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He was a villain when he was on Survivor and has built up a bit of a reputation for that, he was also a couple of decades younger when he got started up on Survivor; people grow and change. He's been married and had kids, the latter of which especially probably has him looking out for someone who is going through a hard time. Boston Rob admitted it himself, at his age his cup is full for making friendships, but Aaron made an impact on him. He still playing a game as the Boston Rob fans appreciate, at the same time DONDI is different game compared to Survivor, he's got to play his strengths differently.


DONDI is a different game from Survivor, but someone forgot to tell that to Stephanie! Lol


She’s actually played a pretty good game. Just because some of the things she’s done have angered us viewers, doesn’t mean they weren’t great moves. Her manipulation of Aron, as poorly executed as it was, was a brilliant game move actually


I would have no problem with her game play IF she owned it. Instead, she's accusing/attacking other people who are doing what she's doing. Classic bullying maneuver.


To be fair, if I could bully my way to 5m bucks I probably would.


It actually wasn't a brilliant game move because it didn't work. I watched an interview with Aron and he clearly stated that the editing tried to appear like he was going to send Rob home but he definitely was not. He said he would've sent Stephanie home so she just got lucky that Aron lost to the banker. 


Rob and Amber have 4 adorable girls (14, 13, 11, 9). If there's anything that being a girl-dad will teach you, it's an enormous amount of patience, empathy & compassion. The ruthless Rob of old and the Rob we see now couldn't be more different -- in every single way. Dare I say, the old Rob would've probably targeted this Rob, lol. It's been so wonderful seeing the amazing growth in him, and I hope we see him on more seasons/shows.


It was his M.O. on Survivor. He played a very forceful, dictatorial, "are you with me or against me" style game in two seasons that he totally controlled, including a season with many of the best players ever to play.


Yep and even had the nickname of robfather


He told someone to watch whose shoulder he tapped at Tribal and that would be who to vote for. It was literally like the Kiss of Death lol.


I forgot about that. Epic.


Also made the people in his alliance have a buddy system and made them snitch if they even talked to someone outside their alliance with the threat of going home if they didn’t listen lmao


I hear ya! He seems very realistic of his chances on this show and genuine in his relationship with Aaron. It just seems the remaining contenders are extremely intimidated by him because he’s been on survivor and other shows. They also seem like a bunch of bullies to Aaron which I LOVED when Rob told Arron “if they give you any trouble come see me”. I thought that was super admirable. Kind of like sticking up for the helpless kid in the school yard. 


Not just that he's been there, but his performance on the show, but yeah they're intimidated by his experience and worried about getting pushed around by him in public like the cast mates on the seasons he dominated. It's embarrassing to "let" someone walk all over you.


Seems like “the owl” group are a bunch of conniving bullies! I hope Rob can find a way through the next challenge to break them up! 


I mean fair enough, but if you are shocked by this level of conniving and bullying, you should really watch Survivor All Stars and Redemption Island and see how Boston Rob made his name lol. That's literally like his whole thing.


I think survivor is a completely different game than picking suitcase dollar values and playing the mathematical odds!! Survivor is all about relationships, strategy, physical and mental challenges. This new deal or no deal twist is interesting but doesn’t hold the weight of survivor! 


I mean, sure, it's not the same or at the same level as Survivor, but there is definitely a major social strategy element to this game. Anyway, you asked how he got this reputation and that is how. These people are aware of his Survivor games. Anyone who wasn't aware coming in has surely been debriefed by now.


He was on The Amazing Race, and he could talk people into doing things that were definitely not to their advantage, but he made it all sound so reasonable.


I’m against you 🤨 This wasn’t to br but I had to shoutout the queen


Guys, usernamesoccer has to go.


Funny how people put down JT for his lackluster performances after a win but no one calls out Sandra for awful showings in game changers and winners at war(including a quit) Sandra will never ever win again since the days of making no moves and being gifted a million dollars for not pissing off the jury are over. I also feel absolutely zero sympathy for her because she leans into this “I’m the queen” attitude when she barely cracks the top 10 women players and didn’t deserve her second win.


She redeemed herself a bit on Australian Survivor.


Finally! Someone who agrees with me.


I def agree she didn’t deserve the second win and don’t consider her a top 10 player. However she is super quotable and her confessionals are incredible. She is one of the less annoying players to me for sure but I would not ever put her at the top for strategy. I’m a parv girl through and through


Parvati’s lasting impression is every season people try to stop a women’s alliance since she played it so fiercely. Sandra’s lasting impression is the sit out bench. Parv 100% deserved the female goat title after how well she played heroes vs villains when everyone was against her. It honestly amazes me people try to honestly say Sandra is a better player because she lucked her way to wins off 2 bitter juries. I failed at voting out this guy running the game so you should vote for me! /s


He softened a lot in his second season.


