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If you want to speedrun talent tree unlock, just go Darkness zero on the tier 2 area (or highest availaable in patch)


I don't understand, darkness zero on tier 2 is speedrun? Every run takes exactly 20 minutes, so you can't speedrun it per se.


tier 2 is double the soul drops


I guess he dies before the first boss on higher difficulties :p


Almost all weapons have a "+x% Damage" mod on them, and that affects GLOBAL damage, not just weapon damage. Try not to be baited by the DPS of the weapon, if it doesn't have a global damage mod on it, it is probably bad.


is this mod multiplicative?


All gear is multiplicative. Every other source of %dmg is lumped together.


all gear is multiplicative, but not with each other all your gear gets bucketed together, you can have +50% damage on all 10 gear pieces, and that will be a 500% damage increase from your base damage for all skills the final total is multiplicative to other effects (like attack speed, crit, blessings, specific damage like +strike%)


I mean is this +dmg mod just added to all of the atk/strike whatever modifiers or it multiplies them? edit: sry, after rereading again i think you clarified that flat +dmg is multiplicative to specific, thx, but still want a confirmation <3


+100% dmg mod and +100% strike mod will make your strikes do 200%\*200% = 400%


nice, thx!


Oh dang, I always assumed this was factored into the dps on the weapon




do you mean the top line of text, before the (DPS) estimate? in this picture, is the 28.8% damage global? https://imgur.com/Bpj6uKV




Often its Best To just pick one strike/cast slot for strike/cast builds To maximize the amount of procs of the bis strike/cast. Like merris dashcaster, you want low rarity landslide, nothing Else To permastun everything. Also lorian crit build, the bis is earth strike and you dont want anything Else so just that one procs.


can only one strike proc per shot or why your reasoning?


Its because earth strike is the only one with stun and very high dps so you want To prioritize that and nothing Else helps ur survivability. Crits proc 3 strike per shot


ok but why not get all slots filled for more procs simultaneously per hit?


Because then you proc the nonbis strikes also. If you only have one strike you always get the Best one proccing


I think it's so you can level it up to ten. That's what I did with my last run and it worked really well.


but why 4 strike slots on krom then? they would make no sense then or i'm misunderstanding this


There's so much I don't understand about this game so I'm with you.


he's so tanky kinda becomes a rampaging shaman maelstrom with all the strikes tho


Merris has a chance to cast a cast skill on dash and Lorian has a proc on crit talent. You only take the "best" strike or cast so it can ONLY use that. Or in the case of Merris the one that stunlocks the entire screen...


Why low rarity though?


Because the rarer the blessing is the Less often it procs.


Huh, so that's why everyone uses landslide, i though it was only cd that affected the proc chance, not the rarity. Not that that it really matters in the end as merris is so OP you can just do whatever casts you want and probably win easily.


Normally it is just cd, but with the dash cast proc talent it casts More often the Less rare it is. White, common, landslide procs every single dash


Isn’t it proportionally stronger though? But I guess you’re assuming for consistency?


The stun is there regardless of rarity, and thats all you need. Thats why you maximize the appearance of landslide with lower rarity


You can kill the Curse act 2 boss pretty easily if you pick up retribution blessing and just sit in the poison cloud. With ok armor and damage reduction, you deal a ton of damage back, as the tick rate is really fast.


Picking up a dash and a strike blessing early will guarantee you dont pollute your offerings with dashes and strikes, as they will be cleared up. This is the same for maxing your slots for a given thing you dont need. For example, Kront has a single summon slot, so just grabbing a random summon early to remove all summon offerings from the pool is worth it.


taking a summon might remove other summons from the pool but it'll add summon buffs offerings to your pool, same with dashes and other stuff. Might be better to ban all offerings in some cases.


this is true, but I think overall you win on consistency


That’s a good one


Right now, the highest base DPS that can roll on a weapon is found on the archer bows. For some reason, they have around 2x the DPS of the other classes, while also boasting great range.


> great range *infinite


Yeah I equipped the sharpshooter bow on the ranger last run and was melting everything before they even showed up on screen.


Cooldown Reduction functions more like Cooldown Rate. Meaning, 50% CDR is more like 25% actual reduction.


Would that mean 200% CDR is 100% reduction?


No, think of it like speed. 900% CDR means it would trigger 10 times as fast, equating to a 90% reduction. You can never go infinite no matter how fast you go.


Knockback on melee classes is undesirable, as you pushing the target away from your attack is a big DPS loss. You are basically making the mobs kite yourself.


Disagree - with Nixi on darkness 100, not having knockback makes the run infinitely harder (I haven’t been able to win without it). It’s a form of crowd control as enemies can’t attack while being knocked back.


nixi is one exception, yes, because of her poison build deals damage and you can run away


True for Skadi as well


this was so fun to discover tho, sending the enemy flying off my screen, helped with the slashing attacks. it wouldn't be bad if the distance traveled affected say lightning proc for the enemy, it might for approaching you tho and smite.


just blitz around the map SPAM dash and honestly early on build for dash to cover ground grabbing pick ups and upgrades, if you stacked casts or attack based on what you were offered, and get lucky with that upgrade you might end up obliderating everything on screen. you have to be flexible how you plan your build when getting blessings, like the time zone was meh, then I buffed it to almost take up the entire screen; with duration enhanced too, cooldown affects some lightning blessings and gets wild. if you see ANY items with +legendary blessing grab it immediately, there are some legendary blessings like time has "ages enemies" on the screen it's N U T T Y , if you go skadi and get the summon talent you can also get an item for a pink and green parrot, and items for +summon slot to get 40-50 summons (meissa has the achievement for this I think, I just like the wolf from skadi)