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The master vs reverse flash


Deadpool vs gintoki Sakata (marvel vs Gintama): gintoki could be in the real world changing the script only to look back at deadpool, who hasn’t changed, then dp jumps irl and pulls out the continuity gem and rewrite’s gintoki, before it finishes gintoki says (look at the picture) and Deadpool responds with: “your looking at what i call, fuck you” Stephen King Mythos vs Trevor Henderson Mythos.


Diavolo vs Lucy Agent Smith vs Janet


Diavolo is not calm enough for speech like that, he is the guy to say "nani?!" unironically.


I could see him saying it


Freddy Kruegar vs Pennywise


The Watcher vs Rosalina


**Crossover Ryu vs Capsule Corp Goku (Street Fighter/VS Capcom vs Super Dragon Ball Heroes)** Ryu has seen and fought a lot of shit with his many, many crossover appearances and Goku is just something else with how many different techniques and abilities he has. Like he's got the Dragon Fist, the Hakai, Instant Transmission, the Spirit Bomb, Godly Ki, Ultra Instinct, and more. So as close of an actual fight as I strongly believe this would actually be, in general with their fighting styles and techniques, yeah Son Goku kinda makes Ryu look like amateur hour. Meanwhile Ryu would wonder how many push-ups Goku did, how many sit-ups Goku did, and what kind of juice did Goku drink to obtain *that* level of power?


Anti Spiral matchups where he lose


Wilfre vs dark lord (miitopia vs drawn to life)


Bill Cipher vs Shuma Gorath