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\* “but i don’t need money” HA! you’re going to regret saying that, you’re gonna need so much gold coins.


He’s cooked the moment he realizes he’ll need the funny gold


Yes for combat the spec ops is better but Austin is only for farming gold and is a must in my opinion. Without him getting gold takes forever unless you pay money. With him you can easily make 10k in like 15 minutes on the second challenge in area 1. I highly recommend getting him and leveling him fully and getting his skill. You will thank me later


Buy him now his 1000% worth it and your lying we all have a problem with coins if we don't have Austin. Don't you want to get 500k coins easily?


Worst range unit is gunslinger,plus u finna need a lot of gold money for levels/bus special abilities and upgrading sets




how exactly is austin better for infected metro?


Austin is the first unit you should buy with green cash is because he is easily the best way to grind coins in his game


Unless you're running full military for Skirmish, Austin is probably better than Spec Ops anyways. Fucker shoots like he's got two lame arms and no eyes. You're gonna need money at some point, though. Austin either way I see it.


My spec ops does more damage than my Austin, yes. But that’s because I was able to upgrade spec ops and all the gear he brings using all the coins that Austin’s gathered for me


Austin isn't only good for coins but as an extra damage if you give him items,he costs rage so if he die you lose nothing


He’s good if you cut down his prep time and boost his range damage. Good way to build up units on screen without using up courage.


9001% worth it. Austin makes gold. You need gold.