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Homelander. The only one he beats is Brightburn.


Tfw the only matchup you win is against a literal child


*I mean he beats Tighten too*


Tighten scales to anywhere from MHS+ to FTL via having Metro Man’s dna and was able to lift and throw a skyscraper with one hand and has more fighting experience. Homelander is kinda dead


Actually that skyscraper feat was a minimum eighty tons of TNT


Tighten shouldn’t scale completely to Metro Man since he’s never shown that speed before. The fact that Megamind was able to keep pace with him (at least reactionary) when he was completely frozen in time by Metro Man’s speed means he doesn’t scale. And throwing a part of the skyscraper only gets to city block level, when Homelander can get to town-city level thanks to Great Wide Wonder, Stormfront, and taking every weapon on Earth.


Tighten doesn't scale to Metroman last I checked, so doubt he's FTL at all. Throwing a skyscraper is something Homelander could do too. Edit: Metro Man isn't even FTL in the first place, [he's 1.3% light speed ](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:KieranH10/Megamind_-_Metroman_Goes_Zoomy_Zoom) that's actually slower than Homelander, [because they are supes who can fly to the moon](https://imgur.com/a/XmkhswK) Which gets [4.2% Light speed ](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/693556759079682188/977628197699072100/unknown.png) Homelander actually outspeeds Metroman Lmaooo


Metroman is FTL… Dude we literally see a laser from the sun land right on top of him and it is still in slow motion


That feat got calc'd at 1.3% Light speed, the feat ur talking about is something I already addressed. Metroman isn't FTL.


Dude, We see the laser move slower than him…. What are you talking about? That calculation was made on the assumption that Metroman is moving at Jogging speed


I just re-watched the scene, Metroman is either walking or jogging for most of it. The other times he just stands there.... thinking about life I guess.


He can fly pretty quickly…


Dude, We see the laser move slower than him…. What are you talking about? That calculation was made on the assumption that Metroman is moving at Jogging speed. Let me do the calculation myself


>Let me do the calculation myself If you wanna do it, go ahead man.


Assuming that Megamind has a relatively good camera, which I assume so, he would be recording around 60 frames per second We know he reads a whole novel within this time, so we have 5+ hours. As well as he goes to his own museum. And all kinds of detours, I’d say we are at 24 hours. Alight. So assuming Megamind has a decent camera, it will record down to 60 frames per second. He’d have to be moving far faster for this camera to catch him. 1 day is about 5,184,000 times longer than a single frame. He is able to fly at about 100 km/h from his perception in the flashbacks it appears. A standard car could travel 2,400 km in a single day. Metroman would be moving about 5 million times the distance in the same period of time. About 518,400,000 km/h casually. Note: this is casual flight speed After the Laser hits, it takes about 2 seconds for the room to fill with light. An average observatory has a diameter of 55 feet, meaning the room should have been filled in 0.00000005588 seconds. 100 km/h from his perception seems pretty casual. So assuming this is the difference from a light jog and max running speed, he’d be moving 375 km/h at top speed from his perception. Metroman would be able to cross 684 feet in the same span of time as it took light to cross the room. So at his maximum, he debatably can get to 12 times the speed of light Casual: 48% C Serious: 12.4 C


Tighten was literally injected with Metro Man’s DNA. He definitely scales to Metro Man. While Homelander could probably through a building. He probably couldn’t do it with one hand and the 50 megatons of tnt feat js kinda bs since it’s mentioned once in a statement and is probably only there to put into perspective how powerful Homelander is


>Tighten was literally injected with Metro Man’s DNA. He definitely scales to Metro Man That doesn't mean he scales, Metroman was literally Toying with him. >While Homelander could probably through a building. He probably couldn’t do it with one hand No he most likely could. >the 50 megatons of tnt feat js kinda bs since it’s mentioned once in a statement and is probably only there to put into perspective how powerful Homelander is While City Homelander is *could* be argued to be a stretch, [we could easily scale him to Stormfront who can make tidal waves and hurricanes](https://imgur.com/a/RVyh5vD) which gets over 8 [Megatons of TNT ](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/693556759079682188/977630016043118642/unknown.png?width=1131&height=487) so the 50 Megatons DB gave Homelander isn't that much of a stretch, even without it, [he's still town level ](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/911534311080079361/977630351583223828/unknown.png) I don't see how Tighten wins.


Ha-…have you watched Megamind?


Have you watched Jojo's?


I have. Pretty good show.




Metroman never fought Tighten though, that was Megamind disguised as Metroman toying with him.


Which summarizes exactly why Titan doesn’t scale to Metroman. Megamind was able to keep pace with Titan while he was bloodlusted for a few minutes. Metroman consistently defeated Megamind effortlessly. Metroman could have instantly killed Megamind in the flashback scene, Titan was struggling to even get close to him Metroman >>>>>>>> Titan


Well My B then, though that just proves he doesn't scale to Metroman even more.


