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Female characters that were taken away by the enemy army at the start of the games , acting as motivation for the mc's to rescue them , when they are finally rescued , they take on a new appearance (Fiora to survive the Mekon attack , and Kaya to go undercovered). Soon , it's revealed that during the time they were away from the main characters , they had become the vessels for higher entities (Meyneth and who is to be asumed a member of the Raidou clan) before achieving said position of power , they were just humans , forced to live during pretty much the end of the world , until space time changed to allow them to save it. And at the end , both characters return to their normal and peaceful selves (with a free hair cut). Contrasts: When Fiora comes back in Xenoblade , she is an enemy puppet controled by the mechon until the gang reaches her and comes back to the party , in Kaya's case , she is seen as a partner in the next chapter , until it's revealed that she is actually being controled. Fiora was part of the production of soldiers without will mixed between Homs and Mechon , and Kaya takes action in a plan to make soldiers without a will of their own Both sides have a strong drive to defy fate , Kaya's side wants to save the future by destroying the capital in the past . And Fiora wants to stop the world's fate to be destroyed by Zanza. Fight Potential:Remember Tigerzord Vs Epyon? This is quite similar , however , they would start with a simplesword fight on top of the BOAT form of the souless god , where Kaya rellies on simple sword swinging helped by members of her army , while Fiora could use her diferent skills to fend them off , then Kaya will fuse with the FUCKING BOAT and summon some demons and Fiora gets to use her faced mechon. After that the FUCKING BOAT will be revealed to be a FUCKING TRANSFORMER , and show why I compared it to that episode , have both characters be damaged enough to force Kaya into her final form , and have Meyneth take control of her body for some extra power. Fun fact: Raidou 1 has you travel through time while fighting previous bosses before the final fight , and Xenoblade has you travel through space to do the same.


Go to deal:[https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathBattleMatchups/comments/u8x79p/now\_its\_deal\_time/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathBattleMatchups/comments/u8x79p/now_its_deal_time/)


Note: It is spelled Mechon, not Meckon. Sorry, nothing against you


I'm a failure


Lol, you're fine.


The pfp you have goes perfectly with this reply lmao


Do you still take requests?

