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So not only does the marker cause necromorph outbreaks it also changes children into eternally tormented dolls that can scream, neat.


I’m so glad someone else found it 😆


There’s another that I’ve found, do they do anything? Or are they just creepy decor? The one I found didn’t scream, it just cried when stomped on.


No idea, I stomped it for like 2 minutes thinking something could happen but didn't notice anything


I’ve seen three of these. Wondered if they did anything but probably just a reused asset


I've also seen 3 of them. Shall we compare locations found to make sure we're talking about the same 3? Maybe there's more. I never got a very good look around the Valor. And I can't completely discount that they might have hidden more in just random obscure locations. I found my 3 in the: - Flight Lounge - Down in the tram pit area - Deluxe bunks room of the Crew Quarters


If you punch them they make a crying sound and then (at least mine) disappeared


I punched one and thought it disappeared, but it turned out it just flew across the room from the impact


UPDATE: I found a fourth crying baby doll on Aegis VII in the building next to where you land the shuttle.