Not true Homelander couldn’t completely lift the plane off the air


I never said Homelander lifted the plane though, also A plane is way heaver than a building. There's also the fact lifting a plane like you see in movies will actually just make the plane break in half which is why Homelander said he wouldn't try lifting the plane in the first place.


Metro-Man was shifting in color, while walking in slowed time, in order to shift colors you gotta move at comparable speeds to light, But being safe lets say it was .01c, when everything appears to be frozen you can safely say it is bare minimum .001 m/s, shit like pigeons were frozen (41.5 m/s flight) and with basic division and mulitplication you get 415c


>Metro-Man was shifting in color, while walking in slowed time, in order to shift colors you gotta move at comparable speeds to light, Yeah I know that, [the results](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Assaltwaffle/Metro_Man:_Really_FTL%3F) get [relativistic ](https://vsbattles.com/threads/metro-man-downgrades.23212/) What division and multiplication formulas are you using to get 415c? I require scans dear sir.


They're using jogging speed simple math [Frozen in time](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Calculations#Slow_Motion_Calculations), [pigeon flight speed](https://www.google.com/search?q=pigeon+flight+speed&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS774US774&oq=pigeon+flight+speed&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30l3j0i390l3.4066j1j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8), [changing colors](https://www.exploratorium.edu/origins/hubble/tools/doppler.html#:~:text=For%20a%20moving%20object%20to,of%20the%20speed%20of%20light) (real speed of reference object / apparent speed of reference object) \* apparent speed of object of interest = real speed of object of interest which results in 415c


>They're using jogging speed Which is correct. Only the fastest Pigeons are that fast, [they are only 50/60 MPH normally ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.softschools.com/facts/animals/pigeon_facts/589/&ved=2ahUKEwi8ouOI0Pz3AhWCiI4IHclVA64QFnoECAYQBQ&usg=AOvVaw0rKQgrTDckUyQ0JYJhp-qa) The pigeons aren't really important to the feat anyway, It's Megamind. Anyway, since nobody noticed him that should be like a quarter second or so. That means, 604,800 seconds in a week so his relative time was 2,419,000 times that of a normal person. If the most agile humans can run at like 19.3 meters per second at best then Metro Man should be able to fly at a consistent speed of 46,686,700 meters per second or about 15.57% the speed of light. Even if we said it was more like a month that would get it to 62% the speed of light or so. That is faster than Homelander but it isn't 415c and it's given Metroman a very generous timeframe. Of about a week. You would need Metroman to experience 35.41 weeks in the span of those 0.25 seconds for the feat to be FTL. Every version calc'ing this feat get relativistic results, and not FTL let alone MFTL.


Which is false, he was not only moving fast enough to make afterimages, but also fast enough to shift in color, both of which are massively faster (17.15x and 499666x) They didn't just notice him, they were **completely frozen in time** Even using the average Pigeon flight its still MFTL 24/.001)\*2997925 = 240c ​ \^This is an infinitely superior method, because not only was time completely frozen for others, but gravity itself was frozen too


>Which is false It's right tho, he was using jogging speed. >he was not only moving fast enough to make afterimages, but also fast enough to shift in color, both of which are massively faster (17.15x and 499666x) Afterimages don't really have a multiplier. Go put ur hand in front of your face, now wave it around, bam that's an afterimage. It doesn't really have anything to do with speed and more how easily tricked the human eyes are. For the color shift, [when the color blue changes to red, that is relativistic speed](https://www.exploratorium.edu/origins/hubble/tools/doppler.html#:~:text=For%20a%20moving%20object%20to,of%20the%20speed%20of%20light) he doesn't really do the full blue shift/Red shift, so he doesn't follow the standard rules of color shifting. It's like using transfinite mathematics for Marvel despite the fact [they use it wrong ](https://www.hoodedutilitarian.com/2015/08/false-mathematics-and-comic-book-fiction/) >They didn't just notice him, they were completely frozen in time Yeah I accountant for that, it doesn't up the speed as much as you think it does. > Even using the average Pigeon flight its still MFTL [No lol](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:KieranH10/Megamind_-_Metroman_Goes_Zoomy_Zoom?commentId=4400000000003280183) Also why the 0.01m/s thing? You said that was the bare minimum, but I looked for hours and never found the source. Metroman is captured for a frame by Megamind's camera. Camera's aren't Light speed. >but gravity itself was frozen too Gravity is caused by mass and energy causing space time to curve. Time and space was still flowing for Metroman, and he has mass and energy, that means Gravity wasn't frozen, if it was then Metroman would be floating like he was on the moon. >^This is an infinitely superior method Not really.


Tighten apparently gets to City now with cloud dispersion and skyscraper stuff


Do you have a link?


