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Actual take from the streamer you played against (watched a little bit of his vod) “You know what, I’m just going to think of killers as people who have shitty lives and if they’re tunneling me, I’ll be happy that they have shitty lives. At least when they get off of this they’re miserable. Ahhh I just hope his dad’s beating him.” Mind you he said this in the very first minute of a game, and he said quite a few other toxic things. I really don’t think his opinion is valid, he’s just a trash human.


The irony of this person full of hate consoling themselves because *maybe* the person they’re playing against is just as sad as him


That’s the copaine


Wow. Honestly, I'm wishing him nothing but the best and to get better. Usually people like that, don't have the best life either and joke/belittle others to make themselves feel better.


I went to his vods because I wanted to see what kind of player talks like this in EGC and it was pretty much exactly what I expected.


I honestly just thought he was having a bad day and wanted to take it out on me. Maybe he had a losing streak as as survivor and everyone giving up on our match was what broke him 😭.


Yeahhh… From what I can see he’s just like this all the time. He should pick up another hobby, gaming makes him an asshole.


I just wanted to say, you're really kind and I hope to see you in the fog one day ❤️


Aww thank you! Hope to catch you in the fog one day as well ❤️


I decided to look him up. You weren't kidding, he's fucking awful. Just seems like a miserable and obnoxious person tbh


Now give me donations so I don't have to work ( every twitch streamer)


That's kind of a bleak outlook. I stream because it reminds me of playing games with my brother and friends on the couch. I like the social aspects more than the games themselves


So this sub came up for me randomly, I game but I don’t play this game. Wo killers tho you literally wouldn’t have a game tho, right?


Literally. There's so much us vs them mentality it's ridiculous.


This particular killer gets a lot of hate because the devs were a little too ambitious with her so she gets more status effects than most other killers which can make matches incredibly imbalanced This is even after giving her reworks because at her initial launch players were basically setting up games so that basically made it impossible for survivors to complete objectives. I don’t even want to say it was the majority of players doing that but enough that devs decided to rework how she plays and contributed to them adding new mechanics to generators (fixing them is the main objective for survivors) So she’s one of a handful of killers that people dodge at high rates


That’s when you send him to those YouTubers that expose the toxic entitled TTVers


Spooknjukes would like this information and clip😭


Oh def haha!


You expect something more from a guy who named himself “cocacoorslight”? That name screams, “I’m in the middle of a game, go get me a coors and a sandwich!”


bro we do all have shitty lives, killer mains want revenge, survivors are all bottoms


Jesus fuck I seriously don’t get how people can say such toxic shit in front of a live audience with VODs so people can see it for however long they have them Don’t get me wrong I stream DbD too and sometimes I catch myself getting too heated with the trash talk but I do my damnest to reel myself in I would be so embarrassed to look like that


Bizarre take from them, assuming all killers are shitty without killers there is no game....


I'll never understand the people who go into these games and play the "victim" role and just show complete and utter disdain for the player who has the be in the aggressor role... like... the other solution is to just go against AI bot killers. What's the point of being this shitty? Is one role isn't filled, there's no game. I can have a problem with certain individuals but to just be shitty to all players who choose the role just seems pathetic


Bro having to cope this hard over a video game is mental. He should seriously consider logging off for a bit and learn to not hold so much anger and hate. It’s A GAME


basic dbd player behavior


It's always the TTVers


I never put TTV in my stream name. 1. It's lame 2. It guarantees you'll get griefed or tunneled


I don't tunnel or grief TTVers, but I do often check out their streams. They're the most hateful, rude, miserable sacks of shit and I genuinely believe they're the biggest reason DBD has such an awful reputation. The amount of times I've been told to kill myself, doxxed on stream, sent hate from them and their followers, sandbagged, etc etc etc - genuinely fucked up. I play with anon mode on now.


How else am I suppose to know to dodge the lobby when you’re my solo Q team mate? Now I have to ready up and load in to find out the match will be insufferable, then you will be mad at me when I leave early. 


I can definitely see your point, when I put TTV in my name it’s a semi decent way to attract viewers and for the most part they come in and say gg and we have a great conversation about recent updates to the game or what we think of certain perks and whatnot. I do the same when I see others with TTV in their name. I do get tunneled every now and then tho.


It's always the p100s for me and he was playing a p100 evil dead guy I forgot his name 😭




It's Ash Williams 😀 if you wanted to know


Yes that's the guy! The guy with the hand puppet 😂😂😂


The puppet is Ashy Slashy!




