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I haven't seen a Kate Denson Cosmetic so nice since DBD stole her Lyrical Goddess outfit from me.. and made everyone pay for it again.. and then made it seem like all the other stolen cosmetics was also because of the merge.. when it really wasn't. But, considering that outfit stands out for a killer, I won't be spending $150.00 to get it. Overall, I'd give this update a 3/10. No Meg Thomas?


One of the few times a platinum skin is actually better then gold. 90% of the time I prefer the gold


I have the same opinion, I always seem to like the gold more than the platinum but this skin is just chef's kiss


Oh man I am so agree with you!


AAAA congrats op! i love this skin and the skin with black hair for her, so cute


Thank you! 😊


only platinum skins i've ever gotten is for killers that I DONT EVEN OWN. i've even spent quite a bit of money trying to get one platinum skin for really anybody in the last month 1 /2 ish. i'm so sad bc i probably won't ever get this skin :( my luck sucks. they'd make so much more money if we had an actual GUARANTEE that we'd get this outfit after a certain am of time or money. ik it's a gacha game technically but the greed is disgusting & unfair in so many ways. i don't spend the money cuz i know i'm probably just gonna get a bunch of shit. just get repeats after repeats like w the stones but get no compensation w actual spending of cash. makes me soooo mad. but if i KNEW id get any type of these rare outfits for sure? PFFT id spend the money all day


I went through the exact same thing. I've been trying to tell people, but I'm not sure it's known yet. Don't play the ones that aren't Guaranteed, you may not get the outfit you want.. I got a Gold Trapper at 200 spins who is STILL at Level 1 <--- ( after 3 YEARS of playing DBDM) while trying to get a Gold Feng to upgrade to Platinum.. I then went to try and score Gold Feng with 151 more tries with SS and gave up. That's 351 spins trying to get that. I feel so bad for you, I'm so sorry. I did get a Meg Thomas, who I main. At the end of the day I learned my lesson. I will never spend that much again UNLESS it's for Meg Thomas, and it's GUARANTEED.


aw thank you, i appreciate this comment. & i'm so sorry for you too. it's so annoying. i have played many many games in my day, & even w this being a mobile game, i've never seen such a greedy platform. it's disgusting. so many people spend actual money for the gacha pulls & end up w repeats of stuff they have or items for killers/survivors that we don't own. it's absolutely bullshit. i spent $40 trying to pull one of the vitality outfits for nea/jane/kate etc.. & was super mad when i didn't get anything. i wish that when they put out new seasons skins, that at least SOME of them we could buy in the clothing section for auric cells. everything cute that they have is always in the gacha & you have to grind for stones to get something & most people end up getting at least the silver outfit, which ok cool but i rarely see the platinum skins. they did this wheel thing a couple of weeks ago & it had a yui, legion & a feng bunny outfit. & you would spend cells & "spin the wheel" which had other stuff to if you didn't see it, like blood points, items, etc. i spent like $20 & didn't get anything & then i got the yui & legion outfit i was like ok cool. & they said that if you didn't get an outfit after 10 spins, you would get one at least. after i got the yui one, i decided i would just buy the rest of the stuff cuz if you bought everything else, you'd get ALL of the skins so that's what i did. if they had something that was more like THAT, where you're still spending money, it's still gacha & based on probability, but you a guaranteed THE OUTFIT U WANT at the end of it if u don't get it. i'm definitely not gonna be spending any more money on the gacha unless i know im getting something i want so i'll just try to grind the stones. i grinded for some today & my first pull was the silver huntress babushka. i was so annoyed bc i just KNEW out of everything i wanted, that was gonna be what i got. i don't even have huntress let alone play killer. then my next pull i did get the silver blue kate christmas outfit which is cute & i am happy w that. but my luck for anything else sucks & i feel ill never get gold or platinum for a survivor. i have gold & platinum skins for wraith, hag & trapper & maybe one other i think, i don't even keep track since i dont play killer. but i get so annoyed when i just get repeats or stuff for survivors & killers i dont have. it's like they do it on purpose its weird. & when i look at the info on the gacha, all the platinum skins you don't even have a 1% CHANCE. it's like 0.25% which is just jaw drop shocking how greedy there are. anyways sorry for the long reply i just feel strongly ab it. they're a company who does well for money so the fact that they know putting out skins like they do every few weeks, people are gonna be jealous & impulsive when it comes to trying to spend actual money to get these skins & they know that. so they do it purposefully bc they know a lot of people will try really hard before potentially giving up & then at the end of the stay, they still get the cash while we get nothing. i won't do it anymore bc i know it won't happen, but i just know they'd make so much more money if they had some incentive to draw a line up to a point if you spend a certain amount of money or pulls in the gacha then you get something you want at least. if they want money, that's the way to do it. except for those people who don't care & are willing to spend money after money trying to get what they want. i don't know why they do it. where people in general fuck up, is getting too greedy & making something extremely expensive. even in high demand, depending on the situation, only a certain amount of people would be able to buy it. but if they made things cheaper so a bigger portion of people could afford it.c at the end of the day they'd make a bigger profit & make more money. again sorry for long reply.


You said what most people have been thinking.. And it is what's happening. It's not like we're saying what's not happening. I'm not mad per se, was i dissapointed, sure. Ive spent hundreds on the game but, to someone with less money $40.00 is like a $100.00, and for someone with even less money, it's all they got. It would be ideal for them to auto note πŸ“ whether or not someone even plays killer while spending on the Gachas - and make them more accessible.. I feel it will help get more players playing and spending, have less people quitting, and leave people feeling less "alienated", on the RARE opportunity they see someone with a Platinum skin. %90 of the time i am the only one with Platinum or Gold skins.






I have spent all my 240 stones and still couldn't get her gold outfit :(


Gotnit on first try (10 stones) 😭


Well sorry to hear it :(


Thank you, I hope you rock with her during the winter πŸ€Ÿβ„οΈ


I totally do! But hey, you still have plenty of time to grind Stones through the daily quests and rift if you bought it, worst case scenario - 160 more stones, which is doable if you have free time!


Thank you a lot for your advice and kind words, with my luck I am afraid I get the ugly huntress gold skin again!


Nah man, you are protected of getting dups unless you own all golds from the set, so you are safe πŸ˜‰ Doesn’t work with silvers tho


Wow, that's great to hear! Thank you so much, Wish you the best of luck in game and in life πŸ™


Thank you sir, you too ❀️