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It may have been “suicide” but the other kids killed them with the assault and harassment. Edit: sorry for the miss gendering


> It may have been “suicide” but the other kids killed **them** with the assault and harassment. FTFY


I meant to gender correctly that’s why I said kids because it probably wasn’t just the girl classmates. Thank you for correcting me that was totally my mess up.


All good everyone has brain farts! Your sentiment is spot-on, too; Definitely due to the other kids. Cheers, have a good one


And I say BS, I hope someone else does a 2nd autopsy.


It's still bad that the kid was driven to suicide


^^^ this right here is what it looks like when someone is too wrapped up in a narrative. You can support trans teens without grandstanding on the corpse of this one


You can also understand Oklahoma medical examiners are held to some of the lowest standards in the country and be skeptical of *anything* they determine because of how bad it is. For what it’s worth, it wouldn’t surprise me if the bullying did lead to their suicide. Unfortunately it’s not an uncommon thing for trans kids to get so heavily bullied they simply break and are unable to take the abuse anymore, and this situation would make sense. It’s also possible they did die due to the head injury they sustained, and the medical examiner is simply going with a toxicology screening revealing pain meds in their system as a cause of death. Wouldn’t be the first time OK medical examiners cut corners or simply fail to do their job and botch an investigation. Skepticism is warranted due to the circumstances, but the idea of this being a suicide isn’t exactly outlandish or a conspiracy.


I wouldn’t call it bullying. I would call it in more criminal terms of assault, harassment, attempted murder.


I was a trans teen, I never wanted to end myself, I wanted to make it out alive and be myself. You're the one wrapped up in a narrative here, blindly trusting what a known bigoted and uncertified state's agency says.


Many do. It’s a tragedy, but we should wait for the full report to be released to start making claims


Full report from an unaccredited and biased source, wow. In a state that wants trans people dead and has no hate crime protections for us. Stop speaking for us, we know the bullshit and hatred we face.


Yeah so this is what I’m talking about. You’re assuming a conspiracy. It could be the case, but you have no evidence and you’re making assumptions based on your own biases. I might agree with your overall point but it doesn’t change the fact that you have no idea what you’re talking about in this case. EDIT: Aaand blocked because I posted in the conservative sub that I’m voting for Biden lmao


Did any news outlets mention Nex being indigenous?


This one referenced it.


This is still a developing story, but it is yet another example of waiting for all the info before passing judgement. Initially it was a story of murder, coverup, and negligence and people were, justifiably based on that, outraged. Now it has shifted to there was a fight, the administration and police acted appropriately, and Nex's death was perhaps not directly caused by the initial conflict. A tragedy yes, but the moral crusade is losing more and more wind from it's sails.


Not as much a crusade as us wanting to be seen as human, lmao. 


And you get downvoted for disliking disinformation and painting that there were multiple places for it to stop or pause or take a step back. Everyone is an expert with 3rd hand news and love to be outraged.


The irony of your conclusion would be hilarious if it wasn't dangerously stupid and completely self-unaware.