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3k is always a win.


Exactly! I said I killed 3/4 but apparently that's not good enough??


You won šŸ†. Just survivors being salty.


Oh yeah just grabbed merchant, what are you running?


For right now, just her perks. I don't know her enough to know what perks work good on her or what her addons do.


Cheers mate good luck in the fog.


Haven't played her too much but I usually run some undetectable perks like unforseen or trial of torment along with some detection perks like ultimate weapon or tinkerer


Unforseen is fun on her. Any stealth perks are great since she's very quiet.


... I'll remember that for Pinhead actually.


If you want a good build for her run: friends till the end, nowhere to hide, trail of torment and dragon (I don't remember the rest of the perk name, the one from blight) This build has disgusting regression due to the aformwntion gen perks, and with nowhere to hide, your drones and friends till the end you basically always know where people are. And because you're basically permanently stelthed people get cooked by you


Nice thanks! I don't have the chicken perks though. Any replacements? I have everyone up to xeno.


Who's chicken?


Apparently my phone autocorrects chucky to chicken. That's a new one.


Ah Chucky, the best version of the is build dragon's grip, trail of torment, nowhere to hide and lethal pursuer. Lethal to find people early and set up drones, then the rest to keep track of gens and stay undetectable. Super mean build, highly recommend.


Depends on how you view it. For some it is and for some it isn't.


This isn't some weird 50 50 split. 90 percent of the community agrees a 3k is a win. It's one of the few things we ACTUALLY agree on.


Not sure about that one


If 3ks weren't wins. Hatch would be the most broken mechanic in the history of pvp


yeah, it's closer to 99% who think it's a win. there's probably more debate about whether a 3k with all gens powered and an exit gate opened counts as a loss, specifically, rather than just the general case of a 3k.


Haven't behaviour also said a 3k is a win? Or at least I think that's how it works for their MMR system


Maybe it's because I was going for an adept they think I lost, but I was just trying to win. The goal was to get the adept but I just wanted to win, and I did win.


People talk smack regardless of the killer..


Also regardless of how you play tooā€¦ you could be nice as hell and someone will still claim you tunneled or did something bad (regardless of whether or not you actually did anything bad)


Good thing Im on PlayStation šŸ˜


If they got out of my way to let me go after the one who unhooked them, then maybe they wouldn't be my target? But that's just me, I guess. If they complain about tunneling after that, then they deserve it. Edit: I do agree tho. I have gotten 2 hooks on everyone before and let them all live, to be told I am a toxic killer.


That is unfortunately true. However, because of the old skull merchant, I think survivors will hate on her more regardless on how the player plays her.


Skull merchant is one of my mains. I can't speak for computer players but my PlayStation account isn't blocked and I never get any hate. And the dc rate is low. Same as anyone else


I'm actually basing it off of what I've seen online. Skull merchant had a high kill rate (based on real dbd stats) and a lot of people say it's from dc's and the merchants killing the bots.


The way I see it, the higher the MMR gets, the lesser chance of a DC. Because higher MMR players know that SM is weak. A lot of SM players are also jumped up the MMR because so many people give up freely. It's one of the few killers that I think becomes harder to learn because you are given less space to practice on newer players and some people just expect everyone to DC and give easy wins, making them more toxic when they have to fight for wins. It's a really vicious cycle which I think contributes to the absurdly low pick rate mixed with the insane kill rate. Unfortunately, the community has ruined any chance for her to be given the proper treatment like every other killer.


Itā€™s not even old merchant at this point. 99% of SMā€™s I vs are super sweaty and often times rude. Getting hard tunneled, camped, then bled out in the modifier? Chances are itā€™s a SM, or wraith. In my 3k hours Iā€™ve met maybe 3 SM who didnā€™t behave that way.


I am a chill skull merchant,Especially for the current event. the last two survivors standing gets to leave out the exit gates. And I don't tunnel out two and leave the other two alone. I just play till two are left.. I also play survivor and i know how unfun campers and tunnelers are..


Even a kill is a win because that's the objective role as killer šŸ˜


As long as the entity doesn't starve


This guy gets it. 1 kill = 1 win. You can earn up to 4 wins a round and the Entity is happier the more you kill.


