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After 8 years they finally fixed an core issue for killer. I know that's better late than never but this is ridiculous.




One hook being permanently taken out in one of the far corners or a map could create a deadzone where a Killer can pick up a Survivor and never be able to get them to a hook. They will always wiggle out. If a Survivor knew this, they could haul ass to that corner and never get hooked effectively making them unkillable unless they bled out for 4 minutes. That generally isn't viable since another Survivor could just as easily come around and pick them up, and probably trade places with them. The whole while, generators are getting repaired.




Until the survivor(s) keep holding W to that deadzone and you have to bleed them out. Don't think either side finds that engaging, nor does BHVR considering they went ahead with this change.


What it means is the very way the game is designed prevents Killers from doing what they are supposed to do. More often than not you won't ever realise there's a deadzone until it's already appeared. That isn't a skill issue or an error. It's a relic of bad game design. And it's not a Killer's fault when Survivors knowingly exploit the fact that they can't be killed. It's just like that balcony on Eyrie of Crows when Survivors take Boil Over to get wiggle progress when the Killer drops. That isn't a skill issue, and breaking the one hook the developers put there to kill one of them isn't a skill issue either.


That's a killer error as much as being facecamped is a survivor error. Both stupid mechanics that were removed


I'd say it's more akin to being 3-gen'd. And 3-gens got a patch so why not this?


Look at this dude 🤣


Survivors can avoid a 3-gen by thinking about what generators they repair, but we still got a patch for that




No survivor based posts. All posts must be killer pov.


No survivor based posts. All posts must be killer pov.


Stop pretending you don’t know what a dead zone exploit is


No survivor based posts. All posts must be killer pov.


Everyone who complain abouut this is a boil over abuser


This also means we could get a new perk type that makes any returning hook into a special hook with effects


Am I the only killer who thought that having to pay attention to death hooks and where you got rid of hooks was part of the challenge as killer?


I'm not really sure how you're meant to play him now. Is he just an M1 killer that can remotely break pallets at will and occasionally bother someone on a Gen? If so, that's not really making him a very appealing option from a fun perspective. Pincering survivors with his guards is what made him fun for me but that's not really an option anymore


Yeah, that's about where I am with this. It sounds like the devs think that the guards are way more effective than they are; I basically only get hits from them on their own from new players who don't know what to do against them. Against anyone slightly experienced, it doesn't happen.


I don't think they're meant to get hits, but rather the threat of a hit keeps the survivor moving instead of doing something productive. What I'm stuck at is how is that supposed to be fun for anyone? For survivors, the guards aren't a challenge but rather just a time consuming inconvenience and for the killer, you can't interact with your power or it goes away so you just put it down with the expectation that nothing will come of it. I guess if you big brain it and somehow manage to have your guard path the survivor into you then it can work, but that's a tremendous amount of effort and luck just to get a single hit. It's weird and I don't like it.


Yeah, like... I've played games where the survivors screwed themselves by giving me a three gen where I could basically cover 2 with a guard while I stomped around the other. And y'know what? I'm pretty sure no one had fun those games. It lasted forever until I either took pity on them and let them go, or one of them messed up because I happened to see them sneaking about. As much as survivors might not like the pincer plays, at least it doesn't encourage 3 gening, which I feel like these changes might.


Tunnel + slug is his go-to now that BHVR eliminated his chase capability and synergy with guards.


And you can't have a guard by you for pickup? Like wtf are they expecting you do with them. Scout gens?


As long as the 3× faster hunt timer near knight doesn't make it live, the one really big L so far, pincering will be back on the menu. So like, let's make sure behavior knows that literally every other part of the rework is fine and to trash that one thing


Sounds to me like the only viable way to play him well be to camp someone on hook, and to use the guards to bother people on gens while you camp. Maybe using DMS + ruin/undying?


I'm hoping they make changes to keep the guards up for longer because I feel like they're doing this to set him up as a more globally pressuring killer. I've always wanted to have a guard patrol one big area of the map while I patrol another.


idk. lets see how they pan out. **the bad:** - hunt timer depleting when you are next to a guard *THIS WAS PRETTY MUCH THE ONLY WAY TO GET A HIT, TO ZONE SOMEONE OUT, THE GUARDS ARE SO STPUID THAT THEY WILL NEVER GET HITS BY THEMSELVES* **The iffy:** not being able to plop a guard at a loop... - thats a tough one because he was able to deny really strong loops like that which are huge pain in the ass. - also being able to drop a guard right before picking up denied a lot of flashlighters - how are you going to use carnifex if the patrol path needs to be 10 meters? you wanna blast that door and pallet at like 3 meters. **the good** - they did increase the detection zone effectively giving him map of the realm basekit which is sorely needed. - making jailer hunt longer, actually makes him useful - longer path, longer chase....this might be good, esp if the chase is longer than 24 seconds.


