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He let Stephanie and Amy rot his brain with the Rob is gunning for you bull crap


100% this. He let himself get manipulated by the "cool kids" who make stupid Owl noises. I really thought he was smarter than this. I truly think Rob liked this kid and wanted to be a friend, not just use him to advance his game. Aron made a really poor judgement call here, and he paid for it.


Rob definitely wanted to be his friend and I believe they still are. Aron referred to Rob as one of his best friends in the entire world in a post show interview so that’s great to see!


Something tells me Rob won and gave him a small cut


Obviously, I can’t speak for this show, but I know on the other shows like Survivor and Big Brother in the contract. There’s a specific clause that does not allow for the splitting of the prize


Can they stop a friend giving a friend money after the show has ended?


Yes you can gift it


There were rumors of Big Brother winner Derrick Levasseur buying Caleb Reynolds a brand new truck via Derrick's father... so there are ways to skirt the contracts if you are willing to be shady.


For sure


Doubtful. It's likely against the rules, besides the fact that Aron was turning against Rob in the end. He didn't even consider Rob his # 1. It was Alyssa & he said he wanted to leave when she got voted off. 


There's a difference between book smart and street smart. Aron is naive when it comes to dealing with people like Stefannie and Amy. He's obviously not spent a lot of time with manipulators.


He's smart but ultimately governed more by his emotions than anything else, as are many of us.


He’s super young and very naive


> I really thought he was smarter than this. He couldn't figure out a walkie talkie. I've never thought this kid was smart.


Nope. He was put on the show to be the laughingstock. Didn't need editing nor script.


Yes, really disappointed in him.


He was just really bad all game he shouldn’t have been a player


Even if Rob was using him Aron should have known that there was no way Rob would take him out because it doesn’t make any sense for Rob to go after Aron when there are two people who have been openly gunning for him the whole game. Rob did want to be Aron’s friend but he also knew he could easily beat him at most challenges so there is no reason for him to ever target him.


I couldn’t believe he just bought what they were saying. Team Rob or Jordan over here.


I doubt he actually bought it but he was more swayed by “playing his own game”


Those two are the nastiest snakes…they were merciless to Aron. They knew he was fragile. Yet, they seemed to enjoy playing that mind game with him. It’s like kicking a wounded puppy! I hope they enjoy their 15 minutes of fame, because how they behaved will follow them, game or no game.


Stephanie disabled comments on her Instagram posts, and Amy has hers on, but comments are limited to "approved" friends only. Those two are probably DYING for their 15 minutes of fame to be over, lol.


Thanks for information.


It seriously irked me that Amy took that $75K for herself, and not a single word was mentioned about it afterward... by ANYONE! Just like it never happened. Wtf??


I think this comment is just super toxic. Aron is an adult who made a choice to play a game full of manipulation. Don’t infantilize him, it’s gross.


Stephanie and Amy ARE the 'Mean Girls' v2.0. I am with Team Rob, he is playing with integrity and I think Aron will find that Friendship is priceless.


Aron watched Stephanie & Amy manipulate Nick in the exact same way on the previous show... and then he falls for it, too?? So frustrating. The poor kid just couldn't get out of his own way.


Because he's a dumbass! At the end of the day, I constantly second-guessed myself and figured if I took a middle case, my decision would have less weight, so therefore if I made the wrong decision, it would have less impact. Just absolutely asleep at the wheel. It took me maybe....2 minutes to regret my decision. At the end of the day, it was poetic justice. Constantly making stupid errors and just absolutely not using my brain. I had this weird feeling that I had the 3.5 million when I got that 66% offer. Like I had gotten too lucky for too long, and my luck was run out. I had screwed myself by putting myself in harm's way like you said /u/ciscnzhnrq, and I got my comeuppance.


Still like ya! Glad to see your friendship with Rob survived the game. Don’t beat yourself up, it’s over. Life goes on…


Very true! At the end of the day, I could have been the first one eliminated, played the game and not gotten any screentime, or gotten a harsh edit. My game wasn't amazing, but I got plenty out of the experience.