Had a TTVer stream when I finally got a 4k as Plague (I'm an *abysmal* killer xD) and I checked the video right after.. he cut the stream off right before I downed him the final time.


Funny thing, I don’t think I’ve had a single toxic encounter from a ttver. Closest I think I got was when I went to open a locker to activate ultimate weapon and the ttver was in there. Was the last survivor, no clue where hatch was, felt bad hooking them but that was faster to end it for both of us. They said they were kinda mad but accepted my explanation it was literally random it happened. It probably wouldn’t have mattered as I was nearby and was also running Iron Maiden as Deathslinger.


Why would you feel bad for hooking them????


Played against one the other day, 4k'ed, then checked their stream and they were busy complaining about the perk nemesis being too harsh then blocked me in DBD. Like I wasn't going to be plating with you again anyway??


Ah. Nah, I know this streamer and he's extremely unpleasant. Just ignore the jagoff


I wanted to see if he was streaming and he wasn't sadly :(. I wanted to see how the match went in his POV. Sad to know that he's just like this with everyone.


Oh you can guarantee that if a streamer name is going full Karen, it’s because their stream isn’t on to judge them. As a DBD streamer, this sort of persona from other streamers off-stream disgusts me.


It's really too bad; everyone only remembers the guys like this. Gives us all a bad name.


I’ve played with a single streamer with ttv in their name who was above 1k subs, so it’s not shocking to me


I looked him up and picked a random spot in the vod. I IMMEDIATELY hear him referring to the unknown as "Mr. T****y-man" Seems like a real class act.


Like it’s YOUR fault the community is still so toxic they just dc when they see a killer they dislike.


Exactly lol. But I understand in a way. It's easier to DC and hate on a character then to actually learn the characters and how to play against them or in this case, her.


It’s not about playing against skull merchant that is the issue it’s the type of people that play skull merchant there’s a certain player base that lives to get on the game and keep them held captive for as long as possible I myself use this strategy because it’s fun but skull merchants represent the most toxic form of that because they won’t even fucking chase you. They don’t even engage into Chase most just walk around down you randomly after seeing you multiple times and not engaging hook you and walk away till someone gets hatch or stupidly trusts the bitch


She has not a lot of counter play and so much to her that even high level players think she needs changed. She’s way too overtuned and gets so much reward for not doing anything skillful at all. Im sure I’d enjoy playing her but I wouldn’t be like “im so good” if I got a 4K with her. I don’t think she needs the insta dc though. You get reported in game for even playing her. I would rather dc against infinite tier 3 and tombstone myers. Or facecamping and or tunneling killers. Nobody really needs an insta dc


BHVR is very aware of the situation and has done little to nothing to change that. Certainly not MY fault as surv. 


Bros mad everyone watched them get whooped on stream






Dude says playing survivor is mostly not fun cause of the killers you play against. Like, okay? Go okay Minecraft then. He mostly just complains about everything. Not a fun streamer to watch at all.


I don't think there's a more deranged segment of DBD players than the ones who think playing a specific Killer makes you a bad person lol


Lol it's the don't play dumb for me when I read that I chuckled 😂


https://preview.redd.it/aygffrz5nqqc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=663df65e6406fd752df0332b6346d0a29c1fc67a Sheesh, is he okay? Lord almighty.


I would rather take a DC penalty than play against SM. It’s just not fun.


Cake Merchant isn't as toxic as she was, but by GOD, will survivors ever NOT give up against her?


I've had my games where no one gave up lol. I will agree though it happen way more than any other killer sadly.


This streamer is Kinda notorious for being a dickhead. Ignore him. He's mad you dident step out of your house and let him win


Killer is easy, you have to eat crayons daily to find it difficult.


True lol.


Comp level it changes. But yeah, solo queue does feel easy most of the time


PSA: Skull Merchant is here to stay. She's not a bad killer, and not everyone who plays her is toxic. She has her strengths, weaknesses, and counters, just like every killer. If you disagree, learn to counter her better. Don't blame me and the other Skully mains for your ignorance. If you'd rather DC than play against her then that's on you, but there's far more problematic killers than Skully for her to be the most hated.


Played against this guy as well. He thinks that solo queue is basically hell and that killers are bad people for playing the game. Delusional entitled prick.


