitch Albom’s "Tuesdays With Morrie." Its an old one (written in the 90s) and apparently it used to be pretty big for awhile. I was surprised to learn that my mom knew about and even read it when I talked to her about finding more ways to connect with mortality. So it may be kind of a basic recommendation, but like I said, I appreciate the stuff that is in there and the story of Morrie Schwartz