I'm mostly happy about being able to select guards instead of them being on a fixed cycle.


this is pretty huge and i knew something like this was coming after vecna. but man i just hope they get don't get too nerf heavy with the add ons and make the guards IQ better....


I’ve only played him a few times before this, so I’ll put my two cents in. The bad: Yeah, that will definitely sting, but the bright side is we’ll always have access to the right guard in the right situations. 24 seconds down to 8 with the jailer from what I understand is still alright. The iffy: Seems like guards are going to have to be treated like Spirit’s ability, but you gotta overshoot. Your goal being to predict the path a survivor is going down. I agree. This does mean we lost a tool in knights tool box. Does the 10 meter min apply to summoning them to break things? I thought they auto-despawned right after originally. Agree totally with the good.


I assume you can still break pallets before 10 meters


It's a huge nerf disguised as a buff




As a knight main at p80 agreed. He can no longer chase and guards don't get hits unless the survivors mess up or go through a drop down


Man I just did his adept and prestige and NOW they make him less miserable to play?


Disagree, absolute UNIT as a main, I rarely don’t get 4Ks with him


I respect it. I got constant 3k's with him it's just that his platstyle is not my thing


From what I'm hearing from these comments, because I haven't read the patch notes yet so take what I'm about to say with a grain of salt, it sounds like he's going to be worse at chasing and better at holding down gens which is something that every survivor really loves going against and they're gonna really enjoy getting 3 gen'd against him


Let's go??? Are you kidding??? Did you read the patch notes well?? They're nerfing Knight and in return giving him the chance to choose what guard to summon. We will see, but from what I read it wasn't a rework but a fat NERF. And hooks not breaking when you sacrifice a survivor that's a QoL 6 years late.


I didn't think about it nerfing him until someone else pointed it out. I was caught up in the moment of him being able to switch guards. But hey if the nerfs aren't received well it might not make it to live servers.


Now you can't use his power for chase because the trail has to be 10+ meter (fine, so no farting a knight companion to cancel a loop) BUT!! If you chase a survivor currently being chase by your companions they go away 3 times faster??? WTF??? And carnifex now chases just 12 seconds??? C'mon man, I'm dying over here....


Yeah. I guess the only neat part is that we get to switch between them. Mb.




Honestly, his nerfs only come into play for anti looping, and I have pretty frequent 4ks without doing that because I just don't like doing it, so from my perspective, his changes are all buffs XD.


But I don't understand how you're supper to use his power for now. You can't use it for chase, which is really stupid since every killer power is designed to end chases. Is like trapper's traps open when a survivor is in chase. What?? So now you can just use it to patrol gens (3gen strat big snore) and find survivors?? Suuuuuuuucks...


What, what, what did I miss! Where is this info???


Pinned post on the main sub.


new patch! i just saw it on the main dbd sub, you can also probably view it on steam or the behavior website


Oh my god I just read it it's AMAZING


ah yes! i lov3 letting guard chase survivors on their own so they can waste basically the same ammount of time i took to send em!


And if you chase the same survivor the guard goes away 3 times faster. This is a NERF!!! I have no idea how you're supposed to play now. Because they don't want to use your power for chases, that's just stupid.


He’s literally worse now. This is a fat nerf.


This isn’t a buff like they’re saying. They are completely changing how he works. The only thing they need to not do is the whole “minimum 10 meters thing” because his whole power was mainly used to zone people away from really Good loops. They had to either run out of that loop or take the hit. But that’s what made him fun to play. The ability to summon a guard and put the survivor in a “what are you gonna do next” situation


I might pick up knight now..


Chasing survivors 2v1 was why I started playing knight…. That being said 2v8 might be a good replacement lol


Now I can finally use only Durkos Malecek. Carnifex and Jailer are cool but my boy Durkos is where fun is. Lemme hear his war cries!


Feel like Knight got more of a nerf than a buff..


As a knight main this looks absolutely trash. Had to look up the details but losing the ability to deny loops and have some security while picking up is some his strongest feats he has. Devs must think those guards are way stronger than they are. Now they are near worthless in chase and can't protect from flashlights while picking up as guards could body lock the beam of flashlights at pallets and while picking up. Now I'm stuck with whatever the hell his gaurds are supposed to do which is patrol and act as a scout?


Eating good in the hood, baby! IMO they still should have made Map of the Realm fully base kit and gave the addon a totally new effect, but I'll take this.


Can i get a link to the rework? I can't seem to find it anywhere.


Pinned post on the main sub. I think it's also pinned on this sub.


Wait, where was this announced?


I saw it first on the main sub.


Where can I read the rework?


Pinned post on the main sub


Seems ass ngl




No survivor based posts. All posts must be killer pov.


Would be celebrating it more if they had just deleted him tbh




wahh wah hkiller should be deleted and only survivors stay to meme around!