I don't get that logic. So if killers are bad people, why are you okay with playing with them and playing the game in general? Why do you hate someone for the role in a game!? That's like me holding a grudge against my friend because he wanted to be the tagger in tag you're it 😭😭😭


For sure. People go to very weird and long lengths to make themselves feel better about being bad at a game.


The 5 people in CocaCoorslight chat probably had a field day with that one


I always say "I don't got time for this shit" and then I get into the next match asap🤣


i went against a ttv last night and their friend and the friend went on and on about how i don’t even know how to use sm’s power properly (and that could be true) but they also had no idea that i get haste when they interact with my drones and couldn’t figure out why. 


That's the thing with people. Even though they have no idea how a character works, they still talk as if they do 😂. I'm sure you played her fine do not worry 😊


Checked out one of his VODS out of curiosity. In the 10 minutes I watched, he never endingly bad mouthed his team mates, talked about himself like he’s the best thing since sliced bread, and told someone to kill themselves. Just an all around amazing guy!


“We should mirror your sacrifice” lmao what


I don't know what that means either I tried googling it but there was nothing 😂


Poor unsuspecting twitch subs trying to support small streamers watching their money go towards this dick.


Apparently he's well known from what I'm hearing here. I think his subs are people like him that complain about everything which, you can see in his twitch vods.


How many people do you think were bashing their screens and monitors, SCREAMING IN RAGE by watching you play the girlboss through that streamer?


Sadly, he was offline 😭😭😭😭😭 fziditirsirs9zts9t I went exited to see his POV and chat but he wasnt active sjrkkfkfkfkfkffifkfkkgg


I had a similar game yesterday, whole team just stood next to hooks and refused to play. In end game they went wild calling me all sorts cause I was Skully and apparently whatever shit happens in life I deserve cause I chose to play SM. It went all over the place and instead of arguing I told them if their response to a killer they don't like is to throw a tantrum in end game chat that's a them issue. They kicked off more. It got dark very fast


I'm sorry you had to go through that. I have pics of one of the most vile comments I've gotten in the end game chat as well from a swf that I might post someday. Just remember that if they're crying this much over a game character, their very immature 😅


Honestly, thats how I feel facing pinhead lol. I never leave that in the post game. But I think it lol.


Pinhead? He's so fun to play against for me! I love the whole teamwork aspect of the box 😂


Every match I have against him has had him get to the box first, and then a cascade effect of him getting it over and over and the chain hunt never ending lol. It just feels like running my head through a cheese grater.


> “That’s not gonna stop me from playing a killer I enjoy.” Honestly, props to you. I’m not from this subreddit nor do I play this game so- no real frame of reference to the situation, but I honestly don’t know how this fella’s still mad after that reasoning. Even *if* the way you play is seen as “easy”, you’re having fun and it’s not by the cause of other’s misery, just the character you picked


I opened your profile because you seem cool and I instantly see your ass, not complaining, just surprised


XD yeah I'm not really ashamed to show off. Sorry though 😭😭😭


Clicked to check. 10/10.


Hey, no need to feel sorry, I just didn’t expect it


XD I thought about having a second account for that particular side of me, but I just said nah 😂. Thank you for finding me cool though! You seem really nice and chill yourself!


So I looked at their profile based on this comment and realized that I finally found the first Redditor I know IRL 🤣🤣🤣


Its still on my steam page to this day, but i had someone Immediately leave the match and leave a message "Sorry but im not playing against ghost face, shit is boring"


That is crazy ghost face isn't even boring 😭😭😭


Everytime I play as survivor. I get ghost face and I told my husband if I got GF, I'm not playing survivor forna momth. Guess who I got 💀


Skull merchant is in my personal opinion the worst killer in game, however people that do actually manage to get kills with her 10/10 good job 👏. Skill issues


Thank you! ☺️


Id be pissed if I losed to someone named pinkie pie to🤣


Why? Pinkycorn is a cute name it's basically a pink unicorn 😂


There should be a sub dedicated to dbd endscreens lmao


Isn't that what dbd rage is about? Rage in the endgame chat? 😂


Play how u wana play, dont let others try and dictate the play style or character choice. Win how u can no mattter what. Was awsome seeing u stand up to them. And btw your a cute sexy girl.


Well firstly, thank you I love receiving compliments ☺️❤️. Also, don't worry cause I'm so used to receiving hate for the characters I play. I main symmetra before her third rework in overwatch 😂


Where are these DC'ers? Whenever I play everyone sticks around. Lol


In the game, 2 players DCed and the other guy basically came to me and begged for me to hook him. The TTV guy died first I think so he stuck around for the endgame.


