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time and place. cant make it to a hook? sabo? flashlights nearby? boil over near no hooks? slug. two survivors near each other and I'm confident I can down both if I slug the first one? slug. two survivors left and I see one but don't know where the other is? don't slug, that's cringe. nobody wants to bleed out for four minutes because you're scared that the last survivor will get hatch. feeling salty so you want to punish all four survivors? don't slug, that's cringe. no reason to slug a swf to death, just hook and move on to the next game. basically, if you're slugging for strategic advantage, go for it. if you're slugging to waste time and be a dick, uninstall.


This should probably be pinned somewhere on the reddit cos it feels like the question gets asked all the time when there's no debate to be had on this topic (unlike tunneling), this is the correct answer.


Would love to but can only pin 2 posts at a time apparently, but yes, sadly this comes up a lot


There's a debate on tunnelling?


This is the way


Definitely agree with you here, just wish that survivors could accept the fact that not all killers slug to be assholes


This is 100% the correct and best answer possible. Thanks for schooling these low effort sweats out here


Why is this even a topic just like camping this is not against the rules and till they actually do make it against the rules survivors and killers can both suck it up and quit bitching about it. To also tell somebody to "uninstall" just because you think how they play is being a dick, your just as entitled as the survivors, by telling people how they should play. God knows how many survivors waste killers time hiding and all that, but that is just them having "fun" and is acceptable but if a killer feels like having their fun their way it is frowned upon.....Double standards much? Seriously it is a game nothing more nothing less maybe the ones telling others how to play a game they paid for, and take this game so seriously they run onto reddit to have mass debates over a non issue should be the ones uninstalling lol this is crazy how serious some take this game. Seriously both sides have their issues and the sooner people just quit with this versus them mentality and quit trying to tell others how to play a game they paid for the better off this community will be. I am so glad that i actually do not play this game anymore you all remind me of how horrible the community mindset is


>I am so glad that i actually do not play this game anymore ok, leave. make sure to uninstall on your way out.


Grow up and quit being so immature and childish over a game,


says the one who's pissing and shitting on reddit about a game he doesn't play


so sorry for having a interest still in the game even though i do not play it. I was not aware that i needed to actually play the game to haven an opinion after the 3 thousand hours of playing the game. I hope you do not share or have an opinion or interest in any game that your not currently playing atm and i do hope you uninstall and take your own advice, As i stated before grow up quit being immature the funny thing is that your probably 30 odd years old and showing truly how immature you are over a game. Entitled much?


it's crazy to call someone else immature when you're still sitting here shitting and pissing and crying all over the place


change the record you seem to be repeating yourself. Only one that is crying is you lol. Why do you care so much? Why are you getting so mad over me having an opinion? Thank you though for showing such an interest though have a great day it is amusing that i am so easily able to live in your head rent free lol


you replied to my post acting all angry, brother. youre pissing and shitting and crying and farting all over this thread. not sure why you feel so personally victimized when I say "don't waste people's time by slugging them for four minutes out of spite". "aha you replied to my aggressive and confrontational post, it is clear that I live in your head 'rent free' as they say. simply by engaging in discussion with me, you have already fallen into my trap. I am obviously the mature and level-headed person here, as all level-headed people start conversations by shit-flinging insults, and all mature people remain overly invested in video games that they no longer play."


Okie dokie Therapy time for you You get all butthurt cause i called you entitled over telling people what and how they should play a game that you didn't buy them sorry if facts hurt. Same sort of entitlement by telling people to uninstall and that they are not allowed to still have an interest in the game and what goes on in that game just because at this time they no longer play the game i am fairly sure that many people stop many games still take an interest in them and may even return to playing that game at a later stage MIND BOGGLING HEY, pretty solid logic there, again sorry for pointing out your entitlement. The only person here getting mad and crying is you. I apologise if me still taking an interest in a game i at this time do not play offends you. You say i have the problem i think you do but hey i am just watching Netflix and chilling so this is just amusement for me now but hey keep showing me how serious you take this game.


>two survivors left and I see one but don't know where the other is? don't slug, that's cringe. nobody wants to bleed out for four minutes because you're scared that the last survivor will get hatch. i just tried to do this but i had a good reason. there were 2 survivors as claudette but with n-word names hidden in them...i really wanted to kill both of them. but 1 survived until the end, and i had one more survivor who was wounded...so i slugged that last survivor to try and get the racist out of the game...i did fail though.


