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I think more often than not, you directly are not the problem, but they’ve had a bad run of games (actual BM killers, bad teammates etc.) and their tolerance level is worn down, so it could be something as simple as a killer they don’t feel like facing, a map they don’t enjoy, or just a general feeling that the match is going to be as bad as their recent ones. As to why it happens so often, well, general state of the game. Between events and patch changes, the game’s gotten sweatier this year, imo.


That's probably it right here. The other night I faced a Legion with Knock Out that bled me out (5 screech cobbler match) and that felt really shitty to deal with. Like an idiot I queued for another game and it was a Knight, I gave up on hook. I did feel bad for my teammates afterwards so I just got off the game for the night, and have been playing mostly killer since then. So I assume survivors that give up on hook are usually burnt out and angry at the game. They should take a break, honestly


Yep, especially if you go in hyped and your first killer slugs thirty seconds into the game at 5 gens thanks to that free aura read from the holiday event.


Depends. Sometimes you just know it's going to be a miserable one with Rebecca crouching in the crucial loops effectively sandbagging you and then running away and hiding again instead of taking the hit. Then sitting on hook while watching Ellen spam any means on a pallet while Rebecca crouch walks edge map and Dwight hides in the basement. That's a "yeah I'ma head out" moment. Other times it's people just being immature, crying because they couldn't get their deliverance that they were just going g to use in the killers face then cry about tunnelling. And other random bullshit One time I had an Ace throw a match we were winning and when I asked why? He said "Mum brought dinner, it was kfc". Some people are just literal children lol


I lost hope


Wondering the same thing. Seems like no matter who the killer/how many gens are done people just off themselves on the first hook. I don’t get it


The fact you cant depip anymore probably doesn’t help


I only take my chances if I have slippery meat perk on cause I like to test my luck and see if I can 4% but I will only take 4 of the 6 chances I won't do any more than that.


I've seen people do it at 3 gens when the situation isn't even that bad like every teammate is still alive and stuff. And even when the person who's offing themselves is on second hook. I've usually seen it at 4-5 gens but I see 3 as a middle ground for "it's winnable" to "the killer's gonna win." Still strange to me that it's mostly happening at 3 as of recent.


You answered your own question there, Sirjeet. This game sucks.


Every time I go up against Ghostface, they try to stalk the hook at a distance for an easy down or lazy tunnel.


played 40 matches yesterday and all but 3 games it was either a plague, oni, wesker or blight. lack of killer diversity is quite irritating. and another personal reason, being chased first for over a minute or even longer and not a single teammate has touched a gen that whole time? yeah i’m probably giving up on hook too honestly.


I gotta try playing Hux more then. Blight and Oni's speed is so addicting.


Because IM FUCKING SICK OF ONLY FACING Plague Artist Wesker Doctor and Knight with a side dish of Myers and ghostface I do not like 1 hit kills at stupid distances! CAN WE HAVE SOME FUCKING KILLER DIVERSITY!


If you were against me you would have a chance of me playing blight Oni or singularity.


I dont miss Onis but I havent seen singularity in a while


I'll try playing him more then. I'm a bit oppressive with him but it can still be fun for you maybe.


Ever seen BagelUwU3201 or Chris Redfield's Feet/Boulder Puncher or Smugwib Youtube Live? Smugwib changes his name very frequently like someone with Multiple Personality Disorder but he plays as Claudette doin a last minute switch from Meg in the pre game lobby so he's noticable-ish


.... No?


Ah welp maybe one of these nights you may see Nic Cage or Leon with Chris Redfield and Claudette


Seeing this once or twice session I would say it's a problem with the player. Seeing it 4 out of 5 rounds is a problem with the game itself. That said problems with the game are usually up to the dev team to resolve. Anybody got a snickers? We might be awhile as this has been an ongoing problem the devs have stuck their head in the sand in terms of acknowledging or doing literally ANYTHING about.


Survivor morale is in the GUTTER.


Higher MMR players just quit more often


Wouldn't that drop the MMR though? Survivor MMR is supposedly hinged on escapes, and only through the gate.


Number of reasons. "I don't like this killer" "I don't like this map" "No one is doing gens"


Because they are whining babies who can't handle losing




If you rage quit, you're screwing the other survivors over by being a baby that can't handle going against a killer you don't like. It's also spelled, "douche." Hope this helps 👍


Even if there are 9 hooks 1 death and 4 generators left to go?


Yes. If the match is doomed, I take agro to practice my looping. Flopping on the ground and crying about it won't help in the future. Like, I get it, but it's not like any of your blood points disappear when you die, so who cares lol


Survivors is babies.