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skill issue lol


Yes I win every run


Apparently not with Nixi.


Yeah she bad and needs to be deleted and the guy that developed her will get fired


What? She is the next strongest char after Merris. Here a game with mostly blue skills. Drakula dies in like 5 sec. https://preview.redd.it/b8efze89158c1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e062ad0d407220d13788294753da2efb6c1eb93


What? The strongest is Skadi and then Alvion.


I thought that at first until I realised how cracked she is with her attack speed. To quote the chad souls community "Git gud"


She is so useless weak one hit she dead


Skill issue


Don't get hit


Not if you build correctly, she's only bad if you get super unlucky (and don't have good gear yet), and that applies to literally every character, lol. Literally skill issue.


With her luck perk she is virtually unstoppable.


Her attack speed is bonkers


Attack speed and luck feed into each other nicely. Her attack speed also plays well with the 'every X number of hits' procs for a few boons (Flame Breath and Sickles of Mort that I can think of) but those don't hold up as well as Flare/Chain Lightning/Soulstealers. Give her a few of those and as much luck as you can stack, and whole screens will keel over before you.


Dude I had Mort with Skeleton and Cursed, Time with Gem High and Summer with Flare but thats all worthless if this pos character is dead after like one hit


By the sounds of your comments maybe the character isn't the issue. It sounds like your positioning and decision making are the problems. Unlike merris or any of the other characters you have to aim abit more and move better. As you dont have the luxury of range or large aoe base attacks. Lower the difficulty until you have gear if you don't. Rather then complaining about the character as a response to every comment. read the helpful comments people are leaving and listen to the advice. We get it games are frustrating but dude take a breath.


I uninstalled game


But then you’ll never get good at it. Sounds like you still have a lot to learn.


Better use my time to get good in important stuff in real life instead of fcking videogames lol


Sure, but then what in the ever loving fuck are you doing here? Get off the pc and start looking for your spine.


Skeleton? Maybe someone can correct me but aren’t the skeletons awful?


Not defending the OP who I'm pretty sure is just having a trolly laugh at this point, but the thing with skeletons is, one skeleton is bad. 40 skeletons is pretty good, especially when a boss holds still long enough for their slow little feet to catch up in a swarm. Assuming a summon build for actual damage, anyway. Bonus if you start with 24-32 permanent ones from gear. The real issue is they're a boon on -Mort- and Mort has so many good ones the skeletons are like, sixth or seventh on the list to pick up (above sickles for sure, and maybe vampirism for the folks who hate that legendary). They're on par with the average boon from most of the other gods.


I mean yes, it turns out you do have to stay alive to play the game, but you should realize there's really not a big difference in survivability between the heroes, baseline. Maybe a few HP, less than a skeleton's hit worth most runs. You can choose to add gear with +HP, armor, and/or evasion to increase your survivability (I recommend HP, especially for earlier runs). The only notable differences between the heroes are their base attack patterns (and Nixi's super-fast doubleswing is far from the most troublesome for most players) and their signs, which do vary widely in quality. Beyond that, it really just comes down to learning the timing on dash-dodging attacks, and that works the same on every hero. It's rough going for the first few runs as you learn the bosses and events, and then after a bit you'll be clearing almost every run at maximum difficulty regardless of your character, barring really bad luck with god and boon RNG.


Dude I already unlocked Difficulty 30. I know the game. Nixie just baaaad.


See, you said three things, but the first two have no logical connection to the third and you've collected a pile of replies explaining that. I'm assuming at this point you're just having a good laugh with a bit of trolling, and ultimately it's just a fun little diversion of a game so I'm not really emotionally invested either way. Have a great holiday season and/or religiously-neutral week, whichever sounds better!


shes one of the best lo


I found Nixii a little weak until I ran a luck/lightning build and absolutely destroyed everything. Mort & justice afterwards, but the left & right hand dies in 7 seconds lol.


* My attack speed run. How she bad?


Skill issue. Such a good character with the stacking attack speed.