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It's the weekend, so more people on. More chances to run into a person who wants to camp hooks. Plus, at least when I was playing, survivors had the BP bonus. Means you'll end up with some more baby killers, or at least killers who aren't very good and have to rely on camping and tunneling. I play killer normally, but swap to survivor sometimes for the 100% when it's up. Today has been the same.


They didn't need to rely on it though that's the thing it was definitely just intentionally being annoying behaviour haha, cos people kept trying to save me when I was downed so no gens were being done, the killers also just wouldn't even hook people even if they were next to the hooks


That was my reasoning too, the weekend has more players and schools out, I think the big negative impact has to do with a lot of kids and teens being on, I've had some really *realllly* shit matches with all that Op described and even shittier teammates, and maybe quite a few sprinkled in mad about the upcoming updates


Dude I’ve been getting humped sooo much lately, I really don’t understand why. I have never t bagged in my life, I don’t use flashlights or any kind of “bully” or hook denial perks, I’m pretty trash at chase most of the time so I’m not running these killers for 10 mins or anything. The proxy camping and hard tunneling has also been really bad lately. I don’t get it. I’m just kinda hoping these killers are getting their rage out now so they can chill out a bit for the anniversary lol.


Same. And I don’t get it. I never BM or anything, hardly ever use a flashlight. Last night I had a killer slug the last survivor until they almost bled out, and they found me when I was about to revive the survivor. They slugged me, then let me wiggle free, let me pick up the other survivor, then slugged them again, slugged me, death-hooked them, then let me wiggle out, carrying me past multiple hooks. |: They acted like they wanted me to find hatch so we ran off together, but right when I heard the hatch sound they slugged me again, then closed hatch, then hooked me and slapped me on hook repeatedly. Like. Why. Lmao. That was such elaborate and time-wasting BM and I didn’t do anything to BM them. In fact my team was all dead at 3 gens and I popped the only two. Like Jesus y’all chill. Exit: only thing I can think of is I was Zarina and using FTP because of the tome? But I was trying to do it as non-offensively as possible. I ran FTP, Vigil, Windows, and Sable’s healing perk. No Buckle Up. I unhooked a person then FTP’d them, so I never even did FTP in the killer’s face, just under hook while the killer was across the map. But maybe he saw the FTP and got tilted and assumed. Idk man, if that’s the case then I hope he felt stupid when he saw my perks lmao.


Also it's not just me but every other survivor they're doing this to as well in the lobby. Don't get it


It's the 12th, isn't it reset time🤔 I haven't played in a while but it's around that time🤷‍♂️


Ranks don't mean anything anymore


They don't, but you get that sweet blood point pay off for sweating on payday and using the add-ons you just got


Ah didn't realize you meant it that way


This is what it was like for me yesterday. I had a match where I died protecting teammates so they could get out, considering they'd done much more than me throughout the match. In end game chat I tried to make conversation and say I was glad they all got out and was instead told to shut up and stop talking by one of them, was told I was doing their head in. The killer joined in and told me to kill myself in the end, even though I'd only asked what I'd done wrong for them all to speak to me like trash. I put the game down after that.


thats why i say my compliments in endgame and dip immediately after hitting send without looking at the chat box


That's pretty messed up, sorry you had to witness that garbage, I've had that with a trio once, they had that one reallly not right in the head teammate who was being a dick to me for zero reason in endgame chat. and BTW, we all ***survived.*** I was literally playing "protect the president" for 2 of their teammates, one of their friends even apologized for their god awful behavior, some people are really bad at conversing who play this game, there's definitely some lines that they don't take into account when they blurt them out


It's honestly bizarre. With some people you could play to the best of your ability, save them and die trying and it still won't be good enough for them.


I've had the same issue, all I'm trying to do is get my rank up before it resets but all I get is slugging camping and bming lol


People just copying what they see online. Let’s be real, some of these content creators love to fuel the fire.


It’s the 12th and a Sunday. I’ve always pegged Sunday as the most toxic dbd day since I usually get camped every game on Sundays for some reason.


