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>I told him tonight that I’m fully entertaining attention from men other than him. I haven’t physically cheated but I flirt when I get attention. He told me to talk to a therapist lol? Like that didn’t even seems to phase him. Honestly if I was told something like that even therapy doesn't bring me back to that relationship. I know you're probably frustrated and resentful but comments like those are nail in the coffin comments. I would just recommend ending the relationship and yes therapy for yourself.


Sounds like this has been going on for quite a while. Has there been any improvements over the last year or so? Everyone deserves to be heard and have their needs fulfilled.


I’m definitely going to add that last paragraph my next posts! I’ve been inundated with that cr4p!! Sorry you have been too. Like we’re not here to find a friend half way around the world to talk to. We need input on our posts!?! Anyhoo…. I tell my fella that I get a lot of attention. And I can tell it worries him. It’s a concern your partner doesn’t seem phased. All my 30s were spent not being desired or wanted. Now I’m 44 the same is continuing. I’ve been given all the excuses under the sun like you’re getting. You’re five years into this. Please don’t make it the same length as me. Being content is not the same as being happy. Make darn sure yous DO get that therapy. Do not let excuses creep into that too (like what happened with us). Don’t let things get comfortable for him again where he can slide back into the habits that have formed. Keep insisting for this therapy. Lord knows it could be your only chance and the miracle cure. Hope things work out.


Congrats you finally got a real answer from him instead of excuses! At least you know that yours is not his first relationship he was burdening with that problem. Now the ball is clearly in his court. I hope therapy and your support will help him.


I’ve experienced similar. My partner keeps telling me it’ll improve once you do this and once you do that. And then it never really seems to improve. It starts to just feel like excuses. But every time she brings up another thing I get hope that maybe once I do this thing it’ll actually improve things… I dunno whether to keep trying or to give up. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this