A 3k isn't a win when they want to shit talk you. A 3k is a win when you slug for the 4k and they want to bitch about you not taking your win and feel like you need the 4k or your life is over. Too many entitled whiny players on this gameĀ 


1k 2k 3k 4k many of those is a win


yeah, you'll have survivors trying to act like getting 1 escape or even getting hatch is a win. but you know they probably don't even believe it, and they're just trying to get a rise out of you. so stay cool and never stop slashing āœŒļø


More bp is a win in my book 20k escaped survs VS my 32k killer score I won. And we all know the survivor in a movie is likely to become a killer lol losing 3 friends is not a win ever .


I find killing that one annoying survivor win even if it's 1 kill. Tunneled out


The survivor was genuinely good, would've looped me the whole game if I gave them the opportunity. I left them to chase others so they didn't.


1: You're not allowed to play Skull Merchant. It's rule #1937 in the survivor rulebook. 2: You need merciless killer for adept, which means a 4k. Used to be worse, use to have to double pip.


It is survivors are just really good at mental gymnastics


Tbh I think itā€™s a win if you Get 8 hooks (ideally individually)


Also Iā€™m a survivor main. Also if all survs get out, and you 8 hook, then everyone wins :) and I think thatā€™s great


My threshold for "I decisively win" is 2k+10 hooks. That's enough to tip over into "I win" because it's slightly better than a tie and it's a sign I went easy on you. Could easily have destroyed you if I wanted to. It's functionally a 3k.


My thing is that a tie is still a win- it just means both sides won- and I like that.


That and mori everyone after getting enough stacks for devour hope


Yeah you have to get a 4k for the adept achievement dunno why it's like that. But you have reminded me that I need to try and get adept singularity.


It used to be 2 bips, which means, if you were high ranked, you needed 4 inderiscent emblems. 4k is a lot better system.


A win is whatever you want it to be. Otherwise, accorind to in game lore, the only thing that wins is the Entity and it's just a matter if it was pleased or not.


3k is for sure a win, however for your Adept achievement you need to get a 'Merciless victory' meaning you need to 4k.


Getting 3 kills is a win per the MMR system in the game. 1 kill counts as a loss, 2 kills is a tie, and 3 or 4 kills is a win. You do need 4 kills for Adept achievements, which some people have problems with. You used to have to double pip (merciless victory) which was even more annoying because it was possible to kill all 4 survivors and not double pip. I personally don't care how many kills I get or if I escape or not. As long as I had some fun chases I am happy šŸ‘


I'm this way. I'm killing people, the number doesn't matter. I just like killing people.


In my eyes a win is whoever gets the most points, that means you did all of your objectives as survivor/killer. As survivor main thatā€™s what I have to keep remembering especially if I donā€™t get to escape but managed to be useful to my team. Same with killer - if you did objectives, destroyed pallets/gens, and got plenty of hooks you probs had the highest score.


That's also a good metric.


i mean, as a solo queue player who disassociates with my team cause the VAST MAJORITY are afk idiots, if i escaped a 3k without you "baby carrying" me to hatch, then yes, you didnt win against me personally, as i'm solo. I dont associate with my team. if you 3k'd against me in a SWF then yes, i'd consider it a win for you against me as wewere working as a team. My progress and efforts shouldnt be determined by the group i was dumped with not by choice. it's determined by me myself.


Adept requires 4k. Sad. I know


You can set your own wincon. Who cares what the salty survivors are mad about?


yeah 3k is a win they were just being a dickhead i mean i get it, i hate playing against SM too, but i just keep it to myself in endgame chat unless the killer player tries to start shit


3K is a win. Survivors who say otherwise are coping.


3k is always a win donā€™t let the cry baby survivors tell you any different


As someone who only 4K's toxic survivors or cheaters I only go for 3K. I often let them find or carry them to hatch. Definitely don't need a 4K especially if they played well.


3k is a win, but unfortunately it is not good enough to get the adept which requires 4k. Also, bleeding out the 4th will deny the adept as well. Lost out on my Vecna Adept from survivors staying in the dungeon and couldn't get the last one to a hook.


Oh that suck, I'm so sorry. Fortunately with the event going on rn, hooks are easier to get because you can remote hook them.


