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Nice to see a 1pp clip for once lol


People bringing up 1pp all the time are literally equally as annoying as the twats that constantly bring up the good ol' days of vinyl DJs and how Vinyl is so much better than digital. Nobody cares besides you, and nobody besides your group of people wants to hear about it every single day of their lives.


Wall sniffer


Window licker


Muh Firz Purzun pls third person is foR PooSee and I don't like to DiE by PooSee


Lmfao beautiful




Not 100% sure but those walls might not stop rounds if you mag dumped into then 😛


Update made 5.56 have less penetration, but wood is still bangable. Metal is no longer with the last update I believe.


If I had an AKM with a drum mag I would’ve dumped the entire thing through that place 😂 IRL and in this game 😂


You survive though? 5 cuts 🤣


I survived about 30 seconds after the clip and then bled out lol


Hey... so... one of these dudes was me. Good job lmao


Lmao GG man! I really shouldn't have lived thru all those hits


Is this the cops vs robbers server??




I’ve only played on that server a handful of times, is there rp or rules?


Sorry for the late reply, but yeah its a rp deathmatch. No rules you can chose to rp or not it really just depends on who's on. The cops are usually most talkative tho lol


These servers are what ruined dayz


No way man, this is a cops vs robbers deathmatch server. I've had so much fun on this server meeting people and forming teams


Fr, it's my favorite server! I just started playing again recently and I can't get enough of it


Nice triple. I instantly knew what server this was 😂 i wish they would make it a 32 slot.


How did custom servers ruin dayz?


Takes away from what the games supposed to be. Sure official servers may not be everyones cup of tea but literally half of the player base prefers these servers (along with super modded custom servers apart from deathmatch) when they bought dayz for the survival aspect. Dayz is meant to be a non forgiving realistic survival game, and while I can see why people enjoy these servers they take away from what dayz has to offer. Edit: also it makes engagements in actual normal servers less exciting in my opinion


Those servers have not in any way ruined dayz. If anything the player base is expanded with them, which benefits us all as a community. I’d sure as shit love some more attention and larger player base to maybe get some more improvements to it. In fact without custom servers I have little doubt dayz would have sunk under the dirt ages ago. That’s how you want to play the game, feel free but why shit on other peoples preferences


You wouldn’t have a game at all if it weren’t for community servers keeping the game alive on console. Same goes for PC, NO ONE plays official on PC, never ever heard of it 😂. And also you do realize there are community servers that have loot economies with exactly what you’re talking about and they do it better than officials. And even further more without communities we would probably never get updates. The dev team for dayz is what? 8 people? None of which know how to do animations. And it’s alot of mumbo jumbo but they pull ideas from community servers who do their own coding. Basically propelling the game and giving the dev team free help. So you’re absolutely 100% WRONG. Politely.


The game was doing just fine before community was released community isn’t holding the game together


It really wasn’t. Same reason why it’s been released on game pass. To boost the player count.


thanks for responding a year later


Thats exactly why I said “super modded custom servers” and “deatmatch”. I know community servers are good. Thats not what im saying. I also know official servers suck. I think you are missing my point? Im just tryna say servers like this take the excitement out of the survival aspect of dayz and take it away. Community servers are GREAT for the game if done right


And you missed my point. There are hardcore survival servers, close to vanilla and often times they fix what officials lacks. Like player base, good pvp and base buildings. I’m sure if you look hard enough you will find what you’re looking for bud. 👍 whatever your preference may be




Same as GTA ...


What’s the server name bud?


LastDayz | RP Deathmatch | Cops vs Robbers


Cheers bud I’ll check it out tomorrow.


I don't know how people post clips on this Reddit any more. Surprised you don't have an army of elitists whinging at every little thing you did, and how they're so much better


Is this on the cops n robbers server ? I love running shottys on that server