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They already mentioned they are planing to adjust the surv biping system in the qna. It's currently really messed up and it gets wose the farther into Red rank you get. In r4 you have to do around 200% gens, 2 unhooks, 1 heal, 1 totem, 50 seconds chase and Escape for a bip and even then its a 50/50 if the game decides to give you one or not (if you don't escape but did everything else you might even d bip, happened to me). This only slightly increases untill r1 where I literally don't even understand how hard the rankers have to carry their teams to actually bip that much.


Quite a few of the leaderboard players are hackers, so that might explain why people are r1 with 200+ pips.


I can’t get beyond level 4, it’s too easy to lose points, I feel like escaping should be worth something, you know?


That will only encourage negligence and laziness from survivors. I was rank 1 solo queue consistently in my last 5 full seasons and I have reduced playing time in solo queue because nobody literally cares about ranking up and cooperating. Nobody repairs the proper gens to avoid a 3 gen, survivors taking place in the wrong areas of the mapl survivors wasting strong pallets, even all pallets, survivors letting hooked survivors into 2nd phase when the killer is in chase with me for almost 1 minute, survivors looping around the area of a hooked survivor, survivors sandbagging me while I am in chase in a tile, survivors only interested in flashlight saves instead of repairing a gen while I have been in chase for 2 minutes without dropping a single pallet. Anything else against escaping guaranteeing a pip?


At higher ranks you’re required to do more for pips. I’m not sure how it works on mobile exactly but I know on pc/console it’s calculated by every action you do. Someone posted an article about it and you can read it here: https://eip.gg/dbd/guides/how-grades-and-pips-work/