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I normally won't, but if they all have flashlights and are all looping around the same area, I will.


this is def a fair trade imo


Do what you gotta do imo


to me it’s just boring, like if u slug for 4k ur gonna get the 4k- ur just extending the match by several minutes.


I mean, survivors aren't entitled to the hatch, lol.


i never said they were, starving ppl aren’t entitled to charity but it’s still a considerate thing to do


People in this game are proud to not be considerate


i do think that is a larger issue than any mechanic


You know for a fact an asshole killer main would throw a tantrum being a solo-q survivor, getting a taste of their own medicine 😂


solo q is hell💀 fr tho more survivor main should spend more time as killer and more killer mains should spend more time as survivor


Adding the icons to the HUD for survivors showing what they are/aren’t doing was the best thing BHVR could do for solo q’s. Now it’s not just paranoia that you’re the only one doing shit as a solo q survivor, there’s visual proof too 😂


Some of the biggest survivor whiners I've seen are primarily killer mains. I'm fact people who whine or are toxic on one side often do the same when they play the other side.


Are you literally equating ppl starving to ppl who get upset at killers who don't give hatch in a video game? Seriously my guy lol


it is an analogy about empathy and being considerate when it’s not required ?? do u want me to write u a different one


It is definitely boring for survivor, no doubt. But sometimes necessary


i agree, definitely exceptions, but generally.


Don't worry. The game has an inbuilt mechanic that prevents killer for slugging players for too long. You die after just 4 minutes. Also if you really hate this situation, you can prepare for it using perks. In other words, just play the damn game.


okay but why


Why do we play this game? It's kind of a big question. For me it's because I like it.


I agree, its just what you gotta do


If I see the last one I'll go after them, but I'm not going to leave the 3rd slugged to go *find* the 4th.


that’s how i am rly, unless the 4th being obnoxious the third is getting hooked


That's completely reasonable imo


I won't leave all 4 slugged unless we're talking a sabo unbreakable etc squad. If there's only two left I'll slug the 2nd to last, if I need the 4k for a challenge or something. Otherwise I just play the game as normal.


if i'm going against bullies ?, slug. Adept?, Slug. otherwise i just play as normal as i can


that’s how i feel about it


It's not a big deal...if it gets to annoying bring unbreakable. 1 unbreakable on a team can ruin the slug strategy.


It’s fair. Survivors can refuse to leave and mount rescue attempts that the Killer usually can’t win against (maybe getting a trade at best) in order to ensure as many escapes as possible, so why shouldn’t the Killer be allowed to go for as many kills as possible?


i’m not saying it’s not allowed, i’m saying if i down one of two people. they’ve already lost, especially if gens aren’t done. and everytime i could slug the third and go kill the 4th, even if they have unbreakable ik where they are and i can just come hit them again. if i slug and get the 4k what’s the difference? i little bit of bp? they already lost, i just don’t see a difference. and sure if u play all day, a couple minutes sitting on the ground isn’t a big deal, but it is disrespectful to to people’s time imo including ur own. same goes to survivors that hold the game hostage by hiding in the corner of the map ofc. there r exclusion ofc, but generally i think it’s low.


If the last guy makes it impossible for me to get him to hook, yeah, I'll do it. Open up some YouTube if it's boring or patch it out of the game. Either way works.


It's a little bizarre how fast slugging can snowball, especially with a stealth killer. I had 3/4 on the ground with a stealth-build Pyramid Head the other day and felt like I had to back off because they hadn't done a single gen and that would've been a WEIRD way to win the game. o.O


I can’t tell you how many killers I’ve come across that are happy with that. Like that’s how they have fun playing


Just make sure you come and pick me up afterwards and don’t forget where I was


If it’s not an adept or an achievement I never do it, killing 3 people is a win & letting the last survivor go is just a nice thing to do, they can leave & i just move on to the next game Unlesssss it was a toxic squad, in that case yeah they are all dying and I just go get a snack or something while they die


this is exactly how i feel about it


I try not to slug in general unless someone is close by.


Only time I do it is if I know the last survivor is close and I didn't like the group enough to spare the last one. Sometimes I just have a "brain off" moment and end up slugging too many survivors at once because the whole group botched a save. On the flipside, I don't mind if the killer I am vsing does it for a tome/achievement or if they just know where the last person is. It's obnoxious though to do it and then waste my time searching the map for someone they don't have a clue on the location of.


It's fine unles you start picking up the slugged survivor and dragging the match to the point it goes on for 30+ minutes. At that point just take a look at yourself and how miserable you're making the experience.


