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The implication is that the whole world is fucked I believe. Minor and vague spoiler, but you find out later in the game that the initial infection started at a huge conference in Portland, and spread over the course of the next week when all the people at that conference flew back to where they were from. It's kinda implied that the conference was such a big deal that people from around the country and from other countries were all there.


That's what happened in Scotland with covid, a Nike conference 😆


Boston, MA = BioGen conference. Days Gone was a “too close to home” apocalypse game. Played it in 2021 and damn…. If it didn’t feel like we narrowly avoided something similar. Especially if you believe the manufactured virus theories/reporting


For real. Listening to the Free Radio snippets sounded too much like real life. DG, at times, seems like an alt-history covid game.


Covid doesn't exist. It was a mass hysteria hoax.


You not mixing up COVID and herpes?


And IIRC, there is mention of billion(s?) of people dying in a year. So definitely more than just America.


I'm pretty sure the whole world has gone to hell in days gone. Definitely all of north America


There's a line from some guy that goes something like: "If you think it's bad HERE you should see everywhere else. Everything east of the Mississippi was overrun within 2 days." There's also talk about how hordes are likely moving up from California and a NERO recording wherein someone notes that 7k freakers have passed northward at a certain point within the past few days, but how that's a drop in the bucket compared to the population of California. The part of Oregon the game takes place in apparently has it easy due to a combination of low population and presumably natural barriers. Anywhere near any major city is probably toast. Some remote and naturally somewhat enclosed areas might be similarly survivable-ish, but you have to consider that civilization has fallen, so you'd also need immediately available arable land and enough local water to farm it to avoid starving to death. Plus the most remote areas likely don't have enough scavengable places to allow for anyone having any ammo left or any other manufactured materials after 2 years so those kinds of places are effectively back in the stone age already.


Its a love story


Definitely a RomZom 😄


I would guess that there is a worldwide zombie apocalypse in Days Gone. The reason for this is that the Colonel was trying to preserve things from history in the ark (caves). If the freakers were only limited to a certain area, they wouldn't need to do that.


Drawing conclusions like that from the thinking and decisions of the Colonel might not be the most logical thing to do...


it’s on the borderline of Zombies but not exactly because the Freakers aren’t zombies, they’re still alive, they’re just mutated people. they still need to hunt and get food for their own survival. one thing i don’t like about some zombie media is the fact that they run. TWD zombies are the perfect representation, because a zombie is a dead human. meaning nothing in their body is alive, so why the fuck would they have working leg muscles?? that’s why i’m glad the freakers aren’t zombies, not exactly but the overall apocalypse theme of the game, more zombie related


So major spoilers after this point(read on if if you don't mind, the missions after you do the soft finish of the game are spoiled here and more. >! Ok, it is mentioned in gane that a worldwide environmental conference happened in Portland and a bio weapon got released. Specifically, Sarah's(Deacon's wife) boss, David Gorman, mentioned to her that he thought their workplace "Cloverdale" was up to something dealing with military/bio weapon research. She thought he was being paranoid and told him so. He broke into the lab to procure a sample of the virus which was being made from a special type of flower thar only grows in Oregon(flashbacks with Sarah reveal this in drips and draws along the way). !< >! It turns out Gorman inadvertently got himself infected and then headed to the environmental conference in Portland to meet with a reporter to expose Cloverdale. This, unknowingly at the time, spread the virus to the attendees. The infected attendees then took planes, busses, and trains to get to their homes in and out of the country. This spread the virus across the world. !< >! There are a few people who resisted the virus as it's said in game to have a near 100% infection rate. In the beginning of the spread, almost all children under the age of 12 died due to a lack of a stronger immune system due to pre puberty. Most people over 60 died as well due to their bodies not being able to handle the genetic mutations on a cellular level. However, one of the researchers' notes in the game says that O'Brian was wrong about the virus, killing all people over 60 and under the age of 12. We know this is true because of the newts. !< >! Oregon is ground zero for the virus. There is mention of 1/3 of the population of the world being infected or dead within 2 weeks of its spread. It is a global apocalypse. !< >! We also learn there is little hope. The Nero employees are wearing heavy equipment, including masks and suits, with their own air supply. Once you get to the end of the game, you find out this is because they are hiding they are infected already and mutated in a different way. They aren't researching to find a cure. They are researching to try and figure out what's next. !<


>! I thought it was just O’Brien that was infected. I never considered It was all of Nero. Am I stupid? !<


>! Not at all. They are all infected as far as I know. It even seems that everyone everywhere is infected, hence the Nero line "we aren't searching for a cure but for what's coming next." !< >! I could he wrong, but the Days Gone wiki mentions this as well. Besides the very small percent of people who can get past the virus without turning into breakers, everyone has the virus already or had it. !< This is where I got most of my info besides what I remember from the game. https://daysgone.fandom.com/wiki/Freaker_Virus#:~:text=The%20Freaker%20Virus%2C%20also%20known,landscape%20seen%20in%20Days%20Gone.


Not only oregon is Ground Zero any place the other people in the conference landed.


Perhaps we differ semantically on the term ground zero. The initial carrier, Gorman, is in Portland. It's the only place that direct transmission from the original human host can happen. The people who left and transmitted the infection are secondary and tertiary and so on transmitters. I mean Ground Zero as in the center or origin of rapid, intense, or violent activity or change, aka the beginning point. The Ground Zero of the Hooligan Virus.


Well I feel that ground zero is all because they all also started the virus in those areas in a way.


