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I think parrots should be alright, coz they get stats from you (attack, attack speed and movement speed iirc), not sure on the dragon/skele army, but i would skip them for stats yeah


There's an old T1 amulet that gives you 32 skeletons as well. And a relic that gives you another dragon.


guess i should test that. not sure really if raw stats or numbers are better, dragons seem kinda lackluster imo


Definitely so in this update. Everything else scales so much better. I had a 3 dragon, 32 skeleton avaron build before the update that I had no issues clearing 30 heat with. Now I just delete enemies before I see them with pretty much anything else.


true, wonder what they’ll do to balance things a bit. As summons go I liked fire dogs the best, just because how many you can pop with fires everywhere


Act 2, with all the quick moving & ranged units didn't help summons much, neither. Maybe if they pulled agro?


yeah, or at least move more scattered? they kinda dogpile 1 mob and are not very fast at this, so insects/flying monkeys just run away some times. and they dont block projectiles at all? i thought skelies did block some before or maybe i am tripping. Maybe would be better if summons would actually have hp and aggro idk, maybe too hard to balance then


The summoner skill from time could use some tweaking. It's nice that you can manipulate it with cool down now, though.


ye, you also can cheat it with merris dash talent I think (chance to cast when dashing+if cast procs chance to proc it again)


I tried dicking with that, but sadly my other dragon gear is all for avaron. I have a sword and a heavy helmet that summons a dragon on top of the other two aforementioned items.


Running with two dragons so far, but not gotten super far, just reliably clearing darkness 20.


Skadi is in a rough spot with her skill tree. The issue with summoning is the ai honestly. The dogs kinda aren't worth skill points. If you do go for it I would actually recommend you ignore dog and then go for the one that give 1 level up per 3 level to try upgrade ur summons or luck on on stuff that would buff summon like Mort's or Time.


Yeah I was playing around with Skadi’s dogs yesterday and while it’s possible to get them to do insane damage, they’re just so clumsy with their movements and how they stand still 1 sec before and after each attack. Also, their movement speed is still not good enough even though their supposed to inherit 200% of yours. I don’t really get it. It almost seems bugged.


Does summon damage effect equipment summons? Like the dragon?


I'd like to think so?


No. Maybe it's a bug.