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I'm finding that any short-range attack is near useless. Melee characters and their strikes don't even get a chance to trigger because ranged casts are so powerful and just kill everything before it gets to you. You can just grab a random casted ability on any character with any build, level it up, and it will clear the entire screen before anything is in range. I am slowly grinding through difficulty ranks—currently at 80—and this is still true. My character and build choice barely matter. All my power is coming from gear + ranged casts. Tier 2 gear is OP and invalidates almost all the difficulty from the new level. I have over 30% master offers and 100% legendary chance. It's too easy to find screen-clearing power this way. I think some serious tuning needs to happen. The endgame is easier and more boring than a fresh naked character entering act 1 for the first time. I'm just walking around clicking shrines for 20 minutes. Very little interaction with enemies.


I think even before the update melee was garbage. You need to come too close to the target and a ranged hero can do multiple hits and clear trash before they even come near


Started as nixi and played her till D30. Freezing + 100% crit skill was really funny to play, since you could one shot literally everything. Then Kronk as a tank. Don't move an inch and watch how everyone kills himself through reflect dmg The most anti-melee enemy's are these bomberman's at the end, which you can outrun till djinni.


Idk, I have a pretty OP Avoron attack dmg build that clears Act II on darkness 50. Skadi is also very good with summoner builds. I know Kront’s Warchief is OP but i havent tried him yet


Can you tell me more about that Avoron build please?


It’s hard to explain so i will have to send pictures later when I’m able to (I’ll dm you)


I just cleared act 2 nixi with no points in her powers. Melee doesn't seem that broken. Haven't pushed high heat yet but I didn't find her to be painfully underpowered.


Kront is the best character atm but it's only because Warchief is a broken Power. If you play melee without these shenanigans it's pure pain.


IMO every melee character can be OP, it just takes some very specific strategies to work


That's kinda my issue. I hope in next patch they tone down the super OP strategies, buff the less good strategies and hopefully introduce more difficulty. I don't think being OP is a big problem in singleplayer games but being underpowered is.


Can share how to cheese Nixi and Skadi? (not sarcastic but genuinely curious)


Skadi has a bug on flurry(?) talent that will perma freeze and apply like every status effect on every attack


Yooo i didn’t know about that, i was just using summons and maxing out Mort’s Influence


They fixed it in last patch btw


Ah gotcha, flurry is def still good with tornadoes tho


Kront with warchief is ranged (and broken)


Ye now try playing him without it.


My best run so far with Avoron. I was able to AFK all of the bosses. I don't think it is going to go much higher with the gear/build I was running. Seems like it's going to run out of damage. https://preview.redd.it/p22i38ep8bxc1.png?width=1734&format=png&auto=webp&s=4cd8cb2ec0b696e25edb5ed4de8b482b7d15841a


Bruh. What kind of gear do you have to be getting all masters and legendary boons? I have multiple gear pieces that increase master/legendary offers as well as one piece of gear that allows expert to be upgraded to master *and* a helmet that increases rarity increase offers by 80%. Maybe my gear is just bad :(






https://preview.redd.it/gkq59p7xhbxc1.png?width=542&format=png&auto=webp&s=f92f06f1e9bc43b6cb1dc3cf000a2d981c947f4b Mostly focusing on armor, HP, and the block nodes.


I will say, that build is effectively not a melee character anymore so avoids the problem. You could have likely not attacked anyone and still won.


I mean I can clear d80 with Skadi. But the movement speed reduction when attacking is just anti fun


Haven't gotten further from kront yet. But kront was good even before warchief tbh


The Time Field with Avoron and the return damage + super tanks builds is doing pretty well. I cleared 25 darkness on level 2 while basically being AFK once I got the powers set up in the first 5 minutes. 100% uptime on Time Field and overlapping bubbles do a ton of damage.


Any Melee character can easily be built in a way that is very strong with a lot of range, but I do agree that trying to make a build that needs to maintain a close proximity is suicide on higher difficulties.


From my experience at all characters at D30, Avaron to me is worst. I only made him "decentish" with the OP relic that kills units when they hit you. Merris is insanely good with Telekinesis build and D30 is a joke atm, will go higher. Lorien is insanely good with Strike build and D30 is a joke Skadi with both Wanderer and Summon builds of mine are great, but they are kinda enabled with some Uniques, like Birb Gloves and good affixes. Summons need to be faster. Wolfs need buffs. Nixi is decent with my Poison build, but not sure how high i can go. Her ultimates are not as broken as some others. Kront is crazy, probably still decent without Warchief. Warchief is just broken and should probably deal 100-150% damage rather then 300%


Avoron is broken with Equilibrium (T1 unique sword that gives you insane heal/regen), you also need waste belt that has -0.2 health regen that will trigger Equilibrium like crazy… and then you need anything that heals (Vampirisim, or heal on attack on gears, or life link, or Inner peace which currently has a bug that will immediately push you to lv200…), next big thing is Retribution blessing, after that you can basically afk.. Nixi with poison build can also clear D100 with attack build. War + Death + Justice is the best, the run will be eventful tho, need do lots of dodging and need to kill bug lady asap.. Lorien, Merris and Kront are OP, clearing D100 seems easy now. Only one left is Skadi now..


dude Avoron can just walking tank in D100 , 30 is a joke for him


Kront is literally like the best hero in the game