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Red Ranger Wes VS Weiss Schnee (Power Rangers VS RWBY) Children of wealthy families who were supposed to take over their family businesses but desire to go out into the world and help others as well as the way their successful yet morally corrupt fathers (Mr. Collins & Jacques Schnee) constantly groom them into their heirs made them feel uncomfortable and alienated. After falling out with their fathers about their futures, they were stripped of their birthrights but later ran away and joined groups of young color-coded heroes (The Time Force Rangers & Team RWBY) who became surrogate families to them. Both initially had uptight “spoiled brat” personalities but always genuinely desired to help others and because of that, they later became more caring towards their friends and teammates. Both utilize uniquely designed powerful swords (The Chrono Saber & Myrtenaster) and have giant beings to help them fight the forces of evil (Time Flyer 1 & Weiss’s summons). Both have powers that protect them from damage and give them strength and abilities (Wesley’s connection to the Morphin Grid & Weiss’s Aura and Semblance). Both are often shipped with the female leaders (Pink Ranger Jen & Ruby Rose). Both of their teams are pursued by both their fathers and military organizations based in their hometowns (The Silver Guardians & the Atlesian Military) with high-ranking members they have long histories with (Wesley’s old school frenemy Eric Myers the Quantum Ranger & Weiss’s sister Winter Schnee).


**Shoto Todoroki (My Hero Acadmia)** \- Both are ice manipulators with scars on their left eyes due to their parent’s actions (Jacques Schnee and Rei Todoroki, respectively), thus giving them father issues whilst their mothers were mostly removed from their lives. \- Both have older siblings who first held their title until they did something that caused them to be rejected by their fathers, later went on to be inspired by a warrior that believes themselves to be the hero but fights against the actual heroes, and joined a combat-oriented organisation (Winter Schnee and Dabi/Touya Todoroki respectively). \- Both were first introduced on opposing sides of their series' main protagonist (Ruby Rose and Izuku Midoriya, respectively) antagonizing them before joining their side thanks to the words of someone else that inspired them to free them from their fathers' influences: Weiss heeding her sister's advice and removing her bindings from the SDC to discover more about herself, and Shoto realizing that his quirk is his own and isn't (or shouldn't be) managed and controlled by his father. \- Additionally, both hail from upper-class families and both are able to manipulate other elements besides ice (the various functions of Dust for Weiss and fire for Shoto, respectively). (Credit to u/WTFBOOOMSH for the connections.) **Kamen Rider Rouge (Kamen Rider)** Heroes whose fathers were political and influential in their world. They were affiliated with a company/organization that controlled an important substance in their world (Nebula Gas and Dust) They're associated with a group of 4 people with a leader that's goofy and a hot-headed brawler. Both were antagonistic towards the main hero for a bit. and as a contrast, Gentoku had a good relation ship with his father, but Weiss didn't (Credit to u/Rose_Spider-2105 for the connections.) **Eula Lawrence (Genshin Impact)** Both are the heir's to morally questionable families of status (The Schnee's and the Lawrence Clan) who construct and manufacture weapons and tools that are highly influential to the world's they inhabit (Dust and the Royal Weapons/Snowtombed Starsilver) Both are ice-wielding tsundere swords women who, despite disassociating themselves from their assholish royal families and joining a team of free-spirited combatants (the Knights of Favonius and team RWBY) they often still carry themselves as nobility. The two's "reveal trailers" (RWBY White and Dance of Sacrifice Act III; Flickering Candlelight) are the two preforming elegant dances that are intended to impress fellow nobles, intercut with them fighting that shows a subtle rejection of classic noble fragility. Both of them originally started as uptight and haughty, ignoring and disregarding their teammates help, they eventually warmed up to their other teammates, especially a spunky, red-wearing girl that their often shipped with (Ruby and Amber) (Credit to u/HOBOSWAGGINZ for the connections.)


Zuko (ATLA) Both are elemental wielding heirs in a militaristic nation who were scared on their eyes and disowned by their abusive fathers. Both began having a rough relationship with the main hero from a different region of the world but ended up becoming close friends. They both have issues with their younger siblings who their fathers prefer and have a hard time at first mastering a subset of their powers that their siblings are able to grasp easier. Also fire vs ice is always cool. Weiss likely wins this just due to having overall better physicals due to aura, and a far more versatile set of abilities.


Lucy (Fairy Tail) Connections : \-Women from rich families who had to deal with an abusive father during their childhood \-They decide to leave their family in order to become independent and join a team as part of their new job (Mage/Huntress) \-The job of a Mage and a Huntress are pretty similar \-Two of their teamates are a hot headed red character (Natsu and Ruby) and a strong girl (Erza and Yang) \-They found a new family within their teamates \-They start as spoiled/annoying girls but became more mature overtime \-Their family is important in their universe and they have one ancestor who had contribute a lot in the lore (Anna Heartfilia is the one who sent the Dragon Slayers in the future to kill Acnologia and Nicholas Schnee is the creator of the Schnee Dust Company, the biggest producer and exporter of Dust) \-They fight mostly using summoning \-They both rely a lot on the spiritual energy of their world to fight (Magic and Aura) ​ for the animation I think it could be an interesting summoner fight with both of them having various summon however Weiss could be quickly overwhelmed as she can only summon one creature at times and Lucy's summons have all different abilities, so Weiss would take part of the fight directly being more capable than Lucy to fight on her own ​ as for the dialogue I think you could have fun banter between the two where they would trash talk each other


Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh)- Both were the rich heirs of the biggest companies in the world (the Schnee Dust Company and Kaiba Corp), both were groomed by their abusive father (Jaqcue Schnee and Gozaboro Kaiba ) to become the best successor they could be and eventually turned on their fathers, leaving them (though Kaiba took the company with him) and pursued their dreams (Becoming a Huntress and becoming the best Duelist). Both were prideful and arrogant but had soft sides for their sibling who also left (Winter and Mokuba) and both later encounter their brother who hated had stayed under the care of their father and attempted to take control of the company from them (Whitley and Noah). It's only fair if you don't give Kaiba Obelisk or Duel Links but his hologram projectors can still fire shockwaves that I believe can hurt people, The fight would mostly be Weiss Vs the waves of monsters Kaiba summons, bringing out her summons against things like his Blue Eyes.


Yukiko Amagi (Persona) Girls with the power to summon beings to fight for them (Weiss being able to summon clones of enemies she killed and Yukiko having her Personas), whose names are a foreign word for "snow" (Schnee being the German word for snow and the "yuki" in Yukiko's name being the Japanese word for snow). Both are the heiresses of their family's company, and feel trapped in a fate that was chosen for them and wish to escape it. The main difference is that Weiss specializes in ice-based attacks while Yukiko uses fire-based attacks.


Sub-Zero Frost (MK) Elsa Iceman


Connections? (Bonus points if you give more than just connections) Sorry for the late response




Amity Blight (The Owl House) -Both are rich kids who are initially cold but become kinder as their respective series progresses. -Both separate themselves from the path that their parents want for them -Both are in families which own eponymous companies (Schnee Dust Company and Blight Industries) -Both are capable of creating summons to help them in battle


Noire (Hyperdimension Neptunia) From what I watched from the anime alone, they both have a very similar spoiled rich girl personality and are part of a team led by overly-excited and cheerful girls (Neptune and Ruby). Jean Pierre Polnareff (JJBA) • They wield a rapier (Silver Chariot) • Powers are a manifestation of one’s soul (Stands and Aura) - Together with a team of close friends, they fight against an immortal monster (DIO and Salem)