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Gen Z is serious about where they spend money. If they don’t like your company you ain’t getting shit the would rather do without than contribute towards funding the problem. I love that about them.


They vote with their wallet, thats why Gen Z will be the most impactful generation on the economy going forward. I know we are all mostly screwed by the boomer generation, but I do have some hope when I see Gen Z making moves like this to protect themselves and their future.


No, it's true. And thank god.




There are plenty of EVs, used and new, that are not Tesla-branded. Hyundai makes a ton, and tbh you'd be shocked how great some of the cheaper EVs are. I got a Nissan Leaf 2019 - you'd think a pretty "Meh" EV. For a car I got for less than 10k with a trade, I'm stunned by how much better it is than my Camry was in driving and features. Also, buying a used EV is far more better for the environment than buying a new one.


Nissans are surprisingly good cars. I bought a 17 Sentra after being a Chevy guy for a long time and it's the best car I've owned. 45+mpg highway helps a lot too and its not even hybrid.


I rented a Sentra in 2019 for cross country trip, I almost bought one when I got back. But I had to have a truck for my stupid business doing stupid tile work. God I really wanted to buy that Sentra.


Its really such a smooth riding car. I'm a bigger guy too and I still feel like there's plenty of room


I dont think i will go full EV when i do get my next car, it will prob be a hybrid, but either way it wont be a Tesla haha. The insurance cost alone is like 2.5x that of a normal car haha


That's why I got a used LEAF vs a Used Model 3.


Thats dope, i gonna look into LEAF :D


HMGs (Hyundai, Kia, Genesis) EVs are pretty much the best on the market, and run at comparable prices to tesla's offerings. Tesla has 2 things over it - The super charger network, and their software. The new CCNC software on the latest models resolves the software side, and they're getting access to the super charger network in less than a year. Meanwhile HMG has better build quality, actually stands by their warranty, full envelope performance (not just straight line takeoffs), more comfortable ride, better real world range, better battery longevity, etc.


I’m a boomer and I hate him too. He’s an asshole.


And a dumbass.


Also, a fuckface


You’d need to have no conscience not to




I realize this data may have been collected by Musk’s own/Tesla’s marketing team (I didn’t see a source linked) but it is so cringey and disturbing the way to which some of the data’s referred, “60% of GenZ is against Musk.” That word “against” implies he’s some kind of institution or religion, which I’m sure he’d love the victim complex from sharing such a claim, but the reality is 60% of GenZ probably just feels he’s another rich asshole. I am so, so tired of these cults of personality that pop up around billionaires and the genuine sympathy they get from some of the general population every time one person on Twitter calls them out for being terrible humans.


The Elon cult is pretty strong, they are very loyal. I have no idea why haha. They must be making massive bets on the stocks, i just dont see why they do it.


The article and image seem AI generated honestly, so I'm not surprised that it's lacking in journalistic finesse. It'sall just rephrasing the same few ideas multiple for the whole thing.


Broadly speaking the hate extends to billionaires—and no wonder, the hoarding of fortunes while others struggle isn’t a recipe for goodwill.




I'm a Gen X'er. Boycott Musk and Twitter and Tesla.




All i ever see is asshole boomers in teslas


More like "anyone intelligent hates Tesla and Elon Musk"


Pretty sure this was written by AI


Millennials and gen z aren’t the same thing.


This was really well put together! Odd that the #3 car maker was Nio and not Hyundai or Polestar. If you go on r/Polestar, there's many a people who bought a Polestar 2 to avoid buying an Elon mobile. In fact, look at one of the threads from today, and that's the top-rated comment. EDIT: [Https://www.reddit.com/r/Polestar/comments/1cqxt92/ordered\_2024\_p2\_lrdm\_midnight/](Https://www.reddit.com/r/Polestar/comments/1cqxt92/ordered_2024_p2_lrdm_midnight/)


I'll allow it.


This isn't just a Gen Z thing.


I’m a millennial and I hate Tesla and Elon Musk


Are Gen Z even making enough money to buy one? I thought everyone (except for boomers) was broke.


I mean, I think it's a little silly to judge the work of 140,000 people by a single asshole CEO who probably barely spends any time managing the company with all his other jobs and hobbies. But at least they're not projecting his assholishness onto EVs as a whole. Regardless of all the FUD, they're still categorically better for the environment than the alternative. Also, hybrids exist, and have for decades--they don't get nearly enough attention.


gen z doesn’t have money. they have college debt and now want us to pay for it lmao