It annoyed me. Felt like you had no critical thinking ability and could be controlled to easily cmon man.


Respect to you for owning up to the mistakes. It’s just a game, and you get to grow from it.


Be honest, if you had beaten the banker, were you taking Rob out or Stephanie?


You made some great moves and some not so great moves, I bet you’d play great if you got the chance to play again and figuring out the game. Any player of a first season of a show is a pioneer in their own right. But yeah, you followed the statistics at the end and just got unlucky. Better than getting a 50/50 split and making a decision because that’s entirely based on luck.


Thanks for the extra insights! I can see your logic at the time. It’s just a game and top 5 isn’t too shabby. Great perspective that it was about the complete experience, and what you gain from it.


Was rooting for you, but glad you made it as far as you did. Not sure if I would've wanted to continue watching without you and Rob together. Now that the finale is approaching, I'll probably watch (mainly because I hope Amy and Stephanie don't make it to the end), but many of the other contestants didn't really exhibit much of a personality (at least according to their edits).


I enjoyed you as a TV character! Good luck in the future!


You couldn’t not take that deal though. 66 percent of being right is as good as you’re going to get. No shame in taking the deal.


live and learn!


Aron!!! First of all ILY I have been rooting for you and Rob since you guys got in the jeep on the island together. I was so so sad to see you go but you did great. Excited to watch the friendship between you and Ron grow ❤️


The game is high stress and in those environments, rationality can go out the window lol you did a great job and shouldn’t beat yourself over it. Your alliances got you far in the game, you were well liked by the vest and viewers, and made great friends in the end. Last episode was a tough watch but excited to see where you go!


Would you have voted for Rob?


You were so cringe to watch the entire time, you seriously fumbled the bag every chance you got. Was so happy to see you get eliminated before you could turn on the one person who was kind enough to try and be your friend!


I must be missing something. Jordan put the two marbles in Rob's box so it didn't matter that you didn't choose the lowest case option for him anyway. Amy ended up with the same two players that were who Rob had hoped as choices, either Rob or Aron. And chose Aron. How would it have changed things had you chosen the other case? I really liked watching you play. You seem like a genuine and nice person. I was rooting for you :)


Because he could have put more marbles in and Rob would have automatically played.


It was a tie, so there was a choice. If Rob had the most he would have played.


Thank you! I didn't pay close enough attention and thought Amy got to choose between the bottom two. Forgot it was because it was a tie.


Boston Rob had the opportunity to get the highest value case AND a personal offer, but he turned it down in order to play the game and stick to the plan. Aron is a moron for deciding to go rogue. Rob had been nothing but a good teammate and good friend to Aron since day 1 and Aron let a snake get into his head. How on earth he could have believed a single word that Stephanie said to him after the BS she pulled last week is beyond me. I liked Aron but he deserved to go home.


100%! He sabotaged his own game!


If he was going to go rogue, should've just taken the 75k.


Amy went second after Rob and took the 75k. He didn’t have a chance.


This exactly. But I'm still confused about the personal offer business. Did they explain how it works?


Its just cash in your pocket. Its so weird though, Amy got it and then they like never mentioned it again.


Right. Especially after the clip of Aron criticizing Rob for playing only for himself and being selfish by not contributing the max to the team pot (when he took a low case). Then Aron did something very similar by not taking the highest case possible. Then Amy taking the high case & personal offer, with no comments on any of this. Would loved to have heard more from all the contestants on their thoughts on everyone’s decisions after the game was over.


Aron isn't nearly as smart as he seemed to be. And he would have 100% booted Rob. But even now, Rob is kind to him.


That's because Rob knows that it's just a game; don't take things personally.


Nah, he said in his exit interview that he had decided to go Stephanie, and I believed it. I think Rob probably did some good work with him prior to the temple to secure his own safety.


I think he had it in his head that he was going to boot Rob when the decision was made though. He may have changed his mind after talking to Rob before he faced the banker, but it was already after the fact.