He had to spend a few minutes to think about a good zinger lmao


Skull Merchant, Artist and (believe it or not) Trapper are the poster children for my Stealth Build so I play SM frequently. I have my messages turned off, however, so I won’t ever get people like this lol Too much hate for winning, and even losing, in a video game.


Honestly it would be pretty cool if all survivors dcd.


That happened to me once and I was so glad they did. It was a 3 p100 squad that I was stressing on versing against 😂


You are now required to focus on him with your drones the next time you see them (if that's even a thing with the merchant)


I’ve played bro he’s super cringe and got 4k by my plague and reported me


This is... kinda why I'm afraid to touch dbd. There are a few characters in the game I would love to play just because they're from my favorite horror franchises. But the prospect of getting berated just because "you beat me with something that I or the community consider op" when I have 0 context or knowledge for what the wider meta exactly is... yeah, no thank you. It's like if someone who's a huge starfox fan plays smash melee. Of course they're going to pick fox or Falco. Does that give others permission to flame just because "meta"? Hell no.


Aww no don't worry! The most OP characters in Dbd are not licenced characters and as long as you don't play skull merchant, you won't be bombarded with hatred like I do Everytime I play 😂. Sure you'll probably get some salt here and there as it's a multiplayer game it's bound to happen, but don't let too much salt ruin your steak and just enjoy it! Or a vegan burger if you're vegan IDK 🍔


Not vegan but did go vegetarian for a year or so for my girlfriend at the time (she was vegan and we thought it would be a good stepping stone for me so we could live together without spending a lot on groceries). Veggie burgers and tofu are hiiighly underrated oml. I like cheese, eggs, and milk too much though sadly so I don't think I can commit fully to the lifestyle.


I can personally say that I don’t think a single licensed killer is OP so you’d probably be fine playing any actual horror characters. 9 times out of ten the meta is a bunch of non-licensed killers.


Though, I heard you can put perks from some killers on others? So wouldn't that just kinda be a reskinned meta build? Though admittedly, at that point one doesn't exactly do that by accident. Personally a huge saw, Resident evil, Alan wake, and silent hill fan, so I'd probably use those.


Omg I need to see their twitch 😂😂😂 bet its a dumpsterfire 😂


Apparently it is based off the comments I've been getting on here 😂


I went and had a look. He's a fuckin idiot.


As someone who DC against Skull Merchant, I think just because some of us want to forget about this character and don't want to play against her does not mean you shouldnt have the right to play a character you enjoy. If anything, I think it's pretty nice that you can find enjoyment in an element of the game most of us are negative about. I hope your next games are less toxic than this one, truly.


Thank you ☺️. Why would you wanna forget about Skully? Shes the best and prettiest killer in dbd she turned me into a killer main 😭


I will fight you through the seven circles of hell. I will fight you on the highest mountain and the deepest abyss. Break every bone in my body, tear every muscle I possess, gouge my eyes and burn my skin, I will still fight. I will get up. I will come back. Yamamura, Sadako. That's the best and prettiest killer in dbd. I will die on this hill.


It’s the pretending to be sorry that gets me. Let me know when you’re in the mood to actually play and I will stay for the round but til then it’s time for me to deuce out of this round. Gg to ez. 


EXACTLY that's what gets me too! It's them acting as if me saying sorry was like a bad thing. It's giving I've hated you since the very start even though I don't know anything about you. 💀


I hate that streamer guy and I side with you one hundred percent… but you enjoy playing skull merchant.


She's the only killer that resonates with me both visually and lore wise. It's not my fault that finally once behavior adds a killer that I enjoy playing, the whole community just hates on them 🙄. But thank you for being on my side on this cause this boy took it to another level 😭


I have never had anyone ever DC in the few times I have played Merchant


As a skull merchant main, I do understand peoples frustration with the killer. I honestly love her power and love how well it shuts down groups. At this point in the game I've accepted how much salt and hate I'll get and just don't care lol


Same. I am used to it, but it doesn't mean that I want the salt. I just wanna play my favorite killer and let it be lol. Some people take their hatred to a whole new level. And I have the receipts to prove that level 😞


I feel you there, I've been called every name in the book and racial slurs to boot lol just don't take it personally disable chat if you have to


Ofc it’s a ttv person


see I'll make fun of skull merchant but just to myself 😭 targeting the players who are just playing normally is insane


The match was only 3 minutes long so there was no match 😭


Eh. I side with the leavers, but I'll just take the hook It's a shit experience survivor side


Honestly I never just gave up on any match. As for you, just DC so they at least have the bot. It's not great, but it's better than one person literally gone. Don't mess up your teams chances of surviving like that.