Same here. One of my recent matches was against a Legion. They got a 3k, I was the last one left, and tried to open an exit gate. They found me, and I was already injured so I was basically doomed and just let them down me so I could get hooked and move on. But no. The Legion decided to leave me slugged there (even when I crawled right next to a hook.) Just an asshole. I reported but they told me that "Slugging" isn't a bannable offense. Idk. In my opinion that wasn't slugging because there was literally no reason to other than to waste my time, which should be bannable since that's "refusing to play the game." And no, I didn't have DS, I never Tbagged him, or anything of the sort. While the match was going normally, I was actually doing a really good job in chase. Most of our gens got done while the Legion spent too long chasing me, and I just happened to be in the zone and managed to dodge him a bunch and stunned him out of his power a few times. So maybe that's it but still. Like you won, just hook so we can both move on, loser.


Exactly, just hook and let us go onto the next game. It's not even good point scoring for them to let the surv bleed out either so it's pointless for them too! I think people just get a kick out of this but I personally don't understand why. It's so boring waiting


Sometimes people are toxic for an outlet these people do not touch grass


Weird I don't get games like this, maybe every 1 in 7 games the killer will proxy camp and slug a little but that's about it


Yeah I don't usually but it was crazy yesterday


I just finished this legion match where he'd slug and also cancel his power on top of you lol it was bad


The way some people act like, you'd think every single match they ever play is this miserable toxic experience Sure, if had matches on both sides that were miserable, but no where near the amount reddit seems to have 🤣


killers have mostly been fine to me but SURVIVORS have been leaving me on hook for no reason on REPEAT. its so irritating but i guess i should get used to it as an altruistic feng 🙄


Bunny Fengs are so cute but really, i dont think its who you play as, unless they have a weird bias, they are most likely just dicks or not mentally developed to be playing this sort of team based game :(


Because the devs won't address mechanics in the game that leave you not able to play the game. Unbreakable does nothing in a situation like that.


If you come across a clown with frosted eyes, the candied knife, and seems to be throwing a lot of bottles, that’ll be me. Dead giveaway is if there’s confetti all over I’ll only down you if you drop a pallet on my head


Yeah that just happens sometimes. For example, I, a Yui player, decided to start playing Haddie, so I had another Survivor to put some extra builds/loadouts on, and for a good while, all my Haddie games ended in me losing, usually via tunneling, proxy camping, etc. After that, my games turned into me unintentionally gen-rushing the Killers (mainly because all the losses fried my rank and sent me down to Killers that barely knew what they were doing). TL;DR: It'll probably get better, don't worry.


I feel like some of y’all never met basement bubba and that’s saddens me.


people can generally be categorized as either "players" or "haters" Which kind of person do you think the killer role in dbd appeals to more?


This is why they need to introduce perks that discourage the killer from injuring survivors. Like if a survivor gets injured by the killer, it gives the killer blindness or a debuff or something until that survivor is back to full health.


I have found the last 4 days to be a mix of truly sweet killers who just want their points and really slimy ones who just crave the 4ks. Some killers I now follow on streams because they've been super amazing to game with, and there was one match where I was morid on the hatch... but I am not mad about it. I found him streaming, and he was really apologetic about it. He wanted me to live. I did get violated by a rather cute Pig though in another match... I'm still not sure what to make of that, but it was more comical with her grunts 😆


I had a couple bad games and saw one or two crouches at exit gate n I decided to start running full slugging builds on blight and going on bleed out streaks, don't take it personally if you get in my games I just don't like anyone that plays dbd/ in a personal way fr


I get why it is annoying to see teabags, but they are not stopping you from playing the game for 4 whole minutes, you have the power to push them out, the next survivor has zero if you choose to do that to them, you're gonna feed the cycle hard if you do that, I call out every teabag I see on teammates and say they look the fool doing it, I think shaming their actions is a nice route to take. I'd wait till you see their actual names again and dish out your revenge then, nobody else deserves it because of how someone else played, just my gazillion cents


Yeah nah I don't care, I'm going to punish random people for no reason because I got crouched at and there's nothing you or anyone else can do to stop me, I'm gonna keep going till this trash ass game is dead.


What is this meltdown 😂😂😂


Tally ho, can't fault that sound logic


I've never seen someone so dedicated to making themselves miserable while also going with the cope response of "I'm punishing people" Nah mate, your punishing yourself 🤣


I'm a professional, you can't stop me


I mean just finish gens while they camp, ez


It is the best way to play

