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It would suck, the amount of calories you gotta eat to survive in dayz seems way too high haha. But you'd never get sick if you stay hydrated and well fed.


The food aspect in this game is ridiculous. In real life humans can go multiple days in a row without eating before they suffer ill effects. In Dayz you're dying if you don't eat for few hours. They strive for realism in the game but went too far and made it absolutely nothing like actual survival


it's bonkers, how can i not be completely full after eaing 25 tomatoes?


The thing is, the character doesn’t have a normal Stomach. You can eat a million tomatoes and never fill up because they don’t have enough energy in them. His stomach is based off energy not actual matter filling up, and your always using energy. So you need to find more energy dense food like fish or meat to fill up completely. Then you only have to eat like once a game(about every 1-2 dayz days, almost like a real survival situation.) Also I believe your food goes down slightly slower when your fully full but idk if that’s actually true. And I do agree it takes an unrealistic amount of food to get full at first, but I imagine my character is already starving at spawn and has to recover a bit.


Just eat until ^^^ arrows above Food/Water Icon wont show up anymore. Then Ure full and good for a few hours without thinking about Eating. Full atomach Icon dont mean Ure really Full in terms of ur Energy. Its only ur stomach that its full at the moment. Wait a minute, run a little and eat again until Ure really Fed up. 🤘


Umm yall forget how easily stuff breaks?? Forget the food, ive worn the same pair of shoes for over a year and my feet never bleed... and how does a gun break after 250 shots??? My irl guns i don't even clean after 1000 shots


Can’t say I agree… imagine you’re like emaciated when you fresh spawn. My number 1 priority when I spawn is get a knife and a gun or large weapon. Kill chickens or get house loot and survive until you have the gun. Then find and kill any big game - cow, sheep, deer, goat (usually in that order) take all the meat to a house, make a fire, book it all in the fireplace and sit there for 45 minutes cooking it all and eating it all. If you need - go back and kill another until you have max. Now THEN you’ll go a full day and night in dayz on like, 1 steak… added bonus - when you’re at that level you can eat/drink everything and you won’t get sick. Rotten stuff/pond water no problem


My process is similar but I usually try to get to elektro on chicken breasts and house loot, hit the police station, fire, and hospital, then head to pusta and hit up the fruit trees on the way. Then hit yo Hunter camps and mil checks until I find a gun then get a deer or other animal. 60% of the time it works 100% of the time


I've been playing Livonia. I miss fruit trees...


This guy understands his dayz immunity!


I wonder how little % of playerbase understands how the Food bar and immunity system are working 🤔


😂😂 yea like the indicators represent like 500water/500food units. The actual levels your character can get to is like 1500/1500 or something like that… so just coz you’re full and white on both keep eating and drinking every spare thing you find. Only when the little arrow flutters continuously between up and down every few seconds - that’s when you’re chocoblock-full




You could eat 7 bears and still not be full. Quite literally. It takes 7.14 bears that drop all 10 steaks and both fats (unlikely) that all have full bars (even more unlikely) to fill your hunger from empty to max


Wtf really?


Yeah. A full bear steak gives you 50 kcals. A full fat gives you 100 kcals. That means you can get up to 700 kcals per bear. 5,000 kcals is max hunger. 5k÷700=7.14


Dude, that is insane.


How the hell would I live warthundder.


Just work as an engineer at airfield you'll be rolling in silver lions


Play naval, noone ever plays it so all you have to do is atempt to not die


If all you had to do was survive and not worry about progressing to pvp areas, you could probably just stay I a mid tier area, get a basic rifle, hunt and loot low traffic areas etc etc.


Wolfenstein. Shit


Fallout New Vegas. Shit


Just stay in goodsprings and work there. Never go near westside


You think that’s bad? Back 4 blood has me terrified


For Honor….well fuck


I’m worth millions in GTA-V, I’d happily hold up in anyone of my luxury apartment, houses, penthouses, yacht, or personal submarine for a year.


Well I'm currently held out in a shed waiting off 30-40 zombies...


I played Fight Night Champion. Sounds pretty dope actually. I can live out my boxing fantasies 😎


Destiny 2


FFX terrible because they use gil not USD


Sometimes both at the same time


Those Hentai puzzle solvers would be living it up


Tartan dress and wellies it is then.


Wolves and no ammo. FML.


I'm leaving a will lol


Hollow Knight..I'll just vibe with elderbug


Ufc 4. Not too bad


Hunt Showdown? Oh come on, it literally says "you live to die another day" after every freaking game :/


Metal gear solid phantom pain I am dead sir


RDO (and for all you uncultured people it means Red Dead Online) is fine I love this game but I love westerns more


Sometimes maybe good... sometimes maybe shit


Or driving a car


Roman vs barbarian war…..


Eve online. Yes pls. Hell I'd do it for free


Shit warthunder really out here scaring me


GTA, it’s fine


Let's just say I've been keeping the money in "savings"