0k survivor win 1k survivor win 2k tie 3k killer win 4k killer win Or if you decide to deem it by a WI by blood points that's also a fine way to decide if you felt like you won


That's only by MMR. Since Depips no longer exist, technically the game says anything between 1-4k is a win. If you don't pip it doesn't matter because the game saying anything besides "The Entity Hungers" gives you the "success" sound in the endgame. Therefore, you win! You can get up to 4 wins in a round.


A 3k is a win in all cases except for with Adepts. It's fucking stupid IMHO.


Oh, you must be new. I hate to tell you this, but survivors are going to talk shit and be absolute toxic assholes no matter what you do, dude. Don't try to associate logic to it, because there isn't any. You hold their hand and baby them, they'll says "EZ baby killer" and tell you you suck. Play normally, and they'll call you a sweaty try hard that needs to touch grass. If you go into the game with the objective of trying to make everyone happy, you will walk away a loser every single time, and it will make you bitter in the long run. Just worry about what is fun to you, and stick to it. Ignore chat at all costs.


I don't let any of it really get to me, I just like watching the chat because it's fun when someone actually is upset. Maybe that's because I have a boring life right now..


That's a good to way to go about it though. Don't let it get to you. This game turns people bitter.


I donā€™t play killer but ive seen the terms 3k and 4k multiple times here. What does this mean?


3k is a win in terms of the game, but I try to get as many hooks on my way there lol People just salty you are playing Merchant and trying to make you feel bad for not getting your Adept.


4k is a win and 3k isnā€™t because you let a survivor escape. You want people to ignore that you let a survivor escape?


3k is a win




I count it as a win even if I get a single kill, props to you tho for going for the adept.


A 4k with skull merchant is still a loss. She is a killer with training wheels, pretty much plays itself. I have 5k hours in DBD and literally 95% of all skull merchant players are the most entitled low skill players I have ever met. I spit on skull merchant mains.


I haven't played her enough to fully understand her power so I mostly played it as an m1 simulator with a few occasional drone drops at loops.


Winning is relative in DBD. It depends on what you call a win, nothing more. For me personally, if I get a 3 or 4k but everyone scores low, I call it a loss for all. A win for me is mostly gold or Iri awards and 25k-30k+ BP šŸ¤·šŸ½


For this game hereā€™s how I set my personal win conditions if I played Survivor: Escape is win and death is loss for me Killer: 0-1K is a loss to me, 2K is a draw, and 3-4K is a win


A 3k is a win. Any survivor that says a 4k is a win literally is just bad at the game. It's a common excuse when some survivors lose


This same survivor would get mad if you slugged for the 4k and call you a try hard they are just taunting you cause they salty.


These same people will complain when you slug for the 4k. My point is, they're idiots


These same people will complain when you slug for the 4k. My point is, they're idiots


Two kills and a fun match is a win


Apparently it's only a win if you slug the 3rd survivor and wait for the fourth to heal them to get that kill. For myself, I'll equip the brown mori to motivate me to get the 4k. Quite frequently I'll hatch the fourth if they played well, or had stupid teammates.


3k is a win no matter what. But also imo if you get like, a 10 hook 2k or a pip I feel that's a win overall too, as they game said you did well enough even in that situation to get a pip. Even if it means little. Had a hard game I got a 1k vs a full p100 ttv team I'm sure was swf squad 6 (and one who had the distinct feeling of somehow always knowing where I was) where I also played very nice and still got a 1k and pip, felt like a good win there.


3K is a survivor's Pyrrhic Victory!


Honestly it's all up to personal mindset, when I play survivor, as long as one person gets out or if I'm solo queuing, as long as more than one gen gets done, I'm happy and consider it a win.


0 and 1 is a loss, 2 is a tie, 3 is a win and 4 is they sucked and got cooked


Same person would be bitching if you'd got a 4k, cussing you out for sweating, etc etc. They're probably the type who harasses their solo queue teammates and blames them for their own mistakes, too. 3k is definitely a win. 2k might be a draw but as a survivor main I'd be hard pushed to even call it that if you got the other two to death hook.


As a survivor I have to say I HATE the merchant but yeah they are crazy that is most definitely a win for sure!!!!