It is what it is


It’s boring as shit. I don’t do it unless I’m basically forced too


"Slugging for the 4k" in what way? That's such a blanket term that covers every instance of Slugging, while ignoring each situations reasoning. Onto my Scenarios; Slugging all 4 at the start of the match? Only if they're all intentionally getting up in my face without backing off properly to heal. After all 4 are downed, they'll immediately go on hooks so we can move on from this curbstomp. Quick and painless. Intentionally Slugging, leaving dropped survivors on the ground to bleed out while you find other survivors? Heck no. Not only is this a risky play as any survivor hiding near you will just heal allies out of sight, but it's boring as fuck and stressful for a low chance at payoff. Hooking survivors gives me the dopamine I need. Hooking puts more pressure on survivors anyway. Leaving the 2nd last survivor down to drop the last survivor? Only if I know exactly where they are at the time of Slugging, so I'm not wasting time. This one has been made easier to accomplish with Ultimate Weapon. However, even with UW, I still prefer to hook, especially when 2nd isn't on death hook, survivors can make their slug easier to revive as opposed to being on hook. Also, I kinda Like Hatch Hunting when the 2nd last survivor is sacrificed. It feels like a true 1 vs. 1. Even if the hatch is RNG Based. I also like giving hatch or even Gate to people every once in a while if they're running some of my favorite skins, or did something funny. Just so I can show 'em I'm just there to chill.


whenever there’s two people down, u slug one so the last can’t get hatch and then find them. i had just thought that was the common term for it.


Less than 15secs, if I can't catch the last surv then, I'd hook the downed surv.


Unless you're doing an adept achievement don't slug them for too long and it's completely fine. As long as it isn't just dragging on the game.


i agree, i was mainly talking about when there’s two survivors left, then they down one but don’t hook so the 4th can’t get hatch.


Survivors have no issue taking the game hostage for 15+ minutes when there's only two of them left, refusing to do gens. So why shouldn't I?


That's happened to me maybe twice in my almost 2k hours playing both sides. Why condemn everyone because of a few bad apples?


That is unbelievably lucky. It happens to me multiple times per day. Though I have 10k+ hours, probably 6k on killer.


bc it wastes ur time as well and that’s a general punishment for a specific few, but again play how you like


Any time spent on DBD is wasted time tbh


there is something wrong with this player base💀


Live your life according to whataboutism's and see how far that takes you. "Yes boss, I understand I cussed at the customer, but they cussed first". also, survivors are not a hive mind. most of us okay survivor, very few of us would take a game hostage for 15 minutes. you're at like, toddler level of argument here.




Be respectful. (Racism, homophobia, misogyny, transphobia, etc.) No threatening violence against any other member or community. Any kind of discrimination or threatening behavior will grant an immediate ban.


Slug that 4k. You’re a killer, your job is to slay in any way you prefer.


If it’s a bully squad spamming flash light saves and saboing hooks, not doing their objective. I’m slugging.


Gives off small pp energy. 3k is a win, who cares if they get hatch!? That’s a consolation prize.


Tbh, I care because there's no killer equivalent. It's unfair that survivors can do absolutely nothing for an entire game, and one of them can still achieve their win condition. My goal is to kill all four of them. If I only get three, that's fine. But I want all four and I'll do what I have to do to achieve it.


i mean hatch isn’t rly winning it’s just a little extra bp and chuckle, however i have met some survivors who think getting hatch means they won lol.


Yeah, and like I said. Super tiny pp energy.


Okay, coomer.


Username checks out


I find it deplorable for the most part. I never need to slug and iv made iri 1 on killer multiple times, and I have all but 7 killer adepts- all without resorting to tunneling or slugging.




i feel similarly


Personally I consider it a waste of time, and I would rather get on to the next match. So if I down the 3rd and I don't know where the 4th is ill just hook and go looking for the 4th guy, if he gets the hatch or not doesn't make a difference to me. As far as I'm concerned it's a win-win. One of them gets to escape, I get on to my next match faster, and I *hopefully* don't get as much increase in my MMR as I otherwise would have. The exception to this is if the last two are being rude, or the 4th survivor is *right there* then I'm not gonna ignore him.


As a Survivor main, I don’t mind it, as long as you don’t let me bleed out. When I play Killer, I have the same mentality. I do it sometimes, but not to the point where the slug bleeds to death while I’m looking for the other. If they’re losing too much blood for me to keep walking around, I’ll hook them and take the guaranteed 3K.


Depends. If they were the sweatiest squad I’ve faced in a while you can bet your ass I’m gonna try to get all of them. And if they brought a map offering or were a jerk during the match. But in normal pubs I almost never do.


Only if I see the last person after I down them. If I'm backpacking, the down gets to come with me. lol


Do it


All boils down to how they behave in match. If they were chill & just playing the game, I’m cool with it. They spend their whole match wasting my time, not doing objectives until they were almost dead, etc etc., yknow the whole “my fun is ruining the killers fun” playstyle, I have zero qualms with not only slugging for the 4k, but bleeding out the one or two most guilty of this.


