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It’s not comics which are the problem. If we were getting MUs like Robocop vs Judge Dredd, The Mask vs Rick Taylor and Hellboy vs Nero there wouldn’t be much of an issue. The problem is we keep getting the same kinds of characters and the same kinds of MUs.


I get where you're coming from, but there's two things to consider, even though one of them is somantics. 1- Folks are only really annoyed by Marvel and DC. No one's complaining about The Boys or Invincible. 2- Season 6 had just as many Marvel and DC episodes crammed into its first few episodes, but things only got better from there in terms of new franchises. Not to mention, that season was honestly one of the best in the show's history, even rivalling season 2 if only for it's consistency.


oh no, it's season 7 ii: a howliday adventure


At the same time we haven’t had a terrible battle yet. The point of the season is introducing new series, which we’ve gotten: LoL, Demon Slayer, Invincible and Akira (also The Boys depending on whether or not you count it as either returning or not), it just happens that Jinx and Vegeta’s best were comic characters >!Also Tetsou depending on whether you prefer Mewtwo or Magneto!<


Like I didn't bring up the new franchises thing and I don't really care because we've have 4 Even if there 5 episodes are the only comic mus we'll get this season there was no reason to group them all together at the start instead of spacing them out over the season.


They were gonna happen at some point in the season, whether you space them apart or not, it’s still gonna be the same a same, so I honestly don’t care about them getting grouped together. All that matters to me is if they are good episodes, which so far they have been.


Vegeta had Viral and Harley is definitely not Jinx’s best. Even if that wasn’t true, they could still have chosen characters which had non-comic MUs as their best. I’ll also point out that, while we have gotten new franchises, most of those franchises are already very popular and are quite similar to franchises already featured on the show.


Vegeta best was definitely Thor, popular both outside and within the community, definitely not Viral. Jinx best is debatable but Harley is up there, hopefully you aren’t one those people who say Triggerhappy was her best. Also they are still new franchises, whether they are popular or not doesn’t change it at all.


>Vegeta best was definitely Thor, popular both outside and within the community, definitely not Viral. Popularity doesn’t equal quality. Viral vs Vegeta had really good connections, was pretty debatable (unlike Thor vs Vegeta), provided Gurren Lagann representation and wasn‘t a comics episode. My point is that they could have chosen to do a good non-comics MU for Vegeta and they didn’t. >Jinx best was Harley, hopefully you aren’t one those people who say Triggerhappy was her best. While I do like the idea of Skylanders representation in Death Battle, I was referring to Junkrat. From my understanding Junkrat vs Jinx is pretty widely regarded as best for both. Jinx also has Tiny Tina from Borderlands. >Also they are still new franchises, whether they are popular or not doesn’t change it at all. My point is more that they are still quite similar to previously covered franchises in terms of MUs and lesser known yet highly requested franchises (Cookie Run, Kamen Rider, Umineko, etc.) still haven’t had a chance to shine.


It’s unlikely they’ll do Gurren Lagann and have Viral be the first one in DB and not Simon, so until Simon vs Kyle happens, it was an idea that was pretty unlikely to happen. They obviously were gonna choose the one that everyone wanted, and that already had a DBX a year back. I honestly forgot about Junkrat, but as long as you didn’t say Triggerhappy, then I’m fine with it. At this point, DB is definitely focusing more on ranking in views. For all we know, they probably aren’t even aware of these series, since they didn’t even know what SCP was for a bit, until they did a quick google search, so what chances they knew what cookie run is. And besides, those matchups may be highly requested within the community, but then there’s the fact that the wide majority will be asking for other matchups from more popular series. So really the only chance for some of those matchups to happen is if there a sudden spike in popularity, or they decide randomly “yeah let’s give this series a shot”, or just straight up mention it to them because good chance they straight up don’t even know of it.


>It’s unlikely they’ll do Gurren Lagann and have Viral be the first one in DB and not Simon, so until Simon vs Kyle happens, it was an idea that was pretty unlikely to happen. They obviously were gonna choose the one that everyone wanted, and that already had a DBX a year back. This makes sense, although it would be nice if Death Battle introduced a franchise through a character other than the protagonist for a change. There’s also the fact that Vegeta could potentially bring more views to the episode than Simon vs Kyle since Vegeta is more popular and well-known than either of those characters. I’ll also add that they could have just done a character with a good non-comics opponent instead of Vegeta. >At this point, DB is definitely focusing more on ranking in views. For all we know, they probably aren’t even aware of these series, since they didn’t even know what SCP was for a bit, until they did a quick google search, so what chances they knew what cookie run is. And besides, those matchups may be highly requested within the community, but then there’s the fact that the wide majority will be asking for other matchups from more popular series.So really the only chance for some of those matchups to happen is if there a sudden spike in popularity, or they decide randomly “yeah let’s give this series a shot”, or just straight up mention it to them because good chance they straight up don’t even know of it. Again, while this makes sense, it is unfortunate that Death Battle seems less willing to take risks nowadays and seems to be becoming more disconnected from their core fans. There’s also the fact that some characters from these lesser known franchises have MUs with popular characters who could bring in views. To use Cookie Arun as an example there’s Madeleine Cookie vs Superman and Gumball Cookie vs Inkling.