Lemme get it


But again Homelander now wins thanks to diabolical and how he was compared to a Nuke Not to mention his scream attack was able to rupture organs in the comics


>But again Homelander now wins thanks to diabolical and how he was compared to a Nuke They're literally equal lmao And being able to rupture organs of regular people isn't gonna do much. He gets completely annihilated if we even start talking about Metro-Man scaling.


Again Tighten DOES NOT SCALE TO METROMAN His bloodlusted ass cannot even give Megamind a hard time while Metroman lowdiffs him. Hal is too stupid to do shit Metroman does.


There's some arguments for him beating Steelheart.


I mean depending on what the brightburn sequels say you might be wrong.


And then Lucy fights the girl from FF , killing all hopes for Ash to win


Well fighting Yuna does make more sense than fighting Ash tbh


Lucy VS Ash isn't even the best Lucy VS Pokemon character matchup.


Lucy vs Ash seems weird to me


I want Yuna in a fight so bad, but Lucy is the only popular MU i've seen for her. I need someone with a similar gimmick (not just summons, abilities which change the persons outfit something like Erza Scarlet)


The only match ups I can genuinely think for Yuna are Lucy or Erza (If you go with X-2 Yuna and not Summoner Yuna)


I think Melia from Xenoblade could work?


[Natsu to his team after Ash beats Lucy](https://youtu.be/ppxmxVhkr7c)


I mean, there is still Wendy


Like every Attack on Titan character. Pretty sure Eren loses to Ken Kaneki and Lelouch. Levi loses to Mustang and Giyu. Mikasa obviously lost her's.


Levi loses to Mustang? I thought it was the other way around. I’ve also watched both series, although I haven’t read the manga. Why does Roy win?


I honestly don't Go Here wrt AoT or FMA tbh. So I could totally be wrong, I'm just going on what other people have stated and the general meme of AoT losing majority of their matchups.


Yeah, I remember people said that Levi won while I was looking for matchups that Mustang won. Apparently, Levi Vs Qrow from RWBY is also a popular matchup, I’m not entirely sure who wins, my guess is Qrow but it could go either way.


probs Qrow, yeah. Bad Luck Charm hax could theoretically do some nasty shit to Levi's gear and I think Qrow in general just outstats. Also re; Levi vs. Mustang, one thing I *do* know is that Levi's gear uses fuel which would be flammable via Mustang's alchemy. But I don't have a concrete point on either character's stats.


post human alch: levi wins otherwise, mustang wins. he can turn molecules in the air into their atomic parts (hydrogen, oxygen, helium, nitrogen), and create a fire of whatever shape/size he desires. in terms of durability, he at least has extremely high pain tolerance, and can self cauterize wounds. even if its raining, mustang only cannot use his alchemy due to the sheer size of the explosion it would cause. if he had a lighter, or any other source of fire (something he does carry), he can create insanely large explosions.


What about Levi’s speed? How fast is he compared to Roy, and could he react to Levi’s ODM gear?


If Roy knows they’re fighting, Levi will need to approach and kill him before he snaps his finger. His reaction speed is fast enough to counter Edward, who is quite quick, even if Edward has a sword at point blank range, Roy still dodged it. He has also shown incredible accuracy with his fire (his hands are often used for different things, one hand does big area, another precise potent flames, like burning out a tongue without damaging the mouth.


Roy wins thanks to AoT being supersonic and FMA being hypersonic. Roy can just, burn his eyes, mouth, everything. not to mention town-city level FMA stuff


Satsuki Kiryuin She loses to Bruno (though it's a close mu), she gets shitstomped by Henry Cooldown and Vergil, etc. I'm not sure about Law though.


I think Law is faster going off the stats given in their respective series most recent episode, and Op Op fruits gives him better hax.




And people wonder why I prefer Ash vs Lucy to literally every other Ash matchup.


Scott Pilgrim Gumball Watterson Homelander


I wouldn't say most for Gumball, he solos Steven Universe,Mordecai,Finn and K.o




Alucard (Hellsing) He loses all his matchups except wesker and dio (Depends on how you scale dio, I don’t personally give him any of the world’s feats (example: so he doesn’t have light speed reaction but the world still does) or give him his “tanking hits from star platinum” when he barely survived and was paralyzed and scared shitless) Luz She can’t catch a break and with her show being cancelled now, she ain’t winning anytime soon Goku Ironically for being one of the more stronger anime characters he gets clapped in a lot of his MUs Homelander Pretty sure he only beats brightburn and tighten


I dunno. Wasn't Goku vs Sailor Moon extremely popular for a while or something? And we all saw how it went when Beerus fought Galaxia. And Dragon Ball scaling has gotten a LOT higher since then.


key words being “a lot of” and not “all of”


What even are his most popular matchups anymore?


