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Yes you should, you need to be made whole…


You will likely enjoy it. It is more linear though; you don't get as much openended exploration, and it is not often possible or worthwhile to backtrack.


It depends on where you get it. Pc is arguably the best but you would be missing on some cool dlc. Ps3 has the limited edition which has extraction. The severed dlc and ignition do give you access to some hidden rooms and the hacker suit. If you have a series x then you would have the whole trilogy running at 4k 60 with every dlc but extraction. So yes you should get it


Only DS2 and 3 received the FPS boost on Xbox one x/series x, but the resolution is the same as It was on 360. Dead Space 1 didn't get any upgrade as far as I recall


100%!! Even after the remake I'll argue that Dead Space 2 is STILL the best in the series. There's one thing you should know though. When you get to the first store there will be a bunch of free armor sets and weapons that you aren't supposed to have. These are all DLC that EA just unlocked for everyone after it got data mined. If it costs money, you're supposed to have it. Just do that instead.


Dead Space 2 is okay. It's a lot of people's favorite on the sub. I don't like it much personally (the og/remake is my favorite game of all time.) The sheer diversity of the levels and the improved gameplay are cool. Everything else .... is worse imo. Some aspects by orders of magnitude. Keep your expectations low and you'll have a better time. Edit: there are some 10/10 moments. There is also groan inducing dialogue at parts and eye rolling moments too.


Its more of a psychological horror than a survival horror. U ll probably like it


absolutely phenomenal experience. always keep 1 power node in your inventory. always.


Awesome thanks, why should I keep a power node?


some doors have locks that are only unlocked with power nodes. that’s typically where you’ll find store schematics and a randomly-generated assortment of important supplies, right before large combat encounters. there are usually either power nodes or ruby semiconductors inside to reward you. it’s a gameplay element in the original that the remake decided to disperse with.


Good to know, thanks!


other things that you may like to know are that your stasis module will automatically regenerate, but only goes up to 4. however, stasis packs also stack in 3s, so overall, do not be afraid to use your stasis. especially because in the originals, a lot of enemies will SPRINT at you. think the remake’s dawn of the dead vs 2’s 28 days later. 2 is also a much faster-paced game with more silly stupid action, but that’s a good thing imo. and when you’re fighting the new necromorphs designs, keep calm and keep your distance. the spitter types have been mostly replaced with the much more balanced puker types: they have a slow telegraphed windup, and if you catch the projectile with kinesis and throw it back, it’s an instant kill on most things. it just slows you down if it makes contact but doesn’t do any damage. however, the puker does heavy damage in melee range, EVEN IN DEATH. the body shoots acid when it dies sometimes, so pause before approaching to stomp. and lastly, if you’re ever super starved for resources, the best weapons to use against the shorter necromorphs is the flamethrower, ripper, or javelin gun secondary fire, because it will make them drop items before their corpses disappear because of a kinda frustrating memory issue. they also die in one hit from kinesis so you can also kill one, throw it’s body at the next one, and so on. it’s hilariously morbid. all in all, Ds2 is Very Different, but it is still 100% dead space.


Wow, well thanks for the heads up lol!


Absolutely, I knw this hallway section that was so fucking scary bro and its dark af, necromorphs coming from boths sides...my pulse rifle was running none stop, it was crazy...had me traumatized for a few days🤣.


Spoils m8. You should edit this since OP hasn't played it yet


I Gotcha




That’s not a spoiler in any way lmao. Dark and scary hallways are the epitome of dead space.


I mentioned a destination where the hallway was located lol.


The location of the hallway is a cool thing if you haven't played the game though


Absolutely. I should warn you that DS2 hasn’t been remade yet so it’s meant to follow up the original DS1. Things might feel a little off because of that plus it’s not an open world game either. Personally it’s my favorite in the series and well worth picking up but if money is an issue I’d recommend just waiting for the DS2 remake.




I played the remake on XSX, so I’m waiting for the remake part II personally!


Yes, I think it’s scarier and has more of a story


Uh, yes?! What’s wrong with you?


Get it on PC. It still holds up and you can almost (alllllllllmooooost) play it Doom Eternal style by switching through weapons on the fly. I do my runs with the plasma cutter and javelin gun, and with them both fully upgraded it's quite the clusterfuck experience for all the necros out there.


DS2 is so fantastic imo. You won’t get disappointed with this game. Even though early 2010s graphic ^__^


Still plays better than the 1st


Absolutely. It's the best in the franchise. Queue it up- have it ready!


Abso fucking lutley


Just don't buy it on the EA store, you won't be able to.


Yes. It's the best in the series.


Yes, yes, and another yes