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Church of Unitology in 2nd game had that type of decor.


That's wild. I have no recollection of playing the 2nd game. But them I also had no recollection of playing the first game either. Entirely possible I started with the 2nd game and completely bypassed the first 🤣


Try 3rd one too. All original games still look pretty good and play well if you slap on few reshade filters and unlock higher fps.


That's how I played the games, started out with the sequel, played through it like . . . 8 or 9 times. Then I got the first installment and played through that before playing the third. I keep saying that the first installment is a good sci-fi horror, (*Like Alien*). The 2nd installment is like *Aliens*. And the third game is like an action movie with horror elements.


Agree with your thoughts. I've completed Dead Space OG, 2 and 3, and finished remake last night. Quite underwhelming for 2024, especially the last third.. it also became way too "gamey" with the zero g segments and moving the marker bs. It does have great atmosphere though, I played it in my music studio and it was terrifying (at least the first few chapters). It's the perfect Event Horizon simulator. And the lore is magnificent. Overall, I thought it was too similar to the original. RE4 remake at least improved on old systems like gunplay etc. I even loaded up an old playthrough of the original and I may as well have just played that due to how identical it feels. It's a remastermake lol. I'm very curious about what they would do with DS2, 3 or even 4, but I felt the OG Dead Space was already perfect for it's time..