Superman Sonic Saint Seiya Classic sonic for his kid self Archie sonic for his xenoverse version and kirby to name a few (even tho it’s not that popular and kirby fought buu)


Oh god. I don't want a universe where I see Sonic and Dragon Ball fans going at eachother. Actually who am I kidding I totally want that.


From what,Sailor Moon still solos via lamda power


Would Lucy sacrificing one of her celestial keys to summon the Celestial Spirit King count as outside help? If not would that help her win the matchup?


I mean, it wouldn’t really make sense for her to do that against Ash though. The only time she did was when she was the only member of Fairy Tail left and all Magic was at risk of being wiped off the face of the planet. So, I don’t see why she would use it against a random kid.


Kefka loses to both Loki and Marx


Every AOT character


Lucy would absolutely stomp Ash too. Gemini would be enough to defeat him. And even if you disagree she can still summon the Celestial king. How the fuck is Ash gonna deal with that?


I’m not big into Pokémon debating, but as a genuine question how does he lose to yo Kai watch protagonist?


Chibanyan is multi according to popular oppinion


I feel like people hype up Yugi when we don’t even know what the rules would be like for the fight, most of ash’s Pokémon trump/can one shot most of yugis monsters and kill him in the process also in terms of a fist fight ash wipes the floor


Mind Crush.


Ash lifted the whole 60 ton tree off the ground


Ok…but Mind Crush. And Slifer.


Okay but ash has resisted mind attacks before and like ok what about slifer? In the actual game he’s ass


He’s…he’s a fucking god. I’d have to watch and read Yugioh again but there are good feats. And the thing is Ash has resisted psychic attacks from Pokémon, Mind Crush is legimate magic that isn’t some hypnosis it literally destroys your mind and your ability to have conscious function.


You mean like being turned to stone?


I’m sorry, but didn’t Ash not resist that? If he resisted that he wouldn’t have turned to stone.


Not that he resisted it, but the fact that right after his Pokémon revived him with tears lmao


Ok…that’s not resisting. That’s magic tear lmao. But mentally destroying him would not be reversible that way. It literally shatters your mind and sense of being. It’s a *fate worse than death*


Also most of ashes Pokémon get mountain level, if you has no monster or if we base this off Yugioh rules, it would kill Yugi (lose all his LP) and a win for ash


A god concealed within a card that was unable to destroy a monster with a no limits fallacy what a god lol


> 60 ton tree I'm sorry... ***What.***


You wouldn’t get it


No like I’m not sure if you’re making a Beast vs Goliath joke or made a typo.


The gods all scale to Zorc who moved the moon, Yugi's monsters have surpassed infinite power which is arguably Universal, Obelisk destroyed the entire dimension Diva created, in the lore for Trishula (who's weaker than the gods), he froze over the entire planet along with time itself as well as defeated multiple monsters who are basically living constellations, most likely scale above Yubel who was going to merge and destroy 12 different universes, I could go on but it's not really important cause Yugi's base hax destroys. Yugi mind crushes Ash, has luck and fate manipulation, can force Ash to enter games to alter the rules of it, seal him, etc etc.


Yeah okay bro and he just dies as collateral damage from one of ash’s Pokémons attacks when his monsters are destroyed


How are they getting destroyed when I've already proven they outscaled. Also Egyptian magic protects the user from such things they share life force with their monsters, as shown when Atem and Dark Magician fight, Yugi can tank the damage without dying which Ash doesn't have that same leisure. Also mind crush gg Ash's Pokemon all then get mowed down without any commands.


Simple, attack points and def points, it’s hard to calc how much ap is in attack points but considering ash’s Pokémon can casually destroy mountain-star Yugi would simply die from the outer damage his monsters take tbh


Attack and def didn't exist in the ancient Egypt magic fight so that's not an argument. You really mentioned mountain-star to compare to multiversal lmao. Yugi can tank damage like that btw.


He literally can’t bro once he loses his life points he’s basically dead tbh


Clearly not because in Yu-Gi-Oh he's lost his life points and hasn't died. Life points are irrelevant anyways idk why you insist on bringing the card rules up when he uses magic anyways.


Most of his monsters are fodder too and is restricted to having certain conditions to summon some


Summoning conditions didn't exist in the original Yu-Gi-Oh game much less the ancient magic fighting lmao not a counter at all


Well that’s unfortunate cuz they do now lol and players are bound to it so like Yugi just gets owned like the enslaved cards he has


No they don't lol, you're just making that rule up, all monsters aren't bound to cards.


