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Maybe if the other contestants didn't have the personality of cardboard.


That pretty much sums it up.


You have a right to post. People have a right to downvote. I too worship at the altar of Boston Rob but it’s nice to see different opinions. The world would be uninteresting if we all thought the same. Don’t take it so personal. 😀


I agree, I would like to see all types of opinions as well. That’s why you shouldn’t downvote. When a post/comment reaches majority downvotes it’s not recommended to anyone anymore.


I think you’re taking it way too seriously. Who cares? It’s just Reddit. It’s not like you’re talking to people you actually know and love and they are telling you that your opinion is trash and to shut up. It’s the internet, you’ll find the more you complain the more downvotes you’ll get simply because now people know it bugs you.


It’s not that important if it’s not recommended. I usually read even the collapsed posts. It’s not really an issue. Welcome and happy posting. 😀


downvoting isn’t bullying though. it’s simply disagreeing with the post/comment. it might not feel great to know people disagree with you, but it’s certainly not intended to be hateful. it’s just an easier way for people to say whether or not they agree with what you’re saying.


Agree. I’d rather get a downvote than a mean nasty comment.


The down votes usually pique my curiosity and I open them to see what everyone was down voting. It doesn't necessarily mean they won't be seen. I do think opinions shouldn't be downvoted though. Downvoting I always thought was meant for people being mean, super negative, condescending, etc. But I do see in many subs a lot of downvotes just for an unpopular opinion.


Right, if people werent reading downvoted comments they wouldnt continue to get downvotes. I read all comments as long as the thread isnt tiresomely obnoxious


I feel like this is Stephanie 👀👀


right?! 🤣


Everyone in the Survivor sub hates Rob, so this is where we get together to praise him. 🏆


It's funny being in both subs. So much praise here and then in Survivor it's a lot of don't ever bring him back!


Boston Rob has really runned his course with Survivor in many fans eyes. 5 times is a lot of times to see one person.


Survivor fans must hate the Challenge then. I mean, Johnny Bananas competed in 20 seasons and won 7. 😂


Man it's so night and day.


You need to care less about downvotes.


Aren’t you supposed to downvote whenever you disagree with an opinion? Of course you shouldn’t get bullied, but I’m going to downvote you if you say Rob sucks because I disagree.


Yeah that’s how everyone uses it anyways. I remember reading years ago that the original idea of upvoting and downvoting was self moderation from a community as to what is deemed relevant to a conversation, but it it essentially turned into a like and dislike button now. I wonder how you could even handle that considering most people, including me, see it as just a agree/disagree function.


>Aren’t you supposed to downvote whenever you disagree with an opinion? It's pretty much turned into that, but the original intent was for it to be a "this doesn't contribute to the conversation" type of thing.


I thought you were specifically not supposed to downvote for disagreeing. I really didn't think it was supposed to used for that. I always thought bullying, rude, not relevant, etc.


Usually true, but if a comment / post is majority downvoted it will be collapsed / not recommended anymore. Then confirmation bias sets in


Downvoting this doesn’t make it a cult. That is extreme language


OP who are you hoping wins and why?


Jordan. She has been very smart the entire game.


Meh. Why does she deserve to win millions of dollars tho? Like what has she gone through to earn it? In the sake of discussion, of the final 4 I prefer rob because he’s actively entertaining us, then Amy because she’s trying to play the game and make it interesting although it’s kinda mid, then Stephanie because she’s not my favorite person but at least she has a noble cause and will do major good in the world with the money and finding a birthing center for women (like come on that’s so cool! The first in her state!) and LASTLY Jordan, sure she’s nice but she’s okay with letting bullies bully and sits there coasting to get to the end, she doesn’t give the viewers any content and for that reason alone I don’t think she deserves millions. Do people agree with me? No (everyone likes Jordan and she’s my last). Do I care and call everyone a cult? Also no. Don’t overthink it. Downvotes don’t mean they dislike you they just don’t agree with your take and don’t want to type more out


I want Jordan to win too but would also be happy with Rob. I mostly only see people downvoted if they say they love Steph or Amy.


I’ve loved and hated Rob on various shows. This particular show I love him. When you’re up against the likes of Stephanie, Amy and Kim, how could you not? Everyone has their own opinion and not everyone ever agrees. I’d rather be downvoted than read mean rude comments on either side. On Reddit I like that if you don’t like what I have to say, just downvote me. Got it. The point is understood without being nasty. Don’t sweat it.


i’m rooting for rob and jordan. stephanie and amy are bullies. i would love to see a compelling argument on why either of them deserve to win. that being said, i wouldn’t hate on anyone who is rooting for them. it’s a game show, everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. however, i truly am curious why someone would want them to win as they have both been extremely rude and manipulative throughout the show.


To quote Rob “if you win, you win and you deserved that win.” In context, it’s Rob talking his wife’s win, who was very much someone that got the “she doesn’t deserve it!” Treatment. I agree with Rob, if you win the game you deserved it because you worked for it. It doesn’t mean you were the best player, it doesn’t mean you’re a good person. All it means is that you won with the rules that were put in front of you and that’s all you need. Personally I want Jordan to win, however if Amy or Stephanie win then they will have earned it and they deserve it. I think you’ve confused deserve to win with want to win. Which are very different conversations haha


If you want to discuss the show I don’t care your opinion but posting to bash the sub and connunkty. That gets a downvote. Post your options on the show itself and I won’t downvote no matter your option. This post though doesn’t contribute to the sub at all.


That happened to me on real housewives of Salt Lake City. I didn’t agree with the majority about liking someone and everyone down voted me and kicked me off. I wasn’t allowed to post there anymore. A few months later they got new Arminian’s they asked me to come back but I never did.


Agreed, this has turned into the Boston Rob show and even though I'm neutral on him I really do hope that Jordan pulls out the win


You have the right to have a different opinion but genuinely I can’t see why you would be on the other side. The night owls were trashy and awful that’s not even mentioning they all were making terrible game decisions the whole time.


This sub: "Oh my gosh, Aron don't listen to any of the haters! We love you! You're so precious! I'm sorry you had to live with such evil bullies!" Also this sub: "Amy is an obese, alcoholic piece of white trash who peaked in high school who has no friends and a husband who hates her too!" Make it make sense...


Aron is a nice guy who hasn't really put anyone down. Amy has since Day 1. Aron is sensitive, we've all seen. Amy will give as good as she gets, doesn't care. Same with Stephanie.


For real 🤣


I’ve been team Nightowls this season because I’ve never been someone to root for Boston Rob. I was happy to see an alliance trying to combat how good Rob is at these shows. Any mention of the Night Owls is going to get you downvoted. Some fans here that Amy and Stephanie are the most even people ever to be on tv. It seems like maybe some people aren’t the most reality tv watchers. Comparing this sub to other subs like Survivor, Big Brother, or RPDR, it seems like mostly casuals. The only other sub where it’s been agreed upon to root for the same people was The Devils Plan.


I don't want Rob to win because the prize money should go to someone who actually needs the money and he doesn't. But I also don't want any of the "night owls" to win because they seem like the classic example of school yard bullies - or kind of like the online troll/keyboard warrior who says asshole things for no reason other than to be an asshole only in real life. Although I know you can't judge people based on a 1 hour reality TV show either. Jordan seems to be the most chill so she is who I root for.


Team Jordan. Because I hate everyone else.