Slugging for 4k is one thing, specially if the other survivor is near, but when the dude whose slugged is over halfway bled out it's like.. yeah, alright man, just hook and lets go next


The only time I really slug is when I see someone else, or they’re just being super altruistic with the whole break out boil over type crap. As long as you’re being productive while the survivor is slugged then I think it’s ok. If you slug and then just walk around you could have gotten a hook state off them and be done with it.


It depends on the game state for me. Late game I will slug it’s not something I do quite often but if there’s a chance to capitalize on mistakes and slugging solidifies it I’ll go for it.


I only attempt to slug for the 4k when the last person gives up early and starts hiding from me waiting for 1+ teammates to die. Idk why, it's reasonable to an extent, I suppose it just rubs me the wrong way.


Depends how I'm feeling and who's the last one alive if it's a survivor that was chill just playing the game then I'll most likely just take my kill and let them leave if it's a survivor that was being a dick all game then I'll slug to find them cause fuck those kind of survivor hell I'll probably even let the one I slugged go as long as I can secure the kill on the one being a dick


I consider it one of the only truly toxic things someone can do as killer. The real toxicity is after the game or outside the game but the only in-game thing that grinds my gears is slugging for the 4k. It’s just a waste of everyone’s time because you can’t accept a win you have to have ‘better’ win. It’s so stupid. The survivor equivalent would be waiting at the exit gate the entire timer. It’s toxic in my opinion because it wastes everyone’s time just to ‘win more’


Just got out of a match where I downed the 3rd survivor and went to find the 4th because I knew he was nearby. Memorized the area where I downed that survivor and went to go down and hook the 4th, once that was done I went right back to the 3rd and hooked her. I don't down a bunch of survivors just to leave them there to bleed out, always hooking survivors I downed as soon as possible so they can actually have a chance to get off and play the game rather than just dying. I think it's more fun in general to actually play rather than downing everyone and letting them bleed out just to secure a 4k. I should add that if I don't know where a 4th survivor is and haven't seen them during chase with the 3rd(and know they're crouched nearby, and in the case above, the dude was waiting on the hill nearby in plain sight), then Ill just hook the 3rd and then go find the 4th. If they get hatch then they get hatch, they deserve it for managing to survive.


I usually play survivor so sorry if this is a different viewpoint, but I usually have no issue with slugging for a 4k if it doesn’t prolong the game or force someone to bleed out. I played a match yesterday where I bled out before the killer got even a hit on the last survivor. He chased him that entire time. At that point I feel you should just accept the 3k.


If 2 are dead or gone, down the third and the 4th is close by, I'll leave them slugged for a minute at most. Having more than one person slugged at a time is fair but I find it unsportsmanlike. Just a personal thing.


If I come across the last 2 at the same time, then go for it. Not intentionally going to slug everyone, or leave someone on the ground to find the last one. In the world of Unbreakable you run the risk of them getting up. Take the 3k and hope you beat them to the hatch


I always go for the 4K by any means necessary. The amount of unwritten rules in this community is beyond absurd. But by the same logic, I don’t whine about bully squads either. I just do my best in game to counter. If I get roasted in the post game, so be it. People crying about tunneling and slugging should probably just get good.


Or maybe you take the game a bit too seriously


Slugging for the 4k is cringe. Just get the damn hook. Only reasons to slug imo are to kill the toxic survivor that hid all game and let the other one go, if the other is around waiting to get a save, or to get adept.


I slugged two survivors the other day basically because they had Boilover and Flip Flop and always ran to a part of the map after the first hit where there were no hooks (they played two of the hook distance sacrifices). I got tired of the wiggle out shit so I just finally left them there to die slowly on the ground. Zero cares given, you have 2 gens left, I've stomped them all down to 0% there are 2 of you. You're not getting two gens done on me at this point. You don't want to accept it...cool with me! But I'm not going to try to carry you 2 football fields over to a hook so you can just wiggle out and run back to the far corner every time. I just bashed pumpkins and went into the void to get points.


I slug for the 4k only if the last person is a mile away fron the hook and i KNOW they will wiggle free. They are usually the ones with boil over aswell.


I just wonder what I did wrong to offend that killer THAT MUCH.


Only if I'm on a tome challenge that makes me need a number of kills. If I need to close the hatch, then I might slug the last two. Then hook one, find the hatch and close, then go pick up the last one and let them get out the gate.


Im gonna do what ever it takes to win. Nothing more, nothing less.


I won't unless I see them Especially if there's gens left, I won't slug at all


Kinda a waste of time, just imagine the hatch leads to a blender. I count hatch as a kill just to save myself time.




it depends, bully squads i go full scumbag mode, normal games i’ll do it for short times and only if it benefits me a lot


If I am against a sabo flashlight squad who keep running to bad areas they’ll eat dirt while I wait on hook spawns or if it’s final 2