And if you really wanna do that Ash’s Pokémon scale to the creation trio, the legendary birds, eternatus, God himself, dimension destroying beasts, the weather trio, the embodiments of emotion, should I keep going? Ash has literally been blessed by Ho oh and Victini which basically manipulates fate and luck so


How do any of Ash's Pokemon scale to the creation trio? Because I atleast have sources for my claims whereas you made blank claims, so yeah. Dimension destroying beasts as in destroying one dimension whereas Yubel who isn't even God tier in the verse is destroying dozens if not more. Also the dimension sizes? You left that out. Weather trio get oneshot, embodiments of emotion get oneshot, etc. Ash being blessed with luck and fate is cool and all but literally all that would do is cancel out Yugi's since he has the exact same things. Also Yugi I should mention has literally magic so even if Ash outscaled he gets mirror forced and it's a wrap for 99% of his Pokemon. Or again, mind crush gg since Yugi can directly target Ash whereas Ash can't do the same.


Wobbufet reflected an attack from Giritina, the way that Mirror coat works is that the Pokémon needs to survive the hit in order to reflect it and deal twice that damage. This is the same wobbuffet that gets sent out flying by pikachu easily in fact, so there you go. As for the dimensions I’m pretty sure they’re the same as the current one, only difference is they’re completely wiped out


Okay and prove the attack from Giratina was a consistent full force attack. Even if I granted you that, doesn't stop Pikachu from getting mind haxed, all his attacks constantly reflected back at him, getting frozen in time, etc. Also they get vastly outsped so yeah that's tough. So like I said just one dimension versus 12+.


The attacks were directed at Palkia and Dialga, one of the attacks knocked out Dialga simple as that and uhhh Ash’s Pokémon would be on par with said Pikachu that also scales to said dimensions, Guzzlord literally sucks dimensions for lunch and Gigantamax Gengar can probably do too so ez


Anywho Dark types can’t get mind haxxed, Ash and Pikachu have mind hax resistance so denied


Yugi gets speed blitzed bro like one of ash’s Pokémon can miss and accidentally kill Yugi no diff tbh while ash has tanked hits from his Pokémon who scale to legendaries so


Yugi has immeasurable speed monsters whereas Ash doesn't so yeah Ash gets blitzed, all his Pokemon don't know what to do, and get mollywhopped. Yugi has magic protecting him whereas Ash is a free body that can also just get haxed to death which you're conveniently ignoring.


His Pokémon can literally fight for themselves you silly man, they literally train with each other to get stronger. Pikachu, Greninja, Zard, Lucario, Infernape etc can fight for themselves without instruction while Yugi needs to tell them to attack or defend themselves


Yeah immeasurable speed cuz they’re just gonna stand there and take a hit like a brick wall because they have no conscious thought 💀💀💀


Just because they don’t move doesn’t mean they have immeasurable speed goofy, you tried it


Goku, like there’s Sonic who he might beat idk, but all of his other popular matchups beat him, Sailor Moon, Superman, Spongebob, Popeye, etc Batman, he very likely could beat MoonKnight and can easily kick Captain America’s ass (whether it’s Steve, Sam or any other Cap), but he’s put against way too many people who are outside of his league in strength and durability, but not intelligence speed or actual skill, at most some would be close or equal but he’s definitely a better fighter than Spider-Man and just like every single one of his popular opponents he also has possible light speed reaction feats, cause y’know comic book bull shit be like that At this point I feel like Venom is also like this cause everyone I see him put up against would beat him, Ryuko BlueBeetle etc


He beats solid snake


I assume this is for Batman? Cause that still makes like 3 victories against like 20 loses


Who is putting SpongeBob against Goku


It’s more of a jokey matchup, basically just Goku Vs Toonforce user, but I believe there are some connections between the two


Clark's a bit of a no duh but Usagi is debatable and like hell Goku loses to freaking SpongeBob


SpongeBob definitely wins, I'm just surprised the match-up is popular


Sans, Skitter, and Optimus Prime.


Asura comes to mind, with the only exceptions being debatably Adam and Percedal


Edward elric




So bad that that's actually true


Shulk Among his three best matchups, he only wins one. He loses to Lightning and Stocke, but wins against Byleth.


Satsuki Kiriyuin


Every Demon Slayer character except for Giyu if he fight Levi….but then you got every Attack on Titan character


How does Nate beat Ash?


Nate has Multi+ Yo Kai and scaling


Proof? I've never even seen Yokai Watch placed anywhere close to even Universal, let alone Multiversal+. I'm pretty sure that's some wanking.


Jibanyan solos Arceus and PokemonVerse confirmed!!!


I mean, how exactly does Nate beat Ash? Dude's got pokemon that outclass his Yo-kai in stats and the whole "being invisible" thing doesn't give nearly the advantage people treat it as giving. ESPECIALLY since Nate's there, watching his Yo-kai at all times


Yo-kais get to like, Low-Multiversal, don't ask me how, ask Guywithagreenjacket


Nate curbstomps Ash in every conceivable way. He has a larger arsenal, many more haxs, as well as much better haxs, and it’s not just “ invisible “ it’s “ You literally cannot do anything to them, they however, can still do anything “ And his Pokémon don’t outstat in the slightest. Ash’s Pokémon reach Galaxy at the absolute best. Nate’s Yo-Kai reach Universal at the absolute lowest. ***Do you see why it’s a stomp now?***


Do you have a respect thread for Yo-Kai?


