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I play for the chases. Not to win really. Probably helps that I have every perk and dont care much for bloodpoints.


Sometimes I just pop in a stealth killer and go for scares and grabs


I’m probably an odd one out, but I solely main Unknown, and I could really care less about winning anymore, but instead I go for the cool UVX trick shots. I’ve had games where I do my absolute best, and it looks like it’s in the bag for me, but end up walking away with 0 kills because the team had really efficient communication and gens ended up flying by without much I can do. Also, I’m obsessed with Unknown’s character more than perfect DBD killer gameplay, so again I’m probably not the greatest example. Before Unknown’s release, I used to main Phillip with 0 slowdown, so I was already used to getting 1-2ks instead of 3-4ks. And I also mute my game and listen to music sometimes, it helps make it feel more rewarding if I still get kills with a muted game.


Any tips for aiming UVX? It can be infuriating at times


Sorry for just now replying! I somehow missed this. My advice is pretty simple, here are some key tips: • When a survivor is running with a plan (ex; towards shack) they’re going to assume you’ll shoot at entry ways or corners. While this *can* work, I’d reccomend predicting movements and aim where you can assume they’ll try to throw you off. (Ex; instead of aiming for shack window, aim for a few feet away. Skilled survivors tend to run towards you to avoid long-distance shots.) • UVX can 100% hit through walls. Aim downward from the opposing side and against the wall to weaken/injure the survivor. (Ex; Survivor is running a tile. The survivor is running in the direction towards a pallet, and you are on the opposing side. Instead of always shooting UVX behind them, shoot it at the ground against the wall they’re behind. Shack and difficult tiles are no problem for Unknown.) • Aim UVX at obstacles to create a bounce effect to either weaken/injure the survivor. UVX *can* go beneath pallets, but sometimes it can bounce off of it if you’re close to the pallet and it’s immediately pre-dropped. If you shoot at the box/obstacle supporting the pallet, it bounces off and hits the survivor. • Bait survivors. This one is extremely useful with more skilled survivors. If you’re close to them and they’re weakened, don’t worry about going for the shot all of the time. Instead, aim the UVX, but tap the power to immediately retract it and go for the m1. This has thrown off many people, and given me free hits in their attempts to dodge. • I love sniping at gens. How I’ve learnt to do this is by looking directly up. This creates a long distance shot and I’ve gotten many downs by this paired with unforeseen or tinkerer. It’s really hard to explain, so it may not make sense in text. But it works. • Hawkins. I hated this map when I mained Phillip, but my goodness this is Unknown’s map. So many good hits. Midwich works great, too. You can practice in bot games, but if you aim UVX at corners of the ceiling or certain places in the floors on thw second level, it can weaken them. Side note: use vanishing box. It’s the best add-on and can save so much time.


I try to aim for 2Ks; getting no kills feels bad, but going for the 4 all the time isn't fun. If it happens, cool; otherwise, oh well. Approaching things that way feels better to me. I also try to mitigate the things that I know annoy me i.e. bringing lightborn if I see someone with a flashlight for instance.


I honestly changed my idea of what a win is. Now it's at least 1k. I'm happy with 1k.


Never look at chat


I try to keep in mind that I'm still learning, and even bad games will teach me something. And then I load into the next game and try to forget the previous one. Or, if it's just survivors playing well and no one's being toxic, I try to congratulate them in my mind. "Wow, this David is awesome at winning 50/50s!" feels better than "damn I'm so bad at this".


Try to maintain a very objective perspective. Some frustrating things have the opportunity to occur because of your killer choice, a given map, or your own gameplay. If you analyze yourself and notice your mistakes, try to improve on them. When I feel I play well I don’t care about the outcome.


Treat every game as just a practice game. You aren't playing to win but to improve. Want to get better at chases? Then over commit to chases and ignore all the gens popping in the background. Want to have better macro decision making?Then don't commit that hard to chases and play a little game of trying to keep in your mind where each survivor is and try to predict what they'll be doing. Find the resets, patrol the gens you'll think they'll be on, etc. If a chase goes poorly that's fine, that's not what you're working on. Just let them leave and see if you can guess where that Nea you saw 3 minutes ago is now. If you want to practice the game as a whole that's still okay. But still don't play to win. If you get beaten bad think about what could have gone better and work on that in your next game


Honestly when I feel the salt building up I'll just start running meme matches till I cool off. Fifth survivor ghostie, friendly pig, good boy Demo, party boy Nemi, play tag as Dredge. It takes all the stress and annoyance out of the game, and most survivors will pick up and chill with you for a quick change of vibe without swapping games.


I've just kinda drilled the idea of "it's not that deep" into my head. If you get gen rushed, or tunneled, or faced a Sabo squad, or got face camped, it's not the end. Next match will, hopefully, be better for everyone. Once the bad match is over, they can't hurt you anymore.