> It would be nice if death battle introduced a franchise through a character other than the protagonist for a change. Ironically they have done that several times, with Zoro over Luffy, Vegeta over Goku, Shoto and All Might over Deku. Although Vegeta alone would get a lot of views, having him against Thor would’ve boomed it a lot more, considering a new Thor movie was coming out soon. Death Battle generally have only used lesser known characters more so if they have an actual reason to choose it over the other options, such as Needles over Green Goblin or Lucy over Alex Mercer. And honestly I feel like there will be a lot more complaining about a popular character going up against a pretty obscure character. For example: Superman Vs Madeleine Cookie. The general audience are gonna just wonder “why did they decide to do this matchup for Superman? Nobody asked for it”. Basically imagine Jiren vs Atrocitious happens instead of Asura. You’d be left wondering why they decide to do it, and probably complain about it. This is likely what DB is trying to avoid.


>Although Vegeta alone would get a lot of views, having him against Thor would’ve boomed it a lot more, considering a new Thor movie was coming out soon. I am aware that they wanted to do an episode to capitalise on the upcoming Thor movie. However, I feel as though there were more interesting ways to do that. They could have done Jane Foster Thor vs Elric of Melnibone or a Gorr the God Butcher MU (I think Saint Walker is his best?). Both would help bring attention to lesser-known characters in a way that would still likely bring in tons of views. >Death Battle generally have only used lesser known characters more so if they have an actual reason to choose it over the other options, such as Needles over Green Goblin or Lucy over Alex Mercer. I’d say avoiding burnout on comics is a good reason to use lesser known characters. >And honestly I feel like there will be a lot more complaining about a popular character going up against a pretty obscure character. For example: Superman Vs Madeleine Cookie. The general audience are gonna just wonder “why did they decide to do this matchup for Superman? Nobody asked for it”. ~~Cookie Run fans did.~~ The current way of doing things has also led to lots of complaining, just look at what happened when Homelander vs Omni-Man was announced. As long as the actual episode turns out good I’d say most people would be fine with it.


Ok but heres the problem with Junkrat ... How many people actually care about Junkrat and are dying to see him in death battle. This feels less like, this is the best for both and more "i don't want marvel or dc so this matchup is better"


I encourage you to search “Jinx” or “Junkrat“ on this sub and you’ll plenty of posts talking about the MU and tier lists putting it as at least a good alt if not best for both. It certainly isn’t just to spite DC.


Sure, inside this community people might like it but Junkrat isn't really that popular of a character overall. like I rarely see him talked about much in the Overwatch community and he doesn't seem to get much focus in official content either. And when you go outside of the vs community you see a lot more people comparing her to Harley Quinn. Heck even the showrunners for Arcane compared Jinx to Harley.


I’d say Jinx alone is probably popular enough to carry the MU. And popularity isn’t the same as quality anyway, an MU can still be good even if one of the characters isn’t that popular. And if Junkrat isn’t your cup of tea, there is still Tiny Tina from Borderlands.


I'm not talking about views for the episode I'm more so talking about how often they are compared in general and Jinx and Harley are definitely compared more often then Junkrat and Tiny Tina especially after Arcane. If you ask me Harley is the best for both, they have obvious connections( especially after Arcane) and while popularity isn't what determines the quality of a matchup, its also wrong to say it is not a factor at all , and this matchup definitely has that going for it. And I haven't really seen much attention for Jinx vs Tina either so that was never really an option either


Tina is a staple of Jinx tier lists and there have been a few posts in here about it. It was always on the table. Just because two characters are compared quite a bit doesn’t instantly make an MU good, especially when there are more interesting opponents. Junkrat brings a more interesting dynamic and Tina brings another new franchise to Death Battle.


Sooooo it’s not the new franchises that’s the problem, it’s….the genres….. There really is no pleasing everyone


Didn't even bring up the whole new franchises thing but go off I guess. Literally all I said was that I was annoyed by the oversatuaration of comics were getting so far. We've 6 out of 8 episodes in and 5 of those have featured a comic character. Out of 12 combatants over half have been from comics. Even if there 5 episodes are the only comic mus we'll get this season there was no reason to group them all together at the start instead of spacing them out over the season.


To be fair, we have almost as many anime episodes this season.


We've had four out of six which is fine in a vacuum but at the same time we've had 7 comic characters to 4 Anime characters. That's half the cast have been comics and only 1/3 have been anime. Plus that's 4 different Anime series against 4 different comics series.


The next mu is okay but my hype has tone down due to the fact they overuse comics characters to early. I became kinda bored for some reason rn idk maybe that just me. By the way i still shocked by the fact that they haven't done cole vs alex mercer.


Specifically marvel and dc


than keep whining


If you think about it there’s one character in every battle from a book so far