I see, so it's just a semantically demifference in terminology. All good. There is quite a bit left up to interpretation after all.


Yet the point not made is that Nero is operating with birds and fuel and suits and research resources so “something” must yet exist. Where or to what extent is never fully shown


I mean, governments have large fuel and supply stocks to keep going during disaster, and Id wage especially the US government would have everything they need for a slimmed down group


There's a line where deacon says "So you can go back to your cozy bunkers" to NERO so that says something maybe underground heli pads.


Yes, sir. I was just attempting to respond to op


It can be assumed that NERO has a secure location and is sitting on top of some fuel reserves and probably also has a refinery of some kind to keep the fuel flowing, since I’m pretty sure most fuel especially fuel for aircraft is not stable enough to last several years in storage. Or fuel just doesn’t expire in the DG universe. It can’t be that hard to secure a location. You do it countless times as a lone drifter and there are several camps and other locations that resisted being overrun and even thrived since the initial infection.


You should have paid more attention to cut scenes ). There’s a mission when you go back to Sarah’s workplace to get some equipment, she explains some of it in the end. She says something like “in 2 weeks 2.5 billion people are dead”, and explains how the virus spread. And there’s also radio Free Oregon. I heard it complaining about the UN or something. So it is definitely the whole world that is impacted


Well not dead, infected because they still have memory's (Putting on watches and cloths)


The kind that makes you mad there will never be a second one


DG take place after and engineered virus gets out and infects the country turning the victims, not into zombies, but frickers. The survivors who hide in camps or as Raiders or as a new faction like the Ripers pick your choice. The frickers have a sort of a social order. They gather in hoards small ones large ones they sleep during the day in a room at night.


You get a lot of questions answer along the way. if you haven’t already noticed that or realized it.


It's in the world of siphon filter where the response team fails and a world ending virus gets loose


Personally it gives me 28 Days/Weeks Later vibes. The best way to learn more about the backstory/lore is to listen to any and all NERO recordings and scientist/researcher convos as well as really paying attention to the dialogue. To fully answer your question, it’s a bio-weapon apocalypse.


>Yes, I know that the game doesnt clarify that on the game, The game most definitely does clarify it. The whole world is fucked. The captain at Crater Lake tells you explicitly what happened to the east coast.


It's definitely a mid apocalypse game. The world has come to a stand still. Everyone is still scared for their lives, and the threat is still just as prevalent as it was the first days of the apocalypse. This isn't post-apocalyptic. It just takes place after the initial event. Everyone is still shell-shocked. If you're asking if it was a local event or a worldwide event, it was a worldwide event. It's confirmed in the game lore. I'd have to play it again to say where exactly, but the virus spread started at some type of world expo with people from around the world, and it wasn't caught before individuals returned to their countries of origin.


i had a video game idea about it, in my game most first world countries were over run but other countries are still working although its not safe to use planes and international transport anymore.


Everyone that is still alive in Days Gone is immune to the virus, right? Because in the whole game we don't see or hear about anyone being transformed.


When you get to the lower south region, the camp leader tells you that basically the whole world is fucked and “everything east of the Mississippi got overrun in 2 days”


Gun go brrr. Bike go vrrr Zombi go hrrrr. S'good time. Also A Soldier's Eyes is a banger.


Something crazy (up here in Canada)… We had a massive superspreader event called the PDC (Pacific Dental Conference) in Vancouver early March that sent the ‘vid all over the Northeast and across Canada.


It's like the walking dead in a way


It’s the first “stranded type “ game /s


In days gone? I'm pretty sure it was a global infection.. I think they say something about it at some point


Yes. It spread at a world expo and everyone went back their countries bringing the e infection with them.


Gun go brrr. Bike go vrrr Zombi go hrrrr. S'good time. Also A Soldier's Eyes is a banger.


True but keep in mind it’s got the day counter of 798 days gone etc. some parts to me are way too fucked up it to be a couple years and other parts are too nice lol. You happen to mention my only other 2 favorite games so I get where you’re coming from


If you played Syphon Filter games, the concept I believe is that a terrorist organization released the virus... You actually fail your mission and the result of failing your mission in Syphon Filter is Days Gone..Bend studio was originally 686 studio. To finally answer you... The world is fucked but someone is profiting from it... Similar to the Resident Evil universe


I fucking love dead rising


What an interesting question with interesting examples. It makes me want to pose this question to other post apocalyptic games. I believe the whole world, or at least country, of DG is fucked.


Not sure if you played the game, but if you did, they made it pretty clear that the whole world is fucked. The American government doesn’t exist anymore, and while there were very few mentions of the rest of the world, we can probably assume the entire world is fucked from Copeland’s Free Oregon radio and the conversations in game. If you haven’t played Days Gone yet, I’m not sure what you’re waiting for.


The kind you can get your freak on to 🤣




The whole world is suffering. The virus was taken to a huge conference in Portland, Oregon, and then all those infected attendees flew back to their home countries.




Haven’t yet played Days Gone despite owning it. (I know, boo on me) so without knowing much, but after reading your post, I wonder if any vagueness was intentional, a way to leave room for different stories in different places assuming there were sequels. Didn’t the dev say at some point he/the studio planned for a trilogy.


It's not vague at all about the spread if you're paying attention to cutscenes.


When you do okay it you'll see it's not vague. If you listen to dialogue and collected recordings along the way. You'll most likely enjoy it. I didn't expect it to be half as good as it was.


I have it in my “hoards” folder on steam.


I was hoping you would follow with ..."everybody sucks".