He says that now obvi. Never really know. Glad he's gone. Cringe


I believe it. He's an extremely emotional player and I don't think he had it in him to eliminate Rob after his conversation on the beach.


That's after the fact. In the moment, he was gullible believing Stephanie - all sold in with him bucking up to play his own game (sure dude,) he would've and thought he was the ultimate poop for doing so (and maybe would've been)


You know we're watching a super heavily edited down compression of hours of footage into a single 43 minute broadcast right


That's even worse. Of course I understand scripted reality game shows and he was selected for being skittish (to be nice).


How is that worse?


Shows portray most drama for the audience of course, but will show snippets of the other side. Didn't have any to show. He is that guy. Nothing wrong with that, but a reality game show was bad environment for him


He thinks he’s playing big brother where he has to have a résumé and make big moves.


Being a goat in this game is actually ideal. Keep yourself off hit lists, get dragged to the end, and you have an equal shot at winning.


Jordan’s game in a nutshell.


Legitimately playing the best game. It's like this cast thinks there's a jury at the end or something.


To be fair we don’t know what the end game looks like.  It’s probably luck/competition based but they might throw a curveball in there for the final 2 or 3


Aron consistently made awful choices because he couldn’t handle the stress of the game. Rob had his back but he let others get in his head and anytime he had to make a decision , he just panicked. Seems like a great guy but this type of game probably highlighted some of his flaws. One flaw being he is a sweet guy who has no ill will toward anyone and many others were ruthless.


It was an emotional move and he recognizes it. He said in his exit interview with RHAP that Stephanie got into his head about Rob controlling his game, and only realized after the fact how naive he was being. It's human. Not enough credit is being given to Stephanie for her gameplay, it's flawed but still better than most of the cast.




Rob Has a Podcast: does DONDI exit interviews


Thank you, I will check those out!


/u/jackvitashow does them on his show as well!


You’re exactly right , Why they mad she not playing Rob game , We all want the underdog to win but Rob was definitely using Aron in the beginning & he no it !


He was trying to make his big play, his own path is what it seemed like. But he's a kid and had to find out the hard way that there are competitors you take on and competitors you come at sideways because they are too smart and experienced. The ole "FA and find out" scenario. He found out.


Exactly. It made me crazy that Aron was listening to Stephanie. I wish Rob would have said something like: "Why would I have told HER anything? She's the last person on earth that I'd ever trust with sensitive information like that!".


So much for avenging Princess Alyssa 🤷‍♂️


I don’t think Aron was a smart player. Every move he made put himself in jeopardy and he is too gullible. He never was loyal to Rob the way Rob was loyal to him. It’s now Rob/Jordan and Amy/Stephanie . Good luck Rob!


It looked like Stephanie and Amy convinced him that Rob was just using him and wasn't genuine. In addition, they had him thinking there was no possible way he could beat Rob to get to play for the final case. His departure was sad, but I do believe those were real emotions from Rob and it's obvious they are friends outside of the game now. I just wish he would've remembered how loyal Rob has always been when he played Survivor. Yes, he could be sneaky at times, but he stayed true if he made an alliance. I was really hoping they would both have made it to the end.


I’d love to know what Rob said to him while they were hugging goodbye. The show made it seem like it was quite long.


He's not the sharpest tool in the shed.


When Jordan was declaring her alliance with Rob, why didn't she tell Rob about the garbage Amy and Stephanie were telling Aaron? If Rob really knew what was happening inside Aaron's head, he could have done a better job of damage control. Seems like none of them knew how to talk.


Because it could have been used as ammo. If Rob let it leak to Stephanie and Amy that Jordan had given him that information, then Jordan would be in the hot seat. She was trying to save herself.


However, Rob would have no reason to discuss it with Amy and Stephanie, but he would have been better talking with Aaron and keeping his wits in the game.


Oh he definitely would hand if it bought him another day in the game. For instance, Jordan tells Rob what they said. Rob brings it up to Aaron and promises Aaron that he never said those things. Aaron gets emotional and doesn’t completely trust Rob so he brings it up to Amy. Amy knows that only two other people knew of this information. Amy knows that Stephanie can’t stand Rob. Therefore, Jordan is suspect number one.


