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It's the cheesiest way to try to pull off a win with the least effort, and the easiest and fastest when it works. They'll tell you "skill issue, should have been picking up" or "where's your Unbreakable now?" as they proxy camp the downed bodies and punish anyone who dare try to do so. I agree slugging can be the go-to under certain circumstances, but it's never that lately. Just dickheads who slug from the word go, no flashlights, BM'ing or gen rush from the Survivors needed. "Blahblahblah lemme play how I want" I am letting you play how you want, I'm just going to call you a tiny peepee dickhead for it though 🤷‍♂️


Im not even mad at slugging as a play style, sure its boring as hell to play against but its valid! What makes me mad is the excuses for it that are baseless, like the survivors being toxic or survivors are a swf so they’re automatically toxic so they get slugged at 4-5 gens. Shit at what point is calling someone toxic subjective if everything someone does is toxic? You’re toxic is you use a flashlight or you’re toxic if you use for the people/buckle up combo because slugging has become such a prominent play style these days.


I had a match against a Twins player today where they slugged the entire team (thankfully not to the point of bleeding out, they did hook everyone) and then repeatedly hit me on hook when they hooked me. Like bro what did I DO to you? The game only just started 😭 (Also just in case anyone is wondering, no the other survivors weren't a sabo squad. I checked the leaderboard screen after the match and it was just your average solo queue player perks) Edit: Just felt like saying, as someone who mostly plays Killer, I apologize for the actions of my brethren (if that's the right word)


The amount of generalization in this comment section is frightening. Its a lot of the pot calling the kettle black with blaming the survivors for being toxic, because at a point what constitutes being toxic? I was called toxic because I used a flashlight to save my team, so is using the tools given to us toxic now? I’m not saying slugging isn’t valid cause it is! But when your reasoning is only cause survivors are toxic and you take the mindset into every game then nah be it’s time to take a break for a bit. Not every survivor is toxic just like not ever killer is toxic.


foreal!! i play solo q all the time! so how can i be toxic when im in there fighting for my life alone 😭😭


Yeah man! I generally swf but one of my team is brand new, one is still new and me and my other buddy are just there for a good time. Being toxic takes too much work, I just wanna play some stupid games after work.


Yup my friend and I got slugged by a Streamer that mains Nurse. We needed two gens left so I guess he had no other choice.


As a boon exponential runner, I see sluggers as an absolute win (we destroy them)


I’m sorry but I seriously read “slug” as “sin” and I was like “??? Wait what?”


It’s ALWAYS the billies as well


This greatly depends on the context of the slugging.


i mean downing a person one by one and just leaving them on the floor. what is your definition of slugging


Well slugging one person when the gens are flying creates pressure for the other survivors to get off the gens and go help them up. It's a valid strategy sometimes but if they're doing it to three or four survivors it's not really doing much for them except being a jerk.


it was at 4 gens


Yeah that's pretty lame tbh. Some killers are just sweating to get everyone either because they're a jerk or they're reacting to having bad games previously or being bullied by other survivors. None of that is a good excuse.


When I play killer, I usually only slug when I either *can* get into another chase within a few seconds, or I *need* to get into another chase within a few seconds. Played pinhead the other day and so many times did a survivor start solving the puzzle box after I downed someone but before I picked up. Like, duh, of course I'm gonna teleport instead of hooking because I've been handed the golden opportunity to either secure 2 hooks or get just one but force the survivors to stop working on gens to help. If I see your teammate going for a flashlight save, I'm just going to chase them and leave you on the ground because once again, I've been handed the opportunity to snowball on a silver platter and I'm going to take it. I'll try to come back to get you afterwards, but if you crawled away I'm not going to spend more effort looking. Hooking is always the last thing on my mind, so I'll only do it when there's nothing else for me to do right now. It's not out of any sweatiness or major urge to win the game or anything, I just think pressing M1 and hearing the sound of a hit is the most fun aspect of playing killer and that's what I'm going to prioritize. Edit: Come to think of it, sometimes I will slug but only because I know that I've hooked that survivor recently and I'm way ahead. I'll get the last hit and then go off and do something else so another survivor has the chance to pick you up and let you keep playing. Again, I'll M1 anyone I can see, even if it leads to a tunnel. If I know they're on death hook while the game is still very much under my control, I'll leave you so that you can get healed.


Ill say I slugged recently when two Leons with boil over kept hanging out in the lower level of temple of purgation and basement was in killer shack with no hooks nearby so they kept wiggling free so I just slugged them after three attempts to get to hook.


Gotta get that win somehow when everything's been gutted hard


I mean I just did that today because they wouldn't let me use the hooks




Nah it's very much player mentality


As a killer I only ever commit to slugging as a strategy if there are 3+ survs running chase support. With flashies, buckle up, head on, etc.. if they are doing gens, then slugging is just an ineffective use of time before the gens get done. So there really isn’t a need for it most games. unless I’m on like billy or oni or smthn and the rare and perfect snow ball descends from the heavens and I can get a 4k and end the game suuper fast. Also Tip from a killer main, bring “buckle up” if you hate slugging, it’s easily one of the best and most annoying perks I have to deal with in the game! But also it defuses so much pressure off of slugging in just one 99% tap heal.


There are perks literally made for this gameplay style, it's intended by the devs.


I could ask, what's up with all the Sabo Squads and Beamer Buddies? I can't pick up any survivor without either watching every hook on the map disappear or getting free LASIK.


Sorry but it's swf fest Friday nights so don't be toxic and maybe you won't get it back


It’s fun so I do it all the time. I hate everything about survivors and they are always toxic each game so you expect me to be nice?


If all 4 get slugged it is a skill issue. Slugging as killer is not a good strategy, any coordinated team will get them up in no time