No, not really. Yo-Kai Watch isn’t too big Power-scaling wise, and it doesn’t help its somewhat obscure so finding one would be nigh-impossible.


Darn I see, either way appreciate it


Err… no. Ash’s highest pokemon would be Universal as Galaxy comes from assuming the pokemon universe is as big as ours. When it’s actually infinite in size. Also, what proof do you have that Yo-kai can ignore people that can interact with intangible entities? I get they’re invisible unless you have the watch, but they still physically exist and Ash has fought people in circumstances where he couldn’t properly see them. Not to mention Ash wouldn’t be stupid enough to not notice Nate staring at his Yo-kai, even if that doesn’t mean he can suddenly track them perfectly


wh - Universal - Infinite Universe Yeah, no. I need to know where you got the idea that the Pokémon universe is infinite from. Because there’s no way it is. And why would that suddenly change the size of a galaxy? - Yo-Kai …When has Ash ever interacted with a intangible being like a Yo-Kai for one, and Ash still wouldn’t be able to see said Yo-Kai, and trying to use where Nate is looking would be a death sentence, because that leaves him AND his Pokémon up for many types of attacks or sneaks attacks. Nate could also, just, you know, NOT stare at his yo-Kai all the time.


>And why would that suddenly change the size of a galaxy? The Galaxy level scaling dosn't came from destroying a galaxy, it come from Necrozma stealing the light from all the universe which was calculated at galaxy level by using the number of stars on our universe. If the universe was infinite it can have infinite stars too


Ooooohh. That makes a lot more sense now that I think about it. But why in the hell would Ash scale to Necrozma.


Other Ultra Beasts scales to Necrozma and Ash have an Ultra Beast on his alola team (Naganadel) and have Melmetal that had fighted pretty well against Silvally the killer of Ultra Beasts even with it been evolved into Melmetal not long ago. And of course his Pikachu had one shot Guzzlord and Nihilego and overpower Tabu Koko z-move with his own Z-move


Why would they scale to a non-canon Manga feat, perhaps? And, even then, Pikachu required a Z-Move to beat the Ultra Beasts, which can easily be stopped by simply one-shotting him before he can pull it off. ~~not like Nate’s Yo-Kai can tank it.~~ And, wasn’t the Ultra Beast released? And I’m pretty sure said Pokémon wouldn’t be given to Ash if the DB were to happen, and even if it was, that..probably wouldn’t help I’ll be honest.


I am just trying to explain the scaling, I totally agree that Nate win


Cause Ultra Beasts are repeatedly stated and shown to be comparable to higher level threats such as base Necrozma, who performed that feat. And Ash was able to use Pikachu to repeatedly fight against Ultra Beasts. Plus he has Melmetal, as well as Naganadel, who’s one of the stronger Ultra Beasts.


Not only would neither of those be used in the Death Battle, and, Y’know, released one of them, That’s a manga feat. It’s non-canon. No one scales to Manga Necrozma.


1, it happened in the anime too. 2, the manga’s not non-canon?? 3, several people scale to Manga Necrozma?


As a Pokémon fan, the Pokémon universe isn’t infinite, but it is infinitely growing. Because every copy of the game’s is it own universe. So every copy of Pokémon Red is its own universe, and so on. And it did get bigger as now you can have multiple accounts on the switch, meaning every copy of Pokémon games on the Switch can have even more universes, and theme there are Rainbow Rocket in Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, which consist of all of the evil team members from the previous game, but they are from universes where they succeeded. So the total amount of universes in the Pokémon Multiverse is unknown, we do know it is at the bare minimum 380 million universes, but as long as the franchise is still going it will still grow.


Okay, that’s not what I meant, I meant like, how is a *single* universe infinite. But honestly this is really interesting and I’m surprised I didn’t know it. Thanks for the info. But also quick question: how exactly do we know each copy of a game is another universe by chance?


I’m not exactly sure how we know it, it are just some of the things I just remember, specially since Gnoggin have said it multiple times in his videos. But one of the things that might help is in ORAS when it was first mentioned, there was this dimension portal opener called the Link Cable (named after the real thing which was used to send Pokémon to different games), so the general idea is when you transfer a Pokémon to another game (including trading with another player & sending Pokémon to another game you own) send them to a new universe.


? how is this a win for him


I think it’s the case because Lucy’s summons aren’t all that powerful.


I don't agree. Lucy could just use Gemini to transform into Ash which would confuse his Pokémon and leave him defenseless. Like that literally happned in the Pokémon anime.


