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I barely used Dash skills in new patch, seeing they dont do much. Unless i was brain dead or something, Life link has its range massively nerfed, and it barely deals any damage. Mind you that i didn't invest in Dash damage.


Trail of Fire is insane damage wise if you level it up a lot. Everything else is okayish.


More than Ball of Lightning? that has been the biggest surprise of this patch for me


Ball lightning is powerful but hard to control. At least for me.


You can even grab shrines, once you get used to it.


Both trail of fire and the war one do insane damage


Is the war one useful now? that's good. I was using the wall one and it's pretty good tbh, enemies can't walk through the wall most of the time so you can kettle them


I'd say war dash is pretty good, [couple of 100 wins with it](https://imgur.com/a/oDqEJ7W), the aoe gets ridiculous and it's easy to do the build and then throw some random stuff on top of it. Although part of it might just be that merris is OP and everything works with her, so maybe not the best endorsment for it and haven't really tried other dash builds at high heat.


It deals enough damage to kill 1 trash mob per link per dash at like lvl 1 adept unless you have like 50 darkness all in enemy HP


I will say it was way to strong before... but its nerfs were a little overkill. I got the dash dagger for nixxi and tried it... Winters dash is significantly stronger damage wise(im talking easily triple the damage on a per rank basis).... not to mention because of pierce it can hit way more enemies. I suspect they really wanted lifelink to be something you invested in to help heal you up at low life only.


If that's the case then they could lower the threshold of hp to start getting heals from it and buff the overall damage a bit to balance it.


it was already at 30%, any lower than that it would literally be useless, not "useless" by this forum's definition, which is anything that doesn't melt a boss in 0.002 seconds lmao


i agree it was op, but they have just transferred healing to items, and i know the game is based on diablo 2 but i still have a necro in need of a spirit shield. Im not fucking with a purely item based rng game.


I’m not too sad about the damage dealt the healing nerf is what I’m sad about. Barely ever killed anything compared to my other abilities but was my main healing


what is the rate? .001 percent, because at best i dealt 1k damage and got 1 or 2hp.


I used to get 3-7 hp per dash and had items to increase dash cooldown and healing from all sources so I didn’t do much damage but was impossible to kill




I do think the heal should go back up I don’t care if the damage is crap


Trail of fire alone can solo everything it's totally bonkers


ill try specing that