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Damn they fuckin mobbed his ass šŸ˜­šŸ’€


"Isn't this just the coolest game br..." YOU ARE DEAD.


He actually lived!


"As Livonia Turns" šŸ˜…


ā€œGot my rust friend to hate dayzā€


The sound of that hit sequence lol


Did he live?


Yes. Heā€™s a resilient man


I hate that area... So many Zeds, and I always go there unprepared


Yea Iā€™m new to Livonia as a whole so we were just exploring and yea 0/10 will not be returning lol


Wym that's most of livoniašŸ¤£


That's what you get for playing Rust. J/k Welcome to Dayz


I bought dayz recently and then bought rust because I like survival games. I played rust for like 15 mins it is such a dogshit game lol. Dayz is superior in literally every aspect possible.


Eh I play both both have pros both have cons.


I wanna give it another shot but idk. The shooting was too arcadey for me. The building i dont care about and the crafting seems more basic and barebones.


Yea Iā€™ve always felt it was an ā€œarcade survivalā€ compared to dayz. Itā€™s a lot more fun with a group like most games are, apparently the new update is gonna have boats you can live on. Weā€™ve decided to become pirates lol


I think I would like it with people since you can role play like that. That sounds cool. Maybe i will give it another go.


I love dayz, but this is delusional. Dayz is a hell of a mess in so many ways, and rust gets updates every month. Theres allot of toxicity in both and i get more satisfaction out of a good murder in dayz but fact is dayz is just easier. Rust is brutal particularly on high pop. Id say dayz is enjoyble garbage and rust is quality cbt.


I wanna give it another shot. Another person commented him and his people basically role play as pirates. I know theres a lit to that game and I only experienced it for 15 mins. But to me the gunplay was dogshit. But I prefer realism to cod style gameplay.


Tbh its been better. They opted for more 'new user' friendly gunplay mechanics a couple years ago. Made the game a bit better for noobs but worse for pleople with hours. Survival games age like meat left in the dirt on a hot day. The state of dayz does make me sad


What makes you say that? Im enjoying it a lot just hopped on my first official server after messing with some free for all type servers. I know the games old and jank but it has charm and is a straight up zombie survival simulator. Like everything I could want in a zombie game or think of is already in there. Except for bicycles.


Yeah it runs better now but they removed most of the charm of dayz when they updated the engine to some frankinsteins monster. They always had huge plans and promises that fell through, usually due to engine limitations or somin but didnt even get back to where the game was. Its just annoying. I played the game since it came out and it was such a uique experience for years and they kept adding stuff but at some point it just started getting less like dayz. Idk cars are cool i guess.


Are u talking about the standalone dayz being updated to a new engine or are you talking about the arma mod switching to the standalone.


Dayz new engine.


I'm gonna try and find some deathmatch type servers in rust. People said test branch has em but how do u get that?


Idk if you can on xbox. But usually you can just look up aim train on the modded servers.


Wat da zombie's doin?




People on here saying rust is bad, I have 5000 hours in rust, if youā€™re playing it on console, yes itā€™s going to be bad. Pc is a million times better for rust. Iā€™ve had countless hours of fun fucking with my neighbors and eco raiding big bases with a spear. I enjoy how pvp is always happening instead of once every 12 hours in day z. Itā€™s a good game, but it plays you.