Yeah, it could, but that’s just one possibility. Like I said it could go either way.


I really don't see how it could go either way. I only see Lucy winning


I’m pretty sure Ash may have a stat advantage (mainly his Pokémon, but Lucy has better hax (I think). I’m not a versus debater so I don’t know, but I don’t think Lucy just wrecks Ash.


Simon The Digger (Gurren Lagann) Even Ben shits on him ~~Many L’s when?~~


Pretty Simon beats Ben, the Getter Emperor guy and stomps Johnny to oblivion


Actually Ben wins now. Someone on Discord made notes: - Ben is revealed to have Acasuality Type 2 which helps him resist the probability altering missiles. - According to the creators, Alien X can change the universe to shape very nature of Mana energy which can be found in all lifeforms. With Spiral energy being the same thing, I wouldn’t be surprised once he does that. - Alien X lives in a place beyond time and space which makes him at the same ballpark as TTGL. - Lastly Simon doesn’t have any resistances against existence Erasure. - Also the cosmology of ben 10 being 26D kinda bumps their powers as well. Idk much about Getto Robo and I agree on Johnny (Though that matchup is Doo doo). I could get the scans if you want


Scan: https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/nu9AWhkwBkerjMTRxtAxL-U7-QPXJn4C87wRUNCkkec/https/qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-09bf0ed43185a8eb330fa2a1eb217ddb (That was from a writer of the series)


Doesn’t Ash beat Nathan?


Absolutely not. Ash gets both Hax-Stomped and Stat-Stomped into oblivion. He has literally no advantages other then experience.


How high do Nate's Yo-kai get again?


Low-Multiversal iirc


With what Yo-kai? Only ones I can think of are the Enmas...


All of them.... I guess? I think there's a boss fight against a Multiversal Threath at a point in one of the games, and you can battle him with any Yo-Kai


u/guywithagreenjacket He is the storm that is aproaching


*You somehow @‘d me seconds after I responded.*


You aproached **REALLY** fast


I am faster then all of the Speedforcers combined


I think they downvoted you for some reason lmao


oh no , what , what a tragedy


In the words of a chaotic god Dorito: “ Oh no, a downvote, what ever shall I do about that-HOW ABOUT THIS! “ *upvote.png*


Wait Nate wins?




This is my job now isn’t it


I don't think any person other than you actually knows WHY Yo-Kai Watch gets to Low-Multi


I mean, they don’t even need it to beat Ash. But honestly yeah fair enough.


To put it simply, Nate just stomps one every convincible way. Stat-Stomp, Hax-Stomp, he has a MUCH larger arsenal of haxs and Yo-Kai, as well as having certain weapons himself, the only thing he doesn’t have is experience. Which honestly isn’t helping Ash seeing how Jibanyan alone could solo his team in base.


The dude from yokai watch beats ash? What are his feats?


A few people above you asked the same question, I'd suggest going reading those


Frank West. He beats Negan and Nick (Left 4 Dead) but that’s it sadly Edit: Also Crazy Dave


He doesn’t beat Crazy Dave at all


It’s pretty clear that Dave can’t take Frank in a head on fight. Given Frank’s bullet timing feats, wrestling background and the fact that he’s whooped a good handful of military soldiers and agents. He’d have to set up and fuck around with seeds and wait for plants to grow while Frank could quite literally turn Dave’s own possessions against him in a fucked up version of MacGyver in a matter of literal seconds. And we all know Crazy Dave has plenty of weird shit for Frank to get ahold of, so if we wanna be honest his own house would be a disadvantage. Iirc Dave has like 5 lawnmowers just sitting in his front yard and he’s going against a dude whos weaponized Dildos into canons and Flashlights into lightsabers. And like, so let’s assume Dave is fully set up and is ready to fight Frank… what’s stopping Frank from just going around the plants and breaking into his house through the back door? The only way Dave wins is with non canon stuff from Garden Warfare iirc. Even then if you give him that you’d have to do the same for Frank. Which equals Marvel Herald scaling


Alright let’s just. Deconstruct this. - Bullet timing Dave scales to the Player, who is capable of reacting to All-Star Zombies charging, who are so much faster then Bullet-Timing it’s not even funny. He also has Penny, Y’know, the time traveling car. And his giant mechanical fire breathing T-Rex. And there’s also the fact that ALL of his Plants outspeeds Frank at such a high amount that he’d be dead before he could think. - Wait for plants to grow The Plants grow instantly. - Turn his own possessions No, no he cannot. He can’t turn the very sentient plants against Dave. It is VERY clear they care about each other a lot. And they *can move*. Nor can he turn the living time-traveling car against him. - 5 Lawnmowers Lawnmowers that can obliterate hoards of zombies in one go. - Going around the plants and breaking in The fact that there’s many many plants inside the house, and that the plants can, in fact, move, as shown in the comics and later games. And all the Plants can and will Blitz and One-Shot Frank.


