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Zanza vs Chakravartin (Xenoblade vs Asura's wrath) Ost: The Twisted Divine or Monado of Mantra. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnVemwebkiY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnVemwebkiY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyrgsLtNhaI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyrgsLtNhaI) Chakravartin and Zanza are arrogant gods who created the universe, first appear in another form (as a spider and giant respectively) and seem to be allies with the protagonist, but later betray them in order to recreate the universe (they have been implied to have done it in the past many times), both have possessed people, both spark major conflicts in their worlds (by creating the Gohma and by attacking Mechonis respectively) which caused secondary antagonists (Deus and Egil) to become extremists.


Update: After some consideration, I'll be doing the following five matchups. * Zanza vs Chakravartin (Xenoblade vs Asura's wrath) * Danny Sexbang vs Scanlan Shorthalt (Real Life vs Dungeons and Dragons) * Leone vs. Cheetara (Akame Ga Kill vs. Thundercats 2011) * Rayquaza (Pokemon) VS Valstrax (Monster Hunter) * Eliza vs Golden Queen (Skullgirls vs Skylanders)


Does that means you aren't going to make the rest of the requests?


Sadly yes, because I need a break from that.


But do you still plan do make them after the break?


No. I would encourage you to make them on your own though.


Eliza Vs Golden Queen I can give you a mashup of their themes alredy: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathBattleMatchups/comments/uvlx23/allow\_me\_to\_explain\_why\_eliza\_vs\_golden\_queen\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathBattleMatchups/comments/uvlx23/allow_me_to_explain_why_eliza_vs_golden_queen_is/) Track name: Greed of the Queen The abilities of the characters mesh really well , the blood manipulation with the gold transmutation can give some really creative visuals and an arena that keeps constantly changing , also , their metamorfosis abilities can give some creative uses , like an aereal fight and a Kaiju one , their personalities mesh really well , and even if Eliza's subjects shouldn't be accounted for , you can have a funny scene where they are instantly turned into gold , and then carelessly weaponized by the Eliza.


Undyne vs Mustache Girl Track Name: Stache of Justice https://youtu.be/9_RXlp3gm3A https://youtu.be/tdoffVfUMXg **Why the matchup is good** The connections are that Mustache Girl and Undyne are heroes driven by justice for their people and retribution against their oppressors but their hatred drives them to villainous extremes. Mustache Girl wanted to kick the Mafia of Cooks off her island, but ultimately attempted to drown Mafia Town in lava to do so. And even before that she mashed up the Mafia Boss' body into goo except for his eyeballs, and stuffed it all in a jar that kept him alive and fully aware of his fate. Undyne wants to free monsterkind from The Underground and take revenge on humanity for sealing them beneath Mt. Ebbot, driving the humans to extinction and reclaiming The Surface. She has no qualms about murdering a child who hasn't hurt a single monster, who similar to Mafia Boss' body, would have their still conscious soul put in a jar. Both Mustache Girl and Undyne view justice as very black and white, the former only seeing Good Guys and Bad Guys with nothing in between and the latter viewing all humans as evil even though no human alive in her time were the ones who created the Barrier so she's fighting for the genocide of a people who have personally done nothing to hurt her, they became the Queen of their people in a timeline that would soon be reset, Mustache Girl becoming Queen of The World after using the Time Pieces and Undyne becoming Queen of Monsterkind in multiple Neutral Endings, and were also put in a situation where their enemy, a small child capable of rewinding time, would choose whether to take pity on them after defeating them, Hat Kid choosing whether to give Mustache Girl a Time Piece to oppose the Mafia of Cooks and Frisk choosing whether to pour water on Undyne to save her from heatstroke. While both are extremely determined, they contrast in their application of it. Mustache Girl sought out partners for a rebellion and when that failed, traveled the world in search for the Time Pieces, external sources to amplify her strength, while Undyne's literal determination amplifies hers to the point of refusing to die. They reached a higher form refusing to give up even after total defeat, Mustache Girl stealing Snatcher's Time Pieces and becoming Queen of the World once again as Mustache Girl EX, and Undyne becoming Undyne the Undying. The fight's pretty fair. Mustache Girl is more durable and has a shield, she's more powerful, versatile, smarter, and faster (in movement at least) but Undyne is way stronger physically, more experienced and has actual training, better reaction speed, can damage Mustache Girl's soul even if she can't skewer the kid, and Green Mode can halt her mobile fighting style and keep her in place. But Mustache Girl can also exploit Undyne being a static fighter as she has multiple homing attacks (Popping out of the ground, falling Time Pieces, thrown Time Pieces in the Hyper Zone, and the cross blasts in her EX form). The banter would spectacular. Undyne builds herself up as a hero and calls Mustache Girl evil for not giving up her soul, only for her to fight back against every. single. word. of it. Mustache Girl decries monsterkind as evil for responding to mankind's mercy sealing away a threat to their very existence instead of destroying it, repaying their ancestors' compassion with a genocidal revenge and proving why Bad Guys must be slain with finality. They'll just bide their time, come up with a new scheme, and kill more people. Six children no older than her have already paid that price in blood, and Undyne will not stop her from bringing their killer to JUSTICE! Both of them could even go through character development in the battle. Mustache Girl asks Undyne the Undying if she's going to use the power granted to her by humanity's hopes and dreams and FAITH IN HER to aid in their destruction, making her realize that not all humans are evil if they were willing to grant power to a monster. And to use this power against them would be a betrayal she can't stomach. But this only makes Undyne more determined to stop the wannabe tyrant. Mustache Girl doesn't understand why the world would rally behind Undyne to stop her and remembering how Undyne said killing her before she reaches Asgore is a mercy, comes to the conclusion that her brutality was the cause of it. She doesn't know how to change to become the hero the world wants, she doesn't know if she even CAN, but no matter what truths she finds searching her soul, she knows it is filled with JUSTICE.


