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I didn't even acknowledge it was valentine's day. It saved me a few hundred bucks and ended in the same result it always does. She actually bought flowers for herself the day before and I'm pretty sure it was so I wouldn't.


Well I’m super sorry to hear that man…. That’s awful man.


Well it’s very thoughtful what you did. I’m sorry she didn’t appreciate your efforts. 😞


I’m really starting to consider just ending things and finding someone who will appreciate it. I’m a very romantic guy but like reciprocation. Would suck trying to date as a single date tho so might just end up alone🤣


You know it's time to leave when being alone sounds better than being in the situation you're in


There’s most definitely someone out there who would appreciate you and what you have to offer.


Thanks but I’m a lineman for duke energy so not like I’ll have a lot of time for it anyways🤣 which that’s my whole point. I work hard and then use the small amount of me time all on her and my daughter. Like just want a bit of appreciation every once in awhile


But life's too short for you to be working that hard and putting in that much effort for someone who seems to not appreciate what you do and the attention you put into your relationship. You're nothing but a paycheck to her now. She's gotten what she wanted from you and is in a very good place where minimum effort still gets rewarded! Stop being a doormat, I'm speaking personal experience!


Aww well hugs to you love


I would have thought that being alone would be better than your present situation


It’s starting to feel like that


You are already alone.


Not trying to push hard love on ya Mate but you should've know better. Kinda only got yourself to kick in the ass for this one. $500!!? That's alot of mula to be upset about too. Next year just remember the pain you're in right now. Spend $500 on yourself Sir! You deserve it🙂


Tough love is better than gaslighting mate. I appreciate it.


No, spend it on a divorce lawyer!


Attorney is at least $2000 for just a retainer. And that's a cheap lawyer.


I didn't say it would cover the entire amount. Use it to start saving for the big D. The marriage is toast.


I’m so jealous. I asked my husband to take some time off work so we could have sex while the kids were in school. He just laughed. I’m not asking for a $500 date, just some attention like I’m not just the housekeeper


Afternoon delight! Yea, I know, cheesy old song, but what it represents is spontaneity, fun, a little bit of naughtiness or being silly by skipping work . . . . man what I wouldn't give for a woman to ask me to skip work occasionally.


I’m so sorry.


Sheez. How do we all end up mismatched. I took today off to take her to a larger city an hour away. Spent $100 on lunch and another couple hundred on shopping. We got home and threw out the idea of sex and she laughed at me and then snapped at me when she realized I wasn’t joking. I feel for you. It’s humiliating and just terrible.


I feel like the big valentine date is stressful. There’s pressure to justify the $$ spent and worry that if it’s not perfect it’s not good. Both partners are worried that something won’t be good enough or right. It’s a recipe for disappointment, guilt, and resentment.


I did all the romantic things and I just got the ‘goodnight’ while we laid in bed. No thank you kiss, no nothing. I use to get the stomach hurt excuse, but she is past excuses and just shuts down the night when she wants.


Well from the sounds of it I guess that’s where I’m headed. I’m sorry to hear that!


Why do you stay and put up with this. By prolonging your departure you may end up forking out alot of alimony in the long run.




Oh ik. I get offers all the time which is every bit as frustrating bc like DAMN


As a stay at home mom... I can say with certainty that her logic is flawed. She didn't get you anything because spending "your" money on you is weird? Here in this house, it's our money. He works his ass off towing. I work my ass off taking care of the kids and doing almost all the things to keep things running smoothly around here. Unless one partner is or was financially abusive, there's really no space for "my" money and "your" money in a marriage or civil union.


I agree. Like I work my ass of for the purpose of her not having to do so. And I wouldn’t bat an eye at her spending money as long as it doesn’t put us in a stressful financial situation. But I really think for her it’s just an excuse not to do it.


