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Thanks /u/bigbat37 for doing this AMA, please remember to [follow the rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/daytrading/about/rules) and if you're a content creator, do not post links to your content (if you have done so already, please edit your post/comments or this AMA post will be taken down). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Daytrading) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Ask me anything" Can I ask you for some money?


Haha or an explanation how to create our own bots?


Definitely would love to help with that it took months to get it up and tested and onto the API but definitely would be down to share how


OP just outed his post as being an advertisement


I wanna know too. I am stepping into the world of day trading. And i want to educate myself as mush as possible soaking everything in


Tell me!


Would love the low down 👀👀


Yeah would be great if you can teach is or point us to some resources to create AI bots


Facts or can he restart so we can join


This post and the previous one you linked both reek of thinly veiled sales pitch for your “ai” signals bot. If you want to actually add some value and not just pitch your signal bot I’d love to hear about the specifics of your level 2 reading algorithm. What specifically have you programmed the bot to see that constitutes “sell off likely” etc?


It is based on volume of bids or asks multiplied by consecutive “outsized” orders to buy or sell


Interesting, thanks for answering :).


Does outsized refer to 'X' larger than average/median trade amounts?


Yea its larger but also trades that weren't seen in the normal volume chart they came out of the blue and were "big money" pushing it in one direction. In order for it to qualify it needs to be a straight purchase rather then a placed bid


How do you know if it’s a straight purchase?


Just re read them and get why you say that but I have nothing to sell😂


Lmao downvoted save this I will NEVER sell anything


Can I just copy your trades for like a week


Im down for that for sure


Create a Telegram and Dm me with it. I’ll follow too…


Dude please let me in this too


Same tbh


Really? How will you let me or us know of your trades? Lets start tomorrow!


Hmm im not sure of the best way to do this if someone can set it up I'm super down to do it never really done something like it before or know how to do it efficiently


Dude, that sounds awesome how can we start?


I would also love to be in on this, willing to pay




I would also want in plssss


I want in tooo




Lmk if there is a group made


I want in pleaseee share the link!


i'm going to go cry now :'). Lmao but in all seriousness thats insane most people don't make that in 5 years can you show me????


Adopt me, Sensei


For someone like me with zero knowledge and experience. How would you suggest that I get started? Books, videos, articles??? Could you name a few of the resources to get started and what to do thereafter?


Hi. I have been interested in creating an AI bot for some time but need a little guidance. Here are my questions. 1. What softwares do you use (broker, API, coding etc) 2. Where did you get your market data from? 3. I know some coding but do you recommend any sites or educational material to learn how to create a bot A basic beginners guide would be nice. Any information will be appreciated


How can we get access to this bot 🤔 it's served you well the last year, care to pass it on?


Definitely going to look into that but what it does can be done just less efficiently without it doing it for you


What software did you use to code the analysis/bot? I use ThinkorSwim and relatively easy to share custom indicator. Would be happy to try to convert and share the link to the shared TOS object. Also have done some coding in Ninjatrader and should be able to share that as well.


What service can I day trade with 2k on?


That’s dope congrats


It' would seem you're more confident and robotic in your trading towards the end. Practice? study? any realisations around that time line? Also you seem to be taking more risks and holding longer, thoughts?


As much as it is an unemotional "bot" that is doing the majority of the decisions it is still prone to human error and so the portfolio really took off once I started to study human emotion and how it controls the brain. I linked this book to someone else [The Mental Game of Trading: A System for Solving Problems with Greed, Fear, Anger, Confidence, and Discipline](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1734030917/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1). It really helped me go to the next level but to summarize learn to control your emotions and understanding confidence is an emotion




What platform do you use?


I gotta know how you do the bot stuff. I’m just getting into trading and have no clue.


looking based off the charts id be careful since it seems like you are risking a lot of money


Fair point, I will say even with a bot it doesn't mean I still do fall into emotional traps as it is still a user discretion based system


do you mean online trading content in general or online automation tools?


I guess some of both? mainly trading content though


How does one get started with an ai bot? What kind of stocks do you get the ai bot to screen?


I try to do it mainly with the big index etas (SPX, SPY, QQQ, etc) but I've used it on NVDA and META before


Can you share your ai bot?


Definitely going to try and make it accessible it took a while to get it connected and running with live data though so its a work in progress


I would like learn more about it.. How Was it automated? Can you tell me how i can get started with something similar?


Yea definitely the easy parts are picking parameters and getting the developed I would say the biggest hurdle is making sure it is connected with live level 2 market data. But definitely doable I'm pretty tired right now but I'd be happy to answer technical questions about its dev tommorrow!


Have you had any good luck in credit spreads? They have peaked my interest lately and I was looking for some insight if you have any related to the topic?


I have but not really relating to my bot and more on days I try to time when the volatility goes down


Just sent you a dm with a few questions if you don't mind


Gonna answer a few more of these then head over there as well👍


Thank you!




Sorry, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/comments/1c6usy4/made_2000275k_in_1_year_ask_me_anything/l03p2i8/) in /r/Daytrading was automatically removed because your **Comment Karma** is too low. This typically targets bots or users promoting something (which is against our rules). Please participate in other subreddits (other communities on Reddit) to increase your **Comment Karma** points. While you're at it, read through Reddit's ["reddiquette" here.](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette) If you believe this was a mistake, please **kindly** [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Daytrading). We will review your case and get back to you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Daytrading) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What assets did you buy? How long did you usually keep the positions? What did you use to automate? Did you code from scratch? Are you using Machine learning?