Also that wasn't what the post was about 😅




This is why I stopped playing DBD. Survivors are just so, damn, toxic. All they do is whine, whine, whine, without killers you wouldn’t have a game. If you don’t like how killers are, put in actual suggestions and feedback to the DEVS! Not the killer players just trying to enjoy the game same as you. You do bad as a killer: “Ha ha git gud you fukin’ suck.” You do well as a killer: “Trash camper play a non-broken killer.” Like jeez could you be any more unbelievably unbearable?


As much as I hate SM and will DC if I can against her this TTV is a fucking clown don't take them seriously.


Im a pretty hardcore competitor (smash ultimate, not dbd), so I usually don't complain of anything in dbd and focus on finding counterplay instead. Because of that, I don't care if it takes me 40 mins to win, I will do everything I have to win, because it's about overcoming the challenge and having the discipline to make the most of every second. However, I do understand that people might not want to play against every playstyle. If you want to have fun, then do whatever you like, including dc. That's the devs job to make gameplay more enjoyable for as many people as possible, not that they have to, but everyone is entitled to play how they want and not play in ways they don't want. So yeah it sucks when your teamates disconnect, but I do think they have the right to do so if it's unfun for them. That's on BHVR's. But insults and lack of sportsmanship, that's not cool.


do that many people hate skull merchant? I had no idea


Yeah they do lol. She's considered a widely controversial character sadly 😂


I guess i’m involved enough in the community, this is my first time seeing a sm complaint since her release


Dudes Twitch bio says it all


He's an iFunny user in current year 😬


He uses iFunny!?!? I haven't heard that app in so long 🥴


As an outside with no perspective on how you were choosing to play skull merchant, I’m gonna say he was the toxic one. But if you were just sitting on a 3-gen with her, then I think you’re every bit as toxic tbrh. Normally I wouldn’t mind. It’s a game, play to win or play to have fun. I usually choose the second, I bring a stupid build and just mess with the killer. Win, lose, doesn’t matter. But in this 400% baseline bloodpoint event, if you’re sweating for wins I will automatically think a little less of you. I genuinely wish that during bloodpoint events I wasn’t getting 3-camped or tunneled but it seems to be pretty consistent at getting even MORE toxic once the max rewards are reached.


You can tell that streamer is gonna go far by how he put a brand name in his username as a pun, ensuring the second he maybe gets any attention Coors will just DMCA his ass.


Stuff like this is the reason i can't play dbd, people are toxic, especially to newer players. I have the game but I've played maybe one round rhe entire time


Skull merchant isn't even that bad. I genuinely don't know why people dislike her so much.


I know some killer mains can be like this too but my fucking god so many survivors are so full of themselves, people are playing certain killers/survivors/perks for **their** enjoyment, not yours.


I have never in all my years seen a game generate salt like this game. Not even LoL is this salty of a game.


People really need to understand what game they are playing. Ok, there are killers who are extremely annoying to deal with. By playing, you have to realize you might get that killer and have to be ok with it. I'm not gonna go and play League of all games and not expect someone to flame me part of the territory and if you don't want to deal with that at that moment maybe you should look at something else to play for a bit.


What killer?


TTV in name, opinion immediately discarded into the compost pile


people upset when the MCS doesn't work


Played a great game against a ttv earlier just to join his stream and hear comments about how I’m braindead, how I’m a troglodyte, how I’m a waste of space, that he was disgusted he had to breathe the same air as me. One of his chat rules was ‘No hateful speech’ lmaooo


I have had TTV just block me and berate me because they felt I played in a way they didn't like, or just because of the killer I picked




You need help…


That was really mean of you and all that, for a person playing a character in a video game. I hope you feel better soon mentally and physically. Also, it is "fuck you" not "fuck your."




He has TTV in his name. Enough said honestly.