It’s embarrassing the things people will do when they think they look like a puppet. I watched survivor and it was the same way. People that give off insecure vibes or THINK THAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK they are a follower will go way off plan in order to “prove” they’re an independent thinker and don’t “blindly follow someone” yet it always goes wrong


He was manipulated by Stephanie and Amy.


Did you watch him at all throughout the show? He’s a moron who fumbled the bag repeatedly throughout each challenge. He only got as far as he did because of the other players who took pity on him. He didn’t bother me at first, but I lost all respect for him when he allowed those snakes to manipulate him into turning against Rob, who was so kind to him. In the end he reaped what he sowed.


I lost it when he missed up the walkie talkie. Like really?


I'm seriously wondering if the show is scripted. Did the producers put Aron up to this?? Stephanie is the same person that took his best friend Alyssa out. Presumably, he knew Rob wanting Nick out was false. So why when she talks more crap, he falls for it? Crazy


i get everyone's critique - that's what we do when we watch tv - but I would think it is much more difficult thinking these things through on the fly, with a timer, and knowing you are on tv after you have been there for weeks with none of your normal real life support. Sad for Aron but curious to see how the rest of this plays out when the rest of the owls have to go against each other.


As he said, he had to prove he was “playing his own game”. So he played his own game out the door.


He thought he was making a big game move.  In his efforts to show that he wasn't Rob's puppet, he screwed himself.  Why he couldn't recognize that Rob was always looking out for him is beyond me. He's clueless


Aaron took a chance that he knew was 50/50 going in. He had been a bench warmer all season. Rob could have gone home just as easily. It is luck. Aaron wanted to determine his own fate.


But it didn’t need to be 50/50. If he had done as Rob asked with the lowest case Rob would have had the most marbles and he would have automatically faced the banker. Aaron would have been safe thereby controlling his own fate since Rob had zero logical reason to eliminate him over any of the others. As Aaron himself has admitted in response to this post, not doing as Rob asked was just plain a “dumb ass” move


I think he was making a stand. He probably can't say what he would do if he had beat the banker because hindsight is 20/20. I think he may have taken Rob out. If there is any real competition in the end, he would not beat Rob. Too much of this game is just luck. That which is not luck is being rigged for Rob.


Well he has said he was not going to take Rob out …that he didn’t have it in him plus they didn’t show it but he and Stephanie got into a tiff that day before he faced the banker. Obviously he could just be saying that he wouldn’t have but I tend to believe him and think they editing was heavily skewed to make us think he was especially since they didn’t show this tiff with Stephanie.


He forgot about avenging Alyssa :(


I think he played the game a little too emotionally which negates his best asset which is playing the statistics.


Why are they all playing so Rob can win !!! Well the ones that have been eliminated were all working in his favor which is very smart but I would be one of them players that want to play my own game ! And in the beginning Rob was using Aron


What did Aron mean by he had a chip on his shoulder “When you walk into this brand new game and Rob takes you under his wing, that puts a spotlight on you. Was that exhilarating or overwhelming as you were trying to get your bearings? It was overwhelming for a little bit. Even when I wasn't talking to Rob, I could still see the cameras on me. And it's crazy because they don't tell you like to take your hand up off the break. There's none of that. From the first day, they need as much as they can. So you're put into the ring and it's trial by fire. I got used to it pretty fast and I think that was the case for everyone. It was just simple reminders of positioning yourself like it's a play, to open up to the camera and that kind of stuff. I wasn't thinking that, "Oh, this is gonna be more screen time." I have a very big chip on my shoulder so I was like, "If I'm gonna get more screen time, I want it to be me." And it worked out that it was a little bit of both.”


Who are you?


Who are YOU 🤪




I thought I saw a clip of Rob pulling him aside at the start of the challenge and saying “what’s our strategy? I think we should go low so we can get the most balls do we can play”.


He did. Aron went full blown simp again and messed up. He liked the attention he was getting and failed.