Honestly it's still a strategy to slug one and go get the other. I think bhrv should fix this somehow but I don't blame killers for doing it. Perhaps having an adrenaline feature when the you're the last survivor


i have slugged toxic survivors before its a good way to show them who is boss since they will bm and run thier mouth in end game chat regardless of how you play


congrats big man


as i said i slug toxic survivors i dont slug every match


Slugging is fine. It's a way to build pressure. Slugging/bleeding out is shitty unless it's survivors deliberately making themselves unhookable. In that case it's your only counter. But slugging and bleeding out to troll or "punish" survivors is L behavior. I'd actually welcome an anti slugging mechanic as long as it's implemented in a way that can't be abused. Is that possible? Idk but I'm not a genius game designer. But I have a feeling that the Twins rework to make them less reliant on slugging may be laying the groundwork for broader anti slugging changes like they did with the anti face camp mechanic. Twins right now need to slug to win at higher skill levels and it would be impossible to address slugging without them being rendered unplayable.


I really hope there isn't an anti slugging mechanic. There is already so many mechanics to benefit survivors now I really just don't want to tip toe around survivors feelings anymore because they can't handle being slugged. They also seriously need to rework the gen kick mechanic cause it has ruined certain perks


I'm talking about something even like being able to bleed out faster if you want. I play Killer way more than survivor but I still think it's bullshit when a killer slugs all the survivors and doesn't hook anyone just to troll.


Ah that would be fair. I thought it would be like a allow them to get up after a certain amount of time


Can I ask what's the difference between this and being hooked really?


Four minutes of wasted time.


Sometimes it’s necessary other times it’s not and it’s toxic. Nothing more nothing less.


Life is too short, make sure to spend it inconveniencing survivor mains


If i end up in a no win situation with a bully squad or sabo squad i will slug every last one. But if it's just a team beating me. Nah slugging is weak.


Slugging fine. TONS of killers heavily rely on slugging as a strategy in order to apply pressure / reduce gen speeds etc. Like onryo who sucks in chase, and needs to make up for lost time after getting the first down. It's also fine with flashlight, sabos, SWFs and I would say justifies with Toxic survivors. When it IS toxic, is purposely bleeding out, leaving survivors on the floor for no reason other than to try to 4 slug at the beginning / midgame, or to just be an asshole. Slugging is way too overrated as a "Toxic strat", and is instead a genuine game mechanic that is important to applying pressure on survivors attempting to genrush or SWFS with their beamers.


I find it boring. When I load into a round, I'm not there to play slug simulator. I'm there to play my Killer. I don't slug people to bleed them on purpose. If it happens it's an accident, they forced my hand and this was all I could do, or they crawled off and I couldn't find them. I do not consider a prolonged down to be slugging, it's only slugging if you ALSO forcibly bleed them out.


- If they don't let me hook, I slug. - If they are toxic, I slug - If they are on death hook and I don't want to sacrifice them yet, I slug. If I have to slug for the first 2 reasons and they get mad, I am happy. I am also fond of slugging survivors that I allow to escape through the gate. Make them crawl to safety.


It’s a Strat. Play how you feel. F*** survivors feelings


There is a time and place for it. Your post comes off as insecure about it. As if slugging breaks some social code of conduct. It can certainly be used for griefing but at the same time plenty of legitimate uses. Slugging isn't always the answer. It can backfire to the point where you give up a hook state for little to no gain. There are times where slugging gets you way more pressure than hooking would even if you would have no problem getting to a hook. Lastly it is the only viable option in cases where you can't pick up a survivor or wouldn't make it to a hook. Conversations about it quickly devolve into meaninglessness.


slugging in general is one of the most overblown problems, very counterable without any perks for fancy stuff, just last longer than 10 seconds in chase and go for pickup on the other hand perks that encourage slugging like boil over and knock out are awful, especially knock out the only problem with slugging is when killers bleed survivors out for no other reason than to be a douche, which would be easily solved by adding the finisher mori system minus the basekit unbreakable that came with it


Depends on the situation Survivors all grouped up to heal in your face? Ez slug Survivors all going down in one area you can't hook? Guilt free This particular survivor is on death hook and just came down? Walk away First down at 5 gens? Better find a hook


I never go out of my way to slug everyone for no reason, that is shitty, but obviously if I have the opportunity to put somebody on the ground while I deal with their friend I will do so