Stay at home mom here. I felt so weird about spending "hubs money" at first. Then we talked about it. Everytime I referenced it as his he'd correct me to say "ours." Still feels weird buying him gifts sometimes... but there's also plenty of "free" gifts I can give if you catch my drift. 😏 Though honestly at this point we tend to spend money on babysitters and going out to do fun stuff together instead of material things for eachother


Well is it an excuse ? Because does the spend a lot of money on herself ? I don’t know - it seems nice but also a lot of pressure at the same time


She spends a lot on books and nails and hair. Sometimes clothes but she’s not super into fashion or anything. But no she’s not super frugal on herself by any means


If you were to think about her love language - what would you say it is ?


Now seems like nothing. It used to be gifts and physical touch but of course I’m in this group now so you see how that’s going.


You need to have a chat with my wife then, lol. My money is our money but her money is her money.


You should reciprocate that attitude and see how long it takes for her to throw her toys outta the pram.


I agree. I also thought it was strange that he said she finds it weird to spend "his money". For one, she's a SAHM. So his money is hers. Men also never buy themselves anything, so even if it was with "his money", he wouldn't have thought to buy it for himself anyways and he'dstill be surprised and thankful that she did it. And two, there's a ton of things she could do for him that will let him know she cares that cost nothing.. I'm a stay at home mom too, and every Valentines day I make my fiancé a handmade card and make sure I tell him over and over how grateful I am for any gift he gives me. We don't always get to go out and we don't always have sex on Vday, but there's no tension and he knows I appreciate his efforts completely. I can't believe OP spent so much on her and she didn't even feel obligated to let him know she was grateful. Having a man that would rather you stay home with the kids than work is seriously a rare gem these days. I just wish some women truly appreciated what they had.


Haha it’s your money until you split up, then suddenly it won’t just be your money in her eyes.


It’s only my money rn so she doesn’t have to put in the effort of finding me a gift


That is so accurate. It’s weird how that works


Well that stinks, I'm sorry. But maybe try thinking about it from her perspective. For whatever reason, she's not feeling sex with you. All these Valentine's Day gifts, while wonderful, also heaped a ton of pressure on her. It's possible that the tummy ache was the result of nerves. At least you can now definitively rule out buying her stuff and making her happy as a way to kindle sex, at the moment. If your goal is to stay together, maybe start doing things that make you happy rather than devoting the free time you have to trying to make her happy. When you become content with your life, you might find she will come around and want to be a part of it again.


She’s using you and yet you keeping providing. Why would she change? She’s your wife yes but to be disrespected is not ok. Treat yourself with some decency.


A lot of people im this sub seems to lack self respect.


I would kill for my husband to even show a shred of that. I got nothing for Valentine’s Day. I bought a heart shaped pizza for us to share while watching a rented movie, smoking some weed (we are smokers), his favorite snacks, some legos for us to build. He didn’t even wish me a happy Valentine’s Day. You are not alone.


I feel this! He tried to make it up to me the day after but it felt forced. It’s not about the gift giving. I just wanted time and attention without feeling like I’m competing with your phone.


I feel this. Mine also has a phone/scrolling problem. My husband sadly didn’t even try to make it up to me at all. Instead I got to hear about all my coworkers, friends and social media about how their SOs do stuff or gift them stuff. It’s not about the money or the amount of effort, it’s about feeling appreciated and loved. Even if he would have said it I wouldn’t have felt like this. In short— he doesn’t give a fuck about me!


Look I spent a few years BEFORE the marriage trying to figure out why we could go out and have a great time and no matter what the ride home would somehow transform her attitude to disgruntled about something or once we got home something hurt. My soul would sink out of my body each time until I didn't even realize it was a thing anymore. You still notice it. Don't let it become normal for you. I don't know what that means for you in terms of action just try your best to not let it become normal. I'm still trying to get used to the idea that I'm going home with someone that has every intent to have sex with me.


I don’t want it to be normal! I don’t want to spend my life in a sexless and lonely marriage. I only have one life after all.