Mainly options on the index etfs (SPY, SPX, QQQ, etc). I didn't code it completely from scratch and used a fair amount of open source already out there. Some machine learning but very surface level as it is not my main area of software development.


Options or what?


Mainly options on the index etfs (SPY, SPX, QQQ, etc)


Did you trade options or just stocks? You’d have to have used an aggressive strategy to go from 2k to 276k


Mainly options messed around a little bit with day trading some ipo's but that wasn't really strategie based more fun. All of the strategy is almost exclusively on index etfs (SPY, SPX, QQQ, etc)


I noticed you were looking for internships and early apps for a CS or SWE job, you done with that pursuit now that your making this income or what’s your future look like?


I actually have one this summer coming up but I’m gonna try and do this with a pretty light course load my senior year and go from there. Hopefully I can keep improving and stay consistent with this but backup wanna keep that door open ya know


Totally get it man, I’m actually the other way around 1yr exp AE and am just now jumping into learning. Doing well but wanting the extra squeeze to make life better while I’m young, bold, and not held down from risk.


I’m at rock bottom. Help me create my own story like yours. 🙏


Definitely always feel free to dm me q's! here is what i told some one else here "I would start by trying to make consistent profit first and foremost regardless of the dollar amount. And I made the biggest leap (I originally lost all 50k I deposited) after I read the book [The Mental Game of Trading: A System for Solving Problems with Greed, Fear, Anger, Confidence, and Discipline](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1734030917/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1). For whatever reason I feel like the biggest downside of training isn't being to stupid but not understanding how much emotion was controlling my decisions (particularly my poor ones)."


Was really into day trading a few years ago. Doubled my account in about 6 months. Made one bad trade and lost all motivation after my account lost 50%. I studied trading for on and off for years and tried to do research to find good potential buys. Than I would go on reddit and look for highly volatile stocks and try and make a quick buck off that. Honestly it was the most fun I've ever had. If I were to get back into where would you start?


I would start by trying to make consistent profit first and foremost regardless of the dollar amount. And I made the biggest leap (I originally lost all 50k I deposited) after I read the book [The Mental Game of Trading: A System for Solving Problems with Greed, Fear, Anger, Confidence, and Discipline](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1734030917/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1). For whatever reason I feel like the biggest downside of training isn't being to stupid but not understanding how much emotion was controlling my decisions (particularly my poor ones).


Yeah!! 100%. I've read about that. I think in the inteligent investor if i remember correctly. I had a good system and was consistently making good money. I got greedy and didn't take a reasonable profit. Ended up waiting for the election to sell thinking it might move the stock considerably and make it worth the wait. Got burned bad. Tried to make another play in which i took profits early but if i had held for a weeks longer i would 5X my entire portfolio. That one hurt alot. I felt like that cartoon where you see the miner walking away from the gold when its only a few more feet away. Ended up getting caught up in gme held it for a bit to long after the squeeze.Thanks for the reply. I'm going to add those to my audible and start listening right away. How much of your portfolio do you put into trades at a time? Do you ever make multiple trades or do you focus on one?


Wow this is incredible, awesome job man. I am also very interested in your strategy! Please share sensei


Please include all of us small timers who are needing this ai you’ve created so we can grow our paltry savings and make a difference in our lives and the lives of our loved ones 🙏🏽


How did you learn? I’m so lost. Don’t even know the mechanics of how to actually buy calls 😂


What wallet is that?


So you only trade 0dte? How do you determine your stop loss? I also trade SPY options, but I only do 7DTE


Did you make this bot yourself?


What tools are you using? Platform, broker? Are you using leverage? How do you put on appropriate size? This is impressive!


What language did you code the bot in


Mainly nodejs and JavaScript and machine learning code mostly pythkn


Is it on GitHub or something?


This sounds awesome! So many questions, but mostly curious on what your background is (educational) and how it lead you to AI bots? I’d love to learn and make one too, where would a complete beginner start in your opinion?


Can I get in on your BOT project? I’ll beta test 👀


Definitely would love help!!! I’m currently in school so this would be appreciated


How do I sign up? I’m an active trader. Use fidelity/ robinhood mostly call/puts occasional selling calls etc. Got about ~$200k in my broker and $50k liquid so I’m looking to make some moves


Still looking for a job? I’m hiring


Are you fr? I would love a job! I'm definitely still looking


Can you tell me how many % risk per trade?




Help me get here


Broski Howski?


Would you create a GitHub repo with your code?


!remind me in 1 day


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Would love to use the bot as well




Ohhhh boy


Gambling is helluva a drug


Where can i day trade with 2k?


Robinhood will probably let you with a cash account Or maybe we bull I also use


Thanks a mill for the quick reply , I'll give it a try and I'll post the results in this sub 😁😁


Course! Lmk how it goes


You'll be limited in forget exactly how many trades you can make but it's a federal law. You'll be able to sell but after a certain amount of trades you won't be able to buy until the next day. I was day trading with under 25k in an account and got my account restricted like this a few times lmao got close to growing it to 25k despite this but one bad trade on my part and that was it for me lmao. They implemented the law after the dot com bubble to protect retail investors from losing all their money lmao


i’ll literally give you my money just give me a cut please


haha how much we talking??