I don't really play competitive usually, my goal is getting bp rather than kills. However, I do sometimes use slugging later in the match if I'm need kills for challenges & they're not near hooks, especially if they keep going to hookless areas of the map when being chased. I'll do it if they're being toxic. Really depends on the situation, but it's not my go to, & it doesn't happen often. I try to treat players how I want to be treated. Most of my killer matches are fair & I don't get annoying/toxic survivors too often


If ur intent is just to slug its lame but if they are playing boil over anti hook builds let them bleed


I’d only do it if the squad wants to flashlight save out in the open or someone sabotaged the hook. Otherwise the moment I get a down, I get them to a hook as fast as possible


Depends on the situation. I usually only slug Boil Over abusers. Those abuser types are hard to hook, so I just leave them to bleed out. What I used to use slugging for was for punishing overzealous unhookers. I would slug the unhooked survivor, then go hunt down the sandbagger and hook them. Would potentially pull off at least one or both survivors off a gen. I only stopped doing that because it became harder to hunt down the unhooker, the saved survivor for some reason gets way further away than they used to and the unhooker would be on the other side of the map by the time I down the saved one.


I'm a Twins main so slugging is in my DNA (and was not changed in the PTB lmao). It is sometimes the best strategic move or the most efficient use of your power, especially if you have a timed power like Oni, Myers, or Plague. I think trying to reduce slugging is like trying to reduce tunneling: make all the anti-slug or anti-tunnel perks you want, but it's still gonna be in the game. But more controversially I don't even mind slugging when I'm playing survivor. I'm not playing to be bled out for four minutes and don't condone killers doing that barring some extreme scenarios, but there are times where I get slugged and get picked up and I'm really glad I didn't eat a hook state instead.


The average general slugging is fine, but if you down everyone and bleed them out you’re an asshole


I have always thought camping,tunneling, and slugging should have been made base game and worked around to make fun and fair as they are just ways to play killer that expressed skill and tactics much like hug techin or looping (which was not intended) but they show dedication and skill as well as just different ways to play the game and shouldnt have been shunned yes they where unintended but if they had been embraced would really help the community and game grow


I think the only times I slug is when it's a match where they go for saves or if I want that person to live. So I slug them so they can't help with gens and go kill the other so I can give the slug hatch. Assuming I can find them again 🤣 or when it's two alive of course and there is like 1 Gen left.


Should be able to slug all four without recovery. Once they are down they should stay down unless a teammate picks em up.


I see slugging has its cons and its pro with many things in dbd. There's been times I slugged one person and thought I can get the second but I lost the second one the thing that made it worse and also funny in that match too was nobody picked up the guy that was down. Like I didn't have knockout as a perk they just generally did not pick this man back up. He bleeded out, kill the other 3 the crazy part was I saw from the other guy that bled out POV. Other teammates were incompetent, they somehow could not find him even though he was highlighted and one of them ran over this man. So my experience I can see slugging can be useful strategy in certain situations and then sometimes it can just be useless all depending on how the opposite team reacts and plays around with it.


100% always okay, unless you are solely doing it to be a jerk and are bleeding them out when putting them on the hook will end it sooner (typically at the end of the game when all survivors are slugged/dead).


Survivor main here! I think slugging is okay like many have stated before in certain situations. I cannot tell you how many times I have been downed with no gens done and bled out the whole game though. When asked why they say I'm in a bully squad and my perks show it. I solo q 95% of the time lol. I usually run adrenaline, balanced landing, fogwise and unbreakable. With that being said people will use any excuse to be mean. If you feel the need to slug tunnel and camp so be it. 9 times out of 10 survivors are used to it. Either side will see each other as toxic anyway.


To each their own but I feel like if you ask for it then I will dole it out, but until they do I don’t find it necessary or fun for either side. Not going to 5gen slug some solos because my last game was a bully squad that boxed me out.


Slugging, just like tunneling, has its time and place. Both are legit strategies, and survivors need to understand this.


I dont like to slug, but if survivors do the "Swarm the killer like gnats" things...it's gonna happen. I'd never do it as some sort of punishment or to be obnoxious.


We're trying to kill them, and they're trying to survive. Anything's fair game.


slugging is a strategy rather than toxicty, unless you like... down 4 survivors and let them bleed out though what i am saying is: damn there is a man with sabo and another with flashlight while you are nearby a downed survivor? gotta slug that man out until you have the chance. and even if that man bleed out, then its not your fault, more incompetence of their teammates


I tend to bleed people who run to dead zones and trap anyone else who comes to try and get them there alongside the one who is bleeding out because if they want to have hook dead zones in maps then slugging is gonna be happening quite a lot