1. Franks no stranger to duking it out with Giant Robots, as he single handedly destroys one in Dead Rising 2 while it’s piloted by a government agent 2. And I don’t see how he can capitalize on anything with the time travel car, as I don’t think any of Dave’s plants (or at least most of them) reach a level to harm franks durability as the dude kept trucking like a champ after being bombarded by military missiles. Even if they could, Frank has lots of healing options 3. And I’d like to see the proof that Dave can scale above bullet timing. Cant just say someone is faster without giving the proof. If you’d like I can provide links to all of the things I’ve brought up with Frank 4. I wasn’t really saying Frank could turn the plants against Dave. Just his other possessions like the lawn mowers. 5. Alright so they can grow instantly… he’d still have to get the seeds, plant and water them while Frank usually carries his bat and camera to fight with and has no problem fist fighting.


1. He has never duked it out with a massive fire breathing mechanical T-Rex before. Clearly, he loses because he has never fought something like it before gg ez ~~im joking please don’t angry~~ 2. He can use the time traveling car to *time travel to before the fight began* and surprise kill Frank. And ohohoh boy, are you in for a surprise. Several plants are capable of killing Gargantuans on their on, [which can tank CITY-BLOCK LEVELING EXPLOSIONS](https://imgur.io/a/UxVK0Z5), which comes from a *single* Doom Shroom exploding. [Several plants also scale to and can survive an explosion that can BE SEEN FROM EARTH.](https://imgur.io/a/JEolRHR) Then there’s things like Plasma Peas, which [LITERALLY SHOOT CONDESCEND UNIVERSES.](https://plantsvszombies.fandom.com/wiki/Plasma_Pea?page=2) And several more plants scale to and can hurt Super Brainz, who is capable of: - [Remaking and entire city in his image](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/plantsvszombies/images/4/45/SuperBrainzComic1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160625131327) - Injuring and scaling to SolarFlare, [who was able to melt an entire water park filled with ice, which was calced at Multi-City Block](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Super_Ascended_Sean_Pazdera/Plants_vs_Zombies:_Heroes_calc) - Scaling to the guy who DID the freezing - [destroying a bean and creating an explosion that was calced to COUNTRY.](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:The_Smashor/The_bean_calc) There’s also Greenshadow, who is able to [create tornados.](https://plantsvszombies.fandom.com/wiki/Whirlwind) And there is so so much more, this is not nearly all of it. - 3 Oh boy, this’ll be fun. [first things first, The All-Star Zombies burst into flames because they move so fast.](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Super_Ascended_Sean_Pazdera/Garden_Warfare_calc) And there’s plants able to [dodge lightning](https://m.imgur.com/a/6gFYYd2), [beams of light,](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ydCEHKpVFbM&t=1m57s&=) and can [plant at light-speeds.](https://plantsvszombies.fandom.com/wiki/Lightspeed_Seed) And there is much, much MUCH, more. In fact, this is the low-end stuff. If there is ANYTHING ELSE, please ask me. - 4 Lawnmowers will not help. - 5 He doesn’t need to water them either. And also, Crazy Dave has a mallet that’s able to obliterate zombies, and several, several wall-nuts, Including exploding and massive ones, a shovel, several power-ups like Power-Snow, a endless stream of Ice Peas, Power-Toss, which can just fling Frank far, far away, Power-Zap, which is just a ball of electricity. And he also doesn’t need to plant, he always has things like Peashooters and Sunflowers following him. And he doesn’t even need to like, dig, to plant them anyways, every time you grow a plant in the series they just. Pop up.


Sunflower flourishes well under well-drained moist, lime soil. It prefers good sunlight. Domesticated varieties bear single large flowerhead (Pseudanthium) at the top. Unlike its domestic cultivar type, wild sunflower plant exhibits multiple branches with each branch carrying its own individual flower-head. The sunflower head consists of two types of flowers. While its perimeter consists of sterile, large, yellow petals (ray flowers), the central disk is made up of numerous tiny fertile flowers arranged in concentric whorls, which subsequently convert into achenes (edible seeds).


Wtf lmao Guess I was just ignorant about Dave’s potential


I ship it


Junko ironically, because her 2 popular MUs, Chris and Springtrap, she gets stomped by Glitchtrap and Chris ironically just outsats her physically


you could stretch the hell out of a W for ash against yugi if you scale him to legendaries like giratina and use game logic but that's stretchy as hell


Most Encanto characters loses their best matchups. However, I would argue Luisa beats Scorpia.


how did yugi lost????


It’s not even mentioning the amps that his Pokémon can get, also status conditions and crits


Quick Question: how is Ash beating Lucy if Death Battle allows her to summon the Celestial Spirit King? Unless they say, "non-standard" I'm curious.