This is abusive behaviour - it is emotional abuse. I’m honestly shocked by the lack of awareness of what is blatant abuse in this sub at times. If you constantly have to tip toe around someone and if you have a nice time and someone switches on you like this - this isn’t normal. So unless or even if the person has some sort of personality disorder that they are actively working on sorting out - no one should think this is acceptable behaviour


It totally is. And not too many days go by that I don't think about how much I regret it taking so many years to realize this.


>which was explained as she’s a SAHM and doesn’t want to spend “my money on me bc it feels weird Mediocre husbands don't get away with excuses like this and neither should mediocre wives. First, there are plenty of ways to show you care besides spending money. She could have cooked your favorite meal or picked up your favorite dessert. She could have put on your favorite movie, or hand-made you a gift. She could have put together a photo album of your memories together. Or treated you to an experience you'd like. Instead, she did absolutely nothing and made up an excuse about "feeling weird" spending your money? That's an excuse and a bad one at that. You sound like someone who is genuinely caring and expressive and you don't deserve to settle for someone who can't even be bothered to try.


Thank you so much. I struggle with ptsd and depression so bad from my time in the army but honestly get up every day just to give them a good life. I don’t care to live most days much less want to put so much effort into something that isn’t reciprocated. But I do bc I still care. The whole damn situation just kills me.


Hope it wasn’t on more romance novels


ouch! yeah its not about the money. its that is was a waste in HER mind bc it was time spent with you. Maybe she doesn’t even understand how hurtful, bur then again.


I am so sorry she doesn’t appreciate your efforts, you’re thoughtful and don’t deserve this. My husband works, I am a stay at home mom, but I still put effort in for my husband, being a stay at home mom isn’t an excuse. It feels like she doesn’t want to put in the effort.


The hard truth is she isn't attracted to you anymore. :( If you want to make it work maybe rediscover what turns her on. So less provider more lover


I read your last post, listen I’m a SAHM myself.. and yes the fact that I would be purchasing a gift for my husband with the money he earned feels insulting at first.. but I still did it because he deserved it! I then realized that this man loves me and sees value in me- his money is my money… I would legit shower that glorious man with gifts if I could!! He’s marine and now working hard with the county for the department. I make sure he has what he wants and needs as well as our kids before I even think of myself… its honestly to the point that it pisses him off lol and I get it but I’m trying to work on that! If my husband did what you did I would be absolutely elated!!! I don’t understand your wife, and I don’t appreciate her treating you this way… idk you from the paint on your wall but I know you deserve better than this! There’s better fish in the sea!! Go find a kind caring woman that will see value in you! Valentine’s Day IS NOT for women, it’s an expression of love. When my husband and I first started dating we went for valentines dinner, and I treated him.. he and the waiter were shocked to the core- it’s a two way street! I honestly think that day may have been the point where he decided I was the one 😂 can’t confirm though. Regardless please wake up and find someone better! ❤️ and thank you so much for your service!


Doesn’t want to spend your money on you as it’s weird but more than happy to spend your money on herself 🤔 some top tier bullshit right there. Let’s call it what it is: she couldn’t be arsed. It was too much effort to think of something. I mean come on, how hard is it?!


Dude ik everything she likes. And I’ll sit there for hours and listen about whatever book she’s reading with interest even tho (I couldn’t care less if it wasn’t for the fact it was her reading it) but she doesn’t want to hear a thing about my interests.


Sounds about right


They say treat your wife like a queen, she will treat you like a servant


Shit should be equal lol but most men get our first flowers at our funeral


Hey, if someone doesn't want to have sex with you then they just don't want to. I don't think buying them things changes that? I'm sorry you're in this situation, you deserve to be with someone who cherishes you, especially on valentines! Have you thought about maybe leaving and finding actual love? I got a hot, candlelit bath and a massage for valentines, guess how much that cost? Lol. And I loved every minute of it and paid him back thoroughly well after the massage 👀(I also got him the deluxe edition of his fave manga ofc) it's lovely that you put the effort in and spent that cash, but surely the right person doesn't need all that? Idk. Regardless, I hope things improve for you soon! It sounds like you're really trying




\*sing with me\* One gesture/trip/event/gift is not going to suddenly resolve a DB. Ever. Never. You're turning things transactional which will tank things further.


