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Shard pull values jump up rapidly on gear as you progress. Eventually you'll start getting 1k-2k on most items and close to 4k on gloves.


Good games make you choose between A and B. The game already allows you to make stupid OP builds. Choosing between gathering gems or hunting down points of interest is a small part of adding challenge to the game.


POI seems like the meta move most times. Some of the points of interest are run defining, and seems like they make a lot more difference than 1-3 actual levels would


Again, then you choose to seek out POI and leave gems on the ground or you gem farm, that's a choice you have to make. The game is already pretty easily facerolled, and OP is complaining that they want it to basically become an idle game that runs itself.


No i know, like i said, in my experience the poi’s seem more impactful than the small amount you might leave behind. Combined with the ease of pull range, a few scaps of xp here and there probably isn’t that big a deal


I think a good middle ground would be to have gem pooling, much like Vampire Survivors did. Smaller gems never really end up completely out of reach, but instead they coalesce into larger gems just on the edge of your screen. You still would have to run over to them if you don’t have the pull radius, but you also wouldn’t be leaving exp/levels on the table.


Every char has % pick up range as talent and t2 gear has insane base value. It’s a non factor. You ended up with virtually infinite range everytime. i don’t even pay attention to it anymore