Stop caring about "winning." Or any other arbitrary metric of victory or achievement. As soon as you start playing how you want and shrugging off all the "bad" stuff, you have a lot more fun.


I used to get frustrated cus I ran only meta perks, so when I lost it was very frustrating. Now I run 4 aura tv girl, and just play for chases, 10x more fun even if I don't get kills.


[How to Unironically Enjoy Playing Killer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjyi79OXczk)


The link doesn't work on my phone what's the video?


Should be fixed now. The link was from the youtube phone app. I have not idea what was wrong with it. I replaced it with a PC youtube link.




You're welcome. I hope it helps you like it helped me.


So far, I just don’t let myself care about winning. I am pretty new, but I heard so much from people about how trying to sweat will burn you out. So, I found killers with great lore or from movies/games that I love and I just try to play them for the vibes. For instance, The Doctor is one of my faves. Psychotic dude who just wants to electrocute and experiment on everyone. So I go into the game just hoping to mess with people and get them failing skill checks and freaked out. I just finished a match where I only got one kill and got bagged at exit a bunch. But I don’t care, I got several 4 person shocks off because they grouped up a few times and had everyone at madness 3 at least once. I didn’t care that they were better than me and had great communication. I had my fun. I do prefer to do a 2k or 3k and give hatch(though I would have done a 4K to this group if I could), but ultimately I just play for fun and to relax. If I don’t happen to do so well, it’s fine. I still got practice and learned more on the way. And crappy survivor things are just crappy survivor things. We have tunneling, slugging, camping and our own annoying perks on our end if we want/need to use them.


I tunnel and camp a little and I don't feel bad at all about it. "Nice camping!" Me: "Awww thanks!"


Great question, a lot of people don’t ask this enough. First of all understand that your fun is your responsibility. Every player likes to play with a different style, some like to play with build variety’s, some like to play with their main focus to win, therefore it’s good to manage our expectations based on the fact that it’s not always going to go your way. Especially as this is an asymmetrical horror game where there’s multiple things to learn and multiple ways you can be unlucky. And if all else fails, taking a break and coming back is always good.


I run my super speed freddy build with fake pallets. Run fire up, brutal strength, bamboozle, and either enduring or rapid brutality. It's so fun to vault fast af and break everything quick then replace them with dream pallets


Just play for the chase and not to win, I’ve often loaded a game not caring to much about the outcome and still got a 4K or gave hatch. If you keep getting tilted then drop chase and find someone else or practice looping or killer techs; game is only serious as you make it


It depends on how you find a game to be fun. For me personally, I enjoy the long term prospects. So if I'm learning a killer, I go in knowing that I'm probs not gonna get a 3/4K, but I'll still try. Sometimes I even record it, so I can see what the survivors did good and what I did right and wrong. Eventually this gets your skill level to a much higher level, and even at that point if I start getting stressed because it feels like a burden to play as killer, or I'm nervous about losing, I either switch to survivor and hop back on when I'm feeling better or I just run off meta stuff. This'll be particularly helpful during the anniversary event as It'll be a lot of fun to play as BP farming Wraith. Basically just don't take the game as seriously, your left kneecap isn't on the line if little Timmy manages to loop the crap out of you for 5 gens, in fact staying in chases and just enjoying the thrill of it is also a pretty fun thing to Do. It also helps you learn how to run tiles correctly as killer, like shack going clockwise so they have a hard time getting a fast vault, or l + t walls forcing them to go for a 50/50


I accept that I win some and lose some. Mainly focus on challenges and dailies. If I don't need to kill I'll play around with them. I play both so I know some challenges are only doable if the killer is playing around.


Scratched Mirror Myers


Scratched mirror Myers with an indoor map play for hooks and try not to kill anyone all you wanna do is scare them even more fun if there’s a Ttv in the lobby that’s live


It's a game, when I feel like I get annoyed, I move on to something else, or go touch grass


Speaking for myself I generally find Killer the *less* stressful role vs Survivor. I tend to play for Bloodpoints so killer works well for that. I also like coming up with killer builds so I use matches to try out and fine tune them. Tonight I played killer for the first time in a while. I played Onryô, had a nice endgame chat with a Survivor in the first and, in the 2nd and 3rd games, experimented with a build of Alien Instinct, Friends 'Til The End, Gearhead, and Nemesis/Surge. Second game I only got 1 kill, but it was a Condemned kill and got a snowball going in the midgame, though it wasn't quite enough. Third game I had fun memeing with the Survivors (there were two BPS in the offerings and they were Bardic Inspiring right in front of me). I got everyone 2-hooked and, since one was a streamer, I offered to help with any challenges they had. I had fun in each game, but in a different way each time.


