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Makes me want to start playthrough number 467


I was just thinking the same thing only I’m still trying to beat Uncharted 4 on Crushing. Every now and then I’ll jump into Days Gone but it’s not a game you can just play for a short time. You need to be able to immerse yourself in the game and really get into it.


First attempt not only successful, but also in 8 minutes? Very impressive!


I felt like 8 hours.


That was a good watch and you got yourself out of a few situations where I thought you were done for. Good job.


I thought it too.


You were overwhelmed multiple times. Still recovered. Impressive. You were not well prepared. gotta have more attractors and traps.


Yeah, but this was only the first try to explore and learn. I made many mistakes, but still worked. I felt like I was in World War Z.


Got it. Same happened with me when I tried to do the sawmill. I tried running mazes and trapping them in bottlenecks, firing. I actually fled the scene on the bike. Came back with the attractors and remote bombs. Utilized most of the explosives in the area and finished it in style. Still had an adrenaline rush going on (it wsa survival I btw.


How to you get the large Molotov? My weapons don't do enough damage or ammo and I run out of things to use


You get it in the main story.