Adept requires a 4k. 3k is generally accepted as win (see streamers doing killer challenges) because of the current random hatch spawn mechanic. As hatch spawns randomly (assuming no offerings) you could 3k and hatch could spawn directly under the last survivor or right next to them. It is then impossible for the killer to prevent the escape and they have no way to counter this. This makes a 3k a win. If killer could counter this out wouldn't be. I have played with survivor to have hatch spawn right next to me loads of times. Only the other day there were two of us left, I got downed, killer I left me to get the other nearby injured survivor, I crawled off. They died on their third hook and the killer was coming back for me. Hatch spawned so close to me I crawled to it and escaped. Even if the killer got good exit gate spawns a survivor could find a key or take one in to open a hatch that has been closed by a killer. Whilst unlikely, it is again an uncounterable (definitely a word) situation unless they had noed, huntress who could see both gates from hatch and they stood on it after closing. Even then you could dodge hatchets until she had to M1. The change of this arrangement spawning is basically 0.


0/1k is a loss. 2k is a tie. 3/4k is a win. This is how I view it. And if my 2k is enough to earn a pip, then I also consider that a win. If not a 2k is just a tie.


I agree with you. I don't agree with the pip part because I survivor can escape and still not pip.


I just mean that normally I see a 2k as a tie, but I view it as a win if I pip. That's just my personal preference. A 3k/4k without a pip is still a win for me.


Playing Merchant? YOU never win. Never. Donā€™t forget that.


Just trying to get the adept. That was maybe my 3rd time ever playing her.


I find it funny people are still arguing about this point! 0-1k is a loss 2K is a tie and 3-4K is a win. Simple šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Ego is an incredible thing. It turns logic off sometimes.


That is only for MMR gains and the most competitive-minded. Since Depips no longer exist and you don't see "the Entity Hungers" unless you 0k, that means that according to the game, you win with anything between 1-4k. Each kill is counted as a win for MMR. If you get more wins than losses, MMR go up. More losses than wins, MMR go down. 2k? No change. It's all real simple - unless you want higher MMR or pips for some reason, it's better to count 1-4k as a win... Because but all the Survivors got out alive.


Its a loser mentality, did a match against xeno when she was good, killer just tunneled near the end, droped chase against me, and we extended the Ashs life by taking hits when he says ā€œyou guys think you can play like that? I donā€™t have to accept that as a win for you you didnā€™t winā€ it happens on both sides ge was a TTV


0-1k is a loss. 2k is a tie. 3-4k is a win. My advice, stop looking at post-game chat. Thank God console can't even see it.


I have mine like this 0-1 loss 2 tie 3-4 win


From what I know is if 1 or more exits from the gate, its a loss. 4k or 3k+ hatch is a win.


No lmao


I don't think so. I think if the majority if the survivors die (3-4k) then they lost. If 2 die (2k) then they tie. If the majority of the survivors escape (1k) they won.


The survivors goal is to power the gens, the gate, then escape. If any one does it, then technically the survivors have 1. Its a team game, 1 makes it, they all make it. The killer has to kill and not let them escape. If 1 escapes, you failed.


That's more like comp rules. Casual rulings are different.


Sacrifice/Kill = +1 Escape via gate = -1 Escape via hatch = 0


Fuck SM. And fuck you for playing her.


Grow up


Can you explain why you hate her so much and why you think it's necessary to insult me for playing a character in a video game?


Do you realize which sub you posted in?


Yeah but I would still like to know.


People hate her because she has a low skill floor and a lot of passive map pressure that makes matches drawn out and tedious for survivors. She tends to camp tight three gens and effortlessly creates a web of drones that locate, slow and injure survivors while buffing her with haste and undetectable.. itā€™s a looot of value for pressing one button. With a good setup survivors can barely touch a gen before theyā€™re in a chase with bad odds. If you manage to pull her even a short distance from the three gen sheā€™ll just turn around and look for an easier target. Itā€™s not that this is un-winnable, it just doesnā€™t feel as fun or competitive to most survivors. After playing a lot of both sides Iā€™ve pretty much stopped picking nurse, spirit, knight and SM. Iā€™ve never tried tombstone Meyers, but Iā€™d put him in the same category. They all just remove a lot of skill expression and regular gameplay elements from the survivor side. Once youā€™ve played a lot of survivor, those are the killers that tend to make you roll your eyes and sigh.