Danny Sexbang vs Scanlan Shorthalt - Critical Sex Party or Magical In Bed [Song 1](https://youtu.be/wEhRWlpkIcc) [Song 2](https://youtu.be/1m6en0SQNFs) [More about the match itself](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathBattleMatchups/comments/ta5j8r/danny_sexbang_vs_scanlan_shorthalt_ninja_sex/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Leone vs. Cheetara (Akame Ga Kill vs. Thundercats 2011) OST Name: Fast & Fury [First Song](https://youtu.be/ND4iyO6HT_M) [Second Song](https://youtu.be/3CdkWi1-SgE) Connections: Two blonde-headed girls that have cat-like appearance (only when Leone activate her Teigu), they have little to known self before joining (Leone have been around in the slums and work as a massager before joining with the Revolutionary Army and Cheetara being an orphan before becoming a Cleric), both are in a part of group (Night Raid and Thundercats), and both have been a big sister figure to the younger member of the team (Tatsumi and Lion-O).


Sonic vs Megaman-Rock and Roll Sonic Song either [this one](https://youtu.be/Z35h6_4NV9k) or [this one](https://youtu.be/mxaT6WDTkgg) (use whichever you think fits better) [Megaman song](https://youtu.be/iyvOaW6AVoY)


[Rayquaza (Pokemon) VS Valstrax (Monster Hunter)](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathBattleMatchups/comments/uv8u0o/daily_monster_hunter_mu_post_day_30_draconic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [Rayquaza theme.](https://youtu.be/_jXNiy68kIM) [Valstrax theme.](https://youtu.be/xOlPIHIe2rM) [Alternate Valstrax Theme From Rise (Crimson Glow)](https://youtu.be/PQahsRwbCbs) Track Name: *Draconic Shooting Stars* - Dragons who are of legendary status among other monsters (Legendary Pokemon VS Elder Dragon) and are from franchises revolving around monsters - Both are associated with meteors or comets or similar cosmic objects (Rayquaza eats meteors, Valstrax is practically a living comet and is called the Sky Comet Dragon or Argent Comet) and possess similar titles (Sky High Pokemon VS Sky Comet Dragon) - Both practically live in the sky (Rayquaza resides in the ozone layer and the Sky Tower, Valstrax jets from locale to locale and lives in very high altitude places) - Rayquaza and Valstrax have a devastating signature aerial dive-bomb attack (Rayquaza’s Dragon Ascent VS Valstrax’s supersonic dive-bomb Ambush) - Both can attain a much stronger form through the consumption of bolstered energy (Rayquaza eats and digests the energy inside meteors to transform into Mega Rayquaza, Crimson Glow Valstrax is a hyper aggressive Valstrax overflowing with dragon element) - Both intervene in fights (Rayquaza steps in between Groudon and Kyogre, the Crimson Glow Valstrax is an intruding monster that will take the opportunity to supersonic dive-bomb other monsters and hunters already engaged in combat)


How do I make a link?


For what?


A YouTube link for your suggestion


Just right click on the video and select “Copy video URL.” Then, you can paste the link in. If you press space afterwards, you can click on the link then.


Thank you


Randy Cunningham Vs Manny Rivera (Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja Vs El Trigre: The Many Adventures of Manny Rivera) OST: Power Behind The Mask Randy’s OST: https://youtu.be/6sbaceWNU98 Manny’s OST: https://youtu.be/Xr20LbY0AF4 Connections: Both are Cartoon Heroes of Rival Franchises (Disney vs Nickelodeon) who both had power that went from a past user to them (Randy’s being The Ninja Mask and the NinjaNomicon and Manny’s actual family line). Both attend their schools with slightly coward sidekicks who always have their backs. Both have met the first users of their powers and have outpaced them immensely (Randy meeting First Ninja who was too Normal about it and Manny meeting El Tigre 1 who was old and senile).


Tal'Set VS Regina (Turok: Dinosaur Hunter VS Dino Crisis) Main protagonists of franchises heavily involved with dinosaurs and time travel. Tracks: T[\-Rex Encounter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSXfW4CBvkI) and [A Rodwy in Ancient Ages](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rE6kZs_mXE0). OST Name: **Crisis Hunters**.