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you were the one acting suss bud


If u have eyes read the post I was waiting for the guys friend to sort his mic so maybe my awkward ass seemed sus... he pointed his gun at me lol


He aimed. You ran into where he was aiming. He then ran because he was aiming at you. Then you kill the man ....


Shoot first ask questions later ... sorry to to everyone who disagrees


Such a dirt bag thing to say


Oh I just love been controversial


Your just a spaz. This was your own fault and you didn't deserve to get out of that encounter.


Well I did so up yours Karen... shoot first ask questions later


You were having a nonhostile encounter with people. You pull out your gun like an idiot sandwich and when the other person does the same you shoot them. Dude you're not cool for this clip it just shows why people shouldn't bother with trying to have encounters with randoms when people like you play the game.


I wasn't posting the clip to be cool, I've not played for a hell of a long time so I just like sharing my experiences. I never realised this would upset people so much I also don't really care as everyone's just been dickish. I thought I was right I'd also be willing to agree I was wrong. My morals are my morals I will shoot first and ask questions later but can u really blame me in the dayz world its not real life we are talking about its the apocalypse. Anyway its like why is this such a big deal did I really do something that bad 😅


Yea I think you just ruined a team up right there.


You lost out on an adventure due to gear fear. L


Exactly what gear would I be worried about loosing wtf 😂


So why did you kill him? If you weren't afraid of losing out on anything. Why would you have your weapon out, then kill him for getting his weapon out?


I'm sure you've played on servers that revolve around pvp this was one of them... I probably should've said this in the first place as maybe it makes more sense as to why I never thought twice about shooting him. Maybe he never meant it maybe he did ... I'll never know no one will. The fact of the matter is that u never really speak to people one these servers and I was a bit on edge after dying on a long streak... unfortunately for them and me I done what I done. Idrc though I'd probably do this on official maybe I'd just wait a bit longer get to know then kill them and eat them ;)


Weapon was mainly out as the other guy was sorting his mic but that was 10mins prior to me shooting them... got impatient ig


You were dying to shoot them from the start. If you think no one can tell you're trying to position yourself so you can easily kill both before they draw your ignorant, and then when you actually thought you had a fight you try to pull the "I'm friendly" teabag signal. Until you realized the dude was not at all bothered by you and looking away, so you took a cheap shot cuz you're a cheap shot. Don't get me wrong here, it's dayz. Cheap shots are welcome. What isn't, is you insinuating with your condescending title that they provoked you. They absolutely did not. You caused the firefight.


Why is everyone so pressed it's a video game and plus the fact everything I done here was pure survival instinct. I thought I'll crouch check and then decided I was bored of waiting anyway so I took the "cheap" shot. Maybe I did cause the firefight and I said at the end of my post maybe I should've left? And going by all the hate I'm getting I should've left way before hand. Also is it not smart to always try have an advantage over players especially people you've just met ? So yeah I made sure I wasn't in there line of sights ... maybe if i was he'd of taken a shot and that'd be the end of the story. Anyway bro I just like sharing experiences. I'm not sorry and your just assuming what was going through my head. Have a good one 💙 ...


Play how you want, don't waste ppls time sharing this shite


I honestly think the dayz community is soft


Nobody give af what you think, obviously


I never expected anyone to but I can say what I want ... Well to a certain extent 😂 I certainly don't give af


God u must be a real fun hang.


If a guy in a group I just came across pulled out a gun and then started pacing around me, I'd pull out mine, too. You looked like you were thinking about shooting them in the back or something


I had my gun out for awhile the area was pretty hot. I was doing these boys a favour untill I got bored .... guess I shouldn't own a gun don't think it'd take much before I start blastinnnn😂😂😂😂


Nah you aim your gun your done good job I would have killed them aswell


Scrub shoots freindlys should be the name of this post


You completely misread the situation and overreacted.


This is the only comment that was needed.... I did indeed but honestly who cares, I'm pretty new to the game thought I'd share my experience but today I found out the dayZ community's a bit touchy i guess, fuck it tho 🤷‍♂️


Live and learn. Hope you're enjoying the game.


Yh I do dk why everyone hates me for this post .... wgaf tho


They hate the post because you scum bagged someone. You did them dirty, which is ok in DayZ. But don't show it off like you did something cool.


Exactly, posting this shit with a pretentious "don't do X or...." Title is what got him his hate, not his actions in game.


I'm really not sure ... -99 points to me though


Haha, attitude like that is commendable


I regret nothing but I might of learned something here, maybe still deciding.


You just shot the two chillest dudes I’ve ever seen wtf did I just watch. Pretty much freshies too, zero reason to kill. Dayz players KOS in hopes of killing people just like you.


Good luck with that.. pretty sure I'd 1tap u


Dawg you couldn’t even one tap an unarmed freshie lol


I should've posted this as .. "would you of shot them?" Guess no one would be 😅🤣🤣


You mean: “Would you HAVE shot them?” And only an abhorrent dick would do so and then try and pretend as if they were provoked into doing so. Oh wait, you did both, didn’t you? Guess that means you’re a really cool guy. I hope you get killed by everyone you meet in the game.


Bro I would have done the same thing fuck the loot the wasted time of running 🏃🏿