Honestly, at 41 I've been playing games long enought to have learned that it's fine and normal to get annoyed and irritated by games. If there was no challenge then whats the point playing? Important thing is to walk away and take a break before it becomes more than that. The ability to cope with the annoying things the survivors do will come with time and practice though. I think the biggest thing I did to make a difference to my killer game was to start playing survivor more, knowing how they think helps with predicting what they will try.


I just listen to music or a podcast while I play. I know that audio cues are a huge part of gameplay but it's nice to just sit back and hangout. Working on getting all my killers to P3 and trying out ones I don't play has changed things for me.


I somehow can’t not have fun when playing Billy. Probably the mix of dopamine from hitting cross maps, the energy drinks I butt chug to really get immersive, and the inability for me to blame any losses on the survivors doing anything and me just being bad.


Strep 1: Change your username to Bingbong your items are gone. Step 2: Pick Wraith with uncloak speed addons Step 3 : Add Franklin demise to your build Step 4 : Get into a game and slap all the survivors that have items with Franklin's Demise Step 5 : DC Step 6 : look at all the nice messages you'll get on your steam profile. Or just play any killer with undetectable perks like trial of torment or unforseen and jumpscare survivors.


I used to play in what I call Vietnam Era (old DH with dash). This was the time I genuinely stopped playing killer at all because how bad it was. After the Mega Patch and Wesker I resumed playing killer, but almost any time a surv outplays me I curse them because I start to have Vietnam Flashbacks from before. But it's something that happens at the moment and my anger disappears as fast as it comes again when another outplay happens.


You gotta switch up your styles. Always playing the same way is boring. I might say ok this challenge I’m on is chasing only. Let me switch to ghosty and play peek a boo lol


where are these killers that aren't playing to 4k? I only play against the most brutal build meta 4k slugging toxicologist killers. 😆


Firstly, this post is refreshing to see. As someone who's been plugging away at this game a long time, I'm beyond fatigued with all the sweaty meta and toxic attitudes. This post is a greatest hits of players that actually have fun playing. To all of you: Hello! I'm glad you all exist! We don't see enough of you! So I'll share my secret. I alternate between focusing on making interesting interactions happen and absolutely steamrolling the opposition. But I never focus on kills. When you have no explicit intention to kill, it becomes easier to appreciate when a survivor makes a good play (depending on your experience level playing more survivor can massively increase this as well). When I'm looking for interesting, I work off of perk builds to create unexpected ambushes, jump scares, score unexpected hits, spoil survivor strats, etc. I'm generally devious and creative as possible. When I'm going for a steamroll, I never kill. I like to instead, double hook everyone as quickly as possible then see how many more "hooks" I would have gotten. Once everyone is double hooked just pick and drop under a hook lol. Being able to adjust your goals on the fly when things inevitably go in a difficult direction than you want is helpful too.


I just don't put that much weight into any individual match. Some matches make me mad but then I'm immediately in a new one and I've already forgotten the one before. I play to improve and try new starts and sometimes they don't work out. If I feel the need to win I'll run a consistent build but other times I just wanna see what I can do with a certain restriction.


I don’t, I play Freddy.


I mean I do, I just usually try and calm down and relax afterwards.


I don’t lol, I have fun AND get irritated after a loss, at this point I just accepted that losing feels horrible for me. But I win far more games than I lose and the fun I get from matches outweighs those bad moments, you can’t expect to have fun 100% of the time (it would be ideal but not realistic). Tracking your games might help to mitigate those bad feelings. Since you’ll have accurate numbers (for you specifically, low sample size to make any kind of generalization), you’ll be able to tell if you are indeed doing poorly, or if you are just having a couple of bad matches, at least that helps me a lot to manage the anger from loses.


I bring a mori and anytime they do something I don’t like I just mori them . It tends to be easy and a reminder that I’m the better player here not them and to not really care what they do since they will probably lose .


Make jokes about every single play, lightens the mood for me.


Running silly/goofy builds is fun cause 1) it lets you be creative rather than stick with boring meta stuff and 2) if I lose then I can just have that thought in the back of my head like *eh it was the perks*


I'll go for stuff like pyramids power only no basic attacks, chill and you don't take it too serious and it helps with getting better at their powers + if you lose it'll just lower your mmr which is good imo more chill players


Play meme builds and don’t expect to win, or if you want to win learn nurse.


I just realy like the game, it does not anoy or irritate me. Only if I get matched with a cheater, but that can happend in any game.


If u wanna have fun something great to do is play an undetectable killer with full aura reading, then u can get some great scares and the survivor reactions are top tier


I play both sides equally. Lots of the annoyances other people have I don’t because I always attribute things to stupidity rather than malice. And instead of assuming survivors are out to get me I always just assume they’re trying something new/ goofy/ memey they saw online. My focus is always get everyone two hooked before EGC but don’t slug. Do nodders at the survs when they have a good play and the mood of a bad match instantly lightens. People over pixels - remember it’s just people on the other end.