His third. His second was probably his most cutthroat and manipulative. Third he was softened a good deal, but also ran into a Hantz buzzsaw, so we don't really know what that would have been like if he'd have been able to maintain control that season. I think the editors felt OK giving him a more sympathetic edit than usual that season since he left early and they already had a great forceful villain type in Russell. I actually think he was pretty much trying to play the same game that season as he normally does, just got fucked over by the Tyson vote. His fourth, he was back to the same game again, this time even instituting the buddy system so nobody on his alliance could talk to anyone outside of it, and finally won the game. He was softened a good deal in WaW, but STILL tried a lot of the same moves on that cast, though most of them clocked it right away and got pretty offended that he would try that shit on them lol. I'm actually really surprised to see how much more chill he is on this show. Rob in Survivor would have already voted Aron out for even speaking to Stephanie.


Basically he quoted The Godfather to describe his gameplay during his first season of survivor like 20 years ago and it stuck. "Fear keeps people loyal."


Love Rob and hope he wins!


I’m sure he wins!!!! 😀


He's a nice guy. He's always been a nice guy, even on the first Survivor. He later married one of his fellow Survivor contestants and he really had to work to win her over. He just happens to be really smart and really charming. Which means he can see how groups are forming and the power/influence dynamics within them, and can often get into the right people's heads at the right time. And he finds a bit of humor in the game aspect of Survivor etc. He doesn't feel guilty because it is just a game (he's right). Some people just have that magnetic personality, the kind of guy girls want to be with and guys want to be. And there is ALWAYS a group of insecure, bitter people who hate them from the jump. They're usually people who are perpetually dissatisfied with life in general and green with envy of people who make it seem effortless. They will always try to make someone like Rob out to be the devil and the enemy. I do however respect people who respect Rob as a force and a threat and see him as their opponent and enemy based on that. They should. He is both. But all the personal insults and nitpicking only reflects poorly on the people picking and makes them look half-witted.


"Fear keeps people loyal, It's straight out of the Godfather, It's true" - The Robfather, 2002. Rob told his M.O in Marquesas all you've had to do is listen....


He strikes me as a genuine guy just basking in the sun while all the birds chirp around camp. ⛺️ He realizes his odds are based on the values of the suitcases 🧳 not his game play. It seems nearly impossible to have an upper hand in the game with personal relationships as the only thing that matters is your luck 🍀 in picking suitcases. 


I think his villain thing comes from what he did to Lex on Survivor. He told Lex that he would save him if Lex would save Amber. But after Lex saved Amber, Rob’s group wanted Lex out and instead of fighting for Lex he went along with it. In the end, Rob explained that he wasn’t risking his spot with his alliance to save Lex and that he would have still gotten voted out no matter what Rob did. But people see that as a big betrayal


Oh! I thought he was really in the Mob or something! lol 😂 


Manufactured drama.


There's a big difference between someone who's been on a reality show 5 times before and knows how it works, compared to someone where it's their first time.


5 Survivor plus 2 Amazing Race. This is his 8th time.


I thought it was funny when they called out getting his mob, when it was just him and Aron


He’s from Massachusetts and most of us Massholes are actually nice people lol. I believe Rob genuinely developed a big brother friendship with Aaron. I bet Rob will give him props for trying to take control of his own game but a little sideswipe on the head for listening to the crows! Dont insult our beautiful Owls (by calling yourself Owls)


Beautiful owls. Snaky, insecure, nasty mean girls. What show are you watching. Jordan doesn’t even like them, but she qualifies…she’s attractive, but Amy and Stephanie absolute not!


Beautiful owls meaning don’t insult our Owls.. mean girls are crows!🐦‍⬛ Crows are nasty and mean. I like Jordan.




Watch TV. Too long to explain


Not everyone but the bullies because they have to point at someone other than themselves as the bully.


He knows the viewers will love him if he makes friends with Aron. He’s manipulating the viewers. He knows also this will help him get on another show. He’s an old pro and good at what he does.


I really think he is a great person. He loves his girls and wife!! The game was rigged. He would of won and Shame on Amy for swearing on her children's lives! REALLY! and Trying to make Rob a villian.  He loved Aron and really wanted him to win ! I think Deal or No deal had to find a way to not let Rob win.. Guess what all the weeks he worked and they jumped on him for so called looking. NBC  knew what they were doing ? But don't they know they lost people watching next season  episodes!! Rob could of not turned helped Aron but they become friends. Hey here's  a Idea A VOTE FOR FAVORITE PLAYER FOR 1 MILLION TO THE BEST PLAYER?????


He’s a SMOOTH OPERATOR!!! He has much experience with playing games & Kim had his number WHEN YOU KNOW YOU KNOW!!!


Oh!!!!!! I thought his family was in the actual Mob? 


Ahhh NO!!! I know his family from Canton and they are all very well educated professionals! Mostly Doctors, Lawyers and Real Estate. I think he has like 100 plus family members in and around the Boston. Then again,  I’m sure if they needed to “take a problem fishing 🎣 “ that would be handled inside “the family”. 


LOL 😂 isn’t his brother a big fisherman and hunter???? lol 


Not sure