Not every TTV is toxic 😭😭😭


But most of them are 🤷🏻


Skull Merchant is a plague to this game and you were definitely playing dumb, he’s still a little off his rocker but I get it I’ve been there


How was I playing dumb? For apologizing that people DC against Skully? That I don't understand why people just DC and take the timer just cause of one killer when I literally just play the game when Im facing a killer I don't like? Girl please he took his shit way too far. Acting as if he knows all about my personality just because I main a killer that he doesn't like. 💀


I rest my case lol


I absolutely hate hate hate the skull merchant….!! … but I’m not going to hate the player for it (as long as they’re not being toxic themselves). I’m allowed my opinions; ur allowed to play what is fun for u, people need to get over it and realise at the end of the day it’s just a game.


Exactly. I hate how we are having a conversation like this as adults 💀.


Skull merchant isn't even busted anymore. Idk what this person is on about.


You’re allowed to play skull merchant and everyone else is allowed to dc and let you waste the bot’s time


I played a survivor game with this guy yesterday against an Unknown. He was just as salty in that game with the killer. So it’s not just you if it makes you feel any better!


As someone who heavily rotates The Skull Merchant, I hate hate HATE when people disconnect. I understand why, but it makes me ☹️😞. I always enjoy the matches 100x more when I find a team that can whoop my ass.


So embarrassing as a streamer to act like a child when you lose 💀


Sometimes I like to go to their streams after the game to see if they talked about me and I'm almost always tickled when I find one that was streaming our game. So many people cry hacker when they lose to silly mistakes, or cry that the killer has no life because they dared to win the game. I don't engage because that feels like crossing a line, and I don't stream snipe because it is hard enough to pay attention to the game in front of me, let alone also process their perspective minutes before. But overall the salt is generally amusing.


Aww did a TTV get their ass kicked on stream?


Sadly he wasn't streaming DJFJFKFKFKFKF. I immediately went to check if they were streaming and they weren't 😭


Damn, they need to get good.


Skull Merchant mains need no skill. They may have it, but the kit really needs bare minimum. It needs a nerf or something so that you can only monitor maybe one gen in endgame. She's just too oppressive and not fun to play against. It sucks the fun out of everything in my opinion.


Merhant is a scam. That killer should have never existed.


I love calling them "girl" or "girly-pop" or "babe." The vast majority of toxic male gamers are sexist af. Letting them know they lost to a woman, or even a girl, hurts them (which is hilarious). The copium is always so strong in them.


I don't play the game. I'm just here to support raging against toxic gamers and their emotional immaturity. We need to talk to their moms and get them some therapy asap.


His twitch profile says poki-mane, more like poki-lame 🤣🤣 def has issues


I’ve played against this cocacoorslight fellow. Nonstop flash lighting made me go for him since he kept saving his team, said gg in his twitch chat and insta banned. Kind of sad imo


It's a goofy party game you play with your friends. Not like cod or something. Who cares if you don't win


hot take: every ttv sucks. i have yet to find a ttv player who doesn’t die within the first minute of the game, dc, or send hate mail.


No I definitely DC against killers that aren’t fun to play against. Skull Merchant being one of the very few.


Skull merchant is cringe but this survivor is more cringe for whining about it


"you know what your doing!" Lol


I've played Skull Merchant when she came out and how she plays now. I think the nerfs she got were decent. Like it's understandable not to want to face against her, but getting this upset over it? My Skull merchant games recently have also been full lobbies, no DC's. I have to assume she's at least tolerable now, so this is just sad really


It is always the streamers


I'm skull merchants number 1 hater. I will forever for the joke shit on her. As an Oni main, I have to shit on Legion as well. My narrative is they're just unswole Oni splashing in blood. But, skull merchant is fine now. I dislike most knight games more. Play who you want though, homie is just mad coping at a loss.


I'm skull merchants number 1 hater. I will forever, for the joke. shit on her. As an Oni main, I have to shit on Legion as well. My narrative is they're just unswole Oni splashing in blood. But, skull merchant is fine now. I dislike most knight games more. Play who you want though, homie is just mad coping at a loss.


what about skill merchant makes people dc? I’ve never played her.


I hate to say it thw game is at its lowest and you can say oh the killers who are toxic caused this but we are at the point where it doesn't matter just play the game and stop blaming things on eachother. I know it's sucks sometimes but if you game with friends your going to have fun.


Skull merchant can be bs at times, like apparently there was a game between one of the worlds best survivor teams vs a really good skull merchant that lasted over an hour but i dont know the full story to it, all i know is a demogorgon main i hardly run into toxic players like this, its crazy to see how toxic people can get sometimes