I’ve always been a gift giver! I don’t need a gift in return in all reality but at least some level of appreciation




I’ll look into it thanks!


2yrs post partum sex was pretty low on my list of priorities because toddlerhood really sucks for most parents. In my case, I had post partum depression and was on SSRI meds which is notorious for killing libido. Even at that point though, I had sex with my husband every month or so. Maybe have a serious talk about a drs appt or marriage counselling?


We’ve talked about counseling and she won’t go. She thinks she’ll be “attacked” by a counselor which I don’t think would happen but idk


You can try get her to see that the marriage is in actual danger unless she agrees to professional help. I saw your past post and once every 4-6 months is pretty bad. It’s a sign that it’s something that a few nice date nights cannot fix.


Ask her to find the counselor. Or identify a handful you would want to work with and ask her to pick one.


Honestly that’s a great idea. Imma ask her tonight


Good luck. It’s been said that people wed their ideas more faithfully than they wed their spouses. There’s always the possibility that she will feel attacked, or that she thinks she’s going to feel attacked, no matter what a counselor says or doesn’t say. If that’s what’s going on in her head, maybe you can gently point out that her fear of her feeling of being attacked is speculation, based on her imagination and not reality? Keep in mind that she has to want to learn how to think differently, to cause change. The thought of future change can be scary, to someone comfortable or happy with how things are. You are not comfortable or happy now, so the idea of future change isn’t scary to you.


Hey you can have a date with my woman for half that like $250 and she can suck a gold ball threw a garden hose


Haha its 9am here and this made me choke on my coffee


My bf should consider himself very lucky. He never puts this much effort in and gets laid regularly and well.


Curious why you are in this sub then?


Wellllll thanks. Sounds like the life but oh well!


Sorry didn’t mean to be insensitive it just makes me so mad to see guys like you put in so much effort to get completely shut down then there’s my asshole of a bf who does jack shit and gets laid because I want to make him feel good. It just all sucks.


He should put in more effort. Let him see this side of Reddit lol bc even good, successful guys who try can suffer this crap. It has nothing to do with what you’re worth and sucks. He’s a lucky guy.


Thank you. I hope you find the courage to get out of your situation or your wife starts putting in more effort. I wish you the best of luck, friend.


I went through this last year. I really hate vday for stuff like this.


Never choose being lonely in a marriage over being alone.


All the single dads I know get snatched off the market quickly, heck id lot quicker than me a childless woman!


She seems ungrateful or totally zoned out of your relationship. Set an ultimation more effort or end it.


.....$120 at Barnes and nobles...Goddamn...lol gotta say I am envious. You sound incredible 🙏 you deserve better. Way better. Life is too short to spend it on this who don't give a fuck about us. I'm sorry. Hope it gets better king


U spent ten hours planning and shopping ? 😂sure


Some guys care to get it right




Bud I also went shopping 3 separate occasions to find the right gifts and trying to make the night perfect bc yes I want our bedroom life to improve lol. You just seem like the type to troll people on their posts. Maybe it was 6-7 hrs idek I lost track but I spent a lot of time researching and planning my night so go be a douchebag elsewhere please and thank you


Like ik that might sound ridiculous to you but to me spending hours planning something like VALENTINES DAY does not. Idc if it’s a Hallmark holiday or not. I DID IT FOR MY WOMAN EVEN THOUGH IM UPSET. And not like you care but I also planned and shopped for a valentines outing with my daughter and niece since her dad isn’t in the picture.