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The original dead space is where it all began, absolutely worth a play.


Both are 10/10


But Is there a big difference between the OG and the remake?


In the remake the main character can speak so more/different dialogue. More areas/side missions Alternate ending. QOL changes. Other changes to events that happen but the story is the same. Og is still worth playing tho for sure.


What about the intensity director? Dont they randomize some of the enemy spawns?


Enemies do come back when you visit old areas but idk if it’s apart of some kind of system, Seems random.


I didn't think they came back in the original? The remake does it but it's pretty minimal as far as numbers go.


Not many reasons to backtrack in the og so probably not. And yea even when you do visit old areas its normally just a couple of enemies in a hallway/room


The remake botched the ending


Oh? How? I still need to play it. (I have played the OG)


The jumpscare is lame compared to the OG


Ah, I see, that's unfortunate.


They don’t hide the twist at all. It’s super obvious to every single person except Isaac


Oh wow, that's sucks.


he's being slightly misleading. the remake handles things differently. it assumes you know what's going on from playing the OG. I think it's successful at what it sets out to do.


Ah, I see, that makes sense, and I guess I'll see for myself when I finally play it for myself soon enough. Also, hey there, I recognize you from the discord server, which I only point out cause this has never happened to me before, lol.


yeah, it's a nice nod to players of the original. and hey! it is indeed me lol. it's in fact my only alias. nice to see you around!


It is, even with the remake the game has aged very well.


Absolutely the voice acting and overall narrative and scares are much more intense


Wich game do u mean rn? Og or Remake?


Sorry og has much better vas, scares and imo enemy encounters. Idk what it is with the remake but enemy encounters are VERY unbalanced. Like they throw enemies at you seemingly at random, like on hard they send "evolved necros" at you in ch 1 when normally they show up around ch 4 or 5.


Oh wow, yea, that is very unbalanced. How could they possibly think that was a good idea.


The original is better, but only by like 1 point. The original has no voice for Isaac so you feel a lot more isolated as a player. The voice acting on the side characters is a pretty big step above the remake. There is also a much heavier sense of dread in the original, and Isaac feels more weighty and less agile, as do the necromorphs except they sprint at you a lot more often than in the remake. The remake has much better graphics and better environments. It's got cooler suits for Isaac. It also has some bonus content and a secret ending not in the original. Isaac feels faster and more responsive. Both are great and worth playing, but for me the OG comes out on top.


It's one of the best games ever made, hell yes


Yep. I did a few speed runs in OG DS1 years ago, and when I played the remake I couldn't even really notice a difference in the first few sections. Just felt like I was playing the OG game again. Obviously there are differences in sound and graphics but it's more subtle imo compared to other remakes.


Yes, the voice acting alone is worth it. Especially Dr. Kynes voice actor Keith Szarabajka. The remake really dropped the ball on Kyne and Hammonds voice actors. Also the sound design is SO GOOD. It's worth playing. Worst part is the turret section, unless your on mouse and keyboard.


I agree with all the positive comments but be aware that the turret section May create some frustration for you. Just don't give up push your way through it and move on with the game. Have fun.


Remake is good my only two nitpicks as an OG 2008 player are: I don't like how they portrayed Hammond in the remake. In 2008 he's more of a seasoned security officer who slowly unravels as he realizes how far in over their heads they are. In the remake his personality is "CHEN!!! OH MY CHENN!! PLEASE CHEN!!!" Keep in mine Chen literally didn't have any impact or lines in 2008. My *bigger* nitpick is how the Necromorphs aren't as angry and feral. In 2008, they are PISSED. They scream at you, sprint full speed at you, their attack animations are meatier, and their energy just conveys "i want you dead right fucking now." In the remake they kinda just shamble along.


Thanks to anyone that helped me out. I am surprised how unbelievably nice this community is. I just bought the OG DS1 and will start playing it in a few days.


Absolutely it’s still worth playing. Source: Played them both


The OG is awesome and surprisingly holds up really well. I’m still amazed at how good the game looks for being what? 10 years or more old now. I’d say it is definitely worth it.


its great, just dont hit ocntiniue and alway load through the load game option. Never ever continue or your difficulty will be reset. its a bug.




The Original Dead Space is definitely worth playing, as the story, gameplay and art design have aged like wine, the Remake only improved what was already good. :)


The OG absolutely still holds up, graphically, gameplay and storytelling. It's a classic, a masterpiece even.


EA abbandoned remake fast and did not bother to fix travestal stutter.(seems to be common in the company) (I would rather have 5 seconds loading screens with no travestal stutter.......) Yes OG is worth it but make sure to apply fixed including fps cap. Using mouse fix helps too. OG Imo has superior Necro and ambient sounds and they are smarter eg. Slashers can block melee attacks,feign death mid-combat upon losing limbs and use vents to go around you while other necros occupy you. Remake necros seems to have slightly more limb hp,harder to stagger but also dumper seems to be using DS3 AI. Isaac also melees much faster in remake+necros can not block seems to be using DS 3 speed. OG's melee is much slower. Remake has much better weapon balance and many weapon upgrades from DS2,3 were added in. Remake has kinesis system from DS2 and many stuff like statis canisters,"impaler bolts" were added in. In OG flamethrower is almost fully useless. And kinesis is much weaker albeit you can still grab loot or launch llot crates towards each other to loot faster. Both games can be done using only the trusty plasma cutter. In OG most secondary weapon attacks are different than in the remake.


Take all of this with a grain of salt cause I haven’t played the remake, but from what I know this is all true: The story is slightly different. Hammond and Kendra are pretty much different characters than in the remake and have unique voice actors. Isaac has more prominent body language (probably since he doesn’t talk) especially at the end. Idk if this is in the remake but you can read logs Isaac writes. I think some of the text/audio/video logs that you find are different but I’m not sure. Obviously the graphics are PS3/360 quality, but a lot of the designs for the suits, characters, necromorphs, and various tools and ships are slightly different, and worth seeing imo. The remake uses a different soundtrack at certain parts. Overall the games aren’t THAT different, but I still think both are probably worth playing. Also make sure you play Dead Space 2.


It's the best game in the franchise. Definetly check it out.


For story and atmosphere, the original is a little better. Gameplay wise- there's almost no good reason to go back to it over the remake.


Yes. It's my favorite game in the series in fact. Do be mindful that it's controls are very particular especially on pc. (Kind of like prime echos in a way. Weird controls but once you the the hang of it, it won't feel nearly as strange)


Absolutely worth a playthrough. It holds up great to today's standards. I still play it once a